“To make a commitment to help, protect, promote, and share the ‘Dreams’ of the youth in ‘Ye Olde’ Henderson, NV. We want to be part of the driving force that assists others to be able to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS. We want to challenge others to be a ‘Difference Maker’, not only for themselves but also for others. Lastly, we want to remind others, “When in Doubt, remember to ‘TAKE 5’.”
During the time that has passed, since my last post in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’ in ‘Ye Olde’ Henderson, NV, many marvelous forces, events, and ‘Inspiration’ has showered and nurtured me as the Executive Officer of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation and in my personal life.Many times in one’s life, forces will place you on “The Road Not Taken”. One’s choice or lack of choice will have an impact on one’s Dreams. In making choices, one should also take a moment and reflect how this choice may affect the Dreams of others.
My reflection is found in a poem, that I have I shared before. It is worth sharing again.
“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
With an arrangement with the local Boys/Girls Club of ‘Ye Olde’ Henderson, NV, this is where our ‘New Dream Road begins. ‘TAKE 5’ proudly announces that its fundraising will be channeled to protect, support, and share the Dreams of the members of the ‘Ye Olde’ Henderson, NV Boys/Girls Club.
It is also our Dream to continue to share our Mission Statement with all the youth in our Community, in other non-monetarily ways, when invited.
Our annual event at the BMAC of celebrating the youth of our community has morphed into its new name. It will now be called, “A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream”. Its emphases will be on the ‘Dreams’ of the youth who are members of the local Henderson Boys/Girls Club.
Plans include celebrating the ‘Dreams’ of all the current members of the Club, plus adult volunteers at this year’s event. Other invitations will include our sponsors and the friends of Nick Feher. Also on the invite list that fits anyone reading this are, invitations that includes the following: Teammates of Nick, opponents of Nick, coaches of Nick and classmates of Nick. Bring your families. Please accept our invitation.
A barbecue, drinks, snacks and dessert will be on the menu. Music will fill the air along with the laughter and smiles of the children and adults. Water activities, including water slides will be enjoyed by all. A ‘New Tradition’ begins this year.This year’s event will be held at the Black Mountain Aquatics Complex in Henderson on Friday, June 17, 2016. Time is 6:30pm-9:30pm.
In my opening I wrote, “DREAMS FOR THE NICK FEHER ‘TAKE 5’ FOUNDATION BECOMES A REALITY”. Recently in a letter to a local organization, I wrote the following as the E.O. of ‘Take 5’.
TO: HLL Board
SUBJECT: Phone call to president on 5/25/16
During my phone call with (the president), I was able to observe and analyze our cell phone conversation as best as possible. Only (the president) and I are witness to our talk. If (the president) wants to claim otherwise of my observations and analysis, he has the right to do so.
- (The president) was at a Little League game. It was very windy, which affected the quality of the reception on my end.
- Because on the poor reception, he sounded as saying that the HLL Board has decided to renege on the invitation to this year’s pool party. (As described in (the president) email to me, more on his email later).
- When pressed for the reasoning for this ‘surprise cancellation’, a reason brought forth my lips, was agreed to by (the president). The reason was called ‘The Mess’.
- ‘The Mess’ was briefly discussed.
- (The president) then stated that something that I said, which was only a very small part of my talk at last year’s Celebration, plus ‘The Mess’ has led the HLL Board to rescind their invitation to this year’s Baseball Celebration.
- When (the president) was asked by me if he read any of my writings as a ‘Taxpayer’, Storyteller Writer on my website @ playinyourdreams.com or on the Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation Facebook page, concerning ‘The Mess’, he replied, “NO”.
- (The president) said that the HLL Board wanted to recluse the HLL from this year’s Celebration and until ‘The Mess’ cleared up.
- A verbal agreement was made between (the president) and me. We agreed that I would be able to write and tell my story to the entire HLL Board. After the entire HLL Board reviewed my story, he agreed that the entire HLL Board would revisit this issue and their vote concerning the ‘Invitation’ to the 2016 ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, Nevada Baseball Celebration.
This story will require certain ‘ground rules’. As a reader, feel free to voice your disagreements with my Observations and Analysis at any time. However, please use only facts and proof to substantiate your disagreements. Hearsay is not acceptable.
As adults, we wear many ‘hats’ simultaneously in our lives. Examples may include the following: parent, spouse, employee/employer, volunteer, son/daughter, religious beliefs, U.S. citizen, friend, mentor, neighbor, political views, hobbyist, Taxpayer, etc., and the list can go on.
Questions: If the above statement can be agreed upon, then please tell me and others, how does one differentiate between the ‘hats’ that one wears? When one is on the job, does one stop being a parent, a spouse, a friend, a mentor, etc.?
When one worships at their beliefs, does one stop being a volunteer, a son/daughter, a neighbor, Taxpayer etc.? In the adult world, one learns to accept the responsibilities of the role that one chooses to play at any time. This is done in a moment by changing ‘hats’.
Bill Shakespeare says that we as humans are nothing but actors on a stage. Our roles continually change, but our overall beliefs and values remain the same. If you do not agree with the above, then please stop here. If you agree, then please continue.
Thank you for inviting me in. Let me re-introduce myself. My name is George N. Feher. My roles are many. I am a white male, father, divorced, educator, coach, mentor, neighbor, and volunteer. I have religious and political beliefs. I am a Taxpayer, with hobbies. I am also the Executive Officer of the Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation. In addition, I play many other roles including supporting, promoting and protecting the ‘Dreams’ of others, as in etc.At the end of my story, as an Educator, an exam awaits you. There is no right or wrong answer, only a ‘result’. It will be a short exam with a few questions. However, your results will have an impact on this year’s HLL All-Stars and families, and future HLL All-Stars and families.
A preview of the exam is: How far would you go to support, promote and protect the ‘Dreams’ of others, especially the players and families in the HLL who look forward to being honored as All-Stars at the Celebration? How far would you go to support, promote and protect the ‘Dreams’ of the other youth in our community?
If you as a U.S. citizen and as a Taxpayer witnessed a possible unethical situation and/or a purported crime, would you report it or would you remain ‘silent’. How would you wear your ‘hats’? If these actions were occurring at your local high school and a questionable discriminatory practice was also occurring at the same local high school, how far would you go to seek the truth?My story will provide the information for your exam. This is what I ‘KNOW’. After you read my KNOWINGS, you will then have the information for you to decide to choose the results of your test. More directions for the exam will be supplied later.
One of my hobbies is that of a Storyteller Writer. My writings are exclusive and copyrighted on my personal website @ playinyourdreams.com. My posts cover many topics on my website. As a U.S. citizen, my rights to free speech are protected by the U.S. Constitution, and the 1st Amendment.
My writings are also sometimes shared as a Community Page on Facebook. Unlike my website, Facebook has guidelines that must be followed or your advertisement will be sanction. I test the limits of Facebook.
As a writer, I choose to use colorful language for description. Though it is colorful, it is based on my ‘Observations and Analysis’, always asking for rebuttals. To date, there has not been one rebuttal on my website. Nor have there been any rebuttals on my Facebook page.
Since this is my story, all or parts of it may be used in a future post on my website or Community Facebook page. (NOTE: Previous emails between ‘TAKE’ 5 and the HLL were shared for a review.)
When (the president) emailed me about the pool party, a rush of excitement hit me. I thought that (the junior rep) was my contact person. With (the president’s) email, a blast of ‘new hope’ invigorated my entire body system.My thoughts drifted that the HLL had reconsidered my opening proposal and was going to honor the HLL Girls’ All-Star Softball Teams and their families at the Celebration. A donation by the HLL to the Celebration would make this possible. Unfair actions against the All-Star Girls were going to finally cease.
(The president) only sees it as a ‘pool party’. My view is much larger. I see it as a Community Celebration. It is a Celebration to honor those in attendance, and to especially recognize the youth of our community, their achievements and to support, promote and protect their ‘Dreams’.
(The president) did write in a previous email on 6/7/15. (LAST YEAR)
“I would like to start off by saying as a member and President of HLL, I will and always support all of the teams HLL has and I will not limit myself to our All-Star teams. I’m proud of all of the players and coaches who play and volunteer with the league I operate.
The only partnerships we have are our sponsors and your Take 5 organization.”
Only (the president) knows if what he wrote then will stand the test of time today. For me, “words when written are etched in stone”. If the above statement by (the president) was true then, is it true today?Using his past words as my ‘new hope’, I called (the president) as requested on 5/25/16. The news I received from (the president) surprised me and caught me off guard.
I did my best, considering the poor cell phone connection. My brain began to spin with thoughts and questions, but the wind like noise that kept entering my ears created an unequal balance.
On one hand, (the president) said in the past that the HLL considered ‘TAKE 5’ as a partner. (The junior rep) in his recent email to me as a rep of the HLL board states the same and more. As the E.O. of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation, with the wind and noise perforating my ears, I was distracted.
My rationale brain sought answers as I talked to (the president). The first question in my brain was, “What did I do as the E.O. of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation, intentionally, or not, to the HLL Board that caused them to rescind our invitation”?
My last contact with (the junior rep) was on 2/22/16. As I questioned (the president), he agreed that it was ‘The Mess’. (The president) then stated it was a combination of my small mention of something I said, at last year’s Celebration, plus ‘The Mess’ has led the HLL Board to rescind their invitation to this year’s Baseball Celebration.Many things were said at the Celebration by me last year. (President), I ask you and others, could and would you please put in writing exactly what you or others found offensive or out of line from my talk at last year’s Celebration. Then all concerned parties can review my printed speech, and crosscheck with what you personally and others found offensive for verification.
Hearsay is not acceptable in the world of ‘accusations’ and ‘writings’. ‘The Mess’ is not the result of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation or my role as the Executive Officer.
‘The Mess’ is the result of the administration of the Basic H.S./Academy and the CCSD. As a Taxpayer, my emails questioning ‘The Mess’ to the CCSD school board, did not produce the results I sought.
As a Storyteller Writer, U.S. citizen and as a Taxpayer, I decided to write and publish my findings in a story to expose ‘The Mess’ for others to make their own decision. It was also a result as my role as Educator and as a supporter, promoter and protector of ‘Dreams’ for the youth in our Community.My website is called playinyourdreams.com for a reason. If I do not project the message that I support, promote, protect, share, and encourage others to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS, then I should close up shop.
If my remarks were so offensive at last year’s Celebration, then why did the HLL originally accept my invitation to this year’s Celebration? Please connect the dots for me. The HLL Board says one thing in writing, and then verbally says another thing.
When asked if he read any of my writings on my website or on my Facebook page, (the president of the league) replied “NO”. He showed his same non-interest as last year when he wrote to me, “As for your postings on Facebook I haven’t had the opportunity to read any of them nor have asked anyone to read them to me nor will. As I’m not member of any social media sites.”
If that statement is true, I have a question for president all other HLL Board members, “How can one make a decision on ‘The Mess’ if one has not taken the time to read about it”?
Why should ‘The Mess’ be of any concern to the HLL since it does not directly involve your league? ‘The Mess’ is a story of my one-man’s quest as a Storyteller Writer, Taxpayer, Educator and U.S. Citizen for the ‘Truth of My Insanity’. When has the HLL Board appointed itself as the regulators and censors of free speech in our Community?My relationship with the HLL was previously based on a mutual understanding with the Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation. Now, I have been told that my views as an Educator, Taxpayer, Mentor, U.S Citizen, Neighbor, Storyteller Writer and all the other ‘hats’ I wear are not acceptable to the views of the HLL Board.
If you choose to wear your ‘HAT’ as the perception of the HLL Board, as regulators and censors of ‘Free Speech’ in our Community, it will be your choice. With your choice, a result can be seen. As with any results, I can then choose my ‘New Road’.
IT WAS IN THE SPRING OF 2009, I WAS ON THE ‘THE ROAD NOT TAKEN’ WITH A ‘DREAM’. I shared my ‘Dream’ with those in attendance at the Basic HS Baseball Banquet. ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, Nevada had not won a State High School Baseball Title since 1987.
As the guest speaker, my ‘hat’, was the E.O. of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation. During my speech, I challenged the entire Basic HS baseball organization. The challenge was that all parties involved, players, coaches, parents, administrators, alumni, and fans had to contribute to bring a State Baseball Title back to Basic HS.
To be honest with you, remembering the look on the faces of most in attendance, were looks that “This man is insane”. Sometimes our ‘Insanity’ gives birth to ‘Dreams’. My position as the E.O. of the Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation placed me in the position to support, share, promote and protect my ‘Dream’.

These others would determine my ‘Dreams’ fate. My role was limited to sharing, promoting and protecting it. That is what I did. When invited to future Basic HS Baseball Banquets to speak, I banged my solo drum each and every time. My tune was “Bring a Baseball State Championship back to ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV”.
In 2011 at the first HLL Baseball Celebration at the BMAC, I banged on my solo drum the same tune. With about 125 in attendance, more heard about my ‘Dream’ including the younger HLL All-Star players.
I realized that most of the HLL All-Stars were zoned for Foothill HS, but they were part of ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV. Competition helps breed success. With two local high schools being challenged to win a Baseball Title, my ‘Dream’ was improved by 50%. Two horses and their stables would now compete.
As the crowd grew larger at future Celebrations, I continued to bang my one-man drum for a State Baseball Title. I did my best to share, promote and protect my ‘Dream’, while placing ‘Hope’ that others too would share it, promote it and protect it.
My Crusade took a ‘New Road’ in the spring of 2014. I was invited to speak as the E.O. of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5” Foundation at the Foothill HS Baseball Banquet. I challenged their entire baseball organization as I did to Basic HS, “Bring a State Baseball Title back to ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV.The same message was repeated in 2015 at numerous events with the Foothill HS baseball team, and their entire baseball organization.
At last year’s Celebration, wisdom was shared with those in attendance as in every year. Whether it reached it mark, was determined by the receptee. Coach Ashton Cave, Coach Dave Soto and myself contributed to the following:
“A Dream is just a wish if it is not written down”. “A Dream is just a wish if it is not shared with others”. “Do all Dreams come true? NO. It only indicates that it is time to start a new Dream”.
As I read the story in the Review Journal on Sunday May 22, 2016 titled: ‘Quick-Strike Wolves end Drought’, I shared in the players’ joy for their achievement. In my quiet thoughts, I also thanked them for turning my ‘Dream’ into a reality.Trever Berg, the winning pitcher and a former HLL All-Star had this said about him’ “Trever’s been talking about this for a long time of wanting to be in the spotlight here, and he showed us exactly what he could do”. J.J. Smith adds’ “It is a dream. Our dream came true and the five years became a reality”.
Only Trever, J.J. and the other Wolves Baseball Players know what if any of my Dream messages had on their Dreams. Sometimes other’s Dreams compliment the Dreams of others. I will let others decide if the dots connect.
It is now time for you to take your test. Before you do, more reading assignments are necessary.
In order to determine the role of the Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation in ‘The Mess’ and what if any direct impact it has with HLL, I invite you to the following two sites: playinyourdreams.com and/or The Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation Facebook page.
My personal preference is my website for its imagery and pictures. Both sites provide the same written story. On the Homepage of my website, click on one of the Sections titled, “Win a State Title”, “Stories Winning a State Title” or go into the Archives.
The Title for all my stories on my website concerning my Quest is ‘TAKE 5’ 2016 Quest to Help Win a State Title—Parts 1-5.
If you prefer the Facebook approach, the title of my stories is the 2016 Quest for the Truth of My Insanity—Parts 1-5.
On the Basic HS Alumni Facebook page, I did post the following:
“My name is George Feher. As the Executive Officer of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation, a ‘Shout-Out’ goes to the Basic HS Varsity Baseball Players for winning the 2015-16 Sunrise Division Baseball Title.
It has been since 1987 that the last State Baseball Title Banner has flown over ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, Nevada. The team takes its show on the road this week to Reno. ‘TAKE 5’ reminds the team that the entire City of ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson supports you. Your accomplishments this season has been the result of your dedication, your passion, your effort, your hard work and your practice.”WITH THIS INFORMATION, NO HLL BOARD MEMBER CAN HIDE BEHIND ‘IGNORANCE’. Being part of the ‘social media’ is not required. However, being informed before making a critical vote for the future of the HLL, its players, All-Stars and families should not be taken lightly.
At the end of your test, the HLL Board will then have to decide to cast a vote. Your vote will end in a result. This result will impact ‘The Road Not Taken’ with the HLL and The Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation.
Without ‘Knowing’ the outcome of your vote, our fork on ‘The Road Not Taken’ reads the following: 1. The HLL continues to honor the partnership with The Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation.
2. The Baseball Celebration will be Re-Named. It will then be christened, “A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream”. It will become a Celebration to honor more members of the Boys/Girls Club of ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV and their families.My ‘Dream’ of winning a State Baseball Title for the community has been achieved. Would I want more? Hell yes, but that will take more and different players and parents. This is where the HLL and the HLL Board members come into play. These ‘Dreams’ have to be shared, promoted and protected for the youth of your organization and the Community.
1.All Necessary reading assignments must be completed before taking the exam.
2. Discussions with others prior to casting your ballot, should be limited, especially with other HLL Board members.
3. A healthy exchange of dialogue is encouraged at the HLL Board meeting prior to casting your ballot.
4. Though not required, the HLL Board should open this meeting for all of its members to voice their concerns on the Exam and its results, especially the HLL All-Stars, Coaches and families.
“On the other hand, as a Taxpayer in the City of Henderson, questions about the ethical or unethical practices of (the coach) and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox operations on the campus of Basic HS remain unanswered.As a Taxpayer, I emailed our district CCSD Trustee D.L.W. 5 times plus one certified/registered letter with questions about this operation. ‘Silence’ has been her response to date.D.L.W. with her wisdom had me seek other options for answers. Emails and letters have been sent to the following:
* CCEA—Clark County Education Association
* Mayor’s Office—City Council of Henderson, NV.
* Media Outlets in Southern Nevada
The two question that I ask all Basic HS Alumni are, “How far would you go to protect the dreams of the youth in our community, especially in playing sports, (baseball) at Basic HS? How far would you go to protect the ‘Image’ of Basic HS and its Baseball Program?For more on this issue, you are invited to read my 2016 Spring Insanity Campaign. Perhaps you can help me in my 2016 Quest For the Truth of My Insanity. Please go to the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation Facebook page to read my latest posts”.
1. How far would you go to share, promote and protect the Dreams of your members of the HLL?
2. Which fork in ‘The Road Not Taken’ do you choose?
A) The HLL will remain in partnership with the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation for this provides an option to promote and support our league including our All-Stars, coaches and families.
B) The HLL will proceed on its own ‘New Road’ without the partnership of The Nick Feher ‘Take 5’ Foundation.
My request, if you decide to vote again on this issue as the HLL Board is; could you please provide me the voting outcome. With the HLL Board final vote, could you also please email me the following: the names of each HLL Board Member and their vote. As a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, my request is not out of line.
AS WITH OTHER RELATIONSHIPS, THANK YOU FOR INVITING ME IN. My time with you was ‘Well Spent’ with no guarantees. It is time for me to exit.In closing, any dealings that I have with the local high schools are my dealings with them and me alone. The ‘Role’ that I choose to play with them is of no business to others including the HLL Board, unless you or them are part of that specific organization.
The HLL and the HLL Board should judge my relationship with them and them alone, as The Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5” Foundation. If I have offended you or if I have not honored my partnership with you, please ‘SHOW ME THE ILLS OF MY WAYS’.
T-Shirts need to be ordered. Final preparations for the 2016 ‘YE OLDE’ Henderson, NV Baseball Celebration are under way. The deadline for the results of your vote on the HLL 2016 Spring Final Exam ‘The Road Not Taken’ is no later than 8 pm on Thursday June 2, 2016. If ‘Silence’ is your answer, ‘Silence’ indicates consent.
I look forward to your response, so I can plot my course on my “Road Not Taken”
A man of many ‘HATS’
George N. Feher
ON TO OTHER MATTERS. ALL WRITINGS FROM NOW THAT I POST, I WILL LET OTHERS DECIDE THE ‘HAT’ I WEAR. I WILL MAKE REFERENCE TO THE ‘HAT’ I THINK I AM WEARING, BUT OTHERS CAN DECIDE.With many ‘Hats’ on my head, THANK-YOUS are in order for permitting me to PLAYIN MY DREAMS. It is not every day that one starts a ‘Dream’ and the entire community and others contribute to its creation.
My first thanks goes to God. My next thanks go my family. In no particular order, thanks go to the following: The 2015-16 Basic HS/ Academy Varsity Baseball Players for winning a State Baseball Title, Sponsors of ‘Take 5’, Friends, Supporters and ‘Likes’ of ‘Take 5’, Members of our Community, Members of other Communities throughout our country, Those who provided the ‘Inspiration’ that was used as fuel on my Quest, and to all the other ‘Dream Catchers’ that caught my ‘Dream’ and passed it on.Please take my thanks and share them with others as you share their ‘Dreams’. I look forward to your support as ‘Take 5’ continues on its journey on ‘The Road Not Taken’.
To my loyal readers, my writings always include stories of ‘Inspiration’. Many ‘hats’ will be worn as I share my tale of newly discovered ‘Inspiration’.
My story actually began with my post/blog on the ‘T-Mobile Arena Grand Opening Event—A Pilgrimage’. In it, I describe briefly an encounter with a band (Orchestra) that performed on stage in The Park as part of the outside pre-concert activities. For that brief description, please search in the Pilgrimage Section for the ‘T-Mobile Arena Grand Opening Event—A Pilgrimage’.
Recently, on Saturday June 4, 2016, I had the honor to witness this Orchestra for the fourth time. The first was outside. The last three times was at The Lounge in the Palms Casino. It was during my first exposure to their sound that insisted more information be found about them.
The Orchestra leader, kindly gave me his card after the outside show and informed me about their engagement at the Palms. When he said the Palms, another Dream of mine started to materialize. My previous writings had indicated that I was on the search in Las Vegas for ‘Top Shelf Jazz Music’.The Las Vegas music scene provides ‘Top Shelf Jazz Music’, mostly played by small combos, with or without lead singers. They are scattered throughout our valley, playing in Casinos and off-strip venues. There are only two, maybe three other cities in our country that can compete with the Musicians and Artists in Las Vegas.
Only a certain number of this talent makes it to the top of the music industry. The ‘Music Industry’ is similar to pro sports. Only a certain number are ‘blest’ to achieve top fame. As in any line of ‘Artists’ Work’, there is a long line of Artists plying their trade and PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS.
Some dream in the hopes of making a tsunami. Others dream of producing a gentle rain. Then on rare occasions, there are Artists, regardless of the crowd, glory, and payoff take the ultimate challenge and always performs at their very best. They follow the wisdom of Gandhi, “An audience of one is an audience of many”.
If you are not a fan of ‘GOOD MUSIC, please stop now and skip to the next section. If you are a fan of ‘GOOD MUSIC, please continue.
What is ‘GOOD MUSIC’? Let us refer back to Plato. Plato says. “Beauty is the eyes of the beholder”. Using Plato as our guide, what I may consider to be ‘GOOD MUSIC’, one may disagree with me. Unless you put ‘GOOD MUSIC’ to the test, one will not be able to judge.As I was observing and analyzing this Orchestra during their last 90+ minute free concert, (yes, it is a free concert), many thoughts as usual exploded into my brain.
Numerous past studies have identified music and the effects and relationships it plays with humans.
Music affects our emotions, creativity, can distract us while driving. Music can improve our motor and reasoning skills. Classical music can improve visual attention. Music can help us exercise, and help us relax. Music can also raise our ‘spirits’ and provide us ‘Inspiration’.
According to bufferapp.com, Belle Beth Cooper writes the following: “Our music choices can predict our personality.” She continues to write about a Genre and Personality study conducted at Heriot-Watt University.
* Blues fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle and at ease
- Jazz fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing and at ease
- Classical music fans have high self-esteem, are creative, introvert and at ease
- Rap fans have high self-esteem and are outgoing
- Opera fans have high self-esteem, are creative and gentle
- Country and western fans are hardworking and outgoing
- Reggae fans have high self-esteem, are creative, not hardworking, outgoing, gentle and at ease
- Dance fans are creative and outgoing but not gentle
- Indie fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard working, and not gentle
- Bollywood fans are creative and outgoing
- Rock/heavy metal fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard-working, not outgoing, gentle, and at ease
- Chart pop fans have high self-esteem, are hardworking, outgoing and gentle, but are not creative and not at ease
- Of course, generalizing based on this study is very hard. However looking at the science of introverts and extroverts, there is some clear overlap.
TO PUT ALL OF THIS INTO SOME CONTEXT, THE SOUNDS OF THIS ORCHESTRA DURING MY LAST SESSION, TOOK ME BACK TO MY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DAYS AT SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL IN WEST ALIQUIPPA, PA.I reflected on the policy of Catholicism, the preaching and the fear tactics of the nuns. During the school year, there was a voluntarily/mandatory practice of attending mass, prior to the start of each school day. The penalty for not attending mass was a ‘public tongue lashing’ in class by the Sister in charge.
The wisdom of the Catholic Church taught her followers that through mass services, the sacraments and other rites, one could prepare themselves for salvation. Being a young child, this word ‘salvation’ was undefinable to me. I wanted ‘Inspiration’.
Though my belief in God was instilled in me at the school, when adulthood came, my search took me into a new direction. God and ‘Inspiration’ can be found anywhere. Yes, others can find them in church. Nature provides the sanctuary that others seek.
God and ‘Inspiration’ can be found in other humans. The list can go on. As with the previous three shows at the Palms, the first 10-15 minutes are similar to the start of any professional game. Usually, the participants begin at a high level, but not their highest. As the Game continues, usually so does the level of performance.
While reviewing my thoughts on Sunday about the concert, my friend Greg unexpectedly calls me from his ‘dream beach home’. The day before I had told him, I was going to witness this Orchestra that night. If time permitted, I would share with him during our weekly phone call next week.
Greg said he couldn’t wait. Greg and I share many similarities and beliefs. He asked me what I thought. I skirted around the question as I described other happenings of the night. Finally, after patiently waiting, he asked me again, “What did you really think about them”?
The crux of my O & A goes like this: “It was early yet in the first quarter of this 90 minute contest. Like a soccer game, additional minutes may be added to the Game if warranted. It then hit me. A sort of ‘Revelation’ settled in. The Orchestra out of early game mode raised its bar.
The ‘Tenacious’ level of play took on a whole new meaning. It was as though, a switch was turned on to raise everyone’s level to do his or her very best, regardless of the audience and/or its size. For me in the ‘World of Art’, this is the highest level that an Artist could bestow on his or her audience.
The veraciousness of their play led me to believe that this would be the effort they would give, regardless of the crowd size. If they played in front of 20,000 fans or less, these Professional World Class Musicians/Artists would accept the Challenge. The Challenge to be the very best you can be, regardless of extenuating situations.
I was reminded of a Joe DiMaggio story. Joe DiMaggio, who holds the MLB 56 consecutive game-hitting streak, which was set in 1941, was asked late in his career, why he hustled on a play that meant little in a game that had little bearing on the Yankee’s fate that year. DiMaggio responded: “Because there is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first time, I owe him my best”.
THE NAME OF MY NEW FOUND ‘INSPIRATION’ IS THE ‘DAVID PERRICO POP STRINGS ORCHESTRA’. THEY PLAY FOR YOU AS IF IT IS THE FIRST TIME AND OR THEIR LAST TIME.David has permitted me to share my other thoughts about his Orchestra. The following is a recent email.
It is more advantageous to write on Word. You were ‘right on’ when you declared to the audience, “You will not see this in New York City. You will not see this in Los Angeles. The only place you can see this is in Las Vegas”.
I cannot vouch for L.A., however for New York I can. Yes, my stop was only for a brief 2 sets in the Village Vanguard to witness Ralph Lalama and the Village Vanguard Jazz All-Star Band. (More info can be found on my website in a post “Inspiration—What is IT?” in the Inspiration Section.) According to the little I know, the members of this band is the “who’s who” of New York City.
Music has always had a special place in my life. While growing up in West Aliquippa, Pa., I followed the Reverbs led by Ralph and my other friends.
Before my New York City experience with Ralph, the last time I witnessed him blowing his horn was after we graduated college. It was in the Beaver Valley.
You brought back fantastic memories, bringing up Miles Davis. I mentioned this to you after the show, as you were coming down from your performance. Though you were coming down, the adrenaline rush was still in command and your energy was bursting forth. Thanks for the burst.
Back to Miles. He was the opening act for Herbie Hancock and The Headhunters. It was during the early 70’s. The place was the Syria Mosque Auditorium on Pitt’s campus. It was thee venue, prior to Heinz Hall.
With the price being right, I took advantage of witnessing some ‘Fantastic Musicians’ during my time at Pitt, including Miles and Herbie for $5. Musicians, Dancers, Singers and other Performers who use their bodies are similar in my opinion to Athletes. My vision groups all as ‘Artists’.To reach the desired level that one seeks is usually related to the ‘Talent Level’ one has plus the amount of time one practices their craft. My time spent as an athlete playing football at Pitt, exposed me to other athletes of a higher caliber than myself.
The challenge was to compete against them on a Saturday afternoon as Modern Day Gladiators. My challenge or game ended in a result. Unlike the other Artists, unless judging takes place, the competition is against oneself. Personally, this is the highest form of competition.
My ‘radar’ permits me to rate the performances of others. I am not a Music critic, a Dance critic, etc., but as an Athlete, I can recognize other Athletes and Artists levels of performance.
There is a calling card that visits me when something extra or what I call ‘It’, shows up during a game, a show, a performance, whether live or on TV. This phenomenon goes by the name of ‘Goose Flesh’. For a moment in time, without warning, ‘Goose Flesh’ indicates that ‘It’ has made an appearance.I have come to appreciate these ‘Goose Flesh’ moments as ‘Blessings, Gifts, and Inspiration’. Some of the moments are brief, others extend their stay. Without really understanding the Greatness of Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock at the time, Miles and Herbie produced ‘It’.
As I write, the memories of this ‘Goose Flesh’ has resurfaced. Mr. Davis and Herbie Hancock showered the audience with ‘It’. The very next day, to the record store I went to add Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock to my album collection. I then proceeded to play the ‘Shit’ out of them.Many other artists over time have created ‘It’ moments for me. Ralph did it at times, including his gig after college. While witnessing the first set at the Village Vanguard, after all those years in between, Ralph still had ‘It’.
When Ralph and I spoke between sets pausing for the many fans that wanted his autograph and picture, I asked him, “How is this ranking of musicians done in New York City”? He smiled at me and said, “They just know”.
I further pressed on with another question, “Is there a voting process”? Ralph pulled me in closer and whispered in my ear, “They just know”. An alarm sounded in my brain. Ralph and I, as time permitted, rekindled our long relationship.
When our time together finally ended, it was then I was able to replay in my brain the message that Ralph shared with me. I was able to combine his message with the message of Buddha, which reads:
Do not believe what you have heard.
Do not believe in tradition because it is handed down many generations.
Do not believe in anything that has been spoken of many times.
Do not believe because the written statements come from some old sage.
Do not believe in conjecture.
Do not believe in authority or teachers or elders.
But after careful observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and it will benefit one and all, then accept it and live by it.
My current views of life are based on Knowings. This is what I Know. The Village Vanguard All-Star Band, besides Ralph created ‘It’ during their sets I witnessed. However, the band’s make-up is a 3 Horn Section of 4 Saxophones, 4 Trumpets, 4 Trombones, Stand-up Bass, Piano, and Drums.When compared to your Orchestra, a different level of creation is achieved with your String Section plus your lead female and male singers. David Perrico and The Pop Strings Orchestra also creates ‘It’. Your creation is accomplished by the use of your personal ‘Imagination’ during the arrangement process and the performance of the Artists.
All I can say David, is that there must be some serious ‘shit’ going on inside your brain. Though, I did not own any Tower of Power albums, I am familiar with them. Your re-creation of their tune elevated ‘It’ to a different level. ‘It’ raised the ‘Goose Flesh’.
The most fascinating aspect of witnessing your Orchestra, as I told your lead male singer, (Eric?) is like watching Stanley Cup Hockey. These Hockey players perform with a heightened sense of energy, urgency, and passion. The occurrence of a goal being scored is similar to the ‘Goose Flesh’ produced by ‘It’ as your Orchestra plays.

As one witnesses the Stanley Cup Hockey, a goal is usually scored as in ‘No rhyme or reason’. This compares to your Orchestra when ‘It’ shows up. Again, ‘No rhyme or reason’.
I normally tell others at the beginning when I first meet them that, “I am Insane”. My ‘Insanity’ follows the practice of Marcus Aurelius. Aurelius encourages us to view life as being, in the words of the poet Rumi, “rigged in [our] favor.” It’s a powerful way of reframing any obstacle we encounter. Aurelius writes:
“True understanding is to see the events of life in this way: ‘You are here for my benefit, though rumor paints you otherwise.’ And everything is turned to one’s advantage when he greets a situation like this: You are the very thing I was looking for. Truly whatever arises in life is the right material to bring about your growth and the growth of those around you. This, in a word, is art—and this art called ‘life’ is a practice suitable to both men and gods. Everything contains some special purpose and a hidden blessing; what then could be strange or arduous when all life is here to greet you like an old and faithful friend?”Let me share with you a brief example. Last Saturday, as I was exiting the men’s room at the Palms prior to your show, life had me cross paths with 3 members of your String Section, led by ‘Rock Star #1’. I witnessed the solo of ‘Rock Star #1’ at the T-Mobile Arena Grand Opening and my first show at the Palms.
As our paths crossed, immediately I said, “You 3 are in the String Section of The David Perrico Orchestra”. Momentarily, they stopped, and my conversation continued. They were geared up in their ‘Game Attire’. Their pre-game pheromones, energy and beauty stunned me.
Being showered by their pre-game essence was a ‘gift and blessing’. I explained to them that I witnessed their performance at The T-Mobile Arena Grand Opening and the last show at the Palms. My honesty singing their praises startled them.
Their ‘Smiles’ grew as their eyes let me in as I explained my role to them. I told them that I had brought you some wristbands and my business cards to hand out to the band so they would have a ‘Token’ of your Orchestra’s Historic Event at the T- Mobile Grand Opening.A look of puzzlement appeared on their faces as I told them I had a website. I informed them that I did a small review of the Orchestra during my post on the T-Mobile Arena Grand Opening. I thanked them for their time and for sharing. My story ended as I told them I was back for more.
All 3 shared more blessings and gifts with me with more ‘Smiles’ and thank-yous. We parted, and I waited out front near the bar for your show to begin. During my wait, the 3 showed up and sat at the bar in my direct sight line.
As I observed and analyzed, my ‘Knowings’ were confirmed. I approached the 3 and then engaged in small talk with ‘Rock Star #1’. I asked her if this was their pre-game ritual to get ready. A yes and more ‘Smiles’, was the answer.
Not wanting to take up too much time of their pre-game ritual, I asked about their choice of pre-game drinks. ‘Rock Star #1’ explained them, but her ‘power’ caused me to lose my balance and affected my listening skills.
Before leaving, I reiterated that I was a writer and was going to observe and analyze their performance tonight. My conversation ended on the line, I was here to see and hear who was going to bring ‘It’ tonight. More ‘Smiles’ were given, as I departed.
Bring ‘It’, everyone did. You and your Orchestra brought ‘It’ all night long. Resembling a Stanley Cup Final Hockey Game, your Orchestra played with passion, energy, and sometimes with urgency.
Goals were scored on a regular basis with ‘no rhyme or reason’. As members of your band brought ‘It’, creations of ‘Goose-Flesh’ appeared on my skin. ‘Inspiration’ filled the air with your sounds. Your audience was treated to something special.
I have come to discover that your Orchestra comes with interchangeable pieces. These ‘surprises’ disguised as Artists really adds to the mix. More Strings for your last show showed up, enhancing the Pop String Section.
In my ‘Imagination’ your female Pop String Section are ‘Goddesses’ disguised as String Players. The discipline, practice and passion to play one of earth’s oldest instrument, is a rarity. For them and for you to share what they create is worth the price of admission. More blessings, ‘It’ is free.
As suggested, I changed my seat for a better experience. Sitting in the middle provided a better view of the stage, and the sound was more even. My Message Therapist, who joined me, had only one non-positive remark.
When the Batgirl was finished with her first solo, he said it was an injustice to her performance, that her sound volume was not equal to the sound volume of the other soloists.
With the ‘Rock-Star #1 and the Batgirl leading the way, I told my other friend in Houston, Texas, as I watched them play their solos, my ‘Imagination’ took over with a question. I told my friend, I wonder if either of these two or both of them are as passionate when they play with their men as they do with their instrumentsYou have ranked your Goddesses accordingly. Not only do you have a taste for ‘Great Music’ it extends to other arenas. A final story before ending.
As I waited for you to acknowledge your show, in my view appears ‘Rock Star #1’. Still in my Marcus Aurelius persona, the opportunity presented itself. I grabbed her arm slightly and asked if you were still in the back.
With ‘miniature universes’ disguised as eyes, she ‘Smiled’ and said yes. Her internal engine was vacillating at a high-octane rate, showering me. It was then; I told her that this was the third time that I had witnessed her solo.
I told her however, that she took ‘It’ to a higher level. She laughed and smiled and told me that she tries to bring something different each time. Your personal expression and the faces and your band agreed with her statement.
I wanted to tell her, however, I did not want to freak her out. While shaking her hand after our introductions, my inner Marcus Aurelius wanted to say, “If I did not know any better, I swear that your solo was done for me.”
My next Facebook and Website post is being formulated. They post simultaneously with different formats. There will be space for a review of your Orchestra at the Palms. For my website, I have a request.
During your show on Saturday, with your permission, I want to take pics for my website with my pocket size camera. Also, if you remember, after the show, pics with you, me, and your Goddess String Section would be appreciated either on or in front of the stage.
I will move towards the stage after the show. Perhaps these ‘after the show pics’ will display your heighten energy and the essence of your String Section.
One more thing. If you remember, please hand out my cards and bracelets. Give each Artist 2, one from each bag. They are different sizes.
David Perrico with his ‘Insanity’ is able to blend the use of ‘old world’ instruments with today’s instruments plus vocals. Though it is called ‘Pop’, it is more than ‘Pop’. This Orchestra takes you on an Odyssey of Blues, Jazz, Classical, Rap, C&W, Reggae(?), Dance, Rock, Chart pop, and Soul Music.
The Orchestra’s catalog is vast, including music of the 60’s-70’s-80’s-90’s-00’s, and today. This Orchestra has something for every fan of ‘Good Music’. Besides the ‘Goddess String Section’, made up of 4 Cellos, 2+ Violas, 3+ Violins, there is a top 10 drummer. My ‘Knowing’ tells me that the lead male, female singers, sax player, lead guitarist, bass player, piano man, and trumpet player are also in mine or others top 10.

Spread the news. If you or anyone you know that wants to take a ‘Challenge’, I have one for you. Some will moan, it’s too late or I am too old. I say bunk. A wise man wrote, “Old is 16 years from my current age. When I get there, it will be 16 years from that point”
It is never too late to test yourself to see if you are alive, especially if you are a fan of ‘Good Music’. Here is the ‘Challenge’. Place on your calendar to witness for yourself at least one time the David Perrico Pop Strings Orchestra.
If they do not get your feet tappin, hands slappin, arms wavin, body rockin, shouts flowin, and ‘Goose Flesh’ risin, when they bring ‘It’, immediately have someone call 911 for you. For the results of your Challenge indicates that dirt is being thrown on you.Their next FREE concert is Saturday, June 25, 2016 at the Palms, in The Lounge. Show begins at 11pm. If you are unable to attend, you can find more information and scheduled future dates about this Fantastic Orchestra at davidperricomusic.com/pop-strings or on their Facebook page David Perrico Music-Pop Evolution.
If you do decide to take the ‘Challenge’, be on the lookout for me. My calling card is my black ‘Aliquippa Hat’. As an admitted ‘groupie’, unless I am out of town, or have an unexpected emergency, or dirt is being thrown on me, I will be there to take the ‘Challenge’ of the David Perrico Pop Strings Orchestra. Plus, I swear I hear among the applause, the approval of Beethoven and Mozart saluting the ‘Insanity’ of David Perrico and his World Class Musicians.
If there are local high school coaches reading this, my free services are available to your team. As a State Title Producer, even though it took me 7 years, my principles prove that it can be done. Yes, my involvement was indirect, however with a more hands on approach, I believe that my program will raise the overall performance of your athletes including a possible a State Title.
With my ‘Commitment Challenge’, all players would be held accountable for the goals of the season. With truthful documentation, the team will be able to observe and analyze the ‘Commitment’ of others.You are free to attempt to do the ‘Commitment Challenge’ yourself, but as its creator, it is designed for an outside 3rd party to monitor the ‘Challenge’. The ‘Commitment Challenge’ has been described in previous writings. For more info, contact me on my Facebook page or website. It sounds ‘Insane’, but my ‘Insanity’ has produced results.
My journey as a TAXPAYER for the Quest of my 2016 Spring Truth of my Insanity Tour continues. A banner now flies and protects my property from the ‘Stank’ of CCSD D.L.W. (You notice not to offend anyone, and to abide by Facebook’s Community page guidelines; code names are now being used. Real names will be shared when I quote other news sources.)
Past experiences in my life has proven that some results of our actions take longer than others. It took me 7 years to bring a High School State Baseball Title back to ‘Ye Olde’ Henderson, NV. I challenge anyone reading this to disprove my contributions for this title.The CCEA did not directly email me a response. Their response was found in a news article printed in the Las Vegas Review Journal on Wednesday June 1, 2016. Neal Morton pens the following: Headlines—“TEACHERS UNION ADS ATTACK TWO TRUSTEES” (excerpts are)
“The Clark County Education Association which represents the approximately 18,000 teachers who work for the Clark County School District, recently posted blistering Internet ads against District A Trustee Deanna Wright.
Both candidates have sat on the board since 2008 and previously enjoyed endorsements and financial backing from the union. “We at one time endorsed (Wright), embraced their leadership and with great expectations expected leadership to emerge from both”, said CCEA executive director John Vellardita. “What we’ve seen in the last eight years, at least, is not the type of leadership that the school district needs”.In early May, the CCEA endorsed Mallory Levins, a college access coordinator. As of Tuesday, none of the five videos have aired on local TV. But on YouTube, they have generated about 5,000 total views. A harsher attack ad describes Wright as a “story of failure. “It’s not worth my time to comment” Wright said in a text message Tuesday.”
WHAT IF YOU CAST OVER $500,000 INTO A DREAM AND YOUR DREAM BECAME A REALITY UNDER THE DISGUISE OF ‘DECEIT’? WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF ‘DECEIT’ WAS UNCOVERED AND YOUR DREAM TURNED INTO A NIGHTMARE?This is the new reality of all the Basic HS/Academy baseball families and others who financed this ‘DREAM’ now live with. ‘TAKE 5’ thanks you for your financial support so we could PLAYIN OUR DREAMS.
I will be honest; my ‘Dream’ turned reality may have been conceived under ‘DECEIT’.
Merriam Webster definition of deceit: dishonest behavior: behavior that is meant to fool or trick someone
1 : the act or practice of deceiving : deception
2 : an attempt or device to deceive : trick
3 : the quality of being deceitful :From the start of my Quest for the 2016 Spring Truth of my Insanity Campaign, I have written and substantiated my facts. The question is; Can this state title stand up under the scrutiny of the NIAA?
I can hear the Basic HS fans screaming now. This ‘INSANE’ man is out to take our title away. On the contrary, the Basic HS families should have done their due diligence before signing on board the B&B Toll-Road. It should have been your duty to protect the dreams of your sons, Basic HS and the Community.
I questioned this ‘DECEIT’ in an email to CCSD Trustee D.L.Wright on 10/12/15, which reads:
“As a club team with dues paying members, of Basic High School students, what is the legality of this operation? If the students/players of the Basic High School/Southern NV Blue Sox are using the Basic High School baseball facilities in an organized manner this fall, would it not be considered, practice out of season? Would this not be in violation of some CCSD or NIAA statute? Questions, questions, and, more questions.”Forget about the CCSD investigating this issue. However, the NIAA may not turn its eyes and ears, if a concerned party presented their findings to them. Out of respect to the Basic HS players’ accomplishments this season that has been the result of their dedication, their passion, their effort, their hard work and their practice, and my ‘Dream’, “SILENCE” TO THE NIAA IS MY CHOICE.
It is well known common fact in the world of sports, organizations, coaches and players who practice ‘Deceit’ and lose, results in others to look the other way. On the other hand, if ‘Deceit’ is used to one’s advantage and win a State Title or any title, a closer scrutiny may be warranted. (See New England Patriots.)
A closer examination may result in an inquiry from other schools within the conference. Centennial High School, which stands next in line for the title and whose team matched the intangibles of the Basic team, may lead the assault.Ed Graney of the Review Journal on 5/19/16 writes in a story titled, “CONSISTENT CENTENNIAL COACH CRAVES FIRST TITLE”. Ed then pens, “Charlie Cerrone has this thing for routine, for approaching tasks in an unchanging manner. If consistency really is the direct product of work ethic, it is no wonder Centennial High’s baseball team finds itself with another opportunity to win a state championship”.
The CCEA answered my email/letter. The ACLU said it could take months for another response. Two out of the five media outlets contacted me in a response or with more questions. The Mayor’s Office, in three replies informed me that they would investigate my story and get back to me one way or the other.
To share your concerns about ‘The Mess’ with the Mayor’s office of Henderson, NV, Click on the following website @ https://clients.comcate.com/newrequest.php?id=90&dept=907 or you can call @ (702) 267-2085.
It took seven years for my ‘Dream’ to turn into a reality. It took the CCEA two months to respond. How long it will take the others for their response, will be determined by them.
With that said, to coach Matt of Foothill HS, my ‘Integrity’ will stand its test. The question is, “Will yours”?
One final question, “Has there ever been a NIAA State Championship stripped because a NIAA school and or coach use ‘DECEIT’ to win it? Now that would be a story.
Until our paths cross again, remember to follow the ‘INSANITY’ of Fox- Feather. Please visit us on a regular cycle and tell your friends.