“HEAR YE -HEAR YE-HEAR-YE!! IF OUR INFORMATION IS CORRECT, THE LAST NEVADA STATE HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TITLE FOR “YE OLDE” HENDERSON, NV. WAS WON ON MAY 22, 1987 BY BASIC H.S. That means 10,507 days or 28 years and 9 months have passed since our community has hoisted a championship banner.

After a Fall and Winter break, I am back to report from in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’ on the happenings of baseball and other community interests in “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV. My intent is to share with you my observations and analysis as it unfolds.

Hall of Fame Basketball ‘Great’, Bill Walton said he recently uncovered a great button. This was the crux of what was written on the button, “The Truth wants to be told. Silence is consent.”quote-i-shall-assume-that-your-silence-gives-consent-plato-67-3-0374

At any time, as a reader please show me the ‘ills of my way’ if I ever stray from the Foundation’s Mission Statement, which reads:

To make a commitment to help honor THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE of the “YE OLDE” Henderson NV, Baseball Community.

To play a part, of the driving, force that helps manifest the dream/goal that brings a State High School Baseball Championship(s) back to “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV.

To challenge others to become a “Difference Maker” for not only themselves, but for others. And “When in Doubt” to remember to “TAKE 5”.

BEFORE MOVING FORWARD, A LOOK BACK IS NECESSARY. “TAKE 5” wants to recognize and thank the following for their contributions for the 2015 Celebration: Lori Dry Feher, Nick’s Mom; Nick’s brother and sister, Michael and Megan; Mel Godinez, Ed and Mark Costolo, Dave Blake, the Guardians of BMAC, our sponsors, and to all who made the 2015 Celebration possible.



“TAKE 5” wants to give the following local Smith’s Food and Drug Store personnel a one-man’s standing ovation: Nate Rose, Grocery Manager; Heather McMullen, Donation Coordinator; Jannen Miranda, Front End Manager; and Melissa Mavridis, Assistant Store Manager.

Through a ‘gentleman’s agreement’, Smith’s arraigned great pricing and included donations for the Celebration. Plus, more donations were given to the local Boys/Girls Club for a July picnic. “TAKE 5” looks forward to facilitating with Smith’s for future Celebrations and July picnics at the Boys/Girls Club.

SPEAKING OF LOOKING FORWARD, IT IS WITH ‘GREAT EXCITEMENT’ to announce that this year’s 2016 “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV Baseball Celebration is now set. The Henderson Little League Board has accepted our invitation to honor once again their All-Star players, coaches, and families.

This year’s date is Friday, June 17, 2016 at the fabulous Black Mt. Aquatics Complex. “TAKE 5” will also be extending an invitation to the local Boys/Girls Club for 60 of their All-Stars. Time restraints last year prevented the Club All-Stars from attending.

It is also our intentions to extend an invitation to the 1955 and 1956 Basic H.S. State Baseball Champions and their families.(This is an image of the attire and uniform of the day.)1955-56 BaseballIf any Basic HS Alumni can assist in our quest, please contact us through our page.

On Thursday, February 18, 2016, I emailed the following to three leaders in our local high schools within our community:


TO: Principal Dave Bechtal @ Basic HS, Head Baseball Coach Matt Iglitz @ Foothill HS, and Head Baseball Coach David Soto @ Chaparral HS.

In keeping our commitment, for the support of Baseball in our community, the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation offers the following agenda to your high school baseball team.

Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation MISSION STATEMENT: To make a commitment, to help honor THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE of the “YE OLDE” Henderson NV, Baseball Community. To play a part, of the driving, force that helps manifest the dream/goal that brings a State High School Baseball Championship(s) back to “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV. To challenge others to be a “Difference Maker” for not only themselves, but for others. And, “When in Doubt” to remember to “TAKE 5”.Take 5 Nick Feher WEB (2)


1.VARSITY TEAM COMMITMENT PARTY. A new tradition that will be held prior to the start of the baseball season in a room on your campus. In a time frame of 90 minutes, pizza, drinks, and dessert will be the menu. It will be scheduled at your convenience. As part of the “commitment”, handouts will include: “TAKE 5” BROCHURE, 6 HEALTHY BEHAVIOR CHECKLIST, TIME MANAGEMENT SHEETS, WATER IS COOL, and three visualization articles.(Pics are from the 2015 Foothill H.S. Commitment Party.)IMG_1253IMG_1261IMG_1289 You can select one from each group, Baseball, Past Research, Current Research, or your own. This will be given to the players, followed by a verbal presentation, including the criteria of earning the Foundation’s $500 cash scholarship to the deserving senior. It will conclude with the “commitment pledge”, by all team personnel including the coaches, “to do their very best for the entire season”. This PLEDGE will then be framed, and returned in order for it to be displayed at all times in your dugout during practices and games.

2. VARSITY TEAM END OF REGULAR SEASON GATHERING AT NICK’S HOUSE. (Pics from 2014-2015 of Basic H.S. & Foothill H.S.)IMG_0997IMG_1003IMG_1014 IMG_1357IMG_1332IMG_1323Date and time to be scheduled at your team’s convenience, hopefully prior to start of playoffs, whether team qualifies or not.

3. BASEBALL BANQUET. The Foundation will honor each senior player, with tokens of appreciation. The Scholarship Winner will also be announced. The Foundation with your permission, would like to impart “words of wisdom” to the attendees, and can/will serve as your MC.(Pics are from 2014 Basic HS Baseball Banquet.)IMG_1090IMG_1114IMG_1113Taylor Ferdinand was also the recipient of the 2014 Nick Feher Wolves Warrior Award and the $500 cash scholarship.

(Pics are from the 2015 Foothill HS Baseball Banquet.)IMG_1360IMG_1362IMG_1392Daniel Ortiz was also the recipient of the 2015 Nick Feher Falcon Warrior Award and the $500 cash scholarship.

4. “YE OLDE” HENDERSON, NV, BASEBALL CELEBRATION. This event will be held Friday, June 17, 2016, 6:30pm-10:00pm at the BMAC. The Foundation extends an invitation to this event to you, your coaching staff and families, plus all of your players in your 2016 organization. This yearly event gives the entire Henderson Baseball Community the opportunity to honor their PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. To honor the PAST, our intent is to invite the 1955 and 1956 Basic H.S. State Baseball Champions and their families. Representing the FUTURE will be the HLL All-Star Players, Coaches, and families. Your high school team will represent the PRESENT.



As a Foundation, our goals in the community may reflect your goals in helping young men. Though our goals may be similar, our philosophies in achieving these goals may not. Please review carefully the proposed Agenda. Since this may, or may not, be a ‘one size fits all scenario’, you can select all, some, or none from the Agenda. Choose what you think is best for your players and organization.

My request is only a response. Thank you for your time.

George N. Feher
Executive Officer
Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation

(It must be noted that Coach David Soto’s email did not include, because of financial obligations, the offer of the $500.00 cash scholarship to a senior.)

RECENTLY, UPON HEARING ABOUT BILL WALTON’S BUTTON, I have made a vow to my personal ‘integrity’ to not give consent. If anyone cares to differ, then they too should not give consent with their silence.Integrity-Quotes

As of this post, out of the three leaders, two responded to my request. Would you care to guess?

Before I share with you the answer, let me tell you a story about what I learned while on my Fall and Winter break especially during my 2015 College Football Pilgrimage. This is “What I Have Learned”.

1. I have no expectations of others, only to myself. These expectations to myself include my life-long core principles: ‘Be the Best You Can Be’, ‘Help Others’, and ‘Value Your Own Personal Integrity’. (It must be noted; if and when, one agrees to help me and demonstrates a lack of Personal Integrity, I will question it, privately, publicly, or both.)

2. Only enter when I am invited.

3. Stay as long as I am welcomed.

4. Exit when signs indicate to leave.

THE ONLY REQUEST I HAD FOR OUR LEADERS WAS A RESPONSE.feedback-d-word-collage-evaluation-comment-review-focused-other-terms-like-assessment-response-criticism-survey-31971066 If anyone can show me the “ills of my way” for wanting to assist in the personal growth of our young men in our community, through our ‘Helping Each Other Agenda’, please point it out to me.

If you guessed Head Baseball Coach David Soto @ Chaparral HS and Head Baseball Coach Matt Iglitz @ Foothill HS as the respondents to our email, you are correct.

Coach David Soto response was:

“Thank you so much. As Nick’s former coach and part of the Henderson family we are honored and humbly accept your invitation.”

“TAKE 5” LOOKS FORWARD WITH GREAT ENTHUSIASM AND GREAT EXPECTATIONS in helping the Chaparral High School Baseball Team achieve the results that they seek. Their journey will be shared on future posts.

Coach Matt Iglitz reply was: “Please send me your phone number so that I may call you.” (Since a deadline for publishing this post was established, Coach Matt Iglitz will receive my reply after the posting. If warranted, this topic may be revisited during future posts.

Why there was no response from the other leader of our community, is not for me to say.

Perhaps, Interact did not deliver the email. Or, could it be some other underlining reason? Abiding to my ‘core principles’ after this post has been published, I will resend the above Agenda to Principal Dave Bechtal of Basic HS and let him address our invitation. If warranted, this topic may be revisited during future posts.


My Fall and Winter break permitted me to address the legality of the Scott Baker, Southern NV Blue Sox operations at Basic HS. A series of emails have been exchanged between me as a taxpayer and representatives of the CCSD.

In disclosing these emails, you as reader will be able to draw your own conclusion. This first email and all subsequent emails were addressed to the entire CCSD School Board, including our CCSD Board Trustee Deanna L. Wright and Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky.


Attention: Deanna L. Wright                                                                        10/12/15deanna_wright-1

My name is George Feher. After serving 33 years as a CCSD Teacher, I now enjoy the fruits of my labor. With all the other major issues you are dealing with, I do not know where mine would fit in.

However, all that I ask is for the information in order to put this dog to rest. As the Executive Officer of the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation, this past spring, I uncovered and questioned certain practices being performed within the Baseball Program at Basic High School. (For more of the story, I refer you to our Facebook page, Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation.)

Today, I write to you as a taxpayer. What is the ‘Legality’ of a club baseball team (Southern Nevada Blue Sox) operating on a CCSD campus (Basic HS)? Where can I find within the CCSD rules/regulations where it states that the CCSD sanctions such practices?

Attached you will find a copy of an email that I sent to Dave Bechtal, principal of Basic High School and Scott Baker dated 7/24/15. Since this questionable practice is still occurring, I seek your help.12583689-La-Ayuda-de-la-palabra-y-muchas-palabras-relacionadas-como-servicios-apoyo-ayuda-cooperaci-n-aumenta-Foto-de-archivo

I request from you the following: 1. Evidence in writing from Basic HS and the CCSD that the Southern NV. Blue Sox baseball club is operating legally under the CCSD Regulation-3613 and the 3613 fees. Please include information for the school years and summers for 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16, to show compliance.

2. Evidence in writing from Basic HS and the CCSD that the CCSD Regulation 3613 fees are being applied to the Southern NV Blue Sox. At the bottom of the CCSD Facility Usage Rates as of July 1, 2014 page it is written: “To qualify for non-profit rates the group must submit their official IRS letter of non-profit status with the Facility Use Request. The name on the IRS letter must match the name of the Facility Request. A $25 Administrative Fee will be charged per Facility Request submitted. No exceptions”.

3. Show me in your rules/regulations that the CCSD sanctions such an operation at taxpayers’ expense.

This is my argument. Some may disagree. Please then show me the ills of my ways.effing-illScott Baker, head coach of both Basic HS baseball team and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox has set up shop at Basic HS with the blessings of your principal Dave Bechtal since 2011.

Scott Baker is not a certified or a classified employee of the CCSD. He cannot wear two different hats at the same time. He is either the head baseball coach of Basic High School. Or, he is the head coach of the Southern NV Blue Sox.

If he is the head baseball coach of Basic High School, then why does he collect monthly dues from his players/students of Basic High School to play for the Southern NV Blue Sox while using the facilities of Basic HS?

You ask what dues? Go to the Southern NV Blue Sox webpage, http://www.hometeamsonline.com/teams/default.asp?u=SNBLUESOX&s=baseball&p=roster. You will see a roster of 33 players. Sources last spring indicated that the average monthly dues were $250 per player. If that is true today, that is about $8,250 a month.

Since he cannot legally charge during the CCSD baseball spring season, for nine months a year he collects about $74,250 a year or about $371,250 since its inception. That is over one third of a million dollars.61118668This does not include the cost of private lessons, tournaments in and out of town, etc. It also does not include the dues that he collects from his non-high school players or younger team while using the facilities of Basic HS at taxpayers’ expense.

He makes more money at the expense of the Henderson taxpayers than most of our teachers. He deals with only 33 players on a part-time basis and makes more than our JHS and HS teachers who deal with upwards to 200 students a day.

I realize the CCSD has agreements for profit sharing with other partners. Examples include: vending machines, yearbooks, Junior/Senior rings, the list goes on. If this practice now includes club sports, please show me the public documents.

For if, the CCSD is now sanctioning such practices as club sports on their campuses at the expense of taxpayers, then why is this practice not being offered throughout the entire CCSD? Every CCSD employee, following the practices of Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox, should be able to set up shop, and set their own price, at taxpayer’s expense.44321895As a club team with dues paying members, of Basic High School students, what is the legality of this operation? If the students/players of the Basic High School/Southern NV Blue Sox are using the Basic High School baseball facilities in an organized manner this fall, would it not be considered, practice out of season? Would this not be in violation of some CCSD or NIAA statute? Questions, questions, and, more questions.

I am not a tax expert. However, if the CCSD cannot come up with the information that I request as a taxpayer or come up with a solution so my tax dollars are no longer funding an illegal operation at my expense, other experts and other solutions may have to be sought.

This being a tax issue, if the CCSD cannot come up with the requested information and such practices are unlawful, could a tax expert or other experts connect the dots to possible tax fraud.Utilising-background-checks-to-avoid-employee-fraud-480x318Thank you for your time. Hopefully, an agreed upon solution will benefit all. Currently because of this issue, my presence at Basic High School is being blocked by your principal Dave Bechtal.

I have learned to separate apples from oranges. Apparently, that section is not covered in the principal’s guide for the CCSD. Prior to uncovering this illegal operation, until evidence shows me the ills of my ways, I was an invited guest.

With the ‘blessings’ of Bechtal and others including teachers Mark Niewinski and Jackie Gould, I have been sharing the story of Nick and I with others at Basic HS making a ‘difference’ in the lives of our students in our community. After seven years in the making, Jackie opened her arms for my PowerPoint Presentation.

Recently, she sent me a text on 10/4/15. She asks if I had cleared up things where I could be a guest speaker at Basic. R u interested?

My response was, “I am interested, but the crap has gotten deeper. I will stay in touch if it lessens”.

Upon your request, I will share with you what I privately shared with Dave Bechtal and Scott Baker, before I stated my case on our Facebook page.

If a meeting with you and or the entire CCSD School Board is warranted, I am available. Adequate time will be provided for you or your representatives to provide me the public documents or solutions I seek.

As a taxpayer, why is my money being used to support an illegal operation? Until you show me the public documents that sanctions such an operation, I will not put this dog to rest.resting-gray-wolf-neal-eslingerThank you for your time,

George N. Feher


Another exciting season is upon us. From in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’Print I will best try to explain the Baseball Happenings as they develop in “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV, and the quest of “TAKE 5” to assist in helping to win a State Title.

Remember to bookmark us and tell your friends about about the ‘insanity’ of Fox-Feather and his Friday Fixins. While you are here, browse through our archives and enjoy our picture book stories, along with the depths of our insane viewpoints.

Our next story will continue to explore the vast world of ‘nutrition’ and the effects it has on our homeostasis. Until our paths cross again, remember to keep PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.

About playinyourdreams51@gmail.com

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