Thank you for sharing the ‘Grand Opening’ of my website/blog. With all the millions of websites/blogs out there, why would I choose to add another one? That is a good question. This endeavor is the result of the encouragement of others. Angels and Messengers come in all sizes, colors, formats, etc.

Plus, after writing a Community Page on Facebook titled the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation, many benefits have materialized and hopefully shared. I discovered during my journey that writing is very therapeutic and much less expensive than ‘Therapy’. An audience of one is an audience of many.

THIS CHAPEL OF THE TRANSFIGURATION SITS AT THE BASE OF THE GRAND TETONS outside of Jackson, Wyoming. That photo was taken about three years ago. During that phase of my life, I too according to Confucius was in the initial phase of ‘renovating oneself’.

Old Faithful-1‘OLD FAITHFUL’

My solo journey to Yellowstone National Park was twofold. One: Seek God/Supreme Being. John Muir in his writings of nature about the Yosemite Valley is quoted: “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike”. Two: request a separation.

Though the topic of separation had been breached the previous year, fear would not play a role in obtaining the results I sought. A distant approach mixed with time appeared to be my best solution. Upon my return, it would only be a matter of how and when.

Whys were not needed. Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. I was just another statistic. Relationships fail all the time. That includes families, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, businesses, etc. People do not fail. Desired results were not being achieved.

Trusting my ‘Radar’, a new dream was in order. A ‘blessing’ occurred. “IT” informed me to see the events of my life as a ‘blessing’, and to share with others what I have learned.

During my three-year journey, some of the main things I have learned:
1. “A Dream is just a wish if it is not written down”.
2. A Dream is just a wish, if it is not shared with others.
3. Not all Dreams come true. A new Dream awaits creation.
4. Follow the simple principles of Marcus Aurelius. Start with: The only thing we have control over is what goes on inside of our heads. We have no control over outside forces, but only how we react to them.
5. Humans do not fail. Humans only get results.

IT IS WITH GREAT EXCITEMENT TO ANNOUNCE THE TRANSFIGURATION to our new web page. When making the proclamation on my last Facebook post on July 24, 2015, there was no seamless transition in view.

The only thing known at the time of Thursday July 23, 2015 as the post concluded, was the discovery of the spa light being turned on. My first thoughts turned to Nick. I saw the light as a ‘sign of approval’ for my new dream.IMG_1515Little did I know at the time, another possibility existed. This light was turned on to show me the way and to shine on what awaited me that weekend. All I can say is that I saw the ‘Light’.

In my previous writings on Facebook, I have shared stories of ‘Inspiration’, with those I have encountered. In my last post, I was only able to give a brief description of my encounter with the ‘Look’, at the Rubicon because of time and space restraints.

A ‘cum da laude’ event had occurred with the ‘Look’ the night of 7/23/15. To make some sense of ‘IT’, a return trip to the Rubicon was in order for Saturday night. The ‘Look’ was not on duty, but Lacy the Bartender was. The ‘Historical Event’ continued.

PRELUDE: “A Lady in a Red”

As I am driving home from the Rubicon last Saturday night (July 25, 2015), I had just wrapped up my weekend experience at the Rubicon. I compared it to my College Football Pilgrimages. College football can produced if ‘ALL’ is in order, an atmosphere with ‘cosmic’ ions. The energy that one can capture enhances one’s experience.

In my brain, as I travel to these Mecca Shrines known as College Football Stadiums, I go with the intent as the Muslims do in Mecca. I want to walk and rub my hands and my elbows on the outer shells of these ‘Glorious Stadiums’ the day before the next battle.IMG_1563In my ‘Imagination’, I sense the energies that were produced from past battles. I reflect on the ‘Giants’ and the ‘commoners’ who shared the same color blood. Their bruises and bone breaks looked the same. Injuries had the same diagnoses, as did the color of their sweat.

I do it with the intent to pay honor to those ‘Modern Gladiators’ that entertained the masses. History continues to evolve from days of the Roman Gladiators. I give my thanks for another dream. I always try to take a peek or walk inside.

Leaving the Rubicon, I had a ‘Knowing’ according to Buddha. I had just experienced two ‘Historical Events’ and a few ‘Historical Moments’. An ‘Event’ is produced when many moments are tied together. It is conceivable that with enough ‘moments’ and ‘events’ shared with others, ‘IT’ becomes part of our lifetime.

I was faced with a dilemma. I had a ‘Fantastic Story’ to tell but no one to write and share it with. My Facebook page campaign was coming to an end. That was not an option. However, Lacy did tell me her last name when discussing Facebook before I left.

Lacy has read other writings of mine. We have not discussed it much, other than there is a lot of words. I tried to get my ad’s money worth on Facebook. An audience of one is an audience of many.

At this time, the personal identities of some of the ‘key players’ are unknown to me. To not influence my thought process, I did not access Lacy’s Facebook page well into my story. After I reviewed the amount of words I had written, Facebook was not a delivery option.

The place in the story, when I look up Lacy, is Part Two-Saturday night. I had just finished my conversation with Bree, right after the ‘Duet’. I accessed her page Tuesday night. Exploring her page connected the dots. The identity of the man at the bar was clear.

I also discovered that a ‘Greek Goddess’ was masquerading in disguise of an earth woman by the name of Dianna. (According to Greek/Roman mythology she is the daughter of Zeus and Jupiter, twin sister to Apollo, and the ‘Greatest Hunter’ of the kingdom). She had cast her small hometown; Midwesterner charms and spells on me.

In a seven day period I experienced the following spells from her: ‘Thee Look’, displays of her fine tight ass, an aphrodisiac, a ‘kiss’, more displays of her wares and fine tight ass, a ‘Dance of Seduction’ and my virginal ‘Cosmic Transfusion’. Let the story unfold.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a slightly edited excerpt of the original letter. thanks Dianna and Lacy for their contributions. Their beauty graces our site. These two on some nights, served more than drinks. For other past stories of the Rubicon, the Bull and Stoney’s go to our Facebook page: The Nick Feher “Take 5” Foundation. The stories are weaved throughout our posts. The following is the letter. ADDED ARE THE PICTURES.IMG_1521DIANNA & LACY


Short Story-Titled: “The Lady in Red”-Part One: “The Look”

The Beginning:

Thank you for creating and sharing with me a ‘Historical Event’. If someone other than you has access to this, just point him or her to the direction of my Facebook page. When I write, my intent is to share my observations and analysis. If readers want to inject their emotions, feelings, etc. that is their choice.

In my last Facebook post, dated July 24, 2015, I described ‘Moments that take your breath away”. During my bartending days, I remember playing more roles than just serving drinks. Is that still true today? One role that I performed, with pleasure, was that of a consultant. The stories that people shared with me, permitted me to live vicariously through them. I find stories of ‘inspiration’ through the lives of others.

When I walked in the other night, and saw you in that ‘Red Dress’, while gazing into your miniature universes disguised as eyes, and heard you say, I arrived at the right time. That moment was both ‘inspiring’ and ‘breath-taking’. Your cosmic embrace assured me that it was my right time. As a bonus, you asked me if I would be willing to meet your father.

While regaining my composure, from your initial blasts, I accepted your invitation. Playing through my head before I answered, to meet the father, who carried and donated half the ‘genes’ from Zeus himself, for your creation, would be an honor.Zeus_by_photopixieIMAGE OF ZEUS

As your dad and I engaged in a conversation, when he spoke of you, I sensed a rise in his energy, a twinkle in his eye, and a ‘smile’ on his face. Out of curiosity, what is the status of his non-babysitting policy? He did tell me that he was busy six days a week, when asked if he got out much.

I always trust my radar. Is it foolproof? Hardly. Does it produce the results I seek? If not, I trust for other solutions. Life is just a series of moments tied together of creating, enjoying, and getting results. Thomas Edison and other ‘greats’ tell us “Humans do not fail. Humans only get results”.Edison-thoughts

Question-Have you lost weight during the past month? It would be understandable, considering how your ‘rhythm of life’ was affected. The Law of Rhythm is included in the Laws of the Universe. All humans are affected by this flow. According to the little, I have read about this subject, one has control to seek better results.Law of Rhythm

When your personal ‘rhythm’ starts to swing out of favor, you can take action to correct the flow. It is suggested to attach oneself to others, whose ‘rhythms’ are swinging in favor in order to counterbalance the out of ‘rhythm’ state.Law of Rhythm-1

If that is not possible, then follow the simple practices of Marcus Aurelius. He states the only thing we have control over is what goes on inside of our heads. We have no control over outside forces, but only how we react to them. It is the obstacles and the solutions that define who we are as Human Beings. If all went our way, all the time, we would die of boredom.

If others were not available to counterbalance us, that ‘power’ resides in us. All we have to do, is alter our thoughts to right our ship. We can do this by recalling our ‘Historical Moments’ or ‘Moments That Take Our Breaths Away’.

Before I continue to describe our ‘Historical Event’ for many moments were tied together, another story has to be told. You will now be the bartender/consultant. The previous Thursday, when your shift was not called, I had to purchase my water from another source. My first buy was with the co-worker who you just shared the Saturday shift with.

Wanting to spread my purchase, since you were not there, I patiently waited to purchase my next water from the ‘Look’. During my wait, her charms, and her wares were on full display. In all my times in both places, I have received ‘smiles’, glances, eye contact, etc. from others but this was my first extended ‘Look’. I named it ‘THEE LOOK’.

Trusting my radar, my ‘Marcus Aurelius’ kicked in. In his wisdom, he states that when he goes out or when people come in, they are all there for his benefit, and he for theirs. What benefits, only time will tell.marcus-aurelius

He also describes when life presents itself as an ‘olde faithful friend’, one should take the time to acknowledge ‘IT’ and embrace ‘IT’. Confucius says there are outside forces everywhere. Within ourselves, we have the tools to convert these forces into benefits to achieve the results we seek.

After ‘THEE LOOK’ was sent, delivered and now permanently etched in my brain, I was able to observe and analyze until my number was called.

Young woman looking through binoculars
I was at the mercy of the ‘Look’.

Wearing those ‘country girl’ hot pants with those boots and a red top with just the right exposure, gave pleasure for the wait. Watching her move, bend, squat, and spin enhanced the show. Her ‘smile’ and her laugh raised the energy level. During that moment, I sensed the presence of ‘IT’.

My time finally arrived to make my purchase; we exchanged ‘smiles’. A tip was left, along with whatever else, I may have dropped. Something did occur. A return trip would be necessary. I had seen the ‘Look’ before, but I am unsure if this was the first time that I remember our path crossing.

Thursday Night: “The Lady in Red”-‘The Look’IMG_1520

Entering the bar this past Thursday, I glanced to see if your shift was up. For my benefit, you were paired with the ‘Look’. There was a ‘cosmic afterglow’ radiating from your bar area. I came to a ‘Knowing’ as the days past, that the ‘Look’ had the same ‘IT’ that you possessed.

It is that ‘gene theory’. I proceeded to my destination. With your outfit, your ‘energy’ level was at new heights. Your ‘rhythm’ had returned, enhancing the area. Combine that with whatever the ‘Look’ was packing, this area was the place to be that night.

I started to sense ‘Historical Moments’. After purchasing my water from you, our little small talk continued. I always find ‘IT’ invigorating as you slowly let me peel back your layers. It was then; I noticed a difference in your body.

When you said 5’6”, with your long limbs, you play at 5’8”. After examining, the physical attributes of women the past few years, I have come to a ‘Knowing’. There should be a different category than just weight, height, chest size, waist size and others.

This new category can be called ‘Proportionately Fit’. In simple terms, everything fits. All one has to examine is how does one’s skin fit. Each will determine their own level of ‘FIT’. If one likes the results, solutions are not needed.

You and the ‘Look’ are a ‘Proportionately Fit’ match. My business with the ‘Look’ was unfinished. Sliding down to end of the bar was advantageous for my view and for the night’s proceedings.

After a time, you started the action when you climbed over the bar top. Getting my attention to enjoy the closeness of your energy was a buzz. When getting to my side, you said it has been a while since I last saw you. Let me give you a hug.

While our embrace shared what we both brought that night, my brain said, “It is Christmas in July”.Christmas-in-July-Images On your return visit, you graced me with another splash.

As I observed the inter play with you and the ‘Look’, it brought back memories of watching you and Jennifer working the same bar. I use to call it ‘The Show within the Show’. The energy that you two would create was worth the price of the cover.

No disrespect to the other bartenders, I will be requesting to Cliff that you and the ‘Look’ are paired on a regular basis. If my observations are correct, your bar on that Thursday night set a new total gross for that far bar, since the opening.

They will come far and wide to seek what the two of you have to offer. Some will return and they will tell others. Because what you and the ‘Look’ have and do, is more than dispense drinks. You said your ‘Dream Job’ is serving alcohol to others. I say live it with a passion that can make another’s moment.

The ‘Look’ knew I was back for more spells. When it was her turn to climb over the bar, she brushed up against me to get my attention. Helping her down, I said that I came to see her. The first new spell she cast was with a kiss.kiss on back of handThough it was a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, if my memory serves me correct, it was the first kiss from another woman, let alone a ‘Greek Goddess’, for over 25 years. As she departed, I did not know this creature’s name but she has blest me with a ‘Look’ and a ‘Kiss’.

On her return trip, I was able to corral this filly for a moment, before she leaped over the bar.Lassoing a Horse I told her of my purpose, my observations and analysis. I asked about potential benefits or side effects from ‘THEE LOOK’.

Her miniature universes disguised as eyes were displayed for my gaze. With a ‘smile’, she said “Withdrawals”. I laughed to myself as she leaped on and over the bar, leaving a taste of her presence behind.

With you two together again, the dream like interlude continued. I was visualizing how powerful it would be, as I saw myself being hugged and squeezed from both sides. Taking photos for memories for my new ‘Blog’ adventure.

It would make for a great opening. When one opens a ‘Blog’, you have only one ‘Grand Opening’. Having photos of you two, could be the snag, to catch my readers. Barring proof that one can PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.

Other delusional thoughts entered my brain, as the ‘Look’ would send more spells my way. She would steal glances and send ‘smiles’. Spells were sent through her fingertips. It was also the display of her fine, tight-assed, jeans as she bent over to retrieve a water from the cooler.

I thought of the word ‘Withdrawals’. The ‘Look’ spoke earlier of this. Watching that fine, tight-ass on display, reminded me of her earlier display the week before. The dots started to connect. The power in the area was too great for the final connection.

While walking away, I remember the ‘Look’ taking her time, as she retrieved my water, while displaying her wares in those ‘Hot Shorts’ and boots the week before. The further I moved away from your area, the dots rapidly connected.

The next Monday night, I was awoken three times from my sleep. Each time, I woke-up to a cold sweat.MarlonBrando-in-a-T1 My t-shirts were soaked through each time. Each cold sweat was the ‘Withdrawals’ that the ‘Look’ spoke of.

My ‘Knowing’ is this. The ‘Look’ cast 3 spells on me. The first one was ‘THEE LOOK’. The second one were the displays of her ‘smile’, fine tight-ass, and whatever else she was packing. These, I observed.

The third I did not. The possibility exists that she slipped in some ancient ‘Greek Goddess’ aphrodisiac in my water while displaying her ass for me.Aphrodasiac A theory has been proposed. Feel free to dispute it or other future theories I may discuss with you.

Another theory is; it could just be a summer virus that is going around. Either way it is on the same ‘polarity plane’ separated by a few degrees. My results could also be a combination of both theories.

Regaining my ‘rhythm’, I ventured back into your now crowded bar area. I ordered a bottle of water and asked if you had any ones. A twenty was given and in a ‘blessing’, you returned my twenty in change, making up for the first transaction.

As time went on, the ‘energy’ in the area was taking on a whole new meaning. I was prepared for the ‘Look’. Her three spells, though extremely powerful, had been for the most part expunged from my body, mind, and spirit. Small remnants remained.

To be on the safe side, three things had to be avoided. Avoid ‘THEE LOOK’ of those two miniature universes disguised as eyes. Do not purchase any water from her. Lastly, do not get enamored, when she displays her wares, especially, her fine tight-ass.tight assed jeans

Standing in my spot, at the end of the bar, Bree makes an appearance. Earlier in the night, Bree, Andi and I were discussing ‘Historical Moments’ and what defines them. As Bree and the barman cleared an area where I was standing, I asked Bree, what’s up?

She nervously but excitedly told me that she was going to perform her first bar top dance. Her outfit that night was designed for the occasion. The segment was the ‘free style dancin’. I have already witnessed ‘Historical Moments’ with that segment at the Bull. This was new. This was the Rubicon.

I encouraged Bree that Humans only get results and to display hers. She ‘smiled’ at me as she rose up on top the bar. However it turns out, it still will be a ‘Historical Moment’. It is Bree’s Grand Opening, and I will witness it.

The uniqueness of this segment is the intensity, and time length. I view it as the ‘TEST’. Depending upon one’s effort, one’s ‘DESIRE’ will be tested. The ‘DESIRE’ to continue as the lungs burn, the legs get heavy, the buttocks tighten, the chest, abs, neck, and back fill the effects, as the arms grow weary.

This is a “TEST’ of oneself, and results. With DJ Montana setting the beat with the opening song, in the middle of the bar, the ‘Look’ with superior grace and confidence, had joined in the ‘TEST’. In my brain, I am thanking the forces for creating this moment. I am in my ‘Marcus Aurelius’ moment.

If I tried to described what I witnessed that night, I would be doing ‘IT’ a “great injustice”. All I can say, it was a ‘Simultaneous Historical Moment’. All got the results they sought. When Bree asked me how she did, I gave her two thumbs up and a tip.2 thumbs up

She added a thumb for a three thumbs up. Results show three out of four thumbs for her first performance. I told her that she had more of ‘IT’ than most females in the place. She was confused by my term ‘IT’, and then connected the dots as I explained parts to her.

Bree wants everyone to know her as the ‘shot girl’. She wants for now to remain incognito. Please respect her wishes, if I share info that you may not know about her.

This is what I ‘Know’. Bree has just finished her superior academic and athletic career at UNLV. She shared info with me and directed me to U Tube. She completed her undergraduate degree in 3 ½ years, plus one semester of graduate school, while being a ‘key’ member of the UNLV Women’s Basketball Team.

In my opinion College Basketball players, both men and women, are some of the ‘fittest’ creatures on our planet. They are in the ‘Prime Age’ for fitness. They are trained and conditioned to run, just like thoroughbreds and fillies.

Add in all the other dance moves that they have to perform with that ‘magical sphere’, that is called a basketball, along with the intensity to compete, it is a test of ‘IT’. As the dance, or basketball game is played out, time will tell of the results.

Theoretically, with the basketball season just completed, Bree is near her top level of ‘Fitness’ performance in her life. Depending upon her current training level of ‘Fitness’, unless she plays basketball at the pro level, she will not ever regain what she once had.

‘Historical Moment’ #2– From my vantage point, the ‘Look’ was in plain view. I have come to a ‘Knowing’ during the past few years, anytime a ‘Greek Goddess’ wants to place me under her spell in the ‘Art of Dance’ it is both a gift and a blessing.GG Dancing

The ‘Look’ cast her spells my way. Watching a ‘singular dance’ is similar to receiving a ‘Massage’. Depending upon the methods used along with the rhythmic flow will determine the results. Some massage therapists have ‘IT’ some do not. I choose the ones who do.

This ‘singular dance’ massages one senses, including one’s ‘IMAGINATION’. Though Bree had the tools, her inexperience with the flow showed. The ‘Look’ had a plan with a purpose. She massaged my senses and then some.

As the segment continued, a question remained unanswered. Could the ‘Look’ in those tight ass jeans go the distance? Hormones, deep within my past, started to be secreted from my glands, as the ‘Look’ massaged deeper within my senses.

My personal age calculator is based on hormones. This is another theory based on males. It is a known fact that certain hormones are secreted throughout the body. Some secrete on a regular basis. Others are timed release. Certain hormones are triggered by our primal instincts.tumblr_m8wywbe7KA1rpdglno1_500

According to studies, the peak sexual age for a male is between 18-26. This has nothing to do with the ‘Art of Sex’. This means, a male can recharge quicker, and perform again. Unless a male continues to practice The 6 Healthy Behaviors, as he ages, his overall total performance will begin its decline.

If a male contributes with additional unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, weight gain, and excessive alcohol or other drugs, the decline is accelerated. A male’s penis is a very unique organ. It is part of two different Body Systems, the Excretory System and the Reproductive System. Hormones substantiate the difference.slide_2

Different muscles and nerve endings assist in the two systems. When one system is in use, the other is on stand-by. A unique feature of the male’s penis is: it is the only group of muscles and nerve endings that can be stimulated physically, mentally, or both.

Question: Can a male stimulate or contract any other muscle with a thought? Not to my knowledge. All other voluntary muscular contractions in a ‘Healthy Male’ have to be directed by the primary brain through a command. To test my theory for Healthy Hormones a male should do the following. Replay in your primary brain ‘Historical Moments’ when your ‘Two Brains’ feasted on sex.

In theory, a Male has ‘Two Brains’. The primary brain is located inside of the skull. The primal brain is the penis. There is a speckle of truth in the phrase; “I was thinking with the wrong brain”.

In my studies, in simple terms, the Human Brain has only two pleasures. One is eating. The second is thinking about sex and the primal act itself. Observe and analyze as you go, ‘Fit’ vs. ‘Fat’.Benefits-of-T The Male Brains are driven by two main purposes. One is survival and two is reproduction.

If a male can trigger a ‘response’ in his reproductive or sex organ during the replay of their ‘Historical Sexual Moments’, the results show you still have healthy hormones. Other tests include watching pornographic performances, while analyzing if it is ‘real’, is it acting, or both.

Males are at the mercy of their lovers. The majority of males seldom reach their potential due to the lack of guidance by their lovers. Before any primal sexual act can be consummated, the ‘Art of Seduction’ is a must.seductive-security-art-of-seduction-31-638 Time is not a factor. Not all Seductions end in a ‘Consummation’.

One should treat ‘IT’ with a ‘Rhythm’. When a ‘Seduction’ ends in a ‘Consummation’, a new ‘Seduction’ begins. ‘IT’ engulfs the partners with a ‘Rhythm’ of Jazz. It starts with an organized pattern, and then breaks out into individual solos, returning to an organized finish, the ‘Consummation’.

My encouragement, I have for females, “If you want your males to become your best sexual partner, then you must lead the way”. You ask how? I say become your own best lover. Think about ‘Guidance’.

The Human Skin is the largest organ of the body. It is also the largest ‘Sex’ organ of the body.


The complex structures of the skin contained within one square inch:
– 65 hairs
– 9,500,000 cells
– 95 to 100 sebaceous (oil) glands
– 19 yards (17 meters) of blood vessels
– 650 sweat glands
– 78 yards (70 meters) of nerves
– 78 sensory apparatuses for heat
– 19,500 sensory cells at the ends of nerve fibers
– 1,300 nerve endings to record pain
– 160 to 165 pressure apparatuses for the perception of tactile stimuli
– 13 sensory apparatuses for cold

A new top layer of skin arrives each day, until age and unhealthy behaviors affect it. The Skin also houses the ‘Erogenous Zones’ of the female. These ‘Zones’ depending on the ‘Rhythmic Cycle’ of the female will dictate how each ‘Zone’ plays.

For a visual explanation, think in terms of a Golf Course. Depending on info, a woman has between 10-15 identifiable ‘Erogenous Zones’ plus three ‘Cosmic Holes’.filled-female Ladies, without a ‘Caddie’, a male golfer is proceeding without a plan.sandolo

With a plan and guidance, a Male Golfer can now play the intended ‘Zones’ and avoid those that are not playable. He can be led to the ‘Cosmic Holes’ and be reminded of what ‘club’ to play. For a refresher, revert to “What’s Contained In One Square Inch Of Skin”. With an average of 20 square feet of Skin, with a new, daily, top level, that is virgin territory to be explored daily.

How long and by whom, that depends. I also suggest to females; “To become the best skilled lover possible, one must become the best skilled lover with themselves”. Without this self-exploration, how will a female know what ‘Zones’ are hot, and what ‘Zones’ are not.

For males, the ‘old adage’ applies here. If you stop using it, outside help may be needed. Life is full of choices. The brain does not care if it is real or pretend. Live sex, pretend sex or masturbation satisfies the Primal cravings of both brains.

Those ‘Primal Cravings’ were being created once again, as I was under the influence of the ‘Dance of Seduction’ by the ‘Look’. I was welcoming back ‘olde faithful friends’. My‘Healthy Hormones’ were being aroused.Testosterone

As the segment ended, my hormones were inflamed but controllable. The ‘Dance of Seduction’ overwhelmed all of my senses. I experienced a President Jimmy Carter Moment as sexual thoughts swirled inside my brains. The ‘Look’ without a miss, and wearing those tight ass jeans, massaged every nook and cranny, of my existence.

When the moment presented itself, a token and words were in order. Volumes have been written about thoroughly enjoying the benefits a female has to offer. To maximize these benefits, all six senses should be employed. I have learned to play the cards that I have been dealt.

The ‘Look’ glistened from sweat. Since sweat is a cleansing agent, her face revealed a different level of her ‘Beauty’. I was imagining this would be her ‘Look’ after the ‘Consummation’. After gathering herself, she walked my way. I prepared myself for the unknown.

She made her way over the bar top with no assistance. Near me, I reached to get her attention, for her eyes had other plans. During the early, glory years, of Las Vegas Boxing, I witnessed ‘Historical Moments and Events’. Her exit from the bar reminded me of the exits of Champs from those rings.

I sensed her heightened energy, as the sweat still glistened on her exposed skin.sweatywoman Her pheromones permeated the air, as she made her way back to the ladies’ room. This break gave me time to regather myself. A return trip by the ‘Look’ was forthcoming. I prepared myself as I realized that a ‘Historical Moment’ had just been created.

Marcus Aurelius in his wisdom says that the ‘Art of Life’ is there for the benefits of both Gods and men. I had a Marcus Aurelius Moment. Waiting for the return trip of the ‘Look’ I analyzed the moments, I had shared with the ‘Look’.

Seven days earlier, she cast 3 spells on me. The next Monday, I experienced ‘Withdrawals’. More spells were inflicted on me today. I was blest with a ‘Kiss’, more ‘smiles’, more tight ass jean displays, and a ‘Dance of Seduction’ during the free style dance segment.

My recent Facebook post on July 24, 2015 describes it in less detail, as the ‘new standard’, for bar top performances at the Rubicon. The ‘Look’ threw down the ‘gauntlet’ with an intensity of a ‘Historical Moment’. As she reappeared, I was ready with my token and words.

Looking unscathed, and radiating with ‘IT’, my sense of touch was employed as I grabbed her arm. She willfully and playfully pulled her self closer to me, pressing her breasts against my chest. I was able to place my token in her hand and remembered the words ‘intensity’ and ‘effort’ leaking from my lips. The ‘energy’ permeating from her, entered my brains, and elevated me off the floor.pheromoneasd32

She ended our encounter with a ‘smile’, a gaze with her miniature universes, and a thank you. My view returned to the dance floor as she made her way back behind the bar. Hearing a signal, I turned to the bar and the ‘Look’ showed me where my token was placed.

Only the ‘Look’ knows her reasoning for its placement. She touched her token as she positioned it, securing it with her left side strap of her red top. My brain identified that position as the closest position to her heart. I remained for a time to soak in the ‘Historical’ atmosphere that was created. Once filled, the night was still early. I shifted to another area, gathering myself for round three.

Returning for round three, I had a plan. Past experiences, dictated I might be able to trade a couple of jabs with the ‘Look’ before an outside force would enter the scene. I would then bid you a night, and steal your spark with a fist bump.

As I arrived, an opening occurred with the ‘Look’. I told her I knew two things. I led with my first jab. I sputtered out the following; I have had encounters with women who have been adept in the ‘Art of Seduction’, you must have taught that course.Pinturero1

She responded with a ‘smile’ and a gaze from those miniature universes and said, I don’t know what you mean. I countered with, figure it out. Just then, an outside force shows up disguised as Lacy, the Bartender.

I presented my case to you. With a shot glass in your hand, a ‘sparkle’ beaming from your own miniature universes, looking as ‘hot as hell’ in your outfit, you shared your wisdom with us. You said, and I quote, “Do you think, that I give a rat’s ass”? My response was; I don’t think so. You flashed a ‘smile’ and pranced away.

Taking advantage of the new opening, I delivered the second jab. I told the ‘Look’ that her powerful ‘Essence’ would linger long after her physical presence was gone. She then took my hand.

It can best be described as some ritual that I have not ever experienced in my life. She straightened out my arm with her hand clasping my hand. While standing behind the bar, she then straightened out her arm.

With our hands engulfed, she bowed her head, closed her eyes. Whatever went on inside her brain, only the ‘Look’ knows. I sensed the flow of her ‘cosmic force’. Images of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel danced in my brain, as in the painting of God touching man.God-touching-man

When the ‘Look’ finished the ritual, she gently squeezed my hand and then released it. It was a signal that my time with her that day had come to an end. On my way out, I maneuvered myself into a space to collect a piece of you with a fist bump. You obliged.

As I drove home, I had a ‘Knowing’ according to Buddha. Some may call ‘IT’ the “Rubicon Ritual”. I call ‘IT’ a “Transfusion of Cosmic Energy”. Until I am told otherwise, this was the very first time that this “Rubicon Ritual” has ever been performed. This was a ‘Historical Moment’.

It was also my ‘First Cosmic Transfusion’. Time will tell the stories of benefits and or side effects. Two results will be sought, if and when, I have another encounter with the ‘Look’. I have now written over 5,000 words about recent events.

I do not know the anointed name of the ‘Look’. If she has a significant other, is this other aware that she serves more than drinks at the Rubicon? Other results will be sought. Was I the first to ever be blest with ‘THEE LOOK’, the ‘Dance of Seduction”, and ‘My Cosmic Transfusion’?

Regardless of the status of a possible other, I will ask the ‘Look’ as Taylor Swift sings in one of her songs. Is there a space on your list for my name? As results become known, the course of my actions will unfold.

To think. All this started when your shift was not called. Your actions triggered this chain of events. The question is; did you Lacy the ‘Bartender’ knowingly or unknowingly cause the story to unfold into this direction? I experienced a ‘Historical Event’.

To acknowledge this ‘Event’ an award had to be created. It was the Rubicon. It had to be Rubies. I had in my possessions such Rubies that were molded into Bracelets. Other ideas streamed into my primary brain.

The next time I had a moment with the ‘Look’, I would pay homage to her ‘power’ and present my ‘tokens’.

INTERLUDE: “The Lady in Red”

Speaking of stories, I have a new one. Before I get to it, back stories deserve a peek. The foundation of all healthy relationships, including one’s self, must consists of the following: ‘Integrity’, ‘Intimacy’, ‘Insanity’ (defined by the Greeks as ‘Eros’), and ‘Infinite Wisdom’.

The mixture will determined the results. One will read the results and make a decision on those results that one seeks. This scale will fluctuate according to the ‘Rhythm’ of the relationship. Any serious breech in any of the four pillars, can affect future results.

When we formally met about a year ago, the word ‘Integrity’ was introduced in our initial conversation.integrity

I defined it as: “Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Disagree agreeably”. You agreed and the groundwork for our relationship was laid out.

Over time, ‘Intimacy’ has been shared and increased. You definitely have the power of ‘Insanity’. According to the following quote, by Allen Ginsberg, I know that I am ‘Insane’. Ginsberg writes: “Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don’t care who’s listening”.

‘Infinite Wisdom’ definitely guides me. It must guide us, for we have evolved from strangers to the cusp of a friendship. Forces will continue to show the way. This is what I Know.

My marriage produced results. I did PLAYIN MY DREAMS. My lack of preparation in deeply defining my dreams affected my results. I planted the seed that I wanted to marry a teacher younger than me and raise a family.

I married a teacher younger than me. We did raise a family. As with other families, ‘forces’ created obstacles of great magnitude that required solutions of equal or greater values.

According to sages and wise men: The greatest sorrow in the world is the sorrow caused by the death of one’s child. In my daily, spiritual readings, about 5 years after Nick’s departure, a message appeared.

‘IT’ told me to see my sorrow as a ‘Blessing’. Only a few are chosen to walk this path. When the time comes, be prepared to share what you have learned on your journey.

I have learned that the ‘Attractions’ for a healthy couple relationship according to my theory are: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Sexual, and Spiritual. The partners within the relationship will determine the percentage ratio of the ‘Attractions’ and its grand total.Attraction

If you are planning a family, keep this in mind. Crito during Socrates final days on this planet says this to Socrates: “No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nurture and education.”

Shakespeare says we as humans are nothing more than actors on a stage. Hit with the results, I was in a ‘Failed Marital Relationship’, with a slim chance of recovery. Relationships fail all the time, people do not. I had a ‘Knowing’. My creed of Crito was fulfilled.

After two years plus of separation, an uncontested divorce was requested from the mother of my children. After receiving the ‘Blessing’, I got on my knees and thanked God. I signed the papers.

I recommend to all couples, unless to legitimize children, do not get married. Instead, draw up a legal, bound contract with an attorney. Include a pre-nup. What is yours including debt is yours. What is theirs is theirs. Agree to a financial plan, and all other plans. If necessary, have an exit plan available.

To remain in an unhealthy relationship out of fear is to sign a pact with the devil. Fear is the number one reason that prevents people from PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS. Humans do not fail. Humans only get results.

“The Lady in Red”-Saturday Night-PART TWO: “The Performance”IMG_1524

Who would have thought months, weeks, or days ago that our paths would have led us to the story of ‘The Lady in Red’?

Let me start with a refresher. I was greeted and embraced by a ‘Greek Goddess’. She was graced with a ‘Red Dress’ as I entered the Rubicon. Permitting me entry into her miniature universes, with her ‘smile’, she ask me if I would like to meet her father.

These initial explosions knocked off my ‘rhythm’. Recovering, while ordering a water and waiting for the Father, observations were in order. I was trying to connect the dots of the roles that others may be playing tonight.

There is something to be said of an appearance of a ‘Proportionately Fit’ woman being displayed in an equal matching dress. All of my fantasies start with a clothed ‘Greek Goddess”. Levels of dress change with each new fantasy.

That ‘Red Dress’ accented your curves, proportions, muscle tone and skin as though ‘IT’ was specially created for you. I am surprised, that not one other patron helped to retrieve my eyeballs. Driplets of saliva created a spot on the bar, as my primal hormones were being activated.

Thank goodness, you signaled a timeout to walk your father to his car. That gave me the opportunity to cool my healthy hormones down. Space helps to ease in this cooling process. While easing the moment, thoughts ran though my head.

How can my ‘two brains’ handle your exposure in the ‘Red Dress’? Both brains were activated during my first short visit. What would be the results of a longer exposure to both brains? My primary brain in my skull expresses ‘Platonism’. My primal brain hanging between my legs has other ideas.F1.large

Returning to my Marcus Aurelius moment, you have upped your game. I had to bargain with my vision. My eyes followed as you teased, danced, and moved. In my brains, this is all for my benefit, though others remained.

I observed your interaction with the male patron. I tried to connect the dots. The first time I saw your beau in the Bull, it was dark and the distance did not permit a good look. Since he remained, your playfulness with him led me to an ‘I do not know Sam I am’ moment.

Whoever he was, would not affect the results I sought. I sensed a ‘Historical Moment’ and I was going ride ‘ITS’ wave until it was time to go. Subtleness was called for. Enjoy the ride, but do not crash the wave.

Motherhood, has not robbed you. It may have enhanced you. Your physical attributes were on display for all to witness. Blend that with your ‘Cosmic Power’, you were the ‘Lady in Red’.watermark_Woman_with_a_red_dress_3

My vision feasted. It trailed you to the dance floor and back. As your dress intermingled with your movements, more skin would be exposed, raising the healthy hormones in my primal brain. It was a battle between my two brains as the ‘Performance’ continued.

The few times you slide and sat on the bar exposing your long legs with those cowgirl boots, I etched them in my brains. In between, I peeked and observed other patrons. Are their interests the same as mine?

Before Jennifer left, the last topic we discussed was a ‘man-friend’. As I was explaining my theory, and as I was about to ask if she had a boyfriend, she blurted out that she had a man-friend. Time has not permitted for Jennifer and me to discuss my theory.

She only heard bits of my theory. I always find it amusing when women speak of their boyfriends. I always picture, with a laugh in my brain, 16-20 year old males. Jennifer was a good listener. Her deftness eluded my laugh.

My theory of a man-friend is based on the following. First, start with a definition of a man. My best source is the Bob Segar song, “Shame on the Moon”.

My favorite lyric is: ‘Once inside a woman’s heart, a man must keep his head. Heaven opens up the door, where Angels fear to tread’.

The little brown coin size envelope, which I carry for Jennifer, contains my original theory concerning this man-friend. I carry it, because it will provide results whether it is delivered to her or not. I just want to be prepared. Excerpts of the letter written on 7/10/14 include:

Speaking of sharing, how much of our encounters have you shared with your so-called man-friend? I have a dispute with your usage of my term. If your definition matches mine, then ok. If not, then you need to use another term. These are virginal thoughts while under your spell.

MAN-FRIEND: Definition-Listen to song “Shame on the Moon” by Bob Segar. Then mix; Integrity, Intimacy, and Wisdom, with the attractions of the physical, intellectual, emotional, sexual, and spiritual and you have the foundation of a MAN-FRIEND. However, only time can be the real judge.

The prime career objective of a MAN-FRIEND is to be the “KEEPER of the GROUNDS”. What are the GROUNDS? It would be similar to what the Head Grounds Keeper does at the Masters’ Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia.augustanational1501724370_preview_augusta wallpaper The Course is best described as walking and playing in someone’s dream. Does he not attend, nurture, and cultivate the Course in order to replicate a dream? So should a MAN-FRIEND.

How does one attend, simple, by the Art of Seduction. Nurturing is the Art of Food and the Art of Conversation. You cultivate through the Art of Massage and other means of foreplay. The erogenous zones are similar to the holes at Augusta, each 1 unique as to itself, and each to bring pleasure, according to the conditions.

You now have my brief definition of a MAN-FRIEND. Volumes can be written on the topic. How does it stack against yours?

A few alterations have been added, subtracted, and or modified since that writing. Until someone disputes that theory, I will take it to my grave. It will be added to all my other theories, ‘Historical Moments/Events’ and ‘Breath-Taking Moments.

It will share space with the ‘Lady in RED’. As you displayed your wares closely to me, as I leaned against the bar, the battle between my two brains raged on. It was extremely hard not wanting to stare.staring

As I am analyzing the surroundings, I noticed that the patron you played with did not appear to be as engaged with your performance as I. Possible explanations existed: He was related to you, for he was with your father. He was a friend and prevented his healthy hormones from enjoying your performance.

He was your boyfriend. What you were offering on that ‘Historical Night’, must have aroused his healthy hormones to new heights. He needed his cell phone to short circuit his primal hormones. He was preparing for the Consummation later that night.

Whoever he was, he appeared to be chronologically younger than I was. Maybe the alcohol and the cigarettes were affecting his healthy hormones. In theory, I must be younger than him because mine were burning at a level of an inferno.

When you climbed up on top of the bar from the far end and started to strut my way, my fantasy evolved into a pornographic dream. Thoughts about your under garments weaved their way into my hormones.0_21_450_sperm_istock

The hormones that were activated on Thursday night by the ‘Look’ had not completely subsided. Throw in these new creations, and I was in unknown territories. Every maneuver that you did, as you strut over me caused a dilemma in my two brains.

With your extremities, your skin, and presence in full arousal as you stood over me, my primary brain said enjoy the ‘Performance’. My primal brain said, check for under garments. Before I had to choose, outside forces entered the show.

Bree climbed up on the bar. I slid from underneath you, removing a temptation. What had been mostly a solo performance all night has now become a duet. You encouraged her to join you. Unknown to you, I have witnessed so far, A ‘Historical Performance’ by the ‘Lady in ‘Red’.

It was more than just a ‘singular dance’. I had witnessed those that you performed at the Bull. This was different. This ‘Performance’ played out the entire night. The concluding number would now be a duet.tumblr_mmq2tlQogA1soyltco1_1280

It would a duet of the master and the student. The master would share her wisdom while exhibiting her wares. My primal brain’s inferno was still raging, but it was not equal to my primary brain. Something transcending was being created.

As I peeked into the small crowd, smiles and grins appeared on some of the faces. ‘IT’ is moments like this, which create lasting moments for others. Another first at the Rubicon. More ‘inspiration’ was thrown my way.

As Bree climbed down from bar after the duet ended, I told her to learn from the ‘Master’. I told Bree that your talent equaled or surpassed all other female performances, I have witnessed. If you want to be the best, learn from the best.

Time said I was to leave. As I stopped by to collect my fist bump, you were still on fire. Your inferno was sending out a primal message. It rekindled thoughts of ‘Historical Moments’ that I had shared with other Cosmic Beauties.tumblr_n0hx8bhX9e1qky2jlo2_1280

I put those thoughts to rest, as we discussed Facebook. The results are you are reading this. If not, because of the size, I requested your email. Hand delivery will be another option.

As I drove home, I wondered if you were getting the results you sought. I ‘Know’ this, if you did not, you control the next solution to get the results you seek. I strongly encourage you to view your life as a ‘new direction’.

Write out your dreams in details and share them with others. Do all dreams materialize? No! That is just a signal to start a new one. Fear should not ever be a factor in PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.

Your role as a single mother is one of the toughest and demanding roles to be played. You will wear many, many, and many, hats. My favorite line that I used on my kids was after I said No! They would always ask why. I would say because I have your best interests in mind. When you become a parent, you will understand someday.

To be the best parent you can be, treat yourself as you are the ‘Most Important Person in the World’. Your personal health is as equally or more important than your kids. If and when you neglect yourself, you also neglect your children.

My Brochure has some great ideas. Remember, your children are always watching you. Leave them with moments and examples that you want them to follow. This includes you, and others that you consider ‘role models’. As we agreed, ‘The apple doesn’t fall from the tree’.apples-falling

If you need charts to help, I have charts. If more writings are required, I have them or can produce them. If Socrates and Crito were living in today’s world, Crito would have changed one word. Instead of man he would say woman.

“No woman should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nurture and education.” Consider “IT’ a test. Your test is to provide. To provide your children with the necessary tools so they can achieve the results they seek. No more, no less.

As I drove home, thoughts swirled through my brains. Regardless of the other patrons in the bar, ‘The Performance of The Lady in Red’ was created and performed specifically for my benefit, with others nearby.

For that ‘Illusion of Fantasy’, you have earned for your role in “The Lady in Red”-Saturday Night- ‘The Performance’ a “RUBY”. Your performance has earned you to share the first ever “RUBY”.ruby[1]

Dianna for her ‘Performance’ in The Lady in Red’- Thursday Night: ‘The Look’ also earned one. You and the Dianna have set the ‘new standard’ for ‘Performances’ at the Rubicon for the entire night.

The EPILOGUE-“The Lady in RED”

On Broadway, actors and actresses earn Tony Awards for their performances; I have decided to start a ‘New Tradition’ at the Rubicon. ‘IT’ is called the “RUBY”. If and when, I witness a ‘Historical Moment’ in the Rubicon, I will acknowledge ‘IT’.

Henceforth, in my future journeys to the Rubicon, I will be prepared. In my pockets, will be Bracelets of Red Rubies. If a performance of another warrants it, I will present to that performer a “RUBY”. This will serve as a reminder for the performer, that a ‘Historical Moment’ was created in the Rubicon by their performance.

Thank you for letting me rent space in your brain. My plans are to share with Dianna: The Prelude, The Beginning, Part One-Thursday Night, The Interlude and the Epilogue. Lacy will receive Part Two: Saturday Night, instead of Part One, plus all others. Share with whomever.

Unless I get a notice in writing from either of you, my writings can be used in future publications. My ‘Integrity’ will remain intact. For without ‘Integrity’ who are we? (END OF LETTER)

To my readers: Dianna and Lacy received their tokens from me on Thursday, July 30, 2015. I thanked them for creating a dream that resulted in this transition piece. Do all my dreams become reality?maxresdefault Only those that God choose and could benefit others.

Who are those others? Those others are the ones who let me share with them what I have learned on my life’s journey. Currently, I am on my ‘College Football Pilgrimage’. This idea started with an epiphany in 2010 as I sat in Beaver Stadium. My good friend Greg, who now resides in Houston Texas, arranged this game/epiphany.

While visiting with me for a Thursday night Pitt football game at Heinz Field (one of thee worst venues in the country for a college football game), he surprised me with a ticket for the Temple-Penn State game.

The atmosphere of Beaver Stadium upon my arrival was totally different from all Pitt football games that I had attended at Three River’s Stadium and now Heinz Field.

Beaver Stadium during football game vs. Temple, Sept. 20, 2008
Though it was a non-conference game and Papa Joe was still the head coach, I felt the electricity in the air. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes, and the touches enhanced my senses.

In 1971 as a member of the Pitt football team, I played in Beaver Stadium. It was not the size that it is today. While sitting and enjoying the spectacle of ‘Modern Day Gladiators’ and the reaction of their faithful legions, “IT” triggered my epiphany.

I remember telling Greg, that starting in 2011, I was going to begin my odyssey and travel to other College Football Stadiums. Many religious sects go on pilgrimages seeking blessings, why not I. The very first game of my 2011 College Football Pilgrimage was #1 LSU@#2 Alabama.

Unbeknownst, at the time of scheduling this game with Tennessee@Arkansas the following weekend, the LSU-Alabama game would be declared as the First College Football Game of the Century. I experienced as some described it as being in the ‘epic center’ of the College Football Universe.Bryant Denny Stadium

Even to this day, my goose flesh still activates when I speak or write about what I experienced in Tuscaloosa, Alabama that weekend. Using that ‘Historical Event’ as a new standard, I approach each new Pilgrimage with the anticipation of more Historical Moments and Events being created for my benefit.

My next post will share my observations and analysis from Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, LA. LSU has just put a whippin to the Auburn Tigers on Saturday, September 19, 2015. Did any Historical Moments or Events occur? Follow my journey and discover for yourself.

I will be posting on a regular basis. What is a regular basis? That too, will be determined. “IT” started with a dream. I wished for “IT” and wrote the dream down. I shared my dream with others. Though, I did not get the Grand Opening Photo I wanted, I got exactly what I was supposed to get. For that, I am extremely grateful.

Until the next time, keep PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.



  1. John Rebrovic

    George, wow. I know “wow” may not express the intensity with which I was reading the above, but ‘wow,’ what a journey, what writing, what great sharing of your life, passions, desires, hopes and dreams. I read with it with awe. And you quoted some of the people, who’s quotes I copy and paste into my “good quotes” file (“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Marcus Aurelius – Roman Emperor (121 -180 AD)). FYI – I have added the following – “I have learned that the ‘Attractions’ for a healthy couple relationship according to my theory are: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Sexual, and Spiritual. The partners within the relationship will determine the percentage ratio of the ‘Attractions’ and its grand total. – George Feher” to my list of Good Quotes to Live By. Though I haven’t seen you since 1969, I look very forward to seeing you again. Hopefully, at Dave Casoli’s house during one of the football weekends that Tim Olack invites me to – the last couple of three years – that I haven’t been able to attend, though I’ve wanted to. Hopefully in 2017 I will be able to make it. It would be great to visit with you. The above writing / reading makes me feel as though I’ve ‘bridged the gap’ in all the years. I have been touched by your writing. I will continue reading your log. One request, though – Please…do not put down the pen. Thank you again so much for sharing your incredible journey and your insights. John Rebrovic

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