THE QUEST FOR ‘THE TRUTH OF MY INSANITY’ CONTINUES. OUR 2016 SPRING INSANITY CAMPAIGN TO ASSIST IN WINNING A HIGH SCHOOL STATE BASEBALL TITLE UNRAVELS. For those of you returning welcome back. For those of you, who are new, a review is in order.

For a more in-depth review, please read our previous posts, “TAKE 5”–2016 Quest to Help Win State Title part 1&2.


For a quick review, of what has occurred in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’ in “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV, this is what I know. Principal Dave Bechtel as commander of the submarine, The Basic Academy, has chosen the strategy of ‘Silent Running’ with his captain Scott Baker.

Head Baseball Coach Matt Iglitz, captain of the Foothill HS sub is using the same strategy as Principal Bechtel. Their ‘Silence’ could be construed as consent to my campaign.

Each of these commanders are sitting on their chosen powder keg and dodging other depth charges. Coach Iglitz sits on my 5,000+ words retort. No offer from him has yet been received for me to personally read it, to his entire organization. Nor, has there been any acknowledgement, that he followed my instructions, and read it personally to his entire organization.


Principal Bechtel is sitting on the CCSD sanctioned operation of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox at his campus. On the other hand, if these sanctioned public, documents are not available; can one assume that a crime of fraud and corruption is being committed on the campus of the Basic Academy at the expense of the taxpayers?

Coach Dave Soto of Chaparral High School, text me the following on 3/15/16: “I am so sorry I haven’t gotten back to you…dealing with lots of issues work the program including shortage of players”.

My response on 3/16/16 was: “Thank you for your response. I will email you Monday with updated info that maybe is workable for both your team and TAKE 5”. Coach Dave’s reply was “Thanks”.

This is my email sent to Coach Dave on Monday, 3/21/16.


Coach Soto,

Again, thank you for your response. Due to unforeseen possibilities, The Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation asks the Chaparral HS Baseball team to consider our new proposal.


Since our initial invitation with the Helping Each Other Agenda that was readily accepted by you, forces now dictate a slight change of direction. Since the timing involved affected the Commitment Challenge, a domino effect has occurred.

My quest as a Taxpayer has now become the focal point of our Facebook page and my website. Plans to document your team’s progress during the season with the Commitment Challenge had to be scrapped.

It would be an injustice to you and your program at this time to include the progress of your team under the current circumstances during my 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign.


I ask for your understanding on this issue. The Foundation requests a slower approach as a sign of good faith for the future.

With you and your team’s permission, (principal’s permission is in your hands), The Foundation extends to your team and staff the following from the Helping Each Other Agenda: #2—End of season gathering at Nick’s House, and #4– The invitation to the “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV Baseball Celebration.

With your permission, these two events with your team will be publicized on our Facebook page and website. Your understanding is appreciated.

The results of these two events may then pave the way for the future relationship between you, the Chaparral Baseball program or any other Baseball program under your guidance with the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation.

A response is appreciated.

Thanks,  George

LET THE REVIEW CONTINUE. THE CCSD CLAIMS IN AN EMAIL AS HAZEL B. JACKSON WRITES: “The group you reference in your e-mail has completed all of the required documents and paid the required fees”.

Virginia diagram - ultimate

Using this information, that documents and evidence of paid fees exists, I requested twice from our CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright, in her Flagship Submarine, copies of these documents. Twice the result was ‘SILENCE’ as in “RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP”.


Will Durant in his book ‘The Story of Philosophy’ writes: “But if the government itself is a chaos and an absurdity, if it rules without helping, and commands without leading,–how can we persuade the individual, in such a state, to obey the laws and confine his self-seeking within the circle of the total good”?

Often, I am asked; #1 how did my quest begin? and #2 what results do I seek? Both of those questions are excellent questions. Please let me address both questions.

This quest was set in motion on November 27, 2007 with the knock of the coroner on my door. Unknown to me at the time, forces began to shape my journey. These forces continue to show me the way even to this day.


Over time, I was able to connect the dots. Relationships were formed. Recently, Queen Voodoo Vixen an ‘olde faithful friend’ reappeared. This friend has been written about before. Ours is an unorthodox relationship, but it produces results.

In a recent writing to her, I shared my definition of the word relationship, “Spending well spent time with others with no guarantees”. Included was my rationale. “Fear will never play a role in the results I seek. Especially, when formulating a relationship. For relationships on this planet, provide no guarantees. The only guarantee one has is the current moment that one exists.

I learned this lesson on November 27, 2007 when the coroner knocked on my door. Nick, in a normal world was to outlive me. In this world of Insanity, I was not given the opportunity to say good-bye”.


I thanked Queen Voodoo Vixen for her ‘Inspiration’ of the posting of her photo on her Facebook page on 3/14/16, the date of Nick’s birthday. Forces led the way in the discovery of her ‘Deepest Compassion’.I thanked her for her gift and named the photo, “Angel Compassion”. Her ‘Inspiration’ along with 25 hours of watching ‘The Big Dance’ is part of the fuel as I write this post.

When the sharing of Nick’s story first began in the Spring of 08 at the Basic HS Baseball Banquet, it was done with the intent to ‘Inspire’ others. It was done with the intent to ‘Help Others’. It was not ever done with the intent to uncover a purported crime of fraud and corruption at the campus of the Basic Academy in Henderson, NV. If it was not ever our intent to uncover a purported crime, then how did it happen? The following is a brief synopsis of the relationship between Scott Baker, Dave Bechtel, and “TAKE 5”, (that’s me).

I knew Dave Bechtel from our days teaching together at Las Vegas High School. It was during Michael and Megan’s senior year 2008-09 at Basic HS, that we were reacquainted. Their mom and I felt honored that Principal Dave Bechtel confided in us his concerns of the head baseball coach.


A short time later, the head baseball coach was relieved of his duty. A new one was hired for Mike’s senior year. That experiment lasted two seasons. In 2011, Scott Baker was hired as the new head baseball coach at Basic HS.The Foundation, still with growing pains, had been supporting the Basic HS Baseball program since 2008. With a new, unknown coach, a new relationship would have to be formulated. History told me that Scott Baker attended Basic HS. He played baseball at the school and is recognized for his time in professional baseball. His coaching in the valley was at various sites and positions.

As a sign of good gesture, “TAKE 5” issued a check for a donation to Basic HS Baseball during our initial meetings. In those days all gestures, plans and others were agreed upon verbally.


‘INTEGRITY’ was the motto of the day. A man’s word was his word, not just some of the time, but all of the time. In my world of ‘INSANITY’, ‘INTEGRITY’ is one of the four pillars needed for the foundation of all healthy relationships.

During the 2011-12 seasons, all parties remained committed to all verbal agreements. Another donation in 2012 was made out by check to Basic HS. An invitation to the Celebration was extended to the entire Basic HS baseball program, with no action returned.

It was during the 2013 season, questions of ‘Integrity’ began to surface. Many verbal agreements were still being honored, with one exception. While making out the donation check, I asked Scott Baker to whom should I make this check out?

He replied “Southern Nevada Blue Sox”. Without much thought at the time, I complied with his request with one condition. This donation would be considered an advance appearance fee for his organization’s participation in the 2013 Celebration.


Scott Baker verbally agreed to this condition. However, when the return payment came due, Scott Baker and his organization reneged on his verbal agreement. If a standard written contract had been signed, Scott Baker would have breached his contract.Instead, the result that the Foundation received with our ‘Good Faith’ donation in 2013 was “Fool me once, shame on you”.

At the start of the 2014 season, this result was brought to the attention of Scott Baker. His perception of the verbal agreement for his program’s participation in the 2013 Celebration did not match mine. Then again, I am living in the world of ‘Insanity’, where ‘Integrity’ is valued.

Disagreeing agreeably on this issue, more verbal plans were agreed upon for the 2014 season including his organization attending the Celebration that summer. Calling upon my wisdom, I informed Scott Baker, that his appearance fee donation would be withheld until after the Celebration. He agreed to the stipulation.


Though a few of his players attended, Scott Baker did not. Smacked me right across my head. His indiscretion did not go unnoticed at the Celebration. Those in attendance can attest to that.

During our initial meeting to plot our course for the 2015 season, his indiscretion the previous summer did not go unnoticed. Of course, multiple reasons for the lack of support from his organization for the 2014 Celebration surfaced.

My ears appeared to be hearing, but my brain was thanking God. I thanked God for showing me the ‘ills of my ways’ of previous years. Unlike 2013, 2014 produced the results of ‘no show-no dough’ for his organization. “TAKE 5” saved money.

Prior to the start of the 2015 season, more ‘Insanity’ started to overwhelm me with new ideas. I put these ideas in writing. “Take 5” created its Mission Statement. The Helping Each Other Agenda was also created. My intent was to assist in helping Basic HS Baseball team win a State Title. In our initial meeting, putting past differences aside, Scott Baker verbally agreed to the entire Helping Each Other Agenda.

A few days prior to the first scheduled event, The Commitment Party, the dragon INTEGRITY reared its head in the world of my ‘Insanity’. The following is the exchange of the text messages between Scott Baker and me.


Text Messages Set-2

When this man who is in a leadership position in our community, demonstrated for a third time with me his lack of value for the word Integrity, my ‘Silence’ was not going to give him consent.

Text Messages (2)

A personal email listing 21 things I knew about Scott Baker was composed. This is our exchange of text messages after he received and read my email.


This lack of ‘Integrity’ was blocking my future results in accordance to the Mission Statement of “TAKE 5”. I was acting selfishly. I was prevented access to help the players of Basic HS to PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS, of winning a State Title.

Scott Baker has demonstrated at least with me, the repeated misunderstanding of the word ‘Integrity’. My ‘Silence’ was broken. He chose his path that he travels this day. 3/2/15 was my last communication with Scott Baker, for he never did contact me as written in his last text.


“TAKE 5” continues to plot our own course. While traveling the road of life, interesting discoveries unfolded. Most of these discoveries came to me as gifts and blessings.As mentioned in previous posts, I seek ‘Inspiration’ from others to aid me on my journey and to be the fuel for my writings. Old habits continue to produce fine, vintage, sustenance to feed this passion.

Recently, I was approached in Stoney’s by an employee. Yes, Stoney’s has reopened in Town Square. It was transported back by Star Trek from the Rubicon while I was enjoying my 2015 College Football Pilgrimage.

This employee and I have developed a relationship during my two-year residency. He knew that I wrote for a hobby and asked a few weeks ago, if I would write a review of the Stoney’s Security Force on their Facebook page. I felt honored by his request.

Asking me to write is like giving drugs to a junkie. My response was yes. For the complete review, go to Stoney’s Facebook page. It is written under the pseudonym ‘Nick Feher’. Described within the review is how I use ‘The Show’ to rinse my brain of the past week’s ‘Insanity’, to create more space for the new upcoming ‘Insanity’. It is filled with many gifts and blessings.


The highlight of the night, if the stars are aligned, one might be granted an audience with the Queen. The Power of her Insanity starts to fill the empty spaces in my brain while at the same time creating Tranquility.

This phenomenon as written about previously is known as a ‘Simultaneous Event’. If described on the ‘Polarity Plane’, this result would be opposite actions happening at the same time.

This is a very rare occasion and should be treated accordingly. Prior to this post, the energy, gifts, and blessings, that is bestowed upon me as I venture out into our community, including Stoney’s is reflected in my past posts, as observed by others.

M.A. VIEW of LIFE 001

Marcus Aurelius describes his ‘View of Life’.

I confess to my community, my peers, my friends, and to my family. I too turned a blind eye and covered my ears on my road. Prior to this third display of lack of ‘Integrity’ by Scott Baker, rumors and truths floated past my ears about this fraudulent operation.


For my ‘Silence’, I was granted access to his players. My blinders and earmuffs blocked out the cries and pleas from my community and others. I was guilty for feasting on the results I sought. Forces then freed me from this ‘Silence’. Not all agrees with my course of action. However, not one has stepped forward to show me the ‘ILLS OF MY WAYS’, or a better course.

With this newfound freedom, the dots started to connect. Not once in my travels outside of my ‘Fishbowl’ did I ever ask first about the operations of Scott Baker. The stories of discrimination became crystal clear.


I listened to the stories of mothers, fathers and others describing how teenage boys were being denied access to play baseball at a taxpayer funded public school because their families were unable, because of their financial situation, pay the ‘ADDITIONAL DUES’.This is a case of discrimination. These young men in our community are being denied the right to play scholastic baseball on a taxpayer facility because of their family’s financial situation.


As my Sojourn as a Taxpayer continues, I have a question to ask you my readers. Which of the following possible scenarios would it be easier to substantiate that it could be proven true.

1.A discrimination lawsuit case against The Basic Academy, the CCSD, and Scott Baker.

2.The CCSD providing the copies of the documents and fees collected that they claim, sanctions the operation of Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox on the campus of the Basic Academy in Henderson, NV.

For those of you who picked door #2 welcome to my world of ‘Insanity’. The cost savings for all parties with door #2 would a minimal fraction of the costs as compared to door #1.

If anyone out there chooses door #1 as a possible action to help me discover the ‘Truth of my Insanity’, I will support you anyway I can, except financially.


Personally, I choose door #2. As the roar of ‘Silence’ from the CCSD sang louder over the music of the 2015 Holiday Season, more gifts and blessings occurred in my life as memories relived past Christmases. Using these gifts and blessings as ‘Inspiration’ my quest continued in January 2016. The following is a copy of the email sent once again to our CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright.

Remember, Deanna L. Wright in her oath as a CCSD Trustee, swore to protect and uphold the rights of all the taxpayers, students and CCSD employees in her district, not just a ‘Select Few’. Her ‘Silence’ on this issue can be perceived as a dereliction of her sworn duty.


 TO: CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright   1/6/16                                                                        

It has now been over eight weeks from my initial requests for public documents concerning the legality of the Southern Nevada Blue Sox club baseball organization, headed by Scott Baker, and their operations at Basic High School beginning in 2009.

Yes, Hazel B. Jackson, Ombudsman, who works with Basic High School, has notified me that the Southern Nevada Blue Sox are operating legally under the following two CCSD Regulations.

Procedure for District Facility Use Request (CCF-410)

A. Application for the use of a District building and/or adjacent grounds or any portion there of shall be made through the facility site administrator or designee at least thirty(30) days prior to the date of the requested usage.

B. At the time application is made, the District Facility Use Request (CCF-410) should detail all pertinent facts regarding the program or function for which the use is intended including:

1. A description of the activity, the area of facility, personnel, and the equipment requested.


2. An original Certificate of Insurance, Additional Insured Endorsement, and if applicable, a non-profit status letter.

Clark County School District Facility Usage In-Kind Service Agreement–To qualify for reduced pricing the group must meet the following requirements per CCSD Regulation 3613.

If the above is true, then copies of the agreement between Scott Baker, the Southern Nevada Blue Sox, and the CCSD should be on file. In my previous emails, I have requested if a special form is needed for my request; please send me to the proper channels.

If a proper, public form is not needed, then why has my requests for these above mentioned public documents been denied to me as a taxpayer?



* As a taxpayer, I discovered that Scott Baker, (a non-certified, non-classified employee of the CCSD) through his Southern Nevada Blue Sox organization is collecting through monthly dues, additional fees and ‘spirit pack’ fees for a year, earns for his organization over $100,000 a year.

* As a former teacher of the CCSD, I was appalled that a private organization could earn more than CCSD Teachers, while utilizing the facilities of Basic High School. His earnings far exceed the number of players in his organization as compared to the total number of students in a classroom that a CCSD Teacher deals with daily.

* After reporting my findings to the CCSD, I received an email from Hazel B. Jackson that Scott Baker and his Southern Nevada Blue Sox are operating legally under CCF-410 and Clark County School District Facility Usage In-Kind Service Agreement.

* My two requests for the above proper, public documents have been ignored.


* Please, add to my request the years 2009-2010.

* Include if applicable, the documents that shows the Southern Nevada Blue Sox are operating as a non-profit organization. Include all years starting with 2009 through 2016.


* Once these public documents are made available to me for my inspection and my satisfaction as a taxpayer, my business with the CCSD can end in a result. A result is all that I seek.

* If all is in order as Hazel B. Jackson claims, the paperwork will verify it. A non-response by the CCSD will only further fan the flames of my interest.

* If the CCSD continues to stonewall me on this matter as a taxpayer, other forces with more investigative ability will have to be considered. As a former teacher of the CCSD, my findings on this matter have remained confidential between myself and the CCSD.


* I will not hesitate to take my findings elsewhere. As a taxpayer, and former educator with the CCSD, it would be interesting to see how this scenario would play in the court of public opinion.

* How will the public react to the findings that the CCSD sanctions Scott Baker and his Southern Nevada Blue Sox to operate on the Basic High School facilities on taxpayer’s dollars and earn over $100,000 yearly, or a total of $600,000 or more since 2009?

*If the CCSD discovers that Scott Baker, and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox organization have not been complying truthfully with the CCSD regulations and Basic High School since 2009, what would be the penalty in such a case?


*As mentioned in my first email, I am not a tax expert. However, if Scott Baker, the Southern Nevada Blue Sox and the administration of Basic High School to legitimize their operation, used fraudulent methods during 2009-2016 years others will have to decide.* This is absurd, that a coach of a club baseball organization, with no professional college degree, is sanctioned by the CCSD to set up shop, earns more than our top teachers, and more than double our beginning teachers.

* If this is the perception that the CCSD values monetarily a club baseball coach more than their professional teachers, then it is a story that then needs to be told.


George N. Feher

AS YOU READ THIS EMAIL, THE YEARS WERE INTENTIONALLY EXPANDED TO 2009. This was done to see if anyone in the CCSD was reading my emails and investigating my ‘insane claims’.

Scott Baker was hired for the 2010-11 season. With that being true, then the estimates of his earnings must also be true. Community sources told me the cost of monthly dues, ‘spirit pack fees’, individual lessons, etc. When multiplied by the number of players in his organization his annually salary is over $100,000 a year.


You read correct. In 5 years, Scott Baker has earned for himself and possible others over $500,000 or a half of a million dollars.According to the CCSD, they have the documents that sanction this operation.

Stay tuned. In our next post in about 10 ten days, I will share with you the response of CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright and others. As of this posting, no word from the CCEA. Their ‘Silence’ intrigues me. As more develops, more will be shared.

An email and a certified-registered letter containing all pertinent information have recently been sent to the ACLU-Nevada Chapter seeking their wisdom and guidance.


The Boys and Girls Club have not yet replied to our invitation for the 2016 Celebration. A follow-up maybe in order. “TAKE 5” gives a shout-out to Dina Preciado for pointing out a lead for our quest to invite the 1955-56 Basic HS State Baseball champions and their families to this year’s Celebration. If more leads are out there, please submit.

A ‘Special Thanks’ go out to all for your continued support. Remember to follow us on our website @playinyourdreams.com and/or on our Facebook page–The Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation and share in the ‘INSANITY’.

In response to question #2, “What results do I Seek”? The only results I seek are copies of the CCSD documents and paid fees that verify that the CCSD sanctions the legal operation of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of the Basic Academy.


It is time for me to return to my ‘Fishbowl’. I am going to swim and nibble on the words of Alexander Hamilton

Until our paths cross again, keep PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.

Fox-Feather/’TAKE 5′

About playinyourdreams51@gmail.com

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