On my Homepage, one of my topics was to write about the PPA’s. The time has come. PPA is my acronym for a Pre-Paid Athlete. All of these PPA’s are also known as Professional Team Athletes. Since Pro Football is the ‘King’ of Pro Sports, let me use them as my example. NFL Players modeling new uniforms in 2012.uniformsBefore I examine today’s PPA, a historical retrospect on the game of football is warranted. Following is info from Wikipedia:(Images added for enhancement.)

On November 6, 1869, Rutgers University faced Princeton University (then known as the College of New Jersey) in a game that was played with a round ball and, like all early games, used a set of rules suggested by Rutgers captain William J. Leggett, based on the Football Association‘s first set of rules, which were an early attempt by the former pupils of England’s public schools, to unify the rules of their public schools games and create a universal and standardized set of rules for the game of football and bore little resemblance to the American game which would be developed in the following decades.

It is still usually regarded as the first game of intercollegiate American football. The game was played at a Rutgers field. Two teams of 25 players attempted to score by kicking the ball into the opposing team’s goal. Throwing or carrying the ball was not allowed, but there was plenty of physical contact between players. The first team to reach six goals was declared the winner. Rutgers won by a score of six to four.

A rematch was played at Princeton a week later under Princeton’s own set of rules (one notable difference was the awarding of a “free kick” to any player that caught the ball on the fly, which was a feature adopted from the Football Association’s rules; the fair catch kick rule has survived through to modern American game.

By 1873, the college students playing football had made significant efforts to standardize their fledgling game. Teams had been scaled down from 25 players to 20. The only way to score was still to bat or kick the ball through the opposing team’s goal, and the game was played in two 45 minute halves on fields 140 yards long and 70 yards wide.

On October 20, 1873, representatives from Yale, Columbia, Princeton, and Rutgers met at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York City to codify the first set of intercollegiate football rules. Harvard refused to attend the rules conference organized by the other schools and continued to play under its own code. While Harvard’s voluntary absence from the meeting made it hard for them to schedule games against other American universities, it agreed to a challenge to play McGill University, from Montreal, in a two-game series.1874HarvardMcGill

The McGill team played under a set of rules which allowed a player to pick up the ball and run with it whenever he wished. Another rule, unique to McGill, was to count tries (the act of grounding the football past the opposing team’s goal line; it is important to note that there was no end zone during this time), as well as goals, in the scoring. In the Rugby rules of the time, a touchdown only provided the chance to kick a free goal from the field. If the kick was missed, the touchdown did not count. (Earlier games looked like this.)early-rugby-at-kensington-ovalfootball-10.8 1876
(At the Massasoit convention, the first rules for American football were written. Walter Camp, who would become known as the father of American football, first became involved with the game. Walter Camp is widely considered to be the most important figure in the development of American football.)walter-camp-yale Dissatisfied with what seemed to him to be a disorganized mob, he proposed his first rule change at the first meeting he attended in 1878: a reduction from fifteen players to eleven. The motion was rejected at that time but passed in 1880.(The game started to look like this.)1880s-early-football-gameOKCamp’s most famous change, the establishment of the line of scrimmage and the snap from center to quarterback, was also passed in 1880. Originally, the snap was executed with the foot of the center. Later changes made it possible to snap the ball with the hands, either through the air or by a direct hand-to-hand pass.

In 1881, the field was reduced in size to its modern dimensions of 120 by 5313 yards. At the 1882 rules meeting, Camp proposed that a team be required to advance the ball a minimum of five yards within three downs. These down-and-distance rules, combined with the establishment of the line of scrimmage, transformed the game from a variation of rugby football into the distinct sport of American football.

The last, and arguably most important innovation, which would at last make American football uniquely “American”, was the legalization of interference, or blocking, a tactic which was highly illegal under the rugby-style rules. Interference remains strictly illegal in both rugby codes to today.GN2178

(The Latrobe Athletic Association football team went entirely professional, becoming the first team to play a full season with only professionals.)

This is image is the copyrighted property of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. A photo credit to the Pro Football Hall of Fame must accompany the use of this image. Any unauthorized use, distribution, archived storage, or reproduction of this image without the expressed written permission of the Pro Football Hall of Fame is strictly prohibited. Immediately delete this image once you have completed your use of it.
This is image is the copyrighted property of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. A photo credit to the Pro Football Hall of Fame must accompany the use of this image.

(Changes were abound in the early 1900’s. Violent football scenes marred the landscape.)18zn00emq156bjpg1905-Deaths-254x300The situation came to a head in 1905 when there were 19 fatalities nationwide. President Theodore Roosevelt reportedly threatened to shut down the game if drastic changes were not made. However, the threat by Roosevelt to eliminate football is disputed by sports historians. What is absolutely certain is that on October 9, 1905, Roosevelt held a meeting of football representatives from Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.

Though he lectured on eliminating and reducing injuries, he never threatened to ban football. He also lacked the authority to abolish football and was, in fact, actually a fan of the sport and wanted to preserve it. The President’s sons were also playing football at the college and secondary levels at the time. As a result was this.chapter-7-3-638One rule change introduced in 1906, devised to open up the game and reduce injury, was the introduction of the legal forward pass. Though it was underutilized for years, this proved to be one of the most important rule changes in the establishment of the modern game. Bradbury Robinson, playing for visionary coach Eddie Cochems at St. Louis University, threw the first legal pass in a September 5, 1906, game against Carroll College at Waukesha.220px-RobinsonThrowing (The first authenticated pass completion in a pro game came on October 27, 1906 when George (Peggy) Parratt of Massillon threw a completion to Dan (Bullet) Riley in a victory over a combined Benwood-Moundsville team.)

Camp’s original system of downs gave teams three downs to advance the ball five yards or else lose possession of the ball, a proposal meant to reduce sandbagging. Early in the 20th century, as the forward pass was added to the game and kicking rules became more restrictive, this was expanded to four downs, with a ten-yard requirement.”

(With the College Football Game expanding and implementing numerous rule changes in the early 20’s, so did the Professional Football Game. However, the pro game lacked the leadership that the NCAA provided the colleges.

In 1920, Pro football was in a state of confusion due to three major problems: dramatically rising salaries; players continually jumping from one team to another following the highest offer; and the use of college players still enrolled in school. A league in which all the members would follow the same rules seemed the answer.

An organizational meeting, at which the Akron Pros, Canton Bulldogs, Cleveland Indians, and Dayton Triangles were represented, was held at the Jordan and Hupmobile auto showroom in Canton, Ohio, August 20. This meeting resulted in the formation of the American Professional Football Conference.

At the league meeting in Akron, April 30, 1921, the championship of the 1920 APFC season was awarded to the Akron Pros.Akron_pros_1920

But apparently the word did not make it to Canton, Ohio.2ef74a5d65432b72e11d33fa1ad36e75

Integration was welcomed in the 20’s.) Wikipedia reports:

“Charles Follis is believed to be the first black professional football player, having played for the Shelby Steamfitters from 1902 to 1906. Follis, a two sport athlete, was paid for his work beginning in 1904. (Charles Follis carries the ball around Newark’s right end on a muddy Shelby athletic field.)CharlesFollis1902 vs Newark

From its inception in 1920 as a loose coalition of various regional teams, the American Professional Football Association had comparatively few African-American players; a total of nine black people suited up for NFL teams between 1920 and 1926, including future attorney, black activist, and internationally acclaimed artist Paul Robeson. Fritz Pollard and Bobby Marshall were the first black players in what is now the NFL in 1920. Pollard became the first black coach in 1921.” (Image of Fritz Pollard.)73431-004-4FE0FE6C

(On June 24, 1922, the American Professional Football Association changed its name to the National Football League.)NFL Logo

(Canton, in 1922, led by player-coach Guy Chamberlin and tackles Link Lyman and Wilbur (Pete) Henry, emerged as the league’s first true powerhouse, going 10-0-2.)Canton_bulldogs

(The signing of Red Grange by the Chicago Bears in 1925 changed the face of the NFL. Who was Red Grange? Red Grange was known as the ‘Galloping Ghost’ from Illinois University. After witnessing  the game on October 18, 1924 against Michigan, Grantland Rice writes the following:)

“A streak of fire, a breath of flame
Eluding all who reach and clutch;
A gray ghost thrown into the game
That rival hands may never touch;
A rubber bounding, blasting soul
Whose destination is the goal — Red Grange of Illinois!”

The Chicago Bears ultimately signed him; player/manager George Halas agreed to a contract for a 19-game barnstorming tour, signed the day after Grange played his last college game. The contract earned Grange a salary and share of gate receipts that amounted to $100,000, during an era when typical league salaries were less than $100/game. That 67-day tour is credited with legitimizing professional football and the NFL in the United States.” (Red Grange with the football.)redgrange(Red Grange became the first PPA in Pro Football. According to his contract, Red only had to play 2 out of the 4 quarters of each game to save on his wear and tear. Over the 19 game schedule, Red played a total of 9&1/2 games at a guaranteed salary of about $10,526. a game. All he had to do was show up and play. Win or lose his pay was the same.)

(As time went on, pro football played second fiddle to the college game. With more college stars joining  the ranks of the professionals, the NFL started to find its niche in the 1930’s.remote.axd

Integration, finally occurred on March 21, 1946 with the signing of Kenny Washington by the Los Angeles Rams.) Wikipedia writes:

“In 1946, after the Rams had received approval to move to Los Angeles, members of the African American print media made the Los Angeles Coliseum commission aware the NFL did not have any African American players and reminded the commission the Coliseum was supported with public funds.

The commission advised the Rams that they would have to integrate the team with at least one African American in order to lease the Coliseum, and the Rams agreed to this condition. The Rams added a second black player, Woody Strode, on May 7, 1946, giving them two black players going into the 1946 season.”(Images of Kenny Washington #13 and Woody Strode #27. #28 is not identified at UCLA.)2iiv4on

(Play in the 40’s looked like this. Sammy Baugh is #33.)1930s-sambaugh-1942-big-596px(The early 50’s are next. Marion Motley running with ball.)browns-eagles-motley(The mid 50’s show more changes. Giants vs. Browns.)giatns-at-cle-11_6_55(It was this play from the “Greatest Game Ever Played in 1958, that altered the course of the NFL. Alan Ameche scores winning TD.)nfl_greatestgame12_576Pro Football Hall of Fame writes: “The game played at Yankee Stadium in New York attracted a national television audience and became known in football lore as “The Greatest Game Ever Played.” More importantly, the game captured the collective attention of the nation and as a result, pro football exploded across the country in the following years. By the mid-1960s, professional football became the nation’s favorite sport to watch and has remained on top ever since.”

Wikipedia writes: ” It was the first National Football League (NFL) playoff game to go into sudden death overtime. The final score was Baltimore 23, New York 17. The game marked the beginning of the NFL’s popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. A major reason was that the game was televised across the nation by NBC.

(A quick review is warranted.)sports-in-the-1920s-3-638

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) writes:

“Professional athletes include baseball, football, and basketball players, tennis players, golfers, ice skaters, skiers, stock car drivers, rodeo riders: anyone playing a sport for money.

Professional athletes play in front of an audience and get paid for it. Fans enjoy seeing these athletes play so much that they are willing to pay to watch. Professional athletes are performers or entertainers. In this way, they are a lot like actors and musicians. They must perform well in each game or risk losing. If they don’t play well, they won’t last long.”

You notice the Bureau of Labor lumps team and individual pro athletes into the same category. This is where I beg to differ. There is a huge difference between the two. For the sake of my argument Pro Team Athletes will be known as the PPAs. All others will be Pro Athletes.

What separates the two is how each one earns their pay. Excluding appearance fees, etc, a closer examination is warranted. A standard NFL Contract includes:

THIS CONTRACT is between _______________________ ,
Hereinafter “Player,” and______________________, a ________________________
corporation (limited partnership) (partnership), hereinafter “Club,” operating under the
name of the _____________ as a
member of the National Football League, hereinafter “League.” In consideration of the
promises made by each to the other, Player and Club agree as follows:
1. TERM. This contract covers football season(s), and will begin on the date
of execution or March 1, __ , whichever is later, and end on February 28
or 29, , unless extended, terminated, or renewed as specified elsewhere in this
2. EMPLOYMENT AND SERVICES. Club employs Player as a skilled football player.Player accepts such employment. He agrees to give his best efforts and loyalty to the Club, and to conduct himself on and off the field with appropriate recognition of the fact that the success of professional football depends largely on public respect for and approval of those associated with the game.

Player will report promptly for and participate fully in Club’s official mandatory minicamp(s), official preseason training camp, all Club meetings and practice sessions, and all preseason, regular season and postseason football games scheduled or by Club.

If invited, Player will practice for and play in any all-star football game sponsored by the League. Player will not participate in any football game not sponsored by the League unless the game is first approved by the League.

5. COMPENSATION. For performance of Player’s services and all other promises of  Player, Club will pay Player a yearly salary as follows:
$        /* for the 20__ season;
$        /* for the 20__ season;
$        /* for the 20__season;
$        /* for the 20__ season;
$        /* for the 20__ season.
(* – designates the compensation Club will pay player if the player is not on Club’s Active/ Inactive List)In addition, Club will pay Player such earned performance bonuses as may be called for in this contract;Player’s necessary traveling expenses from his residence to training camp;

Player’s reasonable board and lodging expenses during preseason training and in connection with playing preseason, regular season, and postseason football games out- side Club’s home city; Player’s necessary traveling expenses to and from preseason, regular season, and postseason football games outside Club’s home city;

Player’s necessary traveling expenses to his residence if this contract is terminated by Club; and such additional compensation, benefits and reimbursement of expenses as may be called for in any collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract.90562_600My position is that I wish for the best to all NFL players and owners. However, if winning is important, then why is it not tied to the individual player contract? The player signs a deal that “He agrees to give his best efforts and loyalty to the Club”.

A standard NFL contract is no different than a standard Management Contract between a Professional Artist and a manager which reads:  PERFORMANCE OBLIGATIONS: (a) Artist will use best efforts to perform such services at such times and at such places as Manager negotiates.

If this being true, then the PPA can be considered to be in the same category as a Professional Artist. They both show up and perform. Regardless of the outcome of the performance, each will be paid accordingly to their individual contract.

When you compare this PPA format to the format the Pro Athletes compete under, the Pro Athletes are the ‘Real Pros’. Though most listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics include tennis players,maria-sharapova-holding-aussie-open-trophy golfers,Jordan-Spieth-trophy-220x300 bowlers,GD_115_11_28_2006_11_39_37_AM skiers,EmmaP Trophies race car drivers,article-2478405-1907D1C000000578-687_306x423 rodeo riders,marvin_holmes track & field,Usain_Bolt__1576619a and anyone playing a sport for money, are individual Pro Athletes usually supported by a team.

The main difference between a Pro Athlete and a PPA is the Pro Athlete who wins at each event earns more money than the second place finisher, and all the other places. Finishing near the bottom at most events result in no monetary rewards, even if you did your best.

So the next time you watch the NFL, are they PPAs/Entertainers or are they Pro Athletes?nfl-football-players-images-wallpaper-blohookahbar

It is one man’s judgement. When the Pro Team Leagues adjust the players’ salary structure to reflect the importance of winning each game and not just in the play-offs, will be the moment that I will recognize the Pro Team Leagues (PPAs) as Pro Athletes.

Until then, they are on par with the WWE.WWEA Broadway a Las Vegas Show.Las-Vegas-608x456

Though no score is taken in some of those venues, unlike the PPAs’ venues, the results are still the same. Each performer has pledge to do their best. It will be up to me and others to determine exactly what is a performer’s best. That is why I will continue to observe and analyze the Games of the PPAs as I would the WWE, a Broadway Performance, and a Las Vegas Show. The PPAs are entertaining me in the ‘Art of Sports’.

In a future post, I will share my viewpoints on the PPAs’ play-off system and the morphing process. Next week I will again be shifting gears with the introduction of the ‘TAKE 5’ Game Plan for Life. Remember to bookmark us for your Fixins with Fox-Feather and share with others. Until our paths cross again.



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