Welcome, if you have not read the previous post, “TAKE 5” Game-Plan for Life/Sports—The Playbook, I encourage you to do so, before you read the following. You can find the post in The “TAKE 5” Game-Plan for Life section.
Starting this first Friday of December 2015 and continuing the first Friday of each new month, I will be presenting a new lesson that explores the “TAKE 5” Game-Plan for Life/Sports Playbook.
Twelve Lessons have been developed, with six or more in the pre-development phase. Each lesson is designed for a one-month interval between lessons. This gives the individual the digestion time necessary between lessons.
As in overeating, one might induce discomfort when attempting a different Game-Plan for Life/Sports. Since our “TAKE 5” Game-Plan is designed for life, let ‘IT’ unfold as time permits or at 30 days intervals.
The “TAKE 5” Game-Plan for Life/Sports has been designed after observing and analyzing the results that many of my students, grades 3-12, achieved while they practiced and committed themselves regularly to the principles and skills of our Game-Plan. Personally, I have been practicing these skills and principles most of my life.
The “TAKE 5” Game-Plan can be implemented starting in teenager years through the end of the life cycle.
As you journey forward in designing your Wellness Plan and Philosophy of Life, remember the Gem ‘Knowing’ by Buddha. Observe and analyze over time. Then enjoy a ‘Knowing’.
To assist with Lesson #1, slides from our Power Point Presentation will be included:
This is our Opening Slide.Read More »»»