If you are ‘climate change’ believer, you probably would assess the recent summer heat in the high deserts of Las Vegas and Henderson NV as a result of climate change. Throw in the recent hurricanes and more proof is added. Personally, my ASS straddles the fence on that issue along with evolution and creationism. I believe in God and at the same time, Darwin’s theory produces a sound argument. For a Written/Image enhanced version of this story, please visit our website @ playinyourdreams.com and scroll down the homepage until the story begins.
Recently, I read that only 40% of adults consider themselves as avid readers. I call them IMAGINATION Artists for they paint the images of the words in the brain as they read. There are plenty of known benefits for those who read versus those who spend TIME on their screens. Studies indicate IMAGINATION Artists have lower dementia and longer LIFE-spans. For more info, please research on the internet. In a recent survey of a few thousand parents, (personally, I question most surveys) one question caught my attention. ‘Do you consider yourself as a Good Parent’? More than 70% of the responses was yes.
Remember, parents are the #1 role models for their children. When the question was asked, ‘How many hours a day do you spend watching a screen, including computers, cellphones, TVs, etc’? After reading the response to that question, I stopped reading. For more than 70% of these ‘Good Parents’ who are the #1 role model for their children said they spend an average of 12 hours on their screens a day. So in essence these ‘Good Parents’ are setting the examples that living the lives of others is more important than living your own LIFE. Yes, some read and some work on their screens. Recreational Reading is usually short and work is business.
When you watch a screen how much of your IMAGINATION is employed? All one does is listens and looks while the images plus sound are relayed to your brain artificially. Yes, the brain enjoys as others say is a ‘Dumbing Down’ process for very little IMAGINATION is used. It is theorized that if this current trend continues with the young adults and our youth, in 30 plus years when asked, ‘Can you please write about key events and moments that affected your LIFE? Most of them will respond that they do not have many, but they can write about the lives of others for that is all that they watched for 12 hours a day of their lives or half of their LIFE.
A whole new generation is being created that will remember very little of their LIFE because of ‘Good Parents’, but climate change rules every story about the weather. When a climate change theorist explains why the climate changes daily at my house, then perhaps I can jump on their side of the fence. Some of you reading this, had this happen to you. This past summer, the upstairs AC unit stopped working. Thank God, the downstairs unit plus a window unit continued cooling. This is what I KNOW after a few days of no AC unit upstairs.
The outside climate temperature was peaking on my personal weather station between 115-120 degrees. The second floor climate of the Dream Home averaged over 90 degrees. The climate of the media room with the window cash saving AC unit was 75 degrees, with the other parts of the first floor ranging between 78-80 degrees.
With no one to turn to for an answer, INSPIRATION hit me, like artillery slamming against my front door. A NEW FORMAT WAS CREATED. (This story is about 10,000 words or ¼ of a novel.)
Since Facebook is a social media network, reaching out to readers to seek answers, comments, and answering questions would be added to our Facebook page. I have always been extremely thankful for the support of our readers with or without acknowledgements and comments. Gandhi preaches an ‘Audience of One, is an Audience of Many’. Since our Facebook page is a Community Page, to expand our stories beyond our ‘Like Followers’, Facebook for a fee can run our story as an ad to reach more eyes for a set time.
Currently our Dream Newsletter stories averages over 4,000 set of eyes during a campaign. More than 2,000 readers click on the story to read it. How many read the entire story, I do not KNOW, Sam I am. However, if one reader, reads the entire story, then my ‘Audience of One’ was hit as my Target. Because of certain constraints and identity issues concerning the mixed bag of contents of my stories, these obstacles may have prevented readers from voicing their opinions, comments, questions, and concerns. Starting with Dream Newsletter #8, readers will now have another option to respond to my stories.
Ground rules need to be established. If you as reader turned writer, wish to respond to this story or other past published stories, you can send me an email. Unless you write otherwise, your email or excerpts may be reprinted in a future story. Your identity will be protected, unless you OK the use of your initials, or complete name. The very least, please submit your location of your penmanship. I may or may not personally respond to your email unless you personally request a reply. My email is playinyourdreams51@gmail.com.
A number of you may be asking as Facebook keeps reminding me, why hasn’t my pen stroked another story since April/May? To be honest with you it has. Previously, readers have commented on the length of my stories. The word ‘length’ caught my attention as in how many written words constitute a novel. Research on the internet agrees that a writing of 40,000 words or more would be considered a novel. Most of my Dream Newsletters average about 10,000 words. Without counting every word that my fingers pecked on my keyboard, my writings combined the past few years could add up to 5 or more novels depending on the length of each.
Since my last writing all was in order to continue our Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Celebration with the local Boys’ & Girls’ Club in ‘Ye Olde Henderson’, NV. As final preparations were being made, just like last year, Forces decided to play a role. After 8 years of hosting a Celebration with the help of others for the children and families in the community, an ERA HAS COME TO AN END. Forces indicated that it was TIME to take a ‘Road Not Taken’, one that I am very Grateful for. More on this ‘Road Not Taken’ will be discussed later if not in this story, then a future story.
With free TIME on my hands for not having to plan a Celebration, INSPIRATION came barging in and the results were my first unnamed novel. It was about 50,000 words for it included two different endings. ‘The Red Badge of Courage’ is 50,776 words. ‘The Notebook’ is 52,000 words with ‘The Great Gatsby’ at 50,061 words. As an IMAGINATION Astronaut, every time I venture out into our international valley, my instruments seek out stories. As my long-term friend, Dgirl recently posted this quote for me.
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt”. One night out, created a strange encounter with an unknown male. As he told me his tales, with my IMAGINATION, he appeared to be Voltaire in disguise.
Listening to others help feed my IMAGINATION. He began his story that he was a longtime Las Vegas Valley resident. TIME and Forces had recently molded certain events in his LIFE. Names were not ever exchanged during our conversation with him leading the way. I stood in amazement as he shared the following with me.
His LIFE mirrored my LIFE in certain ways. He said that recently he had taken up the pen and began writing to explore his IMAGINATION. He explained that one writing led to another which begat another and so on. Soon, he found himself in a dilemma. Some of his ‘Targets’ did not share the same viewpoints and or inflicted their own intent about the meaning of his message without asking him for clarification.
‘Voltaire’ said all he did was write the ‘Truth’ according to his KNOWINGS. This ‘Truth’ eventually got him 86’d out of two major hotel/casino corporations, a smaller strip resort, and a local nightclub. Tears of laughter flowed down my cheeks as ‘Voltaire’ spoke his words. With a chance to speak, I laughed and asked what was the cause of the evictions? He ‘SMILED’ and said one word, “WORDS”. I then tried to subdue my laughter and said ‘WORDS’! Trying to keep himself from laughing, ‘Voltaire’ shook his head in agreeance and said “WORDS”.
I asked him if he did anything to protect his rights of “WORDS” or free speech. He said he did and for a very minimal fee he sought legal advice. His legal advice shared his Wisdom. Since 9/11 rules have changed in society. As your legal advice, I too as a Asian along with my friends have been subjected to these new rules. Private establishments have the right, unless they violate certain known federal discrimination rights, to refuse your business and ask you to leave. Voltaire’s legal advice explained that his friends and him have been asked to leave casinos because they were winning too much on table games.
When asked his course of action as a legal advice, he said there are plenty of other casinos in town that will take our action, including those that have asked us to leave for memories are short and money is long. The legal advice then asked ‘Voltaire’ how much money did he spend monthly at a certain establishment? After hearing the amount, the legal advice said it was the loss of the employees for most was in tips. His legal advice concluded, that others out there will accept your money, words or not.
I then asked ‘Voltaire’ if he stopped writing words when he ventured into new territories. ‘Voltaire’ with his look touched my soul and said, ‘If new territories banish me because of my WORDS, other new and maybe even old territories with short memories will invite and accept my WORDS as the Truth’. With that, he got up off the bar stool and walked away without leaving his ‘Silver Bullet’. All ‘Voltaire’ left me was his WORDS.
After settling in my ‘Fishbowl’, I swam with the WORDS of ‘Voltaire’ and had a KNOWING. ‘Voltaire’ and I shared similar WORDS. His WORDS had him kicked out territories only to be welcomed into new ones and in some cases even returned and was welcomed into territories that previously evicted him.
I then thought about the word ‘STUPIDITY’ and my recent Revelation about the proceedings that was uncovered in my two plus years Quest for ‘The Truth of My Insanity’. During my two plus years, many, many ‘TRUTHFUL WORDS were written and spoken, which ended up in results.
One, my ASS was evicted from assisting students at Basic HS now recognized as Basic Academy. Two, my ASS was evicted from Foothill HS preventing my help to students. Three, my ASS was evicted from the Henderson Little League, preventing my help to the youth of our community. As ‘Good Parents’ all of the adults in charge of these organizations decided that my ‘TRUTHFUL WORDS’ would cause irreparable damage to the brains of their youth. Instead of encouraging ‘Growth to the IMAGINATION’ of our youth, they dictated to our youth ‘Go watch your screens and live the lives of others because your LIFE is not worth much’.
In my ‘TAKE 5’ presentation that will now be available for free upon request, it is based on the premise that ‘YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE WORLD’ and ‘YOU ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND’. If you do not believe that, then please stop here. If so is your belief, then continue. What these organizations have done could be consider as public/private organizations a violation of the First Amendment, including the Right to Free Speech. Not one of these organizations were ever able to prove that my WORDS were not the TRUTH.
They disagreed with my intent without sitting next to me as my fingers pecked away or when I spoke publicly. When has the TRUTH taken a back seat to non-truth? Each organization that kick me out from helping their youth was because their lack of practicing virtues and values all the TIME were exposed. They practiced a steady diet of ‘Lack of Integrity’. They only chewed and swallowed Integrity when their appetite demanded it. Their ‘Lack of Integrity’ was exposed in my stories but on their screens, the blame was shifted to me. All they did was deny their youth of a Messenger with a story that could ‘Make a Difference’ not only in their lives but also the lives of others.
After many seasons tutoring under Mark Niewinski of Basic HSA, the ‘TAKE 5’ presentation was declared a ‘Rock Star’ by parts of the freshman class a few years ago at Basic HAS. Take a moment and reflect on the power of our message. ‘Rock Star Status’ was the vote. For that and many other things, I am extremely GRATEFUL for, which leads us to our next topic GRATITUDE.
With no Celebration to plan, my first unnamed novel was written. In it the story of ‘Voltaire’ and my own personal Quest were woven to tell a tale. What is it called when you weave fiction with non-fiction, for that is what I did. Upon completion, my first target was my Pen-Pal, Dgirl living in Nashville. Since it was only my first draft, I sought her Wisdom. To protect identities of others, pen names were chosen. Dgirl, played the role of Queen Voodoo Vixen as in the pic.. As usual, ‘SILENCE’ was her response, which indicated Consent. As Queen Voodoo Vixen or QVV, she granted me permission to send my story to another ‘Target’, the ‘Fabled Cello of the American West’.
The FCOTAW is showcased in a few of the videos posted in the video section of our Facebook page and in stories on our website @ playinyourdreams.com. It was a combination of TIME, Forces and QVV that created the meetings between me and the FCOTAW. Next is her new video with the Cat-tet playing the Beatles ‘Can’t Buy me Love’.
QVV in her kindness of two unused tickets sent me off into the territories of the FCOTAW, which resulted with her becoming another Pen-Pal. With two Pen-Pals, my IMAGINATION could construct one story for the both of them or individual stories for each of them.
My new unnamed novel included both Pen-Pals. The FCOTAW was renamed Queen Vampyre Sonata, aka Sarah Elizabeth Chaffee or QVS, a take of her stage name. The reason my new unnamed novel had two different endings, each ending had a specific Target. One went to QVV and with her permission, another was sent to QVS with a different ending. Neither was privy to the ending of the other Target.
Each Queen responded according to their perception of the novel. Unlike QVV who consented with ‘SILENCE’, QVS chose a different route. First, there were a series of messages delivered to my castle by her security detail, which were unable to hit their target. Next was her edict, which was posted on her personal media sites for all to bear witness that resided in her territories and beyond.
At first, her ‘Edict’ caught me off guard until I remembered the ‘Great Humor’ that QVS ruled with. Without much detail, she wrote the following, ‘George Nicholas Feher is PSYCHOTIC’. ‘I hate him and hope he gets hit by a truck’. There is more but it is saved for my second novel, which is currently under construction.
With her ‘Great Humor’ she proclaimed that I am PLAYIN MY DREAMS. With a fine line between Love & Hate, she chooses Hate to send a message of Love. For centuries upon stepping on a stage, Artists have received blessings from followers as in ‘Break a leg’. QVS has coined a new phrase for new writers, ‘I hope you get hit by a truck’.
GRATITUDE overwhelmed me with the responses of QVV and QVS, which led me to write my second novel. With my second novel under construction and no ‘Target Audience’, my instincts directed me to share my story with ‘olde faithful friends’. Most were from my distant past, with a few not so distant. Since the content revolved around QVV & QVS, others near and dear to me were leaned on for their Wisdom.
The following is an excerpt from Chapter 4.
TIME has dictated another story if you can spare the TIME to travel in TIME while I feel TIME as I write. Before I begin to explain recent developments, a more in depth look of the virtue ‘GRATITUDE’ is warranted. My LIFE has reached a stage where my comfort zone travels outside the boundaries of the Las Vegas Valley. Though many relationships have been created during my TIME out west, my comfort writing to ‘Olde Faithful Dogs’ calls out to me. I get to snuggle up to your feet on a cold, bitter, winter’s night around the hearth of a roaring fire burning in the fireplace while I bark my tales.
When writing, it is often that the words of others are best instead of writing your own words. GRATITUDE is the KING of other virtues. If one does not practice GRATITUDE, all other virtues will fall short. On 4/9/17, the following was written to Dgirl to express my Gratitude to her.
“Robert Emmons, perhaps the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude, argues that gratitude has two key components, which he describes in a Greater Good essay, “Why Gratitude Is Good.”
“First,” he writes, “it’s an affirmation of goodness. We affirm that there are good things in the world, gifts and benefits we’ve received.”
In the second part of gratitude, he explains, “we recognize that the sources of this goodness are outside of ourselves. … We acknowledge that other people—or even higher powers, if you’re of a spiritual mindset—gave us many gifts, big and small, to help us achieve the goodness in our lives.”
Emmons and other researchers see the social dimension as being especially important to gratitude. “I see it as a relationship-strengthening emotion,” writes Emmons, “because it requires us to see how we’ve been supported and affirmed by other people.”
Because gratitude encourages us not only to appreciate gifts but to repay them (or pay them forward), the sociologist Georg Simmel called it “the moral memory of mankind.”
Why Practice Gratitude?
Over the past decade, hundreds of studies have documented the social, physical, and psychological benefits of gratitude. The research suggests these benefits are available to most anyone who practices gratitude, even in the midst of adversity, such as elderly people confronting death, women with breast cancer, and people coping with a chronic muscular disease. Here are some of the top research-based reasons for practicing gratitude.
Gratitude brings us happiness: Through research by Robert Emmons, happiness expert Sonja Lyubomirsky, and many other scientists, practicing gratitude has proven to be one of the most reliable methods for increasing happiness and life satisfaction; it also boosts feelings of optimism, joy, pleasure, enthusiasm, and other positive emotions.
* On the flip side, gratitude also reduces anxiety and depression.
* Grateful people sleep better: They get more hours of sleep each night, spend less time awake before falling asleep, and feel more refreshed upon awakening. If you want to sleep more soundly, count blessings, not sheep.
* Gratitude makes us more resilient: It has been found to help people recover from traumatic events, including Vietnam War veterans with PTSD.
* Gratitude strengthens relationships: It makes us feel closer and more committed to friends and romantic partners. When partners feel and express gratitude for each other, they each become more satisfied with their relationship. Gratitude may also encourage a more equitable division of labor between partners.
* Gratitude promotes forgiveness—even between ex-spouses after a divorce.
* Gratitude makes us “pay it forward”: Grateful people are more helpful, altruistic, and compassionate.
* Gratitude is good for kids: When 10-19 year olds practice gratitude, they report greater life satisfaction and more positive emotion, and they feel more connected to their community.
* Gratitude is good for schools: Studies suggest it makes students feel better about their school; it also makes teachers feel more satisfied and accomplished, and less emotionally exhausted, possibly reducing teacher burnout.
How to Cultivate Gratitude?
Are you a natural pessimist? Take heart: The benefits of gratitude aren’t only available to people with a naturally grateful disposition. Instead, feeling grateful is a skill we can develop with practice, reaping its rewards along the way. Here are some specific, science-based activities for cultivating an attitude of gratitude from our new site Greater Good in Action:
* Three Good Things: A way to tune into the positive events in your life
* Gratitude Letter: Write a letter expressing thanks, and deliver it in person.
* Mental Subtraction of Relationships: How to appreciate a loved one by imagining your life without them
* Savoring Walk: How a stroll outside can help build lasting happiness.
And here are more of the most effective ways to cultivate gratitude, according to research.
* Keep a gratitude journal, recording three to five things for which you’re grateful every day or week. Because some evidence suggests that how we keep a gratitude journal—for instance, how often we write in it—can influence its impact, the GGSC’s Jason Marsh offers these research-based tips for gratitude journaling. Apply these tips through the GGSC’s new and easy-to-use online gratitude journal, Thnx4.org.
* Write a “gratitude letter” to an important person in your life whom you’ve never properly thanked. Research suggests gratitude letters provide strong and long-lasting happiness boosts, especially when they’re delivered in person. When participants in her studies write gratitude letters, Sonja Lyubomirsky provides them with these instructions.
* Savor the good in your life—don’t just gloss over the beauty and pleasures that come your way. Loyola University psychologist Fred Bryant has identified 10 ways to practice savoring; GGSC advisory board member Rick Hanson has developed his own method for savoring positive emotions and experiences, which he calls “taking in the good.“
* Focus on intentions: When you receive a gift, or when something good happens to you in general, consider how someone tried on purpose to bring that goodness into your life, even at a cost to themselves. Research suggests this goes a long way toward cultivating “an attitude of gratitude,“ among children and adults alike.
* Teach gratitude to children: Researchers Jeffrey Froh, Giacomo Bono, Katherine Henderson, and colleagues have developed a gratitude curriculum for kids, based on Froh’s work studying gratitude in schools; results suggest it can boost gratitude and happiness for five months. The gratitude journal and gratitude letter exercises have also proven effective with kids.
* Recognize the positive: The GGSC’s Christine Carter asks her daughters about three good things that happen to them each day—a way to help them appreciate the gifts big and small that come their way.
* Get metaphysical: Research suggests that thinking hard about our own mortality makes us more grateful for life; another study found that praying more often increases gratitude.” (END OF EXCERPT)
Gratitude according to other ‘Greats’ that walked this planet before us all agree that GRATITUDE is the Granddaddy of all other virtues. Before one can partake regularly with other virtues and values, one must practice GRATITUDE daily. Before, this article was presented to me, about a year ago, the following letter was penned by me. In was in appreciation of my GRATITUDE.
TO: Mr. Brett Heers
Tuscany Suites & Casino
cc: Tom Guth & Alex Bowden
Reason: Naomi Mauro and the non-renewing of her contract.
My name is George Feher. I have been a resident of Las Vegas/Henderson since 1975. After playing football at the University of Pittsburgh and with my Education Degree in my pocket, I moved out west to Playin My Dreams.
For 33 plus years, as an Educator with the CCSD, Playin My Dreams is exactly what I did. For a bonus, the CCSD paid me. The state of Nevada, along with my contributions, has now enabled me to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
One of the fruits I now enjoy is that of a writer. My first taste as a writer was for my Facebook page, which was set up as a Community Page. The name of the page is called, ‘The Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation’. This page was ‘Inspired’ by others as a means of connecting the relationship between my late son Nick, myself, and the local Henderson community. For more information, I invite to visit our page.
As anyone or a business starting a new venture, obstacles and growth are constant companions. Marcus Aurelius describes ‘obstacles’ as entertainment and defines us as humans. For without them, we would die of boredom. The day one stops growing or making progress, regardless of how little, is the day that one starts the final chapter of the death process.
My Community Facebook page permits me to write on various topics. By using the same strategy but on an entirely different format, ‘Inspiration’ guided me to develop my own website @ playinyourdreams.com.
It was last year around this time that my website started to formulate from a Dream into a Reality. At the same time, my writings on Facebook led me to express my Knowings of a lack of a top quality Jazz Club in Las Vegas.
I subscribe to the principles that, “A dream is just a wish if it is not written down. A dream is just a wish if it is not shared with others. Do all dreams come true? No! It is just a signal to start a new dream.” With these principles, I wrote about my dreams for a Jazz Club.
I would scan the entertainment section of the Friday Las Vegas RJ with the hope that guidance would be given. My search took me to the internet on various occasions all with similar results. You would think, that with a population of close to two million, plus thousands of daily tourists, a Jazz Club would be easy to find.
My ventures out to explore these venues for a Jazz Club, led me to similar results. They were plenty of extremely talented musicians and singers, but the venues were not to my likings. Cigarette smoke is not a companion, I wish to sit with. The off-strip venues all had pitfalls. For some of the patrons, these pitfalls were to their likings.
On the Strip, venues offered so-called Jazz music that was disguised as lounge music. Again, these environments had shortcomings. Usually, the Musicians had to compete with the sounds of the casino, and tobacco smoke was in the audience.
In April of 2016, my dream of a Jazz Club, started to manifest without my knowledge with a Pilgrimage to the T-Mobile Grand Opening Event. It was there that I was baptized by the creative, fantastic, ‘Inspirational’ musical sounds of the David Perrico’s Pop Strings Orchestra on an outside stage. This was my first religious experience that I shared with the Minstrels.
I am not a music critic. However, I consider myself a fan of ‘Good Music’. My background has provided me the opportunities to alert my ‘radar’ when ‘Good Music’ makes an appearance. When their set ended, forces set in motion the chance to exchange cards with David Perrico.
From that moment, I have become a disciple of David Perrico and His Minstrels. I have been to every show at the Palms and at the Cabaret Jazz. It was at the Cabaret Jazz, with their superior sound system that created an unforgettable ‘Festival’. The previous sound systems could be considered excellent minor league systems, but the Cabaret Jazz was the Major Leagues.
With a sound system to match her vocals, I was introduced to ‘The Siren of Song’, Naomi Mauro. The other venues highlighted her vocals; The Cabaret Jazz showered you with the vocal stylings of Naomi. She delivered, as usual from her passionate ‘olde soul’, sounds with new meanings.
With this new ‘Revelation’ in hand, I christened her ‘The Siren of Song’. The Palms sound system the next night readjusted their sound. Her vocals instead of blending in were now the ‘Star’ attraction. As Perrico and I continued to exchange writings, he invited me to a performance of Naomi’s on Thursday 7/14/16 at the Piazza Lounge.
My Dreams of a Jazz Club manifested before my eyes as I entered the Piazza Lounge. The sound system for the lounge displayed the vocal blessings of ‘The Siren of Song’ as if one had entered a Chapel. Currently, I am running an ad on my Facebook page. The story revolves around David Perrico and his Minstrels.
This story can also be found on my website @ playinyourdreams.com as my first Storybook Musical. Included in my story is a brief review of Laura Shaffer, Naomi Mauro and the Piazza Lounge. I invite you to my sites to read my complete review. The following is an excerpt from my last post.
“FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO APPRECIATE THE MELODIES AND SONGS of the ‘olde’ Female Jazz Singers, I invite you to spend an evening with two of the most celebrated ‘Female Jazz Singers’ in town. I confess, I have not witnessed every Female Jazz Singers in town. David Perrico introduced me to both of them.
Each of these women in her own style of interpretation of the song, creates an ethereal sound that embraces its listeners. It is their manipulation of their vocal cords through many years of hard work and singing, that permits them to stretch out the note, change octaves effortlessly, and caress each note while phrasing the lyrics that has been created in their souls.
I have told both women, that they each have the ‘power’ to touch my soul with their vocals. If any of you reading this want to have your soul touched, I encourage you to visit The Tuscany Hotel/Casino located on Flamingo Road near the strip to receive their ‘Blessings’. Always double, check their website or call them for schedule is subject to change.
On Monday nights with no cover, in the Piazza Lounge starting at 7:30 pm to 11:30pm, you can have your soul touched by Laura Shaffer. She is a local woman and a graduate of Las Vegas HS of the downtown era. My nickname for her is the ‘Sultaness of Song’. (More is written about Laura in the Story.)
On Thursday in the same location, with no cover and at the same time, you can also have your soul touched by the ‘Siren of Song’, Naomi Mauro. The little I know about this ‘Siren’ is she is an Orange County, Ca ‘Gal’. Growing up near the beach, she was heavenly influenced by her father, a Jazz musician himself.
At the age of eight, she received her first Jazz album as a gift. At age 14, with very little competition in the genre of Jazz Female vocalists, the calling from her soul reached out to her. Though she is an acclaimed vocalist in the world of Pop, Rock and others, she has confessed to me that Jazz is her true calling.
She moved to Las Vegas after graduating high school and set up shop performing pop tunes with her boyfriend on the Las Vegas Strip. One gig led to another exposing her talents up and down the strip. With her boyfriend out of the picture, other men pursued her.
She was removed off the market by a local lad who himself is an artist. He is an Opera Singer. His parents own and run a local eatery off the Strip. While taking time off to create three offsprings, she utilized her time to earn a Music Degree from UNLV.
With the support of her husband and her children now ages 10-5, she has reentered the music scene with a renewed vengeance and passion, second to none. Folklore tells me she is an accomplished pianist and composer. A collaborative bond has formed between her and David Perrico.
The Tuscany is a ‘smoke free’ environment. The Piazza Lounge provides a great venue for your listening environment. It is enclosed on three sides and tucked near the hotel lobby. Outside noise is limited. Patrons who choose to converse during the show, adds to the ambiance of the room.
The staff is extremely friendly and the drinks are reasonably priced. You can order appetizers from the menu, and the restaurant next door will deliver to your table. With multiple TVs on the wall, the world of sports awaits your request as you can watch between or during the music sets.
If you choose Mondays, make sure you stop and say hello to Brooke the bartender. She will embrace you with her mid-western charm as she hails from Chicago. As you watch her mix her drinks, she uses her skills as a dance instructor.
The bottles, jigs, glasses, ice, drafts and sprays are her partners. Using her elegance, rhythm, and grace, she creates for her patrons an experience that results in a drink that has to pass her taste test. If not, her dance starts from the beginning.
You may ask, how do I know? I know through Observations and Analysis. My first experience in front of her caused a drink to be tossed. If she finds you deserving, she may sprinkle you with her ‘Tranquility’ as she is the Queen of the Enchanted Forest. In my two meetings with Brooke, she has opened up her Enchanted Forest for me and has made me feel like I am at home.
That is what I told both Laura and Naomi. With the best seat on the floor and ten yards, (a first down) away from the stage, in my brain, I am sitting in my living room, where two of most celebrated Female Jazz Singers in town entertain me.
I confessed to Naomi, that for the last two years, I had been a regular at Stoney’s on a Thursday night. It was a place, which I used to stimulate my senses and to cleanse my brain of the ‘Insanity’ of the week, and to create the space for the new ‘Insanity’ that would soon arrive.
My confession went something like this. “You people do something for me that Stoney’s could not do. Stoney’s and its show could only stimulate my senses. You and the others touch my soul”.
Touching one’s soul is the greatest gift that one can give to another. With that touch, comes the energy to ‘Inspire and Heal’. If and/or when that moment happens to you, remember to pause and give thanks. Then when your moment comes, you do the same for someone else.”
IT WAS THURSDAY 8/18/16 AFTER NAOMI’S FIRST SET, THAT I WAS SMACKED RIGHT IN MY FACE. I will be honest with you, I never saw that curveball. After greeting the ‘Siren of Song’ and exchanging pleasantries, the news was unexpected. Naomi informed me that next week was her last gig at the Piazza Lounge.
The blow to my face momentarily stunned me. When asked why, her response was that her one-year contract was up and was not being renewed. I looked at her and offered the following words, “Marilyn Monroe is quoted, sometimes good things fall apart, so that better things can fall together”.
With that said, I went for a walk outside of the property. Walking and exercise has a therapeutic effect for my brain. I was trying to wrap my thoughts around what Naomi had told me. The little I knew about the Tuscany at the time was that its identity/marketing strategy was based on their uniqueness and boutique style settings.
Their sign out front sang praises of their gaming rewards cards for locals, touting it as one of the best in town. Old Vintage Vegas was promoted as with the ‘Rat Pack is Back’. Flashes of upcoming performers at the Piazza Lounge appeared on the Marquee.
As I stood outside with the Linq Wheel slowly spinning in rhythm with my thoughts, one repeating question kept humming in my brain, “Why was Naomi Mauro’s rookie contract not being extended for another season”?
Before, entering the Lounge for the next set, I studied the list of the other performers at the Lounge. Laura, I was familiar with and her Las Vegas history and story. Kelly Clinton was a well-known Las Vegas celebrity. Her name repeatedly would land in the entertainment section of the RJ. I once saw her perform at Ron Decar’s Event Center when it first opened. She was every bit as advertised and more.
Some of the other performers I was unfamiliar with. Another regular told me that the Nik at Nite on Sundays was very popular with the songs of Sinatra. Plus, the act was 10 years in the making. Then I thought about Naomi and her Rookie Season. How did her ‘Rookie Year’ compare with the others’ ‘Rookie Seasons’?
I will be honest with you, I have very little experience with the workings and the decision making process of owning and running a Hotel/Casino with entertainment. As with any successful business, the profit line has to be front and centered. Could it be that Naomi’s Show did not generate the profits as the others? If so, who bears that responsibility?
As I was immersed in the ‘Blessings’ of Naomi’s second set, many thoughts and questions swirled in my brain. My experiences permitted me to examine that last question in more details. Who is responsible to attract patrons to a property? I started to mentally jot down questions in my brain.
* Is ownership/management fans of ‘Good Music’?
* Is ownership/management fans of ‘olde soul’ Jazz Female Singers?
* When was the last time ownership, and/or management spent a night in the Piazza Lounge with Naomi?
* When was the last time ownership/management attended a performance of Naomi with The Perrico’s Minstrels?
* Is ownership/management comparing gate receipts of a ‘Rookie’ against well-known, established veterans?
Only you reading this can truthfully answer those questions. Personally, this is what I KNOW.
Naomi Mauro talents as a vocalist ranks among the best in the industry. Her true calling from her soul is that of an ‘olde soul’ Female Jazz Singer. Each time I have been ‘Blest’ by Naomi. She performs as though it is her first time and/or her last time. Her audience feels the passion brought forth from her soul.
If her contract was based on ‘Passion’, she is earning every cent of it. If not, then a raise in pay is warranted. However, since you are releasing her as a ‘Free Agent’, that cannot be the reason you are letting her go. She is always on time and performs at her ‘Very Best’ levels regardless of the circumstances.
For me, that is the highest compliment that I could give to a performer, athlete, or student. One of my mottoes is “Be the Best You Can Be”. What more can one expect from themselves? What more can others expect from you? Naomi leads the way by example. If her not giving her best each night was the reason for not renewing her contract what was?
As this letter comes to an end, many questions were asked. Perhaps one day, if forces permit, answers for them will be shared with me. As you reflect on my words, please also consider the following:
* The Tuscany Hotel/Casino Suites is an extremely unique property. It caters to the locals and visitors alike.
* It offers its patrons with a wide variety on amenities, appeasing to a wide audience.
* It showcases ‘Old Vegas’ with the ‘Rat Pack is Back’. This vintage show is designed as a niche attraction for those who want to remember and relive the ‘Glory Days’ of the Rat Pack Era.
* The Piazza Lounge is the best venue for Jazz acts in the Las Vegas Valley.
The Tuscany would then be able to separate itself from all the other lounge shows in town. With your stable of performers, you can offer something special, Jazz. Currently, as one reviews the Neon section of the RJ, all of your shows are listed under Lounge Shows. If you want to be like all the others and blend in, then stay with your current marketing plan.
If you want as Robert Frost writes in his poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ to travel uncharted territories for The Tuscany is unique and willing to explore new boundaries, I suggest that you market the Piazza Lounge as the #1 Jazz Club in Las Vegas. All of your acts should be in the Jazz Section of the RJ. All of your press releases should highlight this.
In time with some growing pains and obstacles, with enough clicks on your website advertising the Piazza Lounge as the #1 Jazz Club in Las Vegas, others will be led to your website when they search for Jazz in Las Vegas on the internet.
You will be truthful in your advertisement. For no other venue in town can match the quality and design of the Piazza Lounge. When the Vanguard Jazz Club opened in New York City in 1935, it was a haven for Jazz musicians and lovers of Jazz to spend an evening. It was not done with the intent to become famous. However, forces dictated otherwise. Why, because Max Gordon had a Dream. He then turned his Dream into a Reality.
As you walk ‘The Road Not Taken’ what dreams will you carry? As I conclude, let me share with you a story. During Naomi’s second set on 8/18/16, a young man in the audience started to express his admiration for the group. Eventually he moved down from the back for a better seat on the floor.
In between songs, he shouted out for all to hear, “You are fantastic and you should be playing at the MGM”. Naomi with her quick wit, replied, “We don’t have their number”. The patron without missing a beat said, “You should not have to call them, for they should be calling you”.
After the second set, I engaged in a conversation with this young man. He told me he was visiting from out of town and staying at the Tuscany. I asked, “How did you hear about Naomi”? He said, “All I heard was this fantastic voice as I walked by, and it called me in. I became trapped and did not want to leave.”
Those words reverberated in my brain, for I too became entrapped by the ‘Siren of Song’. Was it in the ‘Odyssey’ or ‘Sinbad’ when the sailors were warned to cover their ears as they sailed past the ‘Songs of the Sirens’? They were told once under their spell of ‘Song’, they would keep coming back for more. Thank God, I did not listen to Odysseus or Sinbad.
If Naomi did not produce the results the Tuscany expected, the responsibility could lie on the shoulders of the Tuscany. With the proper publicity and internet exposure, Naomi would be recognized as the ‘Star’ she is. There is not one music video on your website that displays your stable of artists.
My personal website has more videos of Naomi and Laura performing at the Tuscany than your website does. My publicity is truthful, genuine and free. I support and share the dreams of others. In comparison, how do you rate your website?
If need be, I have a suggestion to improve your publicity, and press releases, hire someone for that responsibility. It may or not be part-time. If you want to be known as the #1 Jazz Club in Las Vegas, then promote it and share it with others. Tinker with your website to get the results you want.
There are no winners and losers in the ‘Game of Life’. The roads we take lead us to results. If these results are not to our satisfaction, then we can try another road. If you are in the market for assistance in your ‘New Road’, I encourage you to look no further for ‘Marketing Help’ than Brooke your Bartender and Queen of the Enchanted Forest. She has a Degree in Marketing.
I thank you for your time, for my writings take on a life of their own. If I can be of any assistance, feel free to contact me. My services are free. Enclosed is a copy of the Brochure and Wristbands when I give free motivational talks.
As far as Naomi, the decision to renew her contract is yours and yours alone to make. I told Naomi after her second set, that all I can do is to be a Crusader of One. Gandhi teaches that an audience of one is an audience of many. I informed her that I would partake as a Crusader of One, in a writing campaign on her behalf. My ‘Integrity’ remains in tacked with Naomi. I have done the ‘Best I Could Be’.
Naomi with her talent will find an organization that is willing to sign her and promote her according to the status she deserves. If that organization happens to be the Tuscany, the Tuscany will reap the results. If not, another organization will get the deal of a lifetime.
Thank you,
George N. Feher
Executive Officer
Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation
Though our relationship had been short, Naomi and Brooke showered me and ‘touched my soul’ with their virtues & values. During Naomi’s last show at the Tuscany in August of 2016, a ‘Surprise Gift’ came my way. Merrilee a friend, supporter and follower of Naomi presented me with a large photo of Naomi playin at the Tuscany. Merrilee was known to me for some of her videos of the Minstrels are posted on our Facebook page and website. With a Sharpie placed in her hand, Naomi personally addressed and signed her name with ‘INSANITY’.
Thinking that I would see her again perform at Cabaret Jazz with the Minstrels on September 16, 2017, for a ‘Night of Sting’, another ‘Surprise Gift’ was delivered to me. With no announcement, Naomi was a no-show. My extra ticket was not used. After the show, QVS and I officially met with her ‘Stinging’ me with her ‘Cello Handshake’. This was the beginning of our ‘PHENOMENAL’ Relationship compliments of QVV and Queen Brooke for not using the unused ticket.
Rumors circulated about the disappearance of Naomi from the Minstrels. With conflicting information, TIME and Forces would arrange for the truth to be delivered to me. Those of you who are steady readers, my previous dealings with Queen Brooke ended abruptly upon my return from my 2016 College Football Pilgrimage. With ‘Tokens’ in an Texas A&M Aggie bag for my Gratitude for Queen Brooke, I discovered that Queen Brooke had accepted a new position as ‘Manager of the Marketing Department’ at the Tuscany Hotel. Before leaving, Queen Brooke blest my Pilgrimage for a Healthy and Safe Journey, I was returning her ‘Blessings’, but was left holding the bag.
Since my last writing, TIME and Forces guided me to reunite with the Siren of Song and Queen Brooke. LIFE is not found in screens but in the words of Abraham Maslow, “The greatest lesson is that the sacred is in the ordinary, that is to be found in one’s daily life, in one’s neighbors, friends, and family, in one’s backyard”.
The Siren of Song and I crossed path after the show Bill Fayne’s “Legendary Ladies of Song” on May 13, 2017 at the Suncoast Showroom. My ASS had the first seat center stage. Next is from broadwayworld.com
Bill Fayne’s “Legendary Ladies of Song” will showcase world-famous hits of legendary musicians throughout the decades on Saturday, May 13.
Four exceptional Las Vegas vocalists – Naomi Mauro, Michelle Johnson, Rita Lim and Ashley Fuller – will take on the hits of some of music’s brightest stars. The show starts in the 1940’s and 1950’s with songs by Ella Fitzgerald, Judy Garland, Billie Holiday, Rosemary Clooney and progresses to the 1960’s, showcasing hits from Aretha Franklin, Patsy Cline, Karen Carpenter, and Carole King. It then takes listeners through the 1970’s with unforgettable classics from Dionne Warwick, Olivia Newton-John and Linda Ronstadt; and the 1980’s, with Barbara Streisand, Bette Midler and Whitney Houston. The show rounds out its parade of hits with songs from more recent powerhouse vocalists, including Celine Dion and Lady Gaga.
While waiting to talk with Naomi after the show, I mixed with other cast members. I told Bill Fayne that when Legendary Ladies Two come out, my ASS will be in the audience. One member of the audience confessed to me. He said I have lived in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago; however, Las Vegas on the Strip and off the Strip has more ‘World Class Musicians’ for a great price.
After briefly talking with Naomi and her husband who was in the process of opening a new eatery, I mingled and shared my Gratitude with the other cast members. Rita Lim remembered me from the night at the Tuscany where we met months ago when she filled in for Laura Shaffer. Michelle Johnson and Ashley Fuller shared their SMILES and embraces with me. When the crowd shrunk, my last stop was with the Siren of Song.
Small talk was exchanged along with the rumors of her sudden departure from the Minstrels. Cloyingly, along with her SMILE and her Southern Cal girlish charms, the Siren of Song said she preferred at this TIME to not be of any part of any rumors but kept the door open for further dialogue.
With that as my sign, she then invited me to sit in on a set on Friday Nights at Nora’s Italian Cuisine 5780 West Flamingo Road. She said it fulfilled her PASSION and kept her vocal cords in practice. Occasionally, she performs at the Dispensary Lounge on East Tropicana Avenue. We shared a hug and I thank her again for her Blessings.
The numerous ‘Blessings’ were my companions as my ship navigated the obstacles on the seas back to my ‘Fishbowl’ in Henderson, NV. The confession from the patron was a KNOWING. The Strip and Off-Strip is a haven for World Class Musicians for a small price. Sitting next to me at the show was another ‘World Class Artist’.
After sharing our PASSIONS about the local music scene, she invited me to another show at the Tuscany the following Friday night. During our conversation, she confessed that her son Kenny was the performer. The more we talked, more was shared.
She was originally from New York City and now living in Las Vegas after a career as an Opera Singer. Her name was Rita Davidsen disguised as an Angel. As Rita spun her tales, it was though her wings wrapped around me encasing me with that ‘Home’ feeling. One should not ever turn down an invitation from an Angel. So, I agreed that if TIME & Forces permitted, I would be at the show.
Usually, during my ‘Therapy Weekend’, my ASS is parked in the Dream Home to enjoy the therapeutic benefits. For Friday night, an exception would be taken. My preparations for the night included ‘Brooke the Mixologist’ A&M Gratitude Bag. Since Queen Brooke had taken new residence in the upper chambers of the castle, her Gratitude Bag remained in my possession. Though it served me well during my 2016 College Football Pilgrimage, it was TIME to deliver it to the rightful owner. Chance was on my team as I walked into the Piazza Lounge. The Bag was left on board my ship harbored in the dock.
Familiar faces greeted me along with Maiden Sharlene. Small talk joined us along with my dilemma of the Bag. Maiden Shar had known about the bag since last December. Relying on the invite from an Angel, our conversation continued to grow. Each new sprout led to an eventual plan to deliver Queen Brooke’s Gratitude Bag. My Gratitude was expressed to Maiden Shar for her Inspiration.
Kenny Davidsen is a World Class Artist sharing his stage with other World Class Artists that live in our city. His arrangements are original takes on well-known tunes throughout the music spectrum. It was during the first break, when I walked over to bask in the glow of Rita the Angel. Recognizing me among the crowd, she welcomed me by name and thanked me for coming. With her hand clasped in mine, I leaned in and said in her ear, ‘only a Fool, would not accept an invitation from a beautiful woman as yourself’. I was blest by her blush.
Kenny Davidsen and Friends are worth the ‘FREE COST’ of admission or the cost of a drink or two plus tips. With Kenny leading the way on the keyboard and vocals, the dance floor is wide open if that is your choice. If not, the musical genius of Kenny & Friends will entertain your senses.
When plans for the 2016 Celebration fell apart, reminiscing joined me thinking about all those that came in contact with our message. To lift my spirits, a message appeared on our Facebook page. Ryan Moyes from Foothill HS who was among the first HLL All-Star Team to be honored at Nick’s home, left me a message. My returned message is next.
Recently, I read your message on the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation Facebook page. Thank you for thinking about me. Your post on our page served as a reminder of the Integrity and Honor you carry with you. Facebook has now removed it. My experiences with certain individuals and groups have led me to believe that Integrity and Honor have fallen on Hard TIMES along with Common Sense. ‘Gifts’ & ‘Surprises’ go hand in hand.
Since TIME is one of the few things that we can give freely to one another whether it is physical or mental, I received your message as a ‘Gift’. TIME has a way of telling a story. Memory lane takes us back to when you were a member of the first HLL All-Star Team to be feted at Nick’s house. There was another Moment when you earned an award and a cash scholarship. Now you are a senior in college with a ‘TAKE 5’ Bracelet still attached to your key chain. Common Sense must have found you.
Hopefully, you have majored in an area that is one of your PASSIONS. If not, go to Grad School and get a degree in one of your PASSIONS and you will not ever work a day in your LIFE. LIFE has taught me a few things that appear to be ‘Universally Acceptable’. Socrates says to Practice Virtues and Values for they will lead you to your PASSIONS. Gather as many PASSIONS you can in your LIFETIME and store them in your SOUL. It will be your PASSIONS that will guide you to HAPPINESS.
My definition of HAPPINESS is the ‘State of Not Being Unhappy’. If I am currently not living in my top three ‘Worst Moments’ of my LIFE, I must be HAPPY. For the only thing we have control over is ‘What Goes on Inside of Our Heads’. We have no control over outside forces but only how we react to them. If we do permit these outside forces to enter our thoughts, only we can decide how long we want to dance with them. Everybody has Problems. Think of them as Obstacles. Marcus Aurelius says that Obstacles are here to entertain us. Without them, and if Humans had their way with everything, Humans would die of boredom. Think Solutions.
In the Game of LIFE all one can expect will be results. Only a Competition will produce Winners and Losers. LIFE presents the opportunity with each new day for us to seek the results of our DREAMS. If one does not PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS, it is the result that they do not want to. PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS does require some effort. The effort is usually correlated to the DREAM.
I found the TIMING of your ‘Gift’ intriguing. Most ‘Gifts’ given me usually are. It was as though you were tying two ends together. My run of Celebrations ended this summer. Since you were with the first group, your message ends my saga of Celebrations. I thank you for your assist with the closure. When ‘FORCES’ guide you, it is more beneficial to go with ‘The FLOW’. There will be TIMES we will test ‘The FLOW’ and swim against it, however in the end ‘The FLOW’ will reign.
I do not KNOW Sam I am, if you ever read my stories on Facebook. Writing the TRUTH always produces some interesting results. Future writings on Facebook now stand at the intersection of ‘The Road Not Taken’. Though the run of Celebrations has come to an end, my DREAMS for the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation and Slogan will just be shifting gears.
Plans will include going back to what I do with a PASSION. Motivational Speaking will be my next ‘Road Not Taken’. Instead of paying me, the Foundation will leave a donation for the group I speak to. A powerful PowerPoint has been rated a ‘Rock Star’ by part of a freshman class at Basic Academy.
Since my $2,100 does not need to be used for a Celebration, I can dole it out to other groups in need. The worst result will be Christmas Toys for kids. How bad is that result?
In a way, I share with Voltaire. You should read about him. His truthful writings got him tossed out of countries by Kings, Queens and Nobles. My Truthful writings only got me kick out of high schools and Little League Baseball. You and others like you remain ‘My Audience of One’. If MY TIME was Well-Spent with no Guarantees with others and if I have made a Difference in one’s LIFE, then I earned the RESULT I SOUGHT.
With your stored PASSIONS in your SOUL, you too can test with me My Theory. Others say you cannot take it with you when you cross over to the other side. My Theory says how do they KNOW. Just in case, my SOUL will be loaded with my PASSIONS. So my Chase can begin again when TIME tells me to cross over.
If I could be of any service, please consider my extended hand. It would be better to email me @ playinyourdreams51@gmail.com. Always remember to Promote, Share and Protect Your Dreams. If not, others will have you playing in theirs. May Dreams of ‘Good Health’ & ‘Good Fortune’ follow you always.
Space has run out. The next Dream Newsletter will continue my saga with Queen Brooke, plus a request was made by friends of Nick seeking permission to honor his name for their child. My pen will also examine more closely the ‘Magical Shit of Stupidity’ that continues to permeate from Basic HSA and it state winning baseball program. With the former grad Gerald Bustamante of the once proud ‘Ship of Hope & Dreams’ now the new Admiral of the Destroyer of Hope & Dreams he may be open to a letter of Gratitude from my pen along with questions.
One of the questions that will be asked as a former baseball player at Basic HS, would you and your parents paid $20,000 or more for the ‘Magical Shit of Stupidity’ to play baseball at Basic HS. If he agrees, then he too along with his parents would have feasted on the ‘Magical Shit of Stupidity’. If not, then why is the ‘Magical Shit of Stupidity’ still being served at our community-based school under his command with taxpayers’ money?
‘TAKE 5’-Fox/Feather