“HEAR YE -HEAR YE-HEAR-YE!! IF OUR INFORMATION IS CORRECT, THE LAST NEVADA STATE HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TITLE FOR “YE OLDE” HENDERSON, NV. WAS WON ON MAY 22, 1987 BY BASIC H.S. That means 10,525 days or 1,503 weeks and 4 days have passed since our community has hoisted a championship banner.

To Principal Dave Bechtel of the Basic Academy in Henderson, NV, it has only recently been brought to my attention that his name has been misspelled in previous posts. There was no intent to do so. Our spell checker takes full responsibility for the error.

It has been some time since my last post on this topic. Results have been formulating in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’ and to remain true to our Mission Statement, these results can now be shared with our readers in and out of our community, in order for them to formulate their own opinion concerning the ‘Sanity’ and ‘Insanity’.


In a recent writing, using the wisdom of the greats before us, I have decided to give a name to my current quest. This year’s quest has been christened ‘The 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign’.

“TAKE 5” wants to thank those of you who have demonstrated your support both publicly and privately, for our Facebook page the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation and our website.

During a recent reading from the book ‘The Story of Philosophy’ by Will Durant, Durant shares his insight, by using quotes and stories from those martyrs and saints whose shadows still cover our planet today.

Thoreau writes, “To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live, according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust”.


Francis Bacon writes, Durant adds, “Truth will not make us rich, but it will make us free”.

As the search for the ‘Truth of my Insanity’ continues, a quick review before new news is in order. (For the complete review, refer to our Facebook and website post dated 2/26/16.)

The date for the 2016 Celebration is set. Accepting our invitation was the Henderson Little League. “TAKE 5” also extended an invitation to the 1955 and 1956 Basic H.S. State Baseball Champions and their families thru our Facebook page and website.

A ‘Helping Each Other Agenda’ was emailed to three different leaders in our community in ‘YE OLDE’ NV Henderson resulting in three different responses.


Protecting my rights as a ‘taxpayer’ and for the search for the ‘Truth of my Insanity’ an email dated 10/12/15 was sent to all the CCSD School Trustees and Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky.

In new happenings, an invitation to the local Boys & Girls for the 2016 Celebration has been emailed. We have invited 60 of their All-Stars to be honored alongside the All-Stars from the Henderson Little League. “TAKE 5” awaits their response with anticipation.

Our plea for help in locating the 1955-56 Basic HS Baseball State Champs fell on deaf ears. “TAKE 5” has now reached out to the Basic HS Alumni Group by private message on the group’s Facebook page, with the hopes that they may guide and assist us in our 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign.

If the above three groups, commit to our invitations, the 2016 ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV Baseball Celebration, should establish a new record attendance. Our goal last year fell short with only slightly over 250 in attendance according to the sign-in sheet.


Expectations for this year’s event exceed over 300 attendees. The crowds in recent years have made this Celebration according to the City, the largest private gathering held at the BMAC.For this growth, that started with only 20 in attendance in Nick’s backyard years ago is a tribute to our sponsors, the support of the Henderson, NV Community and others. Last season, because of the quagmire that was uncovered, the Foundation requested to its sponsors to withhold their financial contributions.

This was done to provide protection for their viewpoint of the quagmire. This quagmire is no longer an issue with the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation and all future Celebrations. It is the Foundation’s intent, and with the much needed support of our sponsors and others, to honor THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE of the “YE OLDE” Henderson NV, Baseball Community.

The banners for all past sponsors were proudly displayed at last year’s 2015 Celebration, regardless of donation. Starting this year, and for future years, a new policy will be put into effect outlining the procedures for the display of sponsor banners at the Celebration.


These guidelines will aid in the current and future financial planning of the Foundation. The Foundation looks forward to the contributions of our current and future sponsors, in order to assist the youth in our community and to help them PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE ‘HELPING EACH OTHER AGENDA’. In our 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign, the Foundation states the following on our Mission Statement: To play a part, of the driving, force that helps manifest the dream/goal that brings a State High School Baseball Championship(s) back to “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV.

To honor this commitment with my ‘personal integrity’, more emails were exchanged and a meeting was conducted with the leaders of our community. The following is a written summary of my observations and analysis of the proceedings.


Staying true, as promised in my last posting on 2/26/16, Principal Dave Bechtel of Basic HS was resent on 2/28/16, by email, the ‘Helping Each Other Agenda’.                                 His response echoes his first responseSILENCE.

Head Baseball Coach Matt Iglitz of Foothill HS in his second email to me, due to philosophical differences, claims that by a unanimous vote that the 2016 Foothill HS Varsity Baseball team, declines to participate this year.

In a return email to Coach Matt, I challenged him to a test. There was no right or wrong answer, but only a result. The test was simple. Provide me a time of 60 minutes or less in order to have my retort read to the entire Foothill HS Baseball Team, staff, and all concerned supporters.

Specific instructions included that all in attendance would receive copies of my retort and other information. An option for the dissimulation of the materials was presented.

1. Coach Matt Iglitz could read my retort, which was emailed to him on 3/7/16, to his entire JV and Varsity team, staff, and concerned supporters.


2. Permit me the time to personally read my 5,000 word plus retort to his entire JV and Varsity team, staff, and concerned supporters and answer any questions.Coach Matt Iglitz response reverberates that of Principal Dave BecthelSILENCE.

After exchanging numerous emails, a meeting was finally arranged with Coach David Soto of Chaparral HS on Wednesday 3/2/16. To refresh memories, Coach Dave’s initial reply to our ‘Helping Each Other Agenda’ was, “Thank you so much. As Nick’s former coach and part of the Henderson family we are honored and humbly accept your invitation.”

As Coach Dave and I discussed the Agenda and the ‘Commitment Challenge’, at Chaparral HS, (Remember all items on the Agenda are optional.) Coach Dave invokes the word ‘principal’ into our conversation.

Coach Dave, who has invited me to his school, asks me if I have met with his principal, in order to get his approval to have contact with his team. Being momentarily stunned by his questioned, I gathered myself for my response. I told Coach Dave, that I assumed that with his invitation to Chaparral HS that he had spoken with and received permission from his principal for my involvement. I offered to meet with his principal, if needed.

quote always keep an open mind

Before departing, I told him to meet with his principal if needed, to decide on the direction of Chaparral HS Baseball Team with the Foundation’s involvement. On 3/6/16, I emailed Coach Soto, reiterating our proposal, and to keep options opened.As of this posting, following the wisdom of Becthel, and Iglitz, Coach David Soto’s response is the sameSILENCE.



When I first received the notification from the CCSD, a result was forthcoming. The result of regaining my ‘Sanity’ excited me. However, after reading their reply, it only increased my ‘Insanity’ and for the pursuit of the ‘Truth’.

My 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign continues. I share with you the CCSD official email response dated 10/26/15.

Re: Basic HS Baseball Program
Inbox x

Hazel B. Jackson <hbjackson@interact.ccsd.net>
Oct 26 (6 days ago)

to me

Dear Mr. Feher,

Thank you for sharing your concerns. As the Ombudsman who works with Basic High School, your e-mail was forwarded to me at the Constituent Services Office. As you may know, there are specific requirements for outside groups using Clark County School District facilities.

The group you reference in your e-mail has completed all of the required documents and paid the required fees. Any outside group using CCSD facilities must complete a CCF-410. In addition, groups may be granted an In-Kind Service Agreement by providing a project or donation that requires no additional District resource. Teams not associated with the school, but using their facilities, are allowed to charge for participation.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. I looked at the Nick Feher “Take 5” Facebook page and applaud you for your work with young people in memory of your son. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you.


Hazel B. Jackson, Ombudsman
Constituent Services Office
Clark County School District


THOUGH THE RESULTS DID NOT PROVIDE THE DOCUMENTS THAT I REQUESTED, THE RESULTS DID PROVIDE THAT DOCUMENTS DO EXIST.Using that information, I emailed our CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright, all the other CCSD Trustees, and Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky. A copy of my email dated 11/2/15 follows.


                                      To: CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright 11/2/15

Below (above) is the email, I recently received from Hazel B. Jackson, Ombudsman who works with Basic High School. After you read it, my requests, and questions are listed below it.

Before I present my list, I would like to thank Hazel for her response, and her acknowledgement. However, my request as a taxpayer has not been met.


If an official CCSD form is needed to fulfill my request, (as in example)

Please point me in the proper direction. If not, the following is a list of my requests, and questions. I would very much appreciate you providing me with the results I seek. If you cannot, then please explain or forward me to the proper resources.

Hazel writes: “The group you reference in your e-mail has completed all of the required documents and paid the required fees. Any outside group using CCSD facilities must complete a CCF-410. In addition, groups may be granted an In-Kind Service Agreement by providing a project or donation that requires no additional District resource. Teams not associated with the school, but using their facilities, are allowed to charge for participation.”

If the above statement is true, then as a taxpayer:

001 (2)

1. I formally request a copy of the CCF-410 forms for the group referenced in my first email, for the years 2011-12, 2012-2013, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16.*In the Guidelines for Facility Usage by Non-School Groups, certain procedures are listed and to be followed. If that is the case, the above requested documents, should be available.

2. I formally request a copy of the Clark County School District Facility Usage In-Kind Service Agreement with the group referenced in my first email, for the above-mentioned years.

3. I formally request that under what CCSD Regulation is this statement found: “Teams not associated with the school, but using their facilities, are allowed to charge for participation.”

1. If request #3 is true, can that charge be higher than what the CCSD states in its policy: “Does not charge admission but may charge dues/ fee to cover actual costs.”

2. If the dues/fees exceed the actual costs, then in turn, can the team not associated with the school, make a profit? Would this profit be or not be at the expense of the taxpayer?

3. If and when, the group referenced in my first email, use any facility at Basic High School, are they charged for it? Examples, but not limited to: baseball clubhouse, baseball field, batting cage, other auxiliary outside facilities, plus the use of indoor facilities, including conditioning rooms, classrooms, etc.

001 (3)

4. Can you provide me with a list of all the other schools in the CCSD that are currently in a CCSD Facility Usage In-Kind Service Agreement with other teams not associated with their schools and the names of those teams and/or organization?5. Can the CCSD provide me with a copy of either the project or donation that the group referenced in my first email is making to Basic High School and/or our community?

6. If there are other schools currently in a CCSD Facility Usage In-Kind Service Agreement with other teams not associated with their schools, can the CCSD provide me with a copy of either their project or donation that these teams are making to their schools and/or community?

I want to thank you in advance. I look forward to your response.

George N. Feher


GUESS WHAT RESPONSE I GOT. IF YOU SAID ‘SILENCE’, YOU ARE CORRECT.By referring to the button of Bill Walton, that the ‘Truth’ wants to told and that ‘Silence is Consent’, how can one then interpret the actions of the CCSD? If one applies the principle that their ‘Silence is Consent’, then the CCSD granted me their blessings to pursue the ‘Truth’ to ease my ‘Insanity’.

Since the ‘Silence’ of the CCSD, was only a result, Deanna L. Wright, her other CCSD Trustee Members and Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky simultaneously encouraged me to continue my one man’s campaign for the ‘Truth of my Insanity’.


After their ‘Silence’ grew louder, on 11/23/15, I resent the email of 11/2/15 to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright and to the other cast members of the CCSD. My purpose, since the ‘Silence’ was deafening, was to ease my ‘Insanity’.As a former CCSD Educator, with over 34 years of service, I rationalized that my emails sent on 11/2/15 must not have been electronically received by the CCSD. Even though, each time, I pressed the send button, a message appeared stating that my email had been received.

Following one of my ‘Life’s Principles’, I wanted to do my ‘Very Best’, so I resent my 11/2/15 email on 11/23/15 in order to get a result.

A result did materialize, it was called—SILENCE.



More emails will be released. (My emails are on my personal server. I retrieved them from Hillary’s, before her server was confiscated)

Recently an email and a certified, registered letter were delivered to CCEA President Vikki Courtney and the CCEA Executive Board. Full disclosure of my findings are in their possession. I seek their help and wisdom as my Sojourn as a Taxpayer continues. Perhaps their response may provide the ‘Truth’ to ease my ‘Insanity’. On the other hand, “Who knows”?

For the players, staff, and supporters of Basic HS, Foothill HS, and Chaparral HS the “TAKE 5” offer to the 2016 Helping Each Other Agenda will remain open and on the table for the entire season. “TAKE 5” supports your goals and dreams. As said previously, though our philosophies may differ, our quest is to help a team/individual win a State Title.

If it is your request that your goals and dreams can best be served without the involvement of “TAKE 5”, “TAKE 5” will honor your request for the 2016 season with the hopes that your baseball team will bring home a State Baseball Title.


That would be a ‘great convoluted’ result. Your team wins a State Title, and simultaneously, a claim can be made that in some convoluted way, forces created the fulfillment of the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation Mission Statement.

If space permits in future posts, more tales will be told about our local baseball teams and the happenings in “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV. As March continues its ‘Madness’, follow our 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign on our Facebook page or website.

Remember to bookmark us and tell others about the ‘Insanity’ of Fox-Feather and his Friday Fixins, except for this week.

Until our paths cross again, remember to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.


About playinyourdreams51@gmail.com

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