Dictionary.com defines Wellness as:
1. The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.
2. An approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.

In other words, one should practice certain principles that are tailored to fit the individual to achieve the state of ‘Homeostasis’ as defined by Dictionary.com:
1. The tendency of a system, especially the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus that would tend to disturb its normal condition or function.
2. Psychology. a state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated.
3. Entomology. the ability of members of a colony of social insects to behave cooperatively to produce a desired result, as when bees coordinate the fanning of their wings to cool the hive.homeostasis-2-638
Homeostasis in layman’s term: Your body and brain are working at the level or higher as designed for your individual age, wants, and needs.

To assess your state of ‘Homeostasis’, I offer you the following test. STAND NAKED IN FRONT OF A MIRROR. Depending on your results, you may, or may not, stop here.2845_Stehender_Maennerakttumblr_nx6535YqKy1tuj1s2o1_500
If the results of this simple test are to your satisfaction, congratulations. If the results of this simple test are not to your satisfaction, congratulations. The reason for congratulating both parties is that you partook in the test and you got results.

For those of you who are satisfied, stay on your current game-plan. For those of you not satisfied, or perhaps you prefer an alternative game-plan keep reading. Dictionary.com defines game-plan:
1.a carefully thought-out strategy or course of action, as in politics, business, or one’s personal affairs.
2.Sports. the overall strategy of a team for winning a specific game.

My personal Game-Plan for Wellness is also my Philosophy of Life. We have health plans, financial plans, insurance plans, health club plans, etc. If you do not have a ‘Wellness Plan’, I ask you, why not? Most people when asked about if they had a ‘Wellness Plan’ responded they do not have the time.

As you read along, I encourage you, if you have not already done so; write out your own Game-Plan for Wellness and your own Philosophy of Life.gameplan

The “TAKE 5” GAME-PLAN for LIFE/WELLNESS is based on the following two principles:

If your beliefs differ than mine, please stop here. To quote Carlos Santana, “It is really difficult to talk to a cynical person, because that person is already closed-minded. It is like talking to cement”.

Shakespeare says we as humans are nothing more than actors on a stage. During my role as high school Health Teacher, one of my early lectures each new school year was on the topic, ‘I am not going to teach you a darn thing.’ You will decide what if any, you want to take away with you from this class. For those of you who are not interested in learning, I ask you, “What happens when you kick a dead horse?”Beating-a-dead-horse
My response was always ‘nothing, except you will hurt your foot, and I am not going to hurt my foot’. If you ever meet someone who claims that they can teach you something but you do not want to learn, please tell me who they are so I can seek out their wisdom. I subscribed to the wisdom of Socrates only if others permit me.Socrates and teaching-1
The slogan “TAKE 5” came to me in the Fall of 2007. I did not seek ‘IT’, nor did I ask for ‘IT’. It was not until later, I realized that what I had experienced was a premonition. Our oldest son Nick, a freshman at UNLV, discovered college was not for him. Being a Career’s Teacher, and realizing that college is not for everyone, it was a family decision for Nick to seek other options.

While these options were being explored, the slogan of “TAKE 5” appeared in my brain. Nick was a highly ‘competitive spirit’. Sometimes, his ‘competitive spirit’ would interfere with his thought process. It is a well-known fact that the ‘reasoning process’ located in the primary brain Frontal Lobe does not mature until the mid-twenties. In some males, it never matures.eloquent areas of brain
Prior to this slogan of “TAKE 5”, I would always try to encourage Nick, when the situation dictated to pause for 10 seconds and evaluate, unless it was a personal safety issue. Upon agreeing with Nick’s new course of life, we had a meeting. I introduced the slogan of “TAKE 5” to him, and explained the purpose to him.

I told him how it worked. While holding my hand opened, I explained my concept. Instead of taking 10 seconds(which he seldom did), the next time he was in doubt or he felt those competitive spirits coming to the surface, I told him to “TAKE 5”.

Ask yourself two questions while counting your fingertips:

It was with faith and hope that I shared my slogan with Nick. We practiced it a few times. We shared hugs and expressed our love for each other. I believed, if applied when needed, this slogan could make a difference in Nick’s life. As we departed, I was only able to have the faith and the hope that he would use it when the moment came.

On this date in 2007, as I was walking down my stairs, mid-morning, I looked out my window and saw a car stopping in front of my house. On the side of the car, it read Coroner’s Office. Inside of my brain, the pleading began. Earlier that morning, signs were already in play. Signs, I will save for a later potential, post.

I waited for the knock on my door. When the knock came, I do not remember if it matched the pounding of my own heartbeat. As I opened the door, I asked the man if he was seeking directions. He said he was. He wanted to know if this was the residence of Nick Feher. I said it was. He asked if I was Nick’s father. I replied yes. He sought permission to enter. Behind him the ‘INSANITY of DEATH’ trailed.0005524001_10
In my post ‘Inspiration-What is It?’ (In the Inspiration Section), I described moments of my encounter with the ‘Insanity of Death’. After the initial blast, I was faced with a dilemma. Though the slogan of “TAKE 5” was sound, apparently Nick did not use it as part of his game-plan, which resulted in his passing.

Nick had ‘IT’. Nick Feher was born on March 14, 1989, in Henderson, Nevada. He was a loving son, brother, and friend.100_5483
On his tombstone the following words are inscribed:
“Life is not measured by the number
of breaths we take, but by the
Moments that take our breath away.”
RIP Nick
November 27, 2007

Nick graduated from Basic High School in 2007, with a G.P.A. of 4.0. Nick was a hard worker, who excelled both academically and athletically, in several sports. He is most known for his baseball abilities and his time as a baseball player. He played for the Basic Wolves High School Varsity baseball team for 3 years. As a team captain and only senior on the Wolves baseball team, Nick led his team to the playoffs with his pitching and batting performances. He was also the team leader in home runs and RBI’s. Nick was one of those players who could make amazing things happen while bringing excitement to a game. He was a difference maker both on and off the field. His sense of humor brought fun to the playing field, while his competitive spirit brought an intensity that was also contagious. Nick will forever be missed, but will never be forgotten.

As the ‘INSANITY of DEATH’ weakened its grasp on me, another thought of ‘Inspiration’ entered my consciousness. A lesson on life presented itself. There were two stories. There was the story of “TAKE 5”, and the story of Nick’s passing. This ‘Inspiration’ had me combine the two stories and to share ‘IT’ with others.

It was done with the hope, that when others are in doubt, that they too can remember to “TAKE 5”. Perhaps, ‘IT’ can save a life of another, including one’s own. Then they too can become a ‘Difference Maker’ to themselves and to others.daretobeDifferenceMakers3
The combination of the two stories was the beginning of a ‘DREAM’. Over a period of time of seven years, ‘IT’ morphed from a story with the help of others into a PowerPoint Presentation that included the two original stories plus the principles and skills to ‘PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS’.

Nick’s cousin, Nicole in red with her family has ‘IT’.Nicole She designed our brochure which summarizes the principles and skills to PLAY IN YOUR DREAMS.BROCHURE-1BROCHURE-2
‘IT’ was declared ‘Rock Star’ status by the freshman classes of Jackie Gould, Freshman Studies Teacher at Basic High School in 2015.

MY PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE started to evolve around the same time I was taking a graduate class of ‘The Philosophy of Physical Education’ at UNLV during the late 70’s. Dr. Starr introduced me to ‘The Tragedy of Man’. Simply put, it was the difference between a person’s potential (‘IT’) and their achievements. All humans are victims to this with varying degrees. However, the only person one has to answer to is oneself.

The correlation between sporting games and the game of life became crystal clear. There were many similarities. I started to view life as a game.game-of-life
THE GAME OF LIFE HAS A TIME LIMIT. The objective should be to play the game with longevity (quantity) and a quality performance. Each will decide their own road of travel, as Robert Frost writes:

The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost, 1874 – 1963

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

THE GAME OF LIFE HAS RULES: Do you have to play by them? That is up to you. An understanding of these rules are a needed for a quality game performance. These are the rules:
1. The Laws of the Universe.laws-of-the-universe2. The Laws of Nature.tumblr_mj3yo2zn8L1rryhyjo2_r1_5003.The Laws of Religions.reg_div_type4. The Laws of Man.quote-a-man-ought-to-form-in-his-own-mind-an-exact-and-clear-idea-of-what-liberty-is-liberty-is-the-catherine-ii-2173325. The Laws of One’s own Personal Code of Conduct.quote-no-law-can-be-sacred-to-me-but-that-of-my-nature-good-and-bad-are-but-names-very-readily-ralph-waldo-emerson-327620
With The Game of Life defined, a Game-Plan was needed to challenge ‘The Tragedy of Man’ theory and to assist one in achieving desired results. During my time at Matt Kelly 6th Grade Center, to assist my students, Inspiration helped me develop:

Do I want to get better or worse?
Can I outwit my opponent? (Including life)
Cheating is easy, but playing by the rules is more challenging!
If you act enthusiastic, you will be enthusiastic!
5. ENCOURAGE YOUR TEAMMATES! (including yourself)
Be uplifting, NOT discouraging!

A few years later, while teaching Physical Education, at Garrett JHS, in Boulder City, NV, Inspiration visited me again. This Game-Plan was developed to assist one to comply and utilize the LAWS of the UNIVERSE, NATURE, and RELIGIONS. ‘IT’ was called:


1. DESIRE – The Willingness to Pay the Price
2. KNOW THYSELF – Take Time to Discover Your Strengths & Weaknesses
3. FAITH – Strong Belief in Oneself and in One’s Supreme Being
4. LOVE – Love is Not Asking for Anything in Return
5. IMAGINATION – See What you Want and Grab Onto it First Within Your Mind
6. SELF – CONTEMPLATION – Spend Time Alone Peacefully

One more Game-Plan was added to my arsenal in the mid 90’s. Inspiration struck me again. I borrowed another’s proven, time-tested, theory early during my role as a Health Teacher at Las Vegas H.S.

Even though, I personally, practiced these skills daily, I was able to devise an assignment that would test my students, and provide results that could be monitored and assessed. This theory is called:


1. Sleep 8-9 Hours Regularly
2. Eat a Healthy Breakfast Daily
3. Maintain a Normal/Healthy Weight
4. Exercise 3-5 Days a Week (is now modified to 6 days a week)
5. Eat Healthy Foods
6. Do Not Smoke, Drink Alcohol or Use Illegal/Non-Prescribed Drugs

Throughout my adult life, I implemented and stayed true to my Game-Plan, achieving the results I sought. I listened to those who came before me. Clint Eastwood once said that turning 60 was the “new 40’s”for him.respect-your-efforts-respect-yourself-self-respect-leads-to-self-discipline

Upon reading Clint’s remark, in my Game-Plan, I foresaw my 80’s being the new 50’s. Age to me is just a number. It represents the years we have officially existed on this planet. Age does have its benefits, but so does youth.

Personally, age is never a factor with those I chose to interact with. For others, it is quite the opposite. It was refreshing to hear the other day, a friend of my son Mike said to me. I have to stop looking at ages when I look at my friends. You are my friend regardless of our age difference. He then gave me a hug.0516bbc190afe6733606c01ed91841c974347f-wm

‘IT’ is moments like that, where age has no boundaries.051a1708b84b4041888024968062f0f51d9d7a-thumbnail

After Nick’s passing, and during my ‘Transfiguration’ as described in my “Grand Opening Blog” in the Inspiration section, more teachings and principles were being added to my Game-Plan. I called them ‘GEMS’.

First isKNOWINGby Buddha

Believe nothing on the faith of traditions,
even though they have been held in honor
for many generations and in diverse places.
Do not believe a thing because many people speak of it.
Do not believe on the faith of the sages of the past.
Do not believe what you yourself have imagined,
persuading yourself that a God inspires you.
Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters and priests.
After examination, believe what you yourself have tested
and found to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto.

Second, a Poem credited to Samuel Taylor Coleridge


What if you slept?
And what if,
In your sleep
You dreamed?
And what if
In your dream,
You went to heaven
And there plucked
A strange and
Beautiful Flower?
And what if,
When you awoke,
You had the flower
In your hand?

Third, Marcus Aurelius.marcus-aurelius

(Was introduced to me by my friend Greg.) I view Marcus as an ‘olde faithful friend’. In his writings, he shares much wisdom. I travel with:

1. The only thing I can control is what goes on inside of my head.
2. I have no control of others or outside events.
3. The only control I have is how I choose to react to others and outside events.
4. Obstacles define who we are. (Huffington Post writes)

“Aurelius accepted that trials and challenges were an unavoidable part of life, but his belief that life and the universe were fundamentally good helped him to accept the tough stuff. The argument goes like this: Because life as a whole is as good as it can be, the parts of life are as good as they can be, so we should love, or at least accept, every part of life.

But Aurelius took it even one step further, arguing that obstacles are actually our greatest opportunities for growth and advancement. They force us to re-examine our path, find a new way, and ultimately empower ourselves by practicing virtues like patience, generosity and courage.
“The impediment to action advances action,” he wrote. “What stands in the way becomes the way.”

5. View Life as a Friend. (Huffington Post writes this about Aurelius)
True understanding is to see the events of life in this way: ‘You are here for my benefit, though rumor paints you otherwise.’ And everything is turned to one’s advantage when he greets a situation like this: You are the very thing I was looking for. Truly whatever arises in life is the right material to bring about your growth and the growth of those around you.

This, in a word, is art — and this art called ‘life’ is a practice suitable to both men and gods. Everything contains some special purpose and a hidden blessing; what then could be strange or arduous when all of life is here to greet you like an old and faithful friend?

During the early fall of 2013, I started to, without seeking, receiving feedback about my ‘Transfiguration’.IMG_0318 It had been some time that I had seen familiar faces. While attending a memorial service for my children’s Nana, the mother of my children passed on some information to me.

She told me that her mother commented on my appearance. She said her mother had some difficulty distinguishing who was the father and who was the son when I posed for photos with my son Michael.

I received numerous compliments about my youthful appearance that moment, which continues to this very day.

To me ‘Life is a series of moments tied together’. Many similar moments can become an event and some events can turn into a lifetime. Some of these moments and events can be considered ‘Historical’ in nature. I have had my share.

It was one of those moments in the Summer of 2014 when I received an email. It was from Natalie. Though I did not recognize her photo, I did recognize the other person in the photo. It was Nick’s cousin Kirk.photoNatalie had a request. She said that she wanted to change her life’s course. She asked me for my help. Though, I had not ever attempted an online ‘help’ session, I emailed her back and volunteered my services.

‘Inspiration’ was my guidance. As I wrote lessons, I sought more volunteers for my ‘focus group’. Over time, the group expanded to 30. Some provided me with guidance and suggestions. Did all read and/or implement my Game-Plan, I do not know.

What I do ‘Know’ is that 12 lessons have been written with at least 6 more in the development phase. ‘IT’ is my intent to post and share the “TAKE 5” Game-Plan for Life on the internet for others.

How many will read ‘IT’? I do not know. Gandhi says this: “An audience of one is an audience of many”. If I can be that world to somebody then I am grateful for having the opportunity to ‘Make a Difference’.

Recently my friend Greg told me that I still look as I did a few years ago. He said maybe, better.

This is what he text me; “ Age is just a number but I was thinking about it that I’m not at the age yet when you were when you met me crazy. Show me the secrets!!!!:) I will be listening, perfect time to go through the things you said on your web page or going to talk about”.

He was here in Las Vegas recently. Forces took us back to Gilley’s in the TI on the Strip. A couple of years ago, I had an encounter with ‘IT’ in Gilley’s. ‘IT’s named was Rachel. She was a Greek Goddess disguised as a World Famous Gilley Girl. (Next is an image of a Gilley Girl)1888663_647416108630792_1396848666_n-115413_621x320While she seduced me with whatever she was packing under that Gilley Girl Outfit, within the moments we shared, she also told me about the benefits of Facebook. For that, I am forever grateful. Facebook led me to this website.

As Greg and I walked through the Saloon to the Restaurant, I spotted ‘IT’. While waiting to be seated, I continued my observation of ‘IT’. During our meal, I told Greg, on our way out, I wanted to stop and buy a bottle of water and obtain a ‘smile’ from ‘IT’.

He asked who? I replied, “The #1 Gilley Girl in Las Vegas. I was able to obtain from The #1 Gilley Girl a bottle of water, numerous ‘smiles’, her name and permission for a re-visit.

I told Greg her name. He said you mean Nicole, as in Kidman.nicole-bkidman-young-27ff5dcf74535bbc586cea851bcd652c-image-50617 I said no. Her name is Brooke as in a Brook from some enchanted forest. (Brooke did tell me she was Nicole Kidman for Halloween)

During my return visits with Brook (camouflaged as a Greek Goddess) from Colorado, these were the benefits I received : I got ‘Smiles’, attention, dancing and movement in the ‘Art of Seduction’, and ‘knee buckling/staggering’, cosmic shower embraces from the #1 Gilley Girl in Las Vegas.

I told Brooke that I was INSANE and mine is a one man’s experiment, which I ‘Know’ plays extremely well, wherever I travel. My experiment was ‘redefining aging’. ‘IT’ is all about ‘Healthy Hormones’. When it comes to age, I trust my radar. As Plato says, “Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder”.

My Personal Code of Conduct continues to evolve, as it should. I subscribe to the theory of other ‘Greats’. “Humans do not fail. Humans only get results. Unlike in the Art of Sports, there are no losers in the Game of Life.

My recent College Football Pilgrimage taught me lessons. I have learned on my journey to enter only when I am invited. Stay as long as I am welcomed. Depart when the signs indicate. I hold no expectations of others but only to myself. And I try to live within the ‘moment’ with a little hope of the future, for the ‘moment’ is all we have.

Before I close this post, there is one other person that has earned my gratitude. We met in November of 2013. I was in the beginning stages of a new role. I described it once as getting off and on a train. Leave and or take as much baggage as you want. Stay as time permitted at each stop. My concept of ‘IT’ was in the developmental stages.

She was working as a ‘Hostess’ for a restaurant in a Strip Hotel/Casino. We happened to exchange glances, as I was watching the Notre Dame @ Pitt football game on TV near her station. Playing the role of Marcus Aurelius, when the time said to enter, I entered. (Unless I get the OK, I do not use a person’s real photo.)aubrey_divianna_ajatar_the_hostess_by_nikitabluezer-d68j0iu My radar was still a new tool for me. Trusting a new tool, takes a little time. As I approached her, offering my smile and my hand, I was hit with ‘IT’. Her ‘smile’ and her eyes buckled my knees. Her handshake struck a blow to my solar plex region and took my breath away.SolarPexusBlowA relationship was established. Our moments shared were short, but extremely powerful. Forces dictated that our relationship would become one on the internet.

Numerous writings and thoughts that I have shared, or will share with others were originally emailed to the Dgirl, better known as ‘God is My Judge’, over the past two years. Up until recently, she would respond in her own way, not ever passing judgement. Nevertheless, judgement was finally cast.

If ‘IT’ were not for the Dgirl willingness to participate in my INSANITY, my writings and thoughts would not exist. Thank you once again ‘God is My Judge’.51EDa0GiIIL

LIFE IS BUT A TEST. Life is a Game of Longevity that should be played with a Quality Performance. Each new day presents us with a new test. We get to choose our road. We get to map out our destination by using our Game-Plan.

I have opened up the “TAKE 5” Game-Plan for Life Playbook to you. Only you will decide your road.

My road next week for your Friday-Fixins is going to travel down “TAKE 5” Game-Plan for Life–Lesson #1

Remember to bookmark us and tell others about Fox-Feather and his ‘INSANITY’. Until our paths cross again.

About playinyourdreams51@gmail.com

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