WHO HAS ‘IT’?–The Fable of the ‘Alpha Female Cat’.

As I continued sitting in my truck, slowly slipping my coffee and water, I am watching the females as they line up and enter Stoney’s. After C/L told me her theory on the Alpha Female Dog/Wolf, I did some investigation on the web. This is what I discovered after renaming the animal the ‘Alpha Female Cat’.lioness-412672_640The Alpha Female & Beta Female

Anna Madsen in Advice Mar 7, 2012 • 10:53am

Following the study on Alpha and Beta males, one finds that the same method can be conducted on women as well. In order to help you elite bachelors understand the opposite sex better and their social patterns, please find the equivalent model to provide you with information on how to distinguish the two categories. We strongly encourage you to take notes, as different strategies should be applied depending on the type of woman you choose; both for casual sex or as a future wife.

The Alpha Female
The alpha female is a tough negotiator. She knows her value, and knows there is more to her than looks. She is the leader-type and constantly surrounded by a group of admiring subordinates. Executive decisions such as where to go, what drinks to order, what guys to talk to, all fall under the jurisdiction of the alpha female.

Not necessarily the most beautiful in her circle of friends, the alpha female knows that brains are what will take her the farthest. Topics like politics, economy, business and law interests her, and she discusses these global issues without difficulty. She does not take directions from men; the alpha females make the calls. She is cynical and sarcastic in her language, but always with a certain charm.

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