


If you want to take a ‘CHANCE’, Pour yourself a cold one, grab some snacks and enjoy the World of my Insanity.

For a quick review, of what has occurred in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’ in “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV, since Part 3. This is what I know.

Ever since this purported Fraud and Corruption at the expense of the Taxpayers in the City of Henderson, was thrown in my face, not once have I asked anyone to join me. Yes, I have sought suggestions, ideas, and feedback from others.


For those of you following my ‘Quest’, your public and private support, suggestions and feedback have been the fuel to power me on my Journey. These blessings and gifts have shined their light on my path and have eased my Road Not Taken

I will be honest with you. In my ‘Insanity’, I thought that one email to all our CCSD Trustees, including our own Deanna L. Wright would put ‘my dog’ to rest. My ‘Insanity’ reasoned with me that as a former CCSD Educator, with over 33 years of service, an official response with copies of the requested documents would be honored.

As with all relationships, there are no guarantees, in my World of Insanity. The CCSD has verified this to me, especially Trustee Deanna L. Wright. Four emails were sent to her office. One was a duplicate. Her lack of response to me as a Taxpayer can be interpreted in certain circles, as an insult to all Taxpayers and residents in the City of Henderson.

In my last post, this is what I wrote: “Remember, Deanna L. Wright in her oath as a CCSD Trustee, swore to protect and uphold the rights of all the taxpayers, students and CCSD employees in her district, not just a ‘Select Few’. Her ‘Silence’ on this issue can be perceived as a dereliction of her sworn duty”.


How many emails/letters to the CCSD does it take a request to be granted? In each of my emails, I have requested to be directed to the proper department to acquire the needed request forms for my ‘Quest’.

Except for one written response from Hazel B. Jackson that CCSD documents do exist sanctioning the legality of the operation of Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox on the campus of the now Basic Academy HS in Henderson NV, “SILENCE” has been this deafening roar.

In my World of Insanity, this scenario is either or. This is called the Universal ‘Law of Polarity’.

1) Documents are in order for my years requested. Proof exists that the CCSD sanctions this operation of Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox. If this is true, then can one assume that the CCSD sanctions the ‘Monetary Value’ of a club baseball coach, without a College Degree, working part-time, with less students, is worth more than our top earning Teachers and twice the salary of a starting Teacher in the CCSD?

2) Documents are not in order for my years requested. Proof does not exist that the CCSD sanctions this operation of Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox. If this is true, then can one assume that a purported crime of Fraud and Corruption has occurred on the campus of the Basic Academy HS in Henderson, NV at the expense of the Taxpayers living in the City of Henderson?


My ‘KNOWING” of the two possible scenarios is this:1) If number one is true, I salute Scott Baker, Dave Becthel, and any others who may have profited from this CCSD sanctioned operation. My position is not to judge how another person earns their keep. If number one is true, all CCSD employees making less than $100,000 a year have now been put on notice that your ‘Monetary Value’ is worth less than a club baseball coach working part-time with no College Degree.

2) If number two is true, then why has not CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright, assisted me according to the oath she swore to uphold when entering the office of a CCSD Trustee.


In my World of Insanity, the facts to support the truth are what guide me. It is a waste of my time, to try to decipher what another may be thinking. There actions and words will supply me with the truth and the facts.


Four emails have been sent to her. Deanna L. Wright has had plenty of time to respond to my requests and provide the guidance that I sought as described by her oath.

My ‘Insanity’ explored numerous possibilities for the results she was providing me. The date is now 2/13/16 or 38 days since my last email to her and her office. A total of 138 days have now been marked with an X since my first email 10/12/15. A revelation occurred to me and said, ‘The CCSD email system must not be functioning properly’.

If the CCSD email system is malfunctioning, CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright could lay the claim that she has not received my previous emails. Another plan of action would be required to earn the results I sought.

A decision to double down with my next and possible last email/letter to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright was made. My first choice was another email with the hopes that the CCSD email delivery system was functioning properly.


Simultaneously, the ‘Pony Express’ would be called into action. I would pay the USPS to deliver a certified, registered, signed returned receipt, to the CCSD mailing address as listed on the CCSD website. The USPS confirmed delivery, electronically and with a signed receipt.



Dear CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright,  2/13/16 My name is George N. Feher. Let me reintroduce myself to you. Before I do, at the end of this letter, attached are the previous e-mails that have been exchanged between me, you, all of the other CCSD Trustees, Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky, and representatives of the CCSD.

I am a taxpayer and have been a resident of the Basic High School zone since 1979. Since you are the CCSD Trustee for my zone, I am reaching out to you personally this time.

My dealings with the Basic High School baseball program during the spring of 2015, uncovered that Scott Baker, a club baseball coach, with the Southern Nevada Blue Sox was earning over $100,000 a year while operating on the campus of Basic High School.

As a former teacher of over 34 years in the CCSD, I was appalled that a club baseball coach, without a college degree in education, could earn more than the top paid teacher in the CCSD. Adding injury to insult, he earns more than twice the current entry-level salary for a teacher in the CCSD.


To rub it in, salt is thrown on the wound, for Scott Baker only conducts one class of 40+,  while the other teachers at Basic High School and the CCSD deal with 5-6 classes daily of 35-40 or more than 200 students a day. I asked myself I contacted you, the CCSD Trustees and Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky via email 10-12-15 with my findings and questions. Hazel B. Jackson on Oct. 26, 2015 via email responded to me the following about Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox.

“The group you reference in your e-mail has completed all of the required documents and paid the required fees. Any outside group using CCSD facilities must complete a CCF-410.  In addition, groups may be granted an In-Kind Service Agreement by providing a project or donation that requires no additional District resource.  Teams not associated with the school, but using their facilities, are allowed to charge for participation.”

Things I know:


1.Your CCSD Trustee seat is up for election in 2016.2. If the above response by Hazel B. Jackson is true, then the CCSD should have copies of all the required documents, required fees, CCF-410 forms, In-Kind Service Agreement, and all other pertinent documents for the years as requested in my previous emails.

3. If you, Deanna L. Wright, agree with the statement of Hazel B. Jackson, then as a CCSD Trustee, you too must agree with statement number two.

4. If you, Deanna L. Wright, agree with the statement of Hazel B. Jackson, then one can assume that you, as a CCSD Trustee, sanction a club baseball coach making over $100,000 a year on the Basic High School Campus, for a total of over $500,000 for the last 5 years.

5. If you, Deanna L. Wright, agree with the statement of Hazel B. Jackson, then one can assume that you, as a CCSD Trustee, sanction that the monetary worth of a club baseball coach using the facilities of Basic High School, without a college degree, is worth more than your top earning teacher in the CCSD, and more than twice the starting teacher entry level salary.

6. As a taxpayer, I have requested four times for copies listed in statement #2. My requests have not been answered. I have also requested guidance to obtain the copies in statement #2, again no response.


7. The Nevada Revised Statute Chapter 239 clearly explains the Nevada Open Records Act. I am not a law expert. Currently, my requests, as a taxpayer, for public documents are being denied. If that is true, then you, the other CCSD Trustees and Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky are in violation of NRS Chapter 239.During my career in the CCSD, I have shared my core principles of life with others. Not much has changed since then. These principles include: ‘Be the Best You Can Be’, ‘Help Others’, and ‘Value Your Own Personal Integrity’.

Each day presents a test of those principles. There is no right or wrong answer. Our choice in this test will provide only a result.


In my quest for these documents, my core principles are being put to the test. Since I value my own ‘personal integrity’, I will share with you my game plan and will let the future results unfold.

  1. I, George N. Feher, request as a taxpayer, from you, CCSD Trustee, Deanna L. Wright, or your office, copies of the requested documents as listed in #2 of ‘Things I Know’. If a form and/or fee are due, please guide me to the proper office.
  2. A reasonable due date for my request will be Friday, March 4, 2016. If more time is warranted, please contact me.
  3. If my request is not met to my satisfaction on or prior to my due date, the following actions will commence on my behalf.
  4. I will contact the following entities and share with them all of my correspondences with the CCSD. I will seek their guidance and their wisdom. I will let them decide if what I have uncovered is worth their investigation. Perhaps their investigation, will lead them beyond the Basic High School Campus. I will have done my ‘very best’, in ‘helping others’.

1) Every local media outlet in Southern Nevada

2) Clark County Education Association

3) American Civil Liberty Union

4) Other

With an election year in progress, one cannot predict, how the results will turnout. If you are seeking re-election, your actions on this matter will have an effect on the results of election night.

This is your test. There is no right or wrong answer, only a result. You may have to face your voting public on this matter. There are many sides to this issue.

1. Do you side with a club baseball coach or with your teachers when it comes to salaries?

2. If the documents in ‘Things I Know’ #2 are in order, why are copies not being released to me pursuant to NRS Chapter 239?

3.If these documents are not in order, is this a minor infraction or a criminal offense for those involved not following the procedures and regulations of the CCSD?


4. If a private organization profited, while using a CCSD campus, funded by taxpayers, without complying with the CCSD procedures and regulations, would this be a criminal offense of fraud, corruption and/or graft?5. If a suspected crime has been committed, under whose jurisdiction would this investigation fall? Would it be the CCSD Police Department? Or, would it be reported to the Henderson Police Department, or both?

Regardless the choice, you or others make concerning this issue, if the results are not to my satisfaction, I will continue my campaign on my Facebook page. I will let my correspondence with the CCSD, with you and others speak for themselves. My readers can then decide what is what. My Spring campaign is about to bloom. What story do you want to contribute?

A copy of this letter has been mailed to your office via Certified Mail by the U.S Postal Service.  Thank you for your time. If I can be of any assistance, please contact me. I look forward to your response.

George N. Feher




As a long-time former member of the CCCTA, now the CCEA, it was in my blood to contact them about my discoveries. I was following the wisdom and guidance of CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright.

My correspondence with the CCEA followed the same format as my last correspondence with CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright. An email and a USPS certified/registered letter with confirmed delivery was sent to the CCEA office.



To: Vikki Courtney–CCEA President–3/11/16

My name is George Feher. I am currently enjoying the fruits of my labor after serving over 33 years in the CCSD and as a longtime member of the CCEA. (CCCTA)

CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright directed me to the CCEA for your wisdom and guidance, concerning a matter that may be or not be of interest to the CCEA and its members.

I will let you and the Executive Board decide if what I have uncovered is worth an investigation into the relationship of the monetary value of a head club baseball coach using the Basic HS facilities and your teachers at the same site.

Attached are my emails that have been exchanged with CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright, representatives of the CCSD and me. I was appalled when I discovered that Scott Baker, a non-certified employee, head baseball coach of the Southern NV Blue Sox and head baseball coach at Basic HS was earning over $100,000 a year for his organization while operating on the campus of Basic HS.


My math says he makes more than the top paid teacher and twice the starting salary of a new one in the CCSD. I said this is ‘Insane’. I asked, “How can this be”? Being a taxpayer and former educator in the CCSD, my quest for my ‘Sanity’ for this answer began.My journey has led me to you. Deanna L. Wright and other CCSD Board Members, plus Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky have violated my rights as a taxpayer according to NRS Chapter 239, by denying me copies of the public documents, I have requested. These public documents should substantiate the CCSD claim that the Southern NV Blue Sox are legally operating under the CCSD Regulations and Guidelines.

My position on this matter is thoroughly explained in my emails. My spring campaign is under way. You can read my post on 2/26/16 at the Facebook page Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation. For a picture book story of the same post, I invite you to my website @ playinyourdreams.com to read “TAKE 5”—Quest To Help Win a State Title.

Gary Chaires

More than 30 readers gave thumbs up to my post on Facebook. Some were from out of town. Others live here in “YE OLDE” Henderson NV.  The most impactful name on the list was Gary Chaires. Gary Chaires is remembered for his many years of service to the community as an educator and counselor at Basic High School. He is honored for his achievements as a Head Baseball Coach at Basic HS, by having the Basic High School Baseball Stadium named after him.

Myself, Coach Chaires, and others in the Henderson community want to know what position does the CCEA take on this issue. Your response will be reprinted in future postings on my Facebook page and website.

After you, digest thoroughly the attached emails, you will have questions. Community members, without me asking, disclosed the monthly fees and the ‘spirit pack’ fee. It was easy to do the math.

When thoroughly digested, please respond to the following questions. Add any questions you may have for me, and if the CCEA has an official position on this issue, include it in your response.

1. CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright with her ‘Silence’ gives consent that the CCSD should have copies of all the required documents, required fees, CCF-410 forms, In-Kind Service Agreement, and all other pertinent documents for the years as requested in my previous emails to the CCSD. Do you agree or disagree with her ‘Silence’? Why or why not?

2. CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright with her ‘Silence’ gives consent that she agrees with the statement of Hazel B. Jackson. One can then assume that as a CCSD Trustee, she sanctions a club baseball coach making over $100,000 a year on the Basic High School Campus, for a total of over $500,000 for the last 5 years. Do you agree or disagree with her ‘Silence’? Why or why not?

3. CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright with her ‘Silence’ gives consent that as a CCSD Trustee, she sanctions that the monetary worth of a club baseball coach using the facilities of Basic High School, without a college degree, is worth more than the top earning teacher in the CCSD, and more than twice the starting teacher entry-level salary. Do you agree or disagree with her ‘Silence’? Why or why not?

4. Do you plan to investigate this issue to protect the monetary value of your CCEA members as compared to a club head baseball coach, without an Education Degree, operating on the Basic HS campus? Why or why not?


5.In seeking your wisdom and guidance as directed by CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright, is this issue, ‘new business’ as usual? In addition, is it universally accepted by all employees of the CCSD? If it is, or not, please explain.

My final argument, as a former Educator in the CCSD, for the release of the requested documents is to even the playing field so that your CCEA members, if they choose, can follow the blueprint of the Southern NV Blue Sox in how to set up a ‘Private Entity’ after school on a CCSD campus to earn extra money.

Since CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright, with her ‘Silence’ sanctions this, and/or other ‘Private Entities’ on a CCSD campus that earns more than your top earning teacher and twice the salary of a beginning teacher, the very least she should do is release the documents, for your hard working, underpaid, and underappreciated CCEA members.

By doing so, more than a chosen few, will have this information. It is called “Equality for All”. If I were a current employee of the CCSD, I would be asking Trustee Deanna L. Wright of the CCSD, which is an Equal Opportunity Employee, why am I being discriminated against by not being able to access the public documents and blueprint used by Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox?


Deanna L. Wright in her oath as a CCSD Trustee, swore to protect and uphold the rights of all the taxpayers, students and CCSD employees in her district, not just a ‘Select Few’. Her ‘Silence’ on this issue can be perceived as a dereliction of her sworn duty.I look forward to your response as I continue my one-man 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign. If you as the Executive Board of the CCEA, unanimously agree that this is not an issue worth investigating, your decision will ease my ‘Insanity’.

I can then say, I have done my best. When my ‘Insanity’ stops, it will be, because results were achieved. Silence is Consent.

Thank you for your time. A copy of this letter, has been sent to your office by the USPS. My contact info is below.

George N. Feher




My ‘Personal Integrity’ remains in tack. I did my best to reach out to help others. As Marcus Aurelius teaches: The only thing we have control over is what goes on inside of our heads. We have no control over outside forces, but only how we react to them.


On a side note, their ‘Smiles’ will be their gifts and blessing, I greedily look forward to. Speaking of ‘Blessings and Gifts’ they just keep coming.


My fuel is to use the Inspiration of others as I write. A ‘Revelation’ has appeared to me while writing this post. ‘Revelations’ share similarities of an ‘Epiphany’. My personal life has been blest with a series of ‘Epiphanies’. Some were more powerful than others were but each shared similar traits.

My first ‘Epiphany’ struck me when I was 23 years old. It was during our annual summer gathering for our friends and others. There was of a fee of $20 to attend this three-day ‘Summer Festival’.  It started Friday afternoon, ending at sundown on Sunday.

This fee entitled you to eat and drink all you want. Kegs of beer were the choice of many. Hard liquor, wine, soda, water and personal drugs of choice were also served. Food was cooked throughout the day and night. Our town, Aliquippa, Pa was a steel town that operated 24 hours a day.

‘The Injun’ With Panthers

The location of this party was on a private piece of property owned by one our friend’s family. His name was Jim. In our circle, his nickname was ‘The Injun’. It was a beautiful piece of land situated near a creek out on the outskirts of our town. A small shack was built on the property. It was our haven.

Known throughout the county, this ‘Summer Festival’, to accommodate the shift workers, sleeping on the property was an option. Lunch was served first. Dinner followed at sunset. The grills remain lit 24 hours a day. At sunrise, breakfast was served until lunch. Dinner followed at sunset as the cycle continued.


It was the time to share ‘Relationships’ with others with no guarantees. Old relationships were rekindled and new ones were created. It was Saturday night as I talked to my dear friend Dave. There was a group of us, because of our high school football days, we ran in the same circles. The group membership fluctuated around seven, with a core of five.

Our chosen group name was—F.O.S.S.It was an acronym for the FULL OF SHIT SEVEN. In our days, the ‘SHIT’ was hot and heavy. There were times that this Philosophical Shit was so deep; you needed waders to walk out. Lessons of life were shared. Each of us brought our own individual wisdom, while simultaneously being blest with the wisdom of others.

We argued, we fussed, a few pushes or punches may have been tossed. No matter the storms, we knew that we would always have each other’s back. No papers were signed. Our word was our contract. ‘INTEGRITY’ was valued and taught in this steel town of Aliquippa, Pa.

Most of these men, women, and children regardless of their ethnic background were hardworking, honest, helping one another, citizens. Neighbors, the elderly and even strangers, shared values. Our eyes and ears soaked in all of this.

As Dave and I are having a deep philosophical ‘Bullshit’ session, my very first ‘EPIPHANY’ struck me. The force was so great; IT knocked me down into a well-placed chair. Without this chair, the ground was my next option.

We were discussing retirement. Remember, 23 is our age. One of my benefits of playing football on a ‘full ride scholarship’ at Pitt was traveling to the away games. You were exposed to the different climates and scenery of our great country.

While working as a Graduate Assistant on the football staff of Johnny Majors, I was rewarded with a trip to the Fiesta Bowl in Tempe Arizona for 7 days mid-December.


Coach Majors and his brilliant staff welcomed me with opened arms. Coach Majors and I had formed a ‘Relationship’ four years earlier. We met a few times on the recruiting trails my senior year in high school. Coach Majors offered me a ‘full-ride scholarship’ to play on his team at Iowa State University.

I chose Pitt instead. When Coach Majors accepted the job at Pitt four years later, I went in unannounced to his office. I wanted to congratulate him and offer my support. My Freshmen Football Class at Pitt has taken the blame for this ‘Major Change’ in Pitt Football. In our four years, giving it our best, sad to say, we went from bad to worse.

In those days, the Football offices were small with an open area upon entering them. As I am walking through the corridor to Coach Majors’ office, Coach Majors is walking towards me. Four years have passed. Thirty pounds have been added to my frame. My hair is almost shoulder length. I extend my hand to greet him as he does to me. I said congratulations Coach Majors on your new job at Pitt.

As we shook hands, I asked him if he remembered me. He replied, “Yes” and said, “You are George Feher from Aliquippa, PA”.  I was blown away that he would remember me. Coach Majors and his staff shared their wisdom about football and life with me.

In four seasons at Pitt in 1976, with Tony Dorsett, another Aliquippian, leading the charges, Coach John Majors wins a National Football Championship for my beloved Pitt University.

Greatness is what I was exposed to that one season. It takes a Great Head Coach with an equally Great Staff and Great Players to win a Title, let alone a National Championship.


The sun in Tempe beamed on my face as I wore a t-shirt and shorts. Snow, freezing rain, and very cold temps were the standard normal winters in Western PA. The power of the sun in Tempe was more to my calling.As Dave and I continued our ‘deep shit’, my life up to this point was being formulated. I chose Pitt because of its locality being only 30 miles from Aliquippa. My life was being carved out for me as we spoke. Two job offers were presented to me to teach and coach football at local high schools.

Up until now, I saw my future. After 30 plus years of teaching and coaching in the Western PA area, I would retire to the desert. As Dave listened intently to my ‘Bullshit’, I paused for a moment as we stood in silence.


Dave then looked at me and spoke. I do not know if was the ‘Summer Festival’, the ‘Relationships’ shared, the alcohol or possible drugs, Dave then shared with me his wisdom. He resembled a great oracle, wearing glasses. He was personally sent to me.He looked me right in the eyes and with his words delivered me a body blow that would literally knock me off my feet. In effect he said, “Why wait until you retire to move out West. If you want to live, where the climate is more suitable for you, move out there now.”

WHAMO!! A force not ever experienced before struck me with such power down I went. Thank God for the placement of that chair. Sitting there feeling stunned, I must have looked out of sorts. Dave asked if I was OK. I replied, “I think so”.

Recalling the teachings of my daily Catholicism brainwashing for the first eight grade levels of my schooling, I recognized this experience to be ‘spiritual’ in nature. I declared to Dave and others as I gathered myself. I have just had an ‘Epiphany’.


I told all available listeners that if my older brother Gene, who was a resident of Las Vegas, would assist me with a start, I was moving out West to Las Vegas. I would drive my 1971 Ford Pinto, with the exploding gas tank, across the country.My future plans suddenly shifted. Dave was the ‘Oracle’. His words told me to PLAYIN MY DREAMS and for me to go now. Do not wait. The worst I realized that could occur if my Dreams did not become reality, back to Western PA I would return. I would return to PLAYIN MY DREAMS that were from another dream.

With my bother Gene, on his honeymoon touring Italy, seven days would be my wait. In those days, cell phones were someone else’s dreams. Plans were formulated as I waited. My older brother, in my brain, would step up to the plate and deliver as he did many times before with his family. He would welcome me with open arms.

Sure enough, upon his return, he and his new wife agreed to help me with my new start. For without their act of kindness, I would not be writing this post from my ‘Fishbowl’ in Henderson, NV.


‘REVELATIONS’ HAVE BEEN SENT TO MY ‘FISHBOWL’‘Revelations’ are similar to ‘Epiphanies’. Unlike Epiphanies that are sudden and an extremely powerful force, Revelations may take time. Its force may or may not resemble an Epiphany. My personal experience with Revelations is that other outside forces contribute to its production.

One ‘Revelation’ rocked my ‘Fishbowl’ on Sunday 4/3/16. A major impact occurred, which caused a loss of water in my ‘Fishbowl’. My heart-rate sped up, out of control as my lungs search for the tiny molecules of oxygen remaining in my bowl. Without the levels of oxygen needed, my brain relaxed my body and put me to sleep. When I awoke, the water lost was replaced.

Upon awakening, I traced the beginning of this ‘Revelation’ with the start of a visit from other family members. It was my middle brother John and his wife Kathy. John is four years older than I am. Him and I are never short on the ‘Bullshit’. Some of our bantering may get testy, but all in ‘good fun’. We test the limits of each other.

John knows of my 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign. Unlike our younger sister, who supports our Campaign publicly, John says he does not have the time to read about my ‘Insanity’. He claims that his ‘Insanity’ keeps him entertained enough.


However, he has shared his wisdom with me during our phone talks. Our personal paths have not crossed for about 18 months. During their stay at my house, their plans included a trip to the Sequoia National Park to visit the ‘sacred trees’. It is the largest concentration of sequoia trees in the world.

A few years ago, I received a blessing from a smaller grove of these ‘sacred trees’ in a State Park near Yosemite Ca. I subscribe to the teachings of John Muir, the founder of the Yosemite Valley. John Muir believed that one could experience a close relationship with God in Nature.

All of my past experiences in Nature confirmed his teachings. In my World of Insanity, I asked John and Kathy if possible, to bring me back some remnants of these ‘sacred trees’. In my brain, perhaps these 3,000 year old plus trees might provide me relief from my ‘Insanity’. My Campaign was producing results, however not the one I wanted.


It was time to call in The Giants. When in doubt, seek forces with more power to help achieve the results you seek. On Tuesday 4/5/16, my gift and blessing arrived. I thanked John and Kathy. Their gift was placed on my kitchen table, resembling a centerpiece.Throughout the day, I observed and analyzed my gift. The Giants were speaking but the message was garbled. I reflected on the past few days as I listened to The Giants.

Monday night’s NCAA Men’s Championship Basketball Game provided me with blessings. Not only was it an extremely, hard fought, well-played game, the last two shots made were written for a Hollywood movie. I always tell people that College Basketball is the ‘Greatest Reality TV Show’ on TV. The beginning of the season does not resemble the end of the season.


Growth is the name of the game. It is not where the teams start; it is when, will the season end. Only one team remains supreme. Only one Champ, for all others it is second place or less. I was treated to ‘Gooseflesh’ during the Championship Game.The Final 4 produced its own results, with one blowout and one entertaining game. The blowout that was created was a ‘Historical Event’. It was the largest point differential in a loss in a Final 4 game. I was invited by my friend, Greg in Houston, on short notice to attend the 2016 Final 4.

Five years earlier, accepting Greg’s invite to the 2011 Final 4 in Houston, we were blest with a ‘Historic Event’ during the Championship Game. It is a record that Greg and I should take to our graves with us. Butler University shot only 18%, according to Jim Nance.

18% is lowest field goal percentage ever shot by a team in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship Game. Each new College Basketball season is now viewed with added interest.

When the 2016 Villanova-Oklahoma game ended, from my ‘Fishbowl’, I immediately text Greg at the game. The following are my texts: “You witness history for semi-final largest win spread for semi-final of 45”. “You are capable of creating ‘Historical Events’, to think I declined.”  “Or did I create it with my decision”?

Greg replies, “Haha”. I text back, “And all for you”.


Voltaire remarked that ‘Chance’ is a word devoid of meaning, and Schiller wrote, “There’s no such thing as chance; and what to us seems merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny”.The wisdom of these two greats were put to the test on Thursday night 3/31/16 in Stoney’s. Let me set the table. Thursday night was designated my ‘Promotion Night’. In my current life, Thursdays are the end of my seven-day cycle, with midnight striking the gong to start a new one.

Thursday night would be my two-year anniversary with Stoney’s. If my papers were in order and with the approval of the Sheriff, my promotion from my sophomore year to my junior year would be official.


To enhance the night, it also included an invitation to Dgirl, known, as God is my Judge. For her guidance the past two years, plus her gift of ‘Moonlight—A Starlet in a Dress’, I wanted to reciprocate her generosity. I had a gift for her. Though the ‘Chance’ of her attending was extremely slim, a ‘Chance’ did exist.

When entering Stoney’s, I shared my ‘Insanity’ with key individuals. All who would show up tonight would be there for my benefit and I for theirs. Everyone would partake in my Promotion Party.

The management of Stoney’s unknowingly participated in arranging the special entertainment. For two years, only a DJ directed the music from his booth on a Thursday night. For my Promotion Party, Stoney’s for the first time during my tenure, arranged a live band.


It was an honor that they would recognize my contributions and my Promotion Night. Other guests included the regulars. There were special guests. The Potential Queen and her court arrived. I spotted the Matadors, Matt and Jim. Matt and Jim with their dance skills always display the beauty and talents of their various partners throughout the night.

I have tipped my hat to their performances many times. I spotted the Alpha Female Cat, and her entourage. We momentarily spoke. The ‘Exotic Dancer’ was in attendance along with the Vixen and others.

As my band played, with me leaning against a post, a rush of energy passed by. I turned to my right for a quick gaze. A female with a long dark mane and in a sarong skirt wearing a long sleeve blouse, stopped for a moment. She turned her head slowly as to take a peek back.

In that flash, another ‘Epiphany’ slammed into my ‘Solar Plex’ region. Another blessing occurred. It was the Dgirl, or an extremely close resemblance. Quickly turning, she took a few more steps with her girlfriend. They stopped and words were exchanged.

Turning their heads together, they looked back. It appeared that that they both agreed that I was who they thought I was and quickly walked to the other part of the club.

An unknown male was standing next to me as I declared to him that I have been struck by a bolt. I have given credit to Dgirl for her initial explosion during our first encounter. It occurred the night of the Pitt-Notre Dame Football Game, November of 2013 in her area of employment.


Her force reopened my jammed, clogged ‘Solar Plex’. In certain beliefs, this is the area that keeps one’s soul. Outside energy could now more freely enter my soul. This ‘Epiphany’ stirred memories of my Epiphany when I was 23. This force did not knock me over, but it sure in the hell stunned me. I wobbled back to my viewing area to regain my composure.

My cell phone rings, it the half-time of the Pitt-Notre Dame game. The name appears. My friend Dave is calling from the game from Heinz Field. It was an exciting game and it was also the F.O.S.S. annual Football Weekend. It was a weekend that I originally helped to create years ago.

The Gang1
The Boys At The Game
All of us

The Football Weekend was now, and currently is, one of the most prestigious weekends in Aliquippa, PA, during the football season. F.O.S.S. and it has now morphed into a glorious weekend of rekindling relationships and building new ones. Its popularity of double-digit consecutive years once made the local newspaper. The title of the story was, ‘The Boys Are Back in Town’. Though we were now adult men, we were able to act like teenagers. The ‘Boys’ could share our ‘Philosophical Bullshit’ once again. I have the best friends in the world. The reason that I say that is they are not ‘judgmental’. Wisdom is offered and shared with ‘Smiles’ and laughter.

Plans for this event are now scheduled 6 months ahead. Attendees now travel from various regions of our country for the weekend. My plans did not include the Football Weekend during November 2013. My College Football Pilgrimage for my second year included Oregon and Oregon State Universities. Finances, or lack of, cannot include both events.

Dave is busting my ass for missing the Football Weekend. He respected my decision for not attending. As our conversation continued, I told him that another ‘Epiphany’ had just struck me. He laughed as I explained to him what recently transpired. After hanging up the phone, I asked myself, “Is this by ‘Chance”?

As I am stunned in Stoney’s by the possible sighting of Dgirl, the same question pops into my brain, “IS THIS BY CHANCE”?

The answer for this question and other questions deserves its own future post. In time, perhaps my ‘Insanity’ will ease and make sense of it and the ‘Epiphany’ that was also created when the Potential Queen unveiled herself to me.

The Sheriff of Stoney’s and I have agreed that he would preview my post titled, ‘My Promotion Night in Stoney’s’, after completion for accuracies. A message will appear for the ‘Likes’ of the Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation for this post and my review of ‘The Grand Opening of the T-Mobile Arena and the Extra Ticket’. My ‘Insanity’ continues.



REVELATION #1—As a resident since 1975 in the Vegas Valley, I have contacted by phone, letters and email various officials at different levels of public office with the City of Henderson, The County, The State, and The Feds.

CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright is the first public elected official to not personally, or by her office respond to the requests of my email and letter. Her ‘Silence’ has given me permission to share my observations and analysis of her non-action.

I have never met the woman. Her photo is available on the internet. CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright is experiencing the well-known syndrome named, “My Shit Does Not Stink”. Apparently, she must be so deep in it within her submarine that she is immune to the gut, wrenching stank, that has encased our beautiful Henderson Valley.


Attention CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright if you are in reach of my message. A very wise man once told me. “Opinions are like ass-holes. Everyone has one. Some of them stink”. Deanna L. Wright, in my opinion you no longer represent me as a CCSD Trustee.

Others may support you, but not I. Why? Because your ‘Shit and Ass-Hole’ stinks and are permeating its stank upon my Henderson Hills. I will be taking the following actions to prevent this most unpleasant, gaseous, putrid odor from taking foothold on my property.

A banner will read in full display for all to see and bear witness to. The following words will be imprinted. ‘Anyone but the Stank of Deanna Wright for CCSD Trustee’.


REVELATION #2—Becthel and Baker are now in their two-man Sub with nowhere to dump their ‘Shit’. With more ‘Shit’ being thrown their way by the residents of ‘Ye Olde’ Henderson, NV and new loads arriving, they may have to start eating their own ‘Shit’ to survive.

REVELATION #3—Coach Matt at Foothill thinks that by ignoring my invitation that somehow he will sail off in his sub unscathed. Coach Matt, do what you think is best for your team as its Captain. My decision will be based on what I think is best to bring a State Baseball Title back to ‘Ye Olde’ Henderson. I will make a public deal with you. Win a State Baseball Title in 2016, I will put my head between my ass and smell my own ‘Shit’ as I remain silent.

On the other hand, do not win the 2016 State Baseball Title, I will print my unwelcomed ‘retort’ and let your players, supporters, and my readers decide whether the ‘Shit’ you are selling stinks or not.

REVELATION #4—On late Friday 4/8/15 as I was on my thrice a week walk in nature, a thought of ‘Insanity’ entered my brain. It said, call the CCSD and ask for help. A phone call was placed to the main switchboard on Monday 4/11/16 early afternoon. My situation was explained to the operator. I was transferred to the constituency office.

Marleen (?) answered my call. After again explaining my call, she put me on hold. She informed me that Hazel was busy. Surprised, I replied, “Is that Hazel B. Jackson”? Marleen said yes and informed me that Hazel was busy. After taking my cell phone number, Marleen said that Hazel would call me as her schedule permitted. I thanked her, then disconnected.

As I was finishing the final touches on this post, my thoughts switch to Hazel. Hazel and I had a ‘Relationship’. Hazel B. Jackson is the Ombudsman who works at Basic High School. Hazel as a representative of the CCSD, on Oct 26, 2015 emailed me the following:

“The group you reference in your e-mail has completed all of the required documents and paid the required fees. Any outside group using CCSD facilities must complete a CCF-410.  In addition, groups may be granted an In-Kind Service Agreement by providing a project or donation that requires no additional District resource.  Teams not associated with the school, but using their facilities, are allowed to charge for participation.”

My 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign has gone full circle. Hazel in her previous email expresses herself with the quote, “I’m so sorry for the loss of your son.  I looked at the Nick Feher “Take 5” Facebook page and applaud you for your work with young people in memory of your son.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you.

Fake Dictionary, Dictionary definition of the word assistance.

A gift/blessing occurred. Hazel said; do not hesitate to ask for assistance. Wisdom said to conduct my plea by email. This is what I wrote.



My journey on my 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign brings me back to you. Marleen(?) in your office was kind enough to forward my message to you.

For 6 months and 5 emails to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright, my requests to her has resulted in ‘silence’. According to NRS Chapter 239, Nevada Open Records Act, a taxpayer upon request, with proper payment, should be able to obtain copies of the public documents that the CCSD (You) say exist. See your email dated 10/26/15.

I am seeking your help as offered. Could you or someone in the CCSD, please direct me to the proper channels to acquire the correct forms/documents in order to submit my official request to the CCSD?

With the proper request forms for public documents, then I will be able to achieve the results that I seek.

Instead of calling me, please inform me via email of the direction that I seek.

Thank you,

George N. Feher


Hazel B. Jackson’s response if any will be shared in the next post. My letter to the ACLU will also be shared.


Our road continues. A result will be forthcoming. With that in mind, let us plan and follow the words of Robert Frost.

LET ME END MY SESSION ON A ‘TALE of CHANCE’. It is mid-November 2015 on a Thursday night in Stoney’s. Long pants on women are becoming the standard wear for most, because of the chill in the night air, in our beautiful desert.

There are times; I stay within my comfort zones and times I venture out of it. I am not one to hesitate to compliment another, especially, if one deserves one. In my sight, I am enjoying the scenery.


A female attracted my attention. Her tight jeans accented all the right curves. For you ladies out there, before you leave your place wearing tight jeans or those stretch pants, do not use your ‘Magic Mirror’ at home. These pants can enhance your display, or they can harm your display. There is no place to hide minor or major faults.

I follow the teachings of Plato. “Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder”. As time entertained me, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and take a ‘Chance’. This display deserved a compliment. Compliments with sincerity are usually well received.

Compliments with sincerity and humor usually produce a ‘Smile’. Though our paths may have crossed before, this woman and I were strangers or familiar strangers according to Abraham Maslow. Maslow states that we all start off as strangers with one another, until an action or dialogue dictates otherwise.

The old cliché ‘Breaking the Ice’ is true. A ‘Chance’ has to be taken. Results will occur. Once results occur, I get to choose my course of action next. My ‘Insanity’ plays a game of serve and volley when formulating a new relationship. My partner and I will determine the length of this game.

When the opening appeared, I ventured into her space. She caught only a glimpse of me as I gently grasped her upper arm. I leaned in and said in a voice only she could hear, “whoever designed those jeans, definitely had your ass in mind’. I backed away as she turned. With a ‘Smile’ and then a ‘Laugh’, she said thank you.


I ‘Smiled’ back and walked away. The ‘ICE WAS BROKEN’. Complete strangers no longer. A relationship had started, which was based on ‘Integrity’, for what I said in my eyes was the truth. That moment was well-spent time with another with no guarantees. Though brief, energy was exchanged. I named this energy—‘Chance’.Later that night as ‘Chance’ drifted into my area with her entourage, our eyes made contact within a short distance apart. Having my attention, she then says, “I got these jeans off the 12.99 rack.” I laughed as she flew away like a Hummingbird. My ‘Insanity’ said, “Game on”.

One of my many sayings, that I have shared with my children is, “Clothes do not make a person. A person makes the clothes”. ‘Chance’ could have been wearing a $1,000 pair of designer jeans. Her attributes would not have been defined any differently.

Our paths crossed again at times. Strangers no longer, we acknowledged each other, but not with many words. This past Thursday at Stoney’s as I went on my Halftime break for coffee and other snacks, ‘Chance’ mysteriously appears.

From the street, for a short cut, one must travel a very short path of rocks. From the street, you go up. From the parking lot, it is Polar opposite. You go down. Care needs to be taken each way. If not, a slip could result in a fall. My concentration is on my feet both ways.

Making it to the top, I looked up and standing in front of me are two women. One is ‘Chance’. We exchanged ‘Smiles’ and I said, “Be careful on your way down”. Both agreed and down they went with the friend of ‘Chance’ leading the way.

I stood observing and analyzing. When ‘Chance’ made the street, she stopped for a moment and turned her head to my direction. Glances and more ‘Smiles’ were thrown and caught. I walked to my truck and thought to myself, the second half should be interesting.


Without the Potential Queen and no Dgirl in sight, ‘Chance’ decided to entertain me within the area that I stood. Her energy saturated the space. She was holding ‘Court’. Her performance was worthy of a ‘Historic Event’ on and off the dance floor. She played the area as though she owned it. Her attention was mine and deserved a compliment.

Initially, she shook off my gesture with one of her own as she ‘Smiled’. When a refill was in order, she neared to the bar within my arm’s length.  I slid over, and told her the following that only she could hear, “I have been coming in here for two years. Each time, I have seen you in a different outfit. And each time you have looked fantastic”.

With a new drink now in her hand, she started to slide away. I caught her arm and said my nickname for you is ‘Chance’. She ‘Smiled’ and ‘Laughed’ as I told her that when we meet it seems to happen by ‘Chance’.

Before letting go of her arm, one final question remained. I asked ‘Chance’, “How often do you turn your head and check out the guy who is checking you out”? As she walked away with another ‘Smile’ and ‘Laugh’, she replied, “Not Very”.  I laughed and smiled as I resumed my position in my nest to observe and analyze the night.

A new relationship with no guarantees was forming. ‘Chance’ and I are no longer familiar strangers. Our relationship according to Maslow has taken on a new meaning. We are now in the beginning stages of ‘acquaintances’ and unknown territories.

As with ‘Chance’ and other relationships, I will enjoy them as Marcus Aurelius teaches. ‘Life is an ART., that is suitable to be played and enjoy by both Gods and men. Others will tell me when it is time to exit. Others will tell me when it is time to enter. Others will welcome me to stay.

Bob & Friends 2

Thank you for staying throughout this extended post. My journeys will continue. With me, I will always carry the wisdom that my friend Bob, the QB, once shared with me. Bob and I had a very unique relationship. It started in the ninth grade.

I wanted to play QB or tight end on offense and linebacker on defense. The commanders of our high school football team had other plans. My older brother Gene, who I looked up to, earned a ‘full-ride scholarship’ to the University of Maryland for his skills as a Center and Linebacker.

Without my input, the 9th grade coaches declared me a Center on offense and a LB on defense. My center position put me in constant contact with Bob’s hands. He placed and rode his hands up and on my ass, more than any other person. I snapped more footballs to him than any other QB.

We practiced in shorts, in pants, in the heat and humidity. Sweat poured from my ass along with the stench of ammonia and other foul odors. Not once in four years did Bob ever say to me, “Your asshole smells and stinks”.

However, a few years after Nick died; Bob and I were rekindling our relationship during a F.O.S.S. reunion and ‘Football Weekend’. As time went by, and our comfort zone increased, he looked me right in the eyes and this is what I remembered, (He called me Fox in reference to my high school nickname.)


“Fox, you are like an ‘Olde Faithful Dog’. Our years apart are more than our years we spent together. Time has not changed you one bit. You are as loyal as you were when I first met you in the ninth grade. Your road has not altered your values at all. It is an honor to call you my friend”. With tears trickling from my eyes, I told him, “Back at you”. Bob and I shared an embrace along with a ‘Historic Moment’.

In closing, I want to thank all that I have mentioned in this post and others who have supplied me with the ‘Inspiration’ for this post.

In time results will be known. Does the CCSD sanction the operations of Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox or do they not? Keep following my ‘2016 Spring Insanity Campaign’ and other stories on my website @ playinyourdreams.com

While you do, I am going on a Nature Pilgrimage out of town via an invitation from my friend Greg. A few years ago, Greg excitedly shared with me his lifelong dream. His spouse Rachel, and him were going to start construction of their beach house in California.

I shared in his joy and happiness. I know how hard the difficulties that him and Rachel had experienced on their road to financial success. Enjoying their fruits of labor and planning for their future was on their menu. When completed, he told me to expect an invitation to visit.

I thanked him for sharing his dream with me. I shared with him one of my dreams. I told him, that my financial situation would probably prevent me from owning a beach home. However, in my dreams, I dreamt that a friend of mine, might one day own a beach home, and invite me to visit. We both laughed and said DREAMS can come true.


Does ‘Chance’ play a role? One will not know unless one takes a ‘Chance’.

Until our paths across again, remember—PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.

Fox Feather/’TAKE 5′

About playinyourdreams51@gmail.com

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