Since my last post, many blessings and gifts have been sent my way in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’. I want to thank you for your continued support of my 2016 Spring Truth of My Insanity Campaign. Shout-outs go the following:shoutouts John Moiseve is attempting with his Basic HS alumni database to help contact the 1955-56 Basic HS Baseball Teams in order to invite them to this year’s Celebration.

These teams are credited for the first two state baseball titles in Basic HS History. It is the Foundation’s intent to honor them and their families at the 2016 ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV Baseball Celebration on Friday 6/17/16. By doing so, the theme of ‘PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS’ can be shared with the entire baseball community.

Dina Preciado if you are reading this, I tried to PM you on Facebook about Shawn, but your page was not accepting PM’s. If anyone else reading this knows Dina or Shawn, please have them PM me. Additionally, all help is needed for my quest to honor our first two baseball state title winners in what some might consider to be a ‘Historic Event’.

My friends Greg and his wife Rachel also deserve a shout-out. When time permits, I will share with you on my website, the blessings and gifts that I received as an invited guest to their ‘dream beach home’. (Not real image)yThe views, sounds, touches, smells, tastes, mixed with ‘Time Well-Spent With Others With No Guarantees’, was the ‘Revelations’ and ‘Epiphanies’ that were needed to help fuel my 2016 Spring Campaign.

The ‘Mighty Balboa’, the Pacific Ocean, repeatedly showered me with its greatness and power. Sleeping with my window open, the Pacific sang a lullaby, and gently caressed me, while rocking me to sleep.

Stoney’s and its cast deserves a nod. Since my last writings, many surprises have occurred within the Magic Castle.magic-castle-logo ‘Chances’ have been taken with unpredictable results. The ‘Potential Queen’ granted me two brief audiences while displaying her UN-yielding power of Insanity and Tranquility.

Two stories were completed. My first was the ‘T-Mobile Grand Opening Pilgrimage’. The Sheriff and the PQ of Stoney’s is currently reviewing, for discrepancies, my story titled ‘My Promotion Night at Stoney’s 3/31/16—Part 1’. If found agreeable, it might be published on my website in the future.

With all of that and then some, plus The T-Mobile Grand Opening, I was ready to continue my one-man sojourn as a Taxpayer in my Quest for the Truth of My Insanity. The Long-Winding Road is coming to an end.long-windy-road My 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign has found a place to hang its hat and for my ‘dog’ to rest. The 2016 Campaign continues.

If you are new reading this, a long or quick review, is in order. For the long review, I encourage you to read Parts 1-4. The quick review is the following:

CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright no longer represents me. She is the only public official since 1975, to not  respond to my letters, emails or phone calls. Apparently, as described in my last post, she suffers from the well-known syndrome ‘My Shit and Ass-hole Does Not Stink’.

Cures for Deanna Wright’s malady can be found on the internet. One indicates that answering the requests of her constituents in her district can ease her ‘STANK’.1168499



ATT: ACLU-Nevada Chapter

My name is George N. Feher. I have been a resident of Clark Count, Nevada since June 1975. I do not know the value of my case, but CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright referred me to your office to seek your guidance and wisdom.

During my time in Clark County Nevada, 33 plus of those years, my role in the community was an Educator employed by the CCSD. Last spring of 2015, my involvement in the “Ye Olde” Henderson NV community, as the Executive Officer of The Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation, uncovered questionable practices in the use of taxpayers’ money at Basic HS.k17781266

At the time, I discovered that Scott Baker, a club baseball coach of the Southern Nevada Blue Sox has been operating as a private entity on the campus of Basic HS (Now the Basic Academy) since 2011 thru the present day.

It is estimated, according to community sources, this questionable operation earns over $100,000 a year for a total of over $500,000 the past five years.

As a former educator, I was appalled. My first thoughts as the facts were presented to me, I said, “This is insane”. How can a club baseball coach, with no Education Degree, working part-time, using taxpayers’ facilities earn more than the top earning Teacher, and twice the amount of a starting Teacher in the CCSD?

The quest for ‘The Truth of My Insanity’ has led me to the ACLU. I do not know if this case is of any concern of the ACLU or falls within your parameters. I do not know if the ACLU can assist me, or guide me, to achieve the results I seek.

I am only following my ‘Personal Integrity’ as explained to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright in the attached emails. The CCSD claims in the attached emails that Scott Baker of the Southern Nevada Blue is operating legally within the guidelines of the CCSD.CCSDWebtile

The CCSD since October 2015 has denied my numerous formal requests for copies of the requested documents to substantiate their claim of the legality of this operation at Basic HS.

In one of my emails, CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright was notified that this obstruction is in violation of the NRS Chapter 239, Nevada’s Open Record Act.

As a taxpayer, my resources are more limited than yours to obtain the results I seek. I seek the copies of the public records of the CCSD to verify their claim that the CCSD sanctions the operation of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of the Basic Academy with or without taxpayers’ expense.

It is only one opinion of one taxpayer. The ‘Silence’ of the CCSD leads one to assume, that these public documents, that I have requested, do not exist. If that is the case, can one then assume that a crime of fraud and corruption has been committed at the taxpayers’ expense on the campus of Basic HS, in Henderson, NV?final-disfunctional-anti-fraud-compliance-2-638

My campaign for this quest was revealed to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright in an email dated on 2/13/16. The ACLU is another stop for guidance and wisdom.

This quest for ‘The Truth of My Insanity’ is being documented on my Facebook page, The Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation and my website playinyourdreams.com

If it falls within the policy of the ACLU, would the ACLU respond to the following questions?

1. Will the ACLU respond that my email/letter has been received by their office?

2. Is this case of any value to the philosophy of the ACLU? Why or why not?

3. If a taxpayer suspects a crime of fraud and corruption at the expense of taxpayers is being committed on the campus of the Basic Academy, in Henderson NV, which law enforcement agency would this purported crime be reported to?by-law-vehicle Is it a local issue for the Henderson Police department since the Basic Academy is in Henderson, NV? On the other hand, since the CCSD offices are located in Clark County NV, which stores records and documents, would the jurisdiction follow under the Metro Police department? What role, if any, would the department of the State Police play?

4. As a taxpayer, whose rights under the Nevada Open Record Act, NRS Chapter 239, are being denied by the CCSD, what law enforcement agency or other agency can I notify concerning this violation of the CCSD?

Attached are all of my emails/letters with the representatives of the CCSD. Included is also a copy of the letter/email that was delivered to the President and the Executive Board of the CCEA.

The CCEA was officially notified of this purported crime or sanctioned practice of the CCSD operating on the campus of Basic HS. Questions were proposed to the CCEA concerning this issue. (See attachment)

In your response, if you can guide me in my quest for the ‘Truth of My Insanity’, I would be grateful. In the event, that this case does not fall within the guidelines of the ACLU, could you please point me to the agency or agencies that may be able to offer assistance.hands-holding-colorful-word-assistance-multi-ethnic-letters-to-form-39389104

I thank you for your time. My contact information is below.

George N. Feher–Taxpayer


Dear Mr. Feher:

Thank you for filing a complaint with the ACLU of Nevada. A copy of your
submission is provided below. We will review and respond to your complaint in
the order in which it was received by our office, and it may take as long as
30 to 60 days to review and respond to your complaint. You will receive a
response from our office via email unless you specified otherwise on the
complaint form.

Please be advised that this is NOT a promise of legal assistance. Please also
be advised that there may be deadlines or statutes of limitations that affect
your lawsuit or grievance. To protect your rights, you may wish to consult an
attorney to find out what deadlines apply in your case. Do not wait to hear
from us before proceeding.

The ACLU of Nevada is committed to redressing civil liberties and civil
rights violations. Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we cannot take
the vast majority of cases that are presented to us, even those concerning
serious injustices. If our office does not pursue your complaint, that does
not mean it is without merit, and should not dissuade you from pursuing
whatever remedies are available to you. Finally, we appreciate you alerting
us to social and legal problems in Nevada, as that is vital to our
organization’s work.

ACLU of Nevada

THE EFFICIENCY OF THE ACLU COMPUTER GENERATED EMAIL REPLY SURPRISED ME.screen-shot-2014-09-01-at-3-52-18-pm Up until now, my previous emails and letters to others attained only one response to date. That was from Hazel B. Jackson, Ombudsman for Basic HS on Oct. 26, 2015. Hazel wrote:

Dear Mr. Feher,

Thank you for sharing your concerns.  As the Ombudsman who works with Basic High School, your e-mail was forwarded to me at the Constituent Services Office.  As you may know, there are specific requirements for outside groups using Clark County School District facilities.

The group you reference in your e-mail has completed all of the required documents and paid the required fees. Any outside group using CCSD facilities must complete a CCF-410.  In addition, groups may be granted an In-Kind Service Agreement by providing a project or donation that requires no additional District resource.  Teams not associated with the school, but using their facilities, are allowed to charge for participation.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your son.  I looked at the Nick Feher “Take 5” Facebook page and applaud you for your work with young people in memory of your son.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you.


Hazel B. Jackson, Ombudsman

Constituent Services Office

Clark County School District

IT WAS ON 4/6/16 THAT HAZEL B. JACKSON EMAILED ME A SURPRISE,surprise-01 after I placed a call to the CCSD Main Office Operator on Monday 4/4/16. I was seeking info to request a form, to request copies of the CCSD public documents that sanction the operations of Scott Baker at the Basic Academy.

Hazel writes me on 4/6/16.

“Mr. Feher,

Please contact Ms. Cindy Smith-Johnson at (702) 799-5865 and let her know that you would like to submit a public records request”.

SURPRISINGLY, AFTER 5 REQUESTS TO CCSD TRUSTEE DEANNA L. WRIGHT FOR THE ABOVE INFORMATION, it took only one phone call to the CCSD switchboard to receive a response.

Apparently, CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright is not privy to this information to assist her in fulfilling requests from taxpayers.

‘TAKE 5’ commends Hazel B. Jackson for doing her job in a timely manner.

I will be honest with you; I did not open Hazel’s email until Sunday 5/1/16. My reasons were I was enjoying writing on other topics. Previous experiences have taught me in order to write at my very best; only one writing project is enjoyed at a time.

Multi-tasking does not produce the quality of projects. Studies now indicate that multi-tasking lessens the quality of projects produced. By concentrating on just one project until completion, one will produce better results.schwartztWith one project completed with quality results, one can move on to the next project. If one believes that, he or she will run out of projects or things to do, please contact me and share with me your secrets.

On Sunday, May 1, 2016, it was time again to revisit my 2016 Spring Truth for my Insanity Campaign. With other projects completed, and with new ‘Inspiration’ for fuel, I was ready to continue my sojourn as a Taxpayer.

I knew from the beginning that eventually I would have to find a place to ‘Hang my Hat’, and find a spot for my dog to rest. My stops along the way did not provide me with the results I sought.action-6The CCSD, except for Hazel B. Jackson, remained silent on this issue. The CCEA chose the same silence. The ACLU-Nevada Chapter provided some hope. With news from Hazel, the ACLU may now view my case differently.

Relying on the wisdom and cries from our Henderson Community and others, a plan was formulated. Two stops remained on my journey. One stop would be for my hat and my dog. The second stop would be to alert the ‘Watchdogs of our Society’.

One reaches a point in life where you have to put your faith and trust in other human beings, when formulating a relationship. Remember, my definition of a ‘Relationship’ is “Time Well-Spent with others with no guarantees”. With my last two stops, a relationship would be formed.quote,love,relationship,life,truth,wisdom-cffba5db96ae6ddb7c8793e03d89ddd9_hAs my plans unfolded, I have no expectations of others. I only enter when invited. I stay as long as I am welcomed. I leave when the exit sign turns on. I decided to take another ‘Chance’. Fear would not play a role in the results I sought. Humans do not fail. Humans only get results. Results are what I sought.

Allen Ginsberg’s wisdom was welcomed. “Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don’t care who is listening”.

My first stop to ‘Hang my Hat’ and for my dog to rest, would be the Mayor and the City Council of Henderson, Nevada.mayor_and_council_1 My ‘Insanity’ was telling me that perhaps they could provide me with the wisdom and guidance I sought.

Once attaining our City Council’s blessings, it just might ease my ‘Insanity’. The following is a copy of my letter that has been verified, received by the Mayor’s office on 5/4/16. It is not until the end of the letter, that Hazel’s email is opened. Strategically, it was exactly what was needed to complete my letter.


TO: Honorable Mayor Andy Hafen

Henderson, Nevada

My name is George N. Feher. I have been a resident of Henderson, NV since 1979. My original settlement was on Fullerton Ave. Henderson was at that time a one High School town, with a population of about 18,000 people with visions of more high schools to come.

My time ‘Well Spent’ living in Henderson resulted in having a career in the CCSD of 33+ years as an Educator. After relocating in the same neighborhood, to higher ground on Hull Street in 1990, I was also blest to raise a family of three children,

CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright with her wisdom has directed me to you and the Henderson City Council regarding an issue that was thrown in my face the spring of 2015. This issue involved the Basic HS Baseball program.1280px-Basic_High_School_MountainAs a Taxpayer, with you and the City Council being staunch supporters of local control of the CCSD schools in our city, CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright determined that this issue was well worth being brought to your attention.

How you proceed with this information will be your road to chart. My road has led me to you and the City Council. Using my ‘Personal Integrity’, I have followed the course that I have outlined to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright.

This issue with the Basic HS Baseball program is well documented on my Community Facebook page, Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation and my website @ playinyourdreams.com. You, the City Council and others are invited to read my documentation of this issue. The posts on my website are titled “2016 ‘TAKE 5’ Quest to Help Win a State Title”– Parts 1- 4. More parts remain unwritten.

Since it is well documented, I will try to be brief in my explanation about this issue. The Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation was established with the kind generosity of our Henderson Community and others after the death of our 18-year-old son Nick in November of 2007.

The Foundation primarily assists, when invited, to support baseball at all levels and other endeavors in ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV. What started as a small gathering of 20 at Nick’s house to celebrate baseball has now morphed with the help of others to the ‘YE OLDE Henderson, NV Baseball Celebration.IMG_1177This event has been held annually at the BMAC the past few years, with each year breaking a new attendance record. With the invitations this year including 60 All-Stars from the local Henderson Boys/Girls Club, another record crowd of 300+ is expected.

City staffers have told me, that this event is now the largest annual private event held at the BMAC. It was during my role as the Executive Officer of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5” Foundation during the spring of 2015 that this issue with the Basic HS Baseball smacked me in the head.

Since I was not wearing my batting helmet at the time, the blow was so intense that my current condition of ‘Insanity’ resulted from it. I discovered that Scott Baker, head club baseball coach of the Southern Nevada Blue Sox had formed a partnership with Principal Dave Bechtel. This partnership started in the 2011-12 school year.

Scott Baker, who is a head club baseball coach, is not a Certified or Classified employee of the CCSD. With no Education Degree, he earns over $100,000 a year on the campus of the Basic Academy. With the blessings of Principal Bechtel and the CCSD, Scott Baker has earned for himself and possible others over $500,000 the past five years.thumb-rc This rough estimate has been verified by others in the Henderson Community.

Upon my discovery of this, I declared to myself that this is ‘Insane’. How can a head club baseball coach be worth more than our top paid teachers and twice the entry-level pay of teachers in the CCSD?

The Quest for my ‘Sanity’ resulted in my 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign as a Taxpayer. Attached are all my emails exchanged with CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright and others.

My ‘Knowings’ on this issue are many. These ‘Knowings’ are included in my various writings. Many questions remain unanswered, with more formulating each day. CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright has remained silent on this issue. Does her ‘Silence’ indicate that the CCSD sanctions this operation of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of the Basic Academy?

CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright is the first public official at any level in government, to not respond to my emails, letters, phone calls, etc. either personally or from their office, since  my arrival to the Las Vegas Valley in 1975.getimage.exeBefore starting my one-man 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign, I knew that my investigative abilities would be limited as a Taxpayer. My intent from the beginning was to retrieve copies of the CCSD documents that sanction the operations of Scott Baker.

If these public documents existed, then verification would prove that Scott Baker a club baseball coach operating on a CCSD campus in Henderson, Nevada was monetarily worth more than our CCSD teachers with an Education Degree plus advance degrees.

If not all of the CCSD documents since the 2011 school year to the present were in order, what then would be the penalty if any? If a purported crime of fraud and corruption occurred on taxpayers’ property, to what agency does a Taxpayer report this?

If a ‘Private Business’ is operating on taxpayers’ property in the City of Henderson without all the proper CCSD documentation, what would the legal ramifications be? Can this be considered ‘Fraud’ at the expense of the Taxpayers in the City of Henderson? If money were being collected from this ‘Fraudulent Activity’, would it be ‘Corruption’?stock-photo-corruption-in-word-collage-131523950My ‘Knowings’ include that this operation only exists at the Basic Academy in Henderson, Nevada. Not one other high school baseball program in the City of Henderson conducts this source of operation.

If this is true, then why is the Basic Academy under Principal Bechtel imposing an unnecessary, illegal tariff/tax on the parents of the teenage boys who want to play baseball at the Basic Academy?

Evidence in the community indicates that because of this illegal tariff/tax, teenage boys have been discriminated against from playing high school baseball at Basic HS because family finances prevented their participation.12829273-Definition-of-the-word-Discrimination-underlined-with-red-marker-on-white-paper--Stock-PhotoEvidence also shows that the estimate for one player to play high school baseball at the Basic Academy for four years including Legion Baseball and travel ball is between $15,000 and $20,000.

Some will argue that certain parents support this operation with the hopes of College Baseball Scholarships for their sons. This argument does not support those families and players that have been or will be discriminated against in the future.

The total costs that parents have to pay for their sons to play baseball at the Basic Academy is close to the cost that my family incurred for two children with the help of the Millennium Scholarship for two Education Degrees from Nevada State College. Is this ‘Insane’ or not?

As elected officials of the City of Henderson, I, George N. Feher, Taxpayer seek your wisdom. Which local government entity decides what is best for all of their constituents and community members? Is it the CCSD? Is it the City of Henderson?

Is it a joint agreement with the CCSD and the City of Henderson? If the leaders of our City disagree with the image that a CCSD school program projects, which government entity supersedes the other?0c4668bbd39d573f8fa8c4c4f868c073This is a multifaceted issue with many layers of ‘Insanity’. Relief from my ‘Insanity’ is what I also seek from you. Retrieving the CCSD documents was the result I sought to put my ‘Dog’ to rest. Any documents supplied to me would have to be from the CCSD Central Office not the Basic Academy.

My plan was to then share these documents with others with more wisdom and authority. For my authority in this issue is limited. As a Taxpayer, I could only investigate and share my findings with others. Then let these others decide their course of action.

As elected City Officials, your course of action is where my 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign will start to unwind. As the leaders of our community, I will hang my hat, after one final stop, on your decision.

My final stop will be with all of the major media outlets in Southern Nevada. The results I seek are the easing on my ‘Insanity’. Result 1 could be that the CCSD sanctions the private operations of Scott Baker on the campus of the Basic Academy.

This result will then prove that the CCSD agrees that the monetary value of a club head baseball coach is worth more than any other employee in the CCSD earning less than a $100,000 a year. It will also prove that the CCSD sanctions the discriminatory actions of Principal Bechtel.hqdefaultResult 2 could be the CCSD does not have all of the necessary requested public documents sanctioning the private operations of Scott Baker since 2011.

If this is a result, then what is next?

Hazel B. Jackson, Ombudsman for Basic HS writes me the following on April 6, 2016:

“Mr. Feher,

Please contact Ms. Cindy Smith-Johnson at (702) 799-5865 and let her know that you would like to submit a public records request”.

If the elected officials of the City of Henderson determine what I have shared with you is worth a more thorough investigation, you have my permission to contact Ms. Cindy Smith-Johnson on my behalf.

If need be, I stand ready to discuss with you or any other investigative authority concerning this matter. A certified/registered letter has also been mailed to your office.

Thank you for your time.

George N. Feher–Taxpayer

ONCE THIS PROJECT WAS COMPLETED TO MY SATISFACTION, ONE MORE STOP REMAINED. IT WAS TIME TO CONTACT THE ‘WATCHDOGS OF OUR SOCIETY’.german-shepherd-breed-of-dogThe ‘Watchdogs’, better known as the ‘Free Press’, would be my last stop, before returning home. Deanna L. Wright in her wisdom guided me to them. Relying on my ‘Personal Integrity’, perhaps the ‘Watchdogs’ could ease my ‘Insanity’.

Before my first steps were taken on my sojourn, I packed many tools and directions. Authority was not among them. I had no authority on this issue. My role could only be as an investigative storyteller. Once facts and issues were disclosed, my only choice would be to present them to others with more authority and wisdom.

Clarence Darrow shared his wisdom.clarence-darrow-quote-chase-after-the-truth-like-all-hell-and-youllPerhaps the ‘Watchdogs’ could find the answers and the results I sought to ease my ‘Insanity’. Results and answers from the CCSD were my original destinations. One minor obstacle still remained. Would the ‘Watchdogs’ consider my story as newsworthy?

Most of you reading this have your own opinion about this issue. My feedback indicates that a vast majority believes that this issue is newsworthy. However, some may claim, this is a minor issue and does not merit news coverage.

Personally, it is not my decision to make. My control is in the process of disseminating information and letting others decide their course of action. The ‘Watchdogs’ will have their say on this issue. All I can do is observe and analyze, then have according to Buddha, a ‘Knowing’.

My ‘Knowing’ will then have a direct effect on my ‘Insanity’. A result will be achieved. Will it be one that is fair, honest, non-discriminatory and benefit others? Will I agree with it? I do not know Sam I am. However, I will accept it and learn to live with it.

Green two-way street sign pointing to Fix It or Live With It, telling you to choose whether to work to improve a situation or accept an imperfection and be tolerant of a problem
Green two-way street sign pointing to Fix It or Live With It, telling you to choose whether to work to improve a situation or accept an imperfection and be tolerant of a problem




My name is George N. Feher. I have been a resident of Henderson, NV since 1979 after moving to Las Vegas in 1975. My time ‘Well Spent’ living in Henderson resulted in having a career in the CCSD of 33+ years as an Educator.

CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright with her wisdom has directed me to you for your wisdom and guidance. CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright has determined that this issue was well worth being brought to your attention.

How you proceed with this information, that will be disclosed to you will be your road to chart. My path has led me to you. Using my ‘Personal Integrity’, I have followed the course that I have outlined to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright.

It was during my role as the Executive Officer of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5” Foundation during the spring of 2015 that certain issues with the Basic HS Baseball program struck me like a bat.hqdefaultSince I was not wearing my batting helmet at the time, the blow was so intense that my current condition of ‘Insanity’ resulted from it. I discovered that Scott Baker, head club baseball coach of the Southern Nevada Blue Sox had formed a partnership with Principal Dave Bechtel. This partnership started in the 2011-12 school year.

Scott Baker, who is a head club baseball coach, is not a Certified or Classified employee of the CCSD. With no Education Degree, he earns over $100,000 a year on the campus of the Basic Academy. With the blessings of Principal Bechtel and the CCSD, Scott Baker has earned for himself and possible others over $500,000 the past five years. This rough estimate has been verified by others in the Henderson Community.

Upon my discovery of this, I declared to myself that this is ‘Insane’. How can a head club baseball coach be worth more than our top paid teachers and twice the entry-level pay of teachers in the CCSD?

The Quest for My Sanity resulted in my 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign as a Taxpayer. Attached are all my emails exchanged with CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright and others.

This issue with the Basic HS Baseball program is well documented on my Community Facebook page, Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation and my website @ playinyourdreams.com. The posts on my website are titled “ ‘TAKE 5’ 2016 Quest to Help Win a State Title”– Parts 1-4. More parts remain unwritten. You are invited to share my ‘Insanity’.William_Hogarth_019My ‘Knowings’ on this issue are many. These ‘Knowings’ are included in my various writings. Many questions remain unanswered, with more formulating each day. CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright has remained silent on this issue. Does her ‘Silence’ indicate that the CCSD sanctions this operation of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of the Basic Academy?

CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright is the first public official at any level in government, to not respond to my emails, letters, phone calls, etc. either personally or from their office, since  my arrival to the Las Vegas Valley in 1975.

Before starting my one-man 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign, I knew that my investigative abilities would be limited as a Taxpayer. My intent from the beginning was to retrieve copies of the CCSD documents that sanction the operations of Scott Baker.

If these public documents existed, then verification would prove that Scott Baker a club baseball coach operating on a CCSD campus in Henderson, Nevada was monetarily worth more than our CCSD teachers with an Education Degree plus advance Education Degrees.dd_graphics_002If not all of the CCSD documents since the 2011 school year to the present were in order, what then would be the penalty if any? If a purported crime of fraud and corruption occurred, to what agency does a Taxpayer report this?

My ‘Knowings’ include that this operation only exists at the Basic Academy in Henderson, Nevada. Not one other high school baseball program in the City of Henderson conducts this source of operation.

If this is true, then why is the Basic Academy under Principal Bechtel imposing an unnecessary, illegal tariff/tax on the parents of the teenage boys who want to play baseball at the Basic Academy? If so, can this be considered ‘Extortion’?extortionEvidence in the community indicates that because of this illegal tariff/tax, teenage boys have been discriminated against from playing high school baseball at Basic HS because family finances prevented their participation.

Evidence also shows that the estimate for one player to play high school baseball at the Basic Academy for four years including Legion Baseball and travel ball is between $15,000 and $20,000.

Some will argue that certain parents support this operation with the hopes of College Baseball Scholarships for their sons. This argument does not support those families and players that have been or will be discriminated against in the future.

The total costs that parents have to pay for their sons to play baseball at the Basic Academy is close to the cost that my family incurred for two children with the help of the Millennium Scholarship for two Education Degrees from Nevada State College. Is this ‘Insane’ or not?albert-einstein-insanityThis is a multifaceted issue with many layers of ‘Insanity’. Relief from my ‘Insanity’ is what I also seek from you. Retrieving the CCSD documents was the result I sought to put my ‘Dog’ to rest. Any documents supplied to me would have to be from the CCSD Central Office not the Basic Academy.

My plan was to then share them with others with more wisdom and authority. For my authority in this issue is limited. As a Taxpayer, I could only investigate and share my findings with others. Then let these others decide their course of action.

The results I seek are the easing on my ‘Insanity’. Result 1 could be that the CCSD sanctions the private operations of Scott Baker on the campus of the Basic Academy.

This result will also prove that the CCSD agrees that the monetary value of a club head baseball coach is worth more than any other employee in the CCSD earning less than a $100,000 a year. It will also prove that the CCSD sanctions the discriminatory actions of Principal Becthel.

One could also argue that the CCSD discriminates against all of their employees for not providing them the same financial opportunities as it does for Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox.

Equal opportunity issues and concepts word cloud illustration. Word collage concept. Gender employment words.


Result 2 could be the CCSD does not have all of the necessary requested public documents sanctioning the private operations of Scott Baker since 2011.

If this is a result, then what is next?

Hazel B. Jackson, Ombudsman for Basic HS writes me the following on April 6, 2016:

“Mr. Feher,

Please contact Ms. Cindy Smith-Johnson at (702) 799-5865 and let her know that you would like to submit a public records request”.

Surprisingly, after five requests to CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright for the above information, it took only one phone call to the CCSD switchboard to receive a response.

Apparently, CCSD Trustee Deanna L. Wright is not privy to this information to assist her in fulfilling requests from taxpayers.

My investigation of this issue with the Basic HS Baseball program ends with you. Many on my sojourn have repeatedly informed me to contact the media with my findings. All have agreed that this issue with the Basic HS Baseball program should be shared with the public for their opinion.public-opinion-quotes-1You the Media, The ‘Watchdogs of Society’, can determine if what I shared with you is news worth investigating and reporting it to others in order to help them.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. I leave you with the following questions.

1.Does the CCSD have copies of all the public documents since the school year 2011 to the present that sanctions the operations of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of Basic Academy?

2. Does the CCSD have copies of all the public documents since the school year 2011 to the present that indicates that Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox have paid all of the required fees to operate on the campus of Basic HS?

3. If the CCSD sanctions the operations of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of Basic HS, does it simultaneously sanction discrimination? The first discrimination is against families and players whose financial situation affects their ability to pay and play high school baseball at Basic HS. The second discrimination is that this financial opportunity is not available to all employees in the CCSD.

4. If the CCSD sanctions the operations of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of Basic HS, then why are the families and players at Basic Academy being accessed an illegal tariff/tax to play high school baseball?scam-websites[1]

5. If the CCSD sanctions the operations of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of Basic HS, does this indicate that the monetary value of a head club baseball, with no education degree, is worth more than the CCSD top paid teacher and twice the starting salary of an entry-level teacher?

6. If the CCSD does not have copies all of the required public documents that sanctions the operations of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox on the campus of Basic HS, since 2011, what then? What is the penalty?

7. If a ‘Private Business’ is operating on taxpayers’ property in the City of Henderson without all the proper CCSD documentation, what would the legal ramifications be? Can this be considered ‘Fraud’ at the expense of the Taxpayers in the City of Henderson? If money were being collected from this ‘Fraudulent Activity’, would it be ‘Corruption’?

In closing, if you the ‘Watchdogs of Society’ determine what I have shared with you is worth a more thorough investigation, you have my permission to contact Ms. Cindy Smith-Johnson on my behalf for the copies of the CCSD public documents.

If need be, I stand ready to discuss with you or any other investigative authority concerning this matter. Copies of this email has been sent to various departments within your organization. A certified/registered letter has also been mailed to your office.

Thank you for your time.

George N. Feher–Taxpayer

WITH ONE RETURN TRIP TO ‘YE OLDE’ HENDERSON NEVADA, I HAVE DECIDED TO ‘HANG MY HAT’ AND LET MY DOG REST.resting-gray-wolf-neal-eslingerIt was in 1979, that I moved to Henderson, Nevada. My friends in those days jokingly called it ‘Hooterville’. I called it a great suburb of Las Vegas. It had that hometown feel. With its industrial plants, it reminded me in some ways of my original hometown of Aliquippa, Pa.

The people back then were hard working, and values were honored. As with growth, things changed. Some growth produced better results than others did. Our community welcomed all with open arms. It was the 2008-09 school year that Henderson, Nevada welcomed Dave Bechtel as Principal of Basic HS.

Riding on his big horse, he declared that he was here to help our community. He was going to improve the educational standards and other programs at Basic HS. Staying true to his word, he hired Scott Baker as the head baseball coach for 2011-12 school year.

This opportunity for two con men to pair up was too good to pass up.463926521 Bechtel neglected to mention during his coronation to the faithful of the Basic HS Community, that certain programs, as the Baseball Program will now be accessed a tariff/illegal tax for players to play, starting in 2011.

I was not present at the initial baseball program meeting. My vision is that both Bechtel and Baker were leading the charges. Scott Baker with his advanced baseball knowledge was returning home to lead the Wolves back to their glories days. His baseball knowledge and contacts would increase the opportunities for his players to earn a college baseball scholarship.

I envisioned that parents and players responded enthusiastically upon hearing these false promises from these two con men.images Some promises, false or true, come with a cost. It was then that reality set in for the parents and players as they sat in the room.

Disbelief began to appear on some of their faces when either Bechtel or Baker said that a monthly fee will be now be accessed, plus an exorbitant ‘spirit pack fee’. At the first two meetings  one parent was there. Barry M. Mastrodomenico writes on our Facebook page 3/31/16.

“The saddest during both of these meetings was the simple fact that there were several parents in tears because they COULD NOT afford the required $250.00/month fee to have their children continue playing High School Baseball. If you factored in the demographic for the school at the time and even the current demographic, that amount of money on a monthly basis is a huge contribution to the family budget for food, shelter and basic necessities!! Some of the highest skilled players at the time were FORCED off the team because they couldn’t afford to pony up a ridiculous fee for the promise of being a National Baseball Powerhouse!!! That was the main bill of goods that Baker was trying to sell.

This coming from a man that was investigated for rules infractions at both the high school and junior college levels and had to leave his most recent position prior to being installed at Basic. So I guess it’s okay to hire in people without moral values to be around impressionable young men, while changing the scholastic sports landscape by charging to play high school athletics!!!

This didn’t happen in ANY OTHER SPORTS PROGRAM ON CAMPUS SO WHY IS IT ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED IN BASEBALL? There is not a state banner hanging on the gym rafters and the Wolves certainly ARE NOT A NATIONAL POWERHOUSE AS PROMISED. Instead, kids and parents hearts were broken with no apologies and a few pockets have been heavily lined with no results to show for it!”

WHEN TOLD BY THE TWO CON MEN THAT THIS WAS THE NEW HIGHWAY WITH A TOLL, PARENTS HAD TO CHOOSE, PAY THE TOLL OR GO YOUR OWN WAY. SR16MP9_304 Sadly, the first of many had to go their own way, with little or no recourse. To whom do you report this. Principal Bechtel was in on this ‘Extortion Plot’. Going outside the school, could cause future repercussions. ‘Silence’ would be the best course of action.

Other parents had their reasons for staying and paying the toll.img_9516 Mine is not to question their rationale, for I am a parent also. With the new policy set, future parents and players were notified that in order to travel the Bechtel-Baker Toll Road and their promises, money would be required.

Sigmund Freud writes, image-818These two con men have now been exposed for who and what they are. As Bechtel and Baker continue to swim in their own creation of ‘deep shit’, perhaps our town of ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, Nevada can assist them and flush them out of town.

It is our duty, regardless of what others may think, to protect our future baseball players and families from being financially choked by this ‘SHIT’. This City of Henderson is called upon to do what it thinks is best for all of our future children. Protecting the ‘Dreams’ of others, especially our children should be the number 1 priority of our Community.protect-your-dreamsTo permit these two con men with their ‘Shit’ to continue to work in our community would be a disservice to all the residents in our Great City. When consulting with my longest known friend in Las Vegas about this issue, he looked at me and said, “They are all laughing at you, because you have no authority”. My response to him, who was also a resident of Henderson, was, “They are laughing at all of us in the City of Henderson.”

He asked, “Why”? I answered, “Because they are making over $100,000 a year on our taxpayers’ dime”. I told him, if I had to pay one cent for their operation that would be one cent too much. My voice will be heard, with or without a response.

My 2016 Spring ‘The Truth of my Insanity’ Campaign is now back home. From in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’, I will continue to observe and analyze. The ‘Watchdogs’ will decide their paws and teeth; if they chose to tear and chew into the info I provided them.wolves-eating They will howl and send written signals from the Las Vegas Valley, if forces decide that our news is worthy to be shared with others in order to help them.wolf_s_howling_by_sheltiewolf-d5suqexIf not, my hat rests on our City Leaders. Henderson is my home. Henderson is where I chose to live. Henderson provided me the opportunity to PLAYIN MY DREAMS. My Dream is for others to be able to PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS while living in our City. I leave you with the following:

Nick Feher “TAKE 5” Foundation MISSION STATEMENT: To make a commitment, to help honor THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE of the “YE OLDE” Henderson NV, Baseball Community. To play a part, of the driving, force that helps manifest the dream/goal that brings a State High School Baseball Championship(s) back to “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV. To challenge others to be a “Difference Maker” for not only themselves, but for others. And, “When in Doubt” to remember to “TAKE 5”.


Click on the following website @ https://clients.comcate.com/newrequest.php?id=90&dept=907  or you can call @ (702) 267-2085.

After making your voice be heard, tell all your friends and neighbors who agree with you to make their voices be heard.

Again, thank you for your support. Your support fuels the Dreams of others, especially the youth of our town. Speaking of dreams, this is a message for Coach Matt at Foothill. Forces are dictating that new dreams are in your forecast.

3d image Forecast issues concept word cloud background

You once shared them with me. Your time has come to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS. For many years, you tried, but your Foothill Baseball teams have not ever won a Title. This lack of titles is a sign to move on to another dream. A different Coach should be provided the opportunity to share their dreams of winning a State Title with the Baseball Players from Foothill HS.

My last public challenge to you, Coach Matt, is still in play. To sweeten your new dreams, you can take my 5,000-word retort with you. You can trash it, shred it or even burn it. It shall remain between us two.

In time will be my next post. Celebration plans are in order. A ‘Divine Intervention’ is needed for the 1955-56 Basic HS State Baseball Champs to get their invitations for this year’s Celebration.tumblr_noejdmdi171sym2bco1_500Letters to sponsors have to be delivered. New Sponsorships start at $100. It includes a Personal Banner that is displayed at the Celebration. New Sponsors also receive an 11″x14″ framed replica for your home or business. Plus, all sponsors and their families are invited to the Celebration.

For returning Sponsors, that donation begins at $50 for the invitation and to display your banner. New Sponsors can PM me on Facebook or through my website at playinyourdreams51@gmail.com.

To all the current players on the Basic and Foothill Baseball teams, if forces permit, you too are invited this year’s Celebration. Let it be your choice to attend or not, not some other adult who does not have your best in mind. The Baseball Community does and we want to share our best interests with you.slide_15

Viktor Frankl writes,viktor-frankl-book-quotes

Until our paths cross once again, bookmark us and tell your friends. Follow the fixins of  the ‘Insanity’ of Fox-Feather. Remember to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.

About playinyourdreams51@gmail.com

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