The University of Texas would be the starting point on my 2016 College Football Pilgrimage for four games of College Football within an 18 day period.477246601 Two travel days make up the agenda. My Pilgrimage began on Wednesday, 11/8/16 and will end upon my return home on Saturday, 11/26/16.

The main goal of each Pilgrimage and travels is to return home safely and in good health. Any and all things that I encounter are as Marcus Aurelius says ‘are there to entertain me’. For I have no control over outside forces, but only how I respond to them. I hope to leave more than I take.

My College Football Pilgrimages were ‘Inspired’ by my friend Greg who lives in Houston, Texas. During a Pitt Football game at the ‘Morgue’ disguised as Heinz Field on a Thursday night during September of 2010, Greg surprised me with a ticket for the Temple @ Penn State game on Saturday.

It had been many years, since my previous visits to Beaver Stadium as a player and Grad Assistant Football Coach for Pitt University. The Stadium had gone under numerous renovations increasing its size from 60,000 to over 100,000. Though once yearly rivals, Pitt and Penn State had not played in a football game for many years until this year.

While driving within Beaver Stadium, with the windows down, a new ‘Revelation’ struck me. Heinz Field and Pitt Football would not be part of my yearly football trips. The Pitt Brass was ‘Selling Fools Gold’ and I was not going to buy it any longer. Any future trips to watch Pitt Football would have to be considered a side dish. It would no longer be the main dish.4951199079

Beaver Stadium was offering the ‘Main Dish’. Attendance was to exceed 100,000 fans which helped to create the buzz and the energy as we walked our way to the Stadium. It could simply be defined as ‘electrical’. Pitt Football at Heinz Field only produced that ‘Magic’ a few times during my 15 plus years of visits.

As I sat in ‘Awe’ in Beaver Stadium, during halftime of the game while thanking Greg again for the ‘Fantastic Moment’, I told him of my future dreams and College Pilgrimages that I would embark on in the future. Other ‘Shrines’ of College Football would become part of my Pilgrimages. My Pilgrimages started in 2011 and continue to this day.

The State of Texas was chosen for it is home for two of the largest College Football Stadiums in the country. After this Pilgrimage, only Georgia University remains to be visited as a ‘fan’ in 2017 to complete my Pilgrimage of playing and/or as a ‘fan’ or both in the 10 largest College Football Stadiums in the USA. (More on this later.)

I will be honest there is always ‘Apprehension’ in planning and traveling on these Pilgrimages.quote-apprehension-uncertainty-waiting-expectation-fear-of-surprise-do-a-patient-more-harm-than-any-florence-nightingale-368197

Merriam Webster defines pilgrimage as:

* a journey to a holy place

* a journey to a special or unusual place

* a journey of a pilgrim; especially :  one to a shrine or a sacred place

* the course of life on earth

Dictionary.com writes:

* a journey, especially a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion:

a pilgrimage to Lourdes.

* any long journey, especially one undertaken as a quest or for a votive purpose, as to pay homage: a pilgrimage to the grave of Shakespeare

* Islam-the Pilgrimage, hajj, ‘umrah

I have chosen to pay ‘homage’ to all the ‘Modern Day Gladiators’ that have played, plus others, and to the fans who have led the cheers for their heroes in these ‘Shrines’ that were constructed during the early 1900’s. For most modern day fans, the history of these stadiums is lost. In their brains only the vision of today exists with no insight to the past.

Starting with this post, a step back into the past will always be included. For an example, you are invited to read in the archives, in the sections of College Sports and/or Pittsburgh Sports both stories covering Pitt Stadium and Pitt Football titled, ‘Pitt Football-The Pederson Penalty at Pitt and Nebraska’.


Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium (formerly War Memorial Stadium, Memorial Stadium, and Texas Memorial Stadium), located in Austin, Texas, has been home to the University of Texas at Austin Longhorns football team since 1924.index

The stadium was originally dedicated on Thanksgiving Day in 1924, after the UT student body decided to name the stadium in honor of the 198,520 Texans who fought in World War I and the 5,280 who lost their lives doing so. In 1977, the stadium was rededicated to veterans of all wars.darrell_royal_stadium_1924

The stadium has delivered a great home field advantage with the team’s home record through the 2015 season being 362–108–10 (76.5%). The current official stadium seating capacity of 100,119 makes the stadium the second largest stadium in the state of Texas, the largest in the Big 12 Conference, the eighth largest stadium in the United States, and the ninth largest stadium in the world.

Heralded as “the largest sports facility of its kind in the Southwest” upon its completion in 1924, the first unit of the stadium consisted of the east and west stands with a seating capacity of 27,000. It was designed as a dual-purpose facility with a 440-yard (400 m) track surrounding the football field. The stadium was financed through donations from both students and alumni. The estimated cost of the structure was $275,000.memorialstadium1924ut

The final planned phase of the stadium’s expansion includes the enclosing of the south end zone, completely enclosing the playing field with two levels of seating (not including club seating and luxury boxes). This plan has been part of the University’s master plan since at least the early 1990s, as renderings and models of a fully enclosed stadium have existed since that time.

If the expanded south end zone seating mirrors the current north end zone seating, which seats approximately 28,500 fans, the expansion could add approximately 24,000 seats to the existing 4,525 south end zone “temporary” bleachers. However, preliminary discussions regarding the eminent expansion lead most to believe it will not exactly mirror the north end zone.

Nonetheless, the stadium’s final seating capacity is expected to be in the neighborhood of 115,000 when the south end zone is fully enclosed, supplanting The University of Michigan‘s.

Michigan Stadium as the largest non-motorsport stadium in North America and also becoming the largest non-motorsport stadium in the world. The date of the final construction phase to fully enclose the south end zone has not been set nor have any funds been raised.

In 1996, the University honored former Head Coach Darrell K Royal by renaming Texas Memorial Stadium as Darrell K Royal – Texas Memorial Stadium. Click on video below for an aerial view of Stadium.

FRIDAY, 11/11/16

 On Fridays before the game on Saturdays, is when I visit the ‘Shrines’. Preparations for the game is ongoing, and if ‘forces’ permit Blessings may result. My intentions are to ‘Honor’ all who have come before me as Gladiators, Coaches, Medical Personnel, Equipment Staff, Band Members, Cheer Squads, Auxiliary Staff, Fans, and Others.

With less people than game day, I am able to perform my Pre-Game Ritual. Taking a cue from the Muslims at Mecca, I too walk around the outer shell rubbing my elbow and gliding my hands on the concrete shell. My thoughts drift back to those that have been here before me.

The paid parking garage was next to the Stadium. This was my first view.img_2327

After speaking with a few staff members, I started to preform my Pre-Game Ritual. Most of these ‘Shrines’ have embedded plaques into their outer shells honoring others. With plenty of time to read another step is taken back into the past.

As I slowly walked the outer concrete walls, I noticed a small crowd gathered across the street near an intersection. A small stage was set-up with a podium and chairs. The audience was also sitting on chairs. Looking for a ‘Blessing’, I decided to cross the street.

The Ceremony was starting as I got closer. I asked a nearby male if this was a private event. He said yes. For a moment, I weighed my options. Something important appeared to be taking place. My ‘radar’ said ‘Historical Moment’ perhaps. Trusting my radar, I decided to throw caution to the wind and joined in the Ceremony.img_2331

I positioned myself on the nearby sidewalk rationalizing it was a public sidewalk. The worse that could happen, someone would tell me to leave. Relying on my 3 Principles,

* I only enter when I am invited.

* I stay as long as I am welcomed.

* I leave with the exit signs turn on.

I decided to Observe & Analyze the proceedings. In a short time, I had a ‘Knowing’. The street corner was being renamed. Starting on 11/11/16, the new name of the street would be renamed ‘Deloss Dodd Way’ in honor of Deloss Dodd former Athletic Director of Texas University.

My radar was correct for it led me to a Historic Event. For those of you unfamiliar with the Legacy of Deloss Dodd at Texas University, the following information outlines his contributions to Texas University.


 DeLoss Dodds (born August 8, 1939) was the sixth men’s athletic director of The University of Texas at Austin. During his tenure beginning in the fall of 1981, Texas has claimed 13 National Championships and 103 conference titles through September 29, 2011.

During his tenure as the school’s sixth athletics director, The University of Texas Men’s Athletics program enjoyed some of its most dynamic times. From the fall of 1981 to September 2013, the Longhorns claimed 14 National Championships and 108 conference (Southwest and Big 12) titles in nine different sports, and with Dodds’ direction, Texas became a national name.

Dodds’ goal from the beginning was state-of-the-art — to be the best, Texas needed the best.

Dodds and the Longhorns invested nearly $400 million to renovate or build facilities.

On Dodds’ watch, the Athletics Department budget has grown from $4 million in 1981 to a $163.3 million athletics budget at the time of his retirement, ranking it among the tops of all universities in the country.

http://www.chron.com/sports writes

Texas announced it is renaming the campus street “DeLoss Dodds Way” in honor of the former athletic director, who was honored at a ceremony this week hailing his contributions to the school.

DeLoss Dodds’ old office used to overlook East 23rd Street just north of Royal-Memorial Stadium. Now that road will have his name on it.


While watching this Ceremony, ‘gooseflesh’ made an appearance. Each speaker spoke with sincerity and was very appreciative for the accomplishments of Deloss Dodds. When Deloss finally spoke, his humility led the way.img_2330 As his voice crackled, it was obvious he felt humbled and honored to have this street renamed after him. He said it was his ‘Most Favorite Place’ on the campus of Texas University.

With not much fanfare, the black wrapping was removed by the son and daughter of DeLoss.img_2332

When the Ceremony ended, it was time for photo opps. With ‘Helen’ in hand, (my camera was a gift from my mother), memories of the Ceremony would be preserved. Little did I ‘KNOW’ that on this day, ‘Blessings’ would be received. How does one come from West Aliquippa, Pa through Henderson, NV and collects the following memories?

This pic is with the President of Texas University, Gregory L. Fenvesimg_2337The next pic is with Deloss Doddsimg_2338

My Philosophy is simple; I am just PLAYIN IN MY DREAMS.

As my Friday Ritual continued more pics and ‘Blessings’ were cast my way until my entire circle was completed. Each stop along the Ritual was marked by Texas sincerity and welcomeness by each individual I came in contact with. Though a tour of the inside of the stadium was not granted, I took more with me than what I left behind.


 On Friday night I took a short trip to 6th Street in downtown Austin, Texas. In comparison, it can be described as a version of State Street in Nashville, Tennessee. Instead of all C&W music playing from inside and outside of the bars, a wider sound of music was offered in Austin, Texas. (stock photos)dirty-sixth-street-austin

If multiple sources of different music within a short walking distance are to your liking, Austin should be added to your list. As in Nashville, entertainment is free, for a consideration of a ‘tip’ for the musicians. According to the Austin Chronicle, there are over 160 live music venues listed in the Austin area.rot10

With ‘Apprehension’ settling in, my visit was fruitful but short. The early kick-off time for the game was at 11AM Austin time. In my brain, this would be the earliest kick-off time for any football game since my junior year in Aliquippa, Pa High School.

A violation occurred during my sophomore year during a home basketball game that was the result of a melee between Ambridge HS and Aliquippa HS players and fans. The home football game against Ambridge HS during my junior season was moved to a Saturday 10AM kick-off time.

It then dawned on me. Many central time zones Universities now kick-off in a morning game as dictated by TV contracts. Instead of Breakfast at Wimbledon, it would be Breakfast with the Mountaineers and the Longhorns. My goal for the afternoon and night games is usually to arrive 4-5 hours before kick-off. This provides plenty of time to mingle and to sense the atmosphere.

For an 11 AM start, my arrival time would be between 7:30AM-8AM. Mingling and sensing time would be less.

 dictionary.com writes


* anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil.

* the faculty or act of apprehending or understanding; perception on a direct and immediate level.

* acceptance of or receptivity to information without passing judgment on its validity, often without complete comprehension.

* a view, opinion, or idea on any subject.

* the act of arresting; seizure

As I was driving, I was surprised by the lack of a pre-game crowd near the stadium with 3 hours before kick-off. With ‘Apprehension’ as my partner, we arrived to our parking spot about 7:45 am. In my haste a pic of my parking space was not taken for it took me an extra 20 minutes to locate it.

While walking to the Stadium, the usual ‘electricity’ was not evident. With 3 hours before kick-off, the lack of crowd had me thinking. Could the fans of Texas Football also be suffering from ‘Apprehension’? With the team struggling at a 5-4 mark, the message being sent out of Austin was garbled.156093

It sounded as though current Head Football Coach Charlie Strong in his third year of a 5-year contract had enough support regardless how the rest of the season played out, to be given a 4th year.

However, if one listened carefully, an encrypted message could be heard. The Long Horns Tips have been blunted since their loss in the 2009/10 BCS National Championship Game to Alabama 37-21. Their season finished 13-1.

It was as though some ‘plague’ hit Texas Longhorn Football starting in 2010 with a record of 5-7. Head Coach Mack Brown called it a ‘minor plague’ and vowed to exterminate it. Texas U Football has one the largest operating budgets in the nation. The University is the only one in the country with a 24 hour TV channel for Varsity Sports called the Longhorn Network. It is a deal that began in 2011 with ESPN and IMG College.

With improvements in ’11 to 8-5, ’12 to 9-4, and ’13 to 8-5, the ‘Longhorn Faithful’ demanded a change. A ‘New Exterminator’ was called for to rid the Longhorn Herd of this ‘minor plague’.jprind-1-jumbo

Charlie Strong was hired as the ‘New Exterminator’ in 2014. His ‘extermination tricks’ have not yet produced the results that the ‘Longhorn Faithful’ sought. His record in ’14 was 6-7, ’15 was 5-7, and currently ’16 is 5-5.

If one looks closely to the fortunes of Texas U Football, the ‘plague’ that has hit the Longhorn Herd can be tied to the Longhorn Network. It is of this one man’s opinion; apparently, the extra money from ESPN has only fueled the ‘plague’ causing it to spiral out of control creating more ‘Apprehension’ for the Longhorn Faithful.

With the Stadium now in my sights around 8AM, the Faithful from both West Virginia and Texas started to increase. My Pilgrimage revolves around the Stadiums and the people that I encounter. For a bonus, a College Football Game will provide the entertainment in the Stadium.

Since I had very little vested interest in the outcome, my viewpoint remained neutral. West Virginia had more riding on the game. With a national ranking and only one loss, the Mountaineers still had their sights on the Big 12 Conference Title with a small hope of reaching the National Semi-Finals.

Texas on the other hand was still infected by the ‘plague’ and currently looking for solutions. Being undefeated at home was in Texas favor. With ‘Apprehension’ in the air would it be enough?

Before I knew it, I arrived at the Stadium. Timing is very beneficial when it works in your favor. One of my sayings is PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS EQUALS TIMING PLUS PREPARATION. ‘Helen’ was with me to record the proceedings.logosmall

Ever since my 2013 Pilgrimage to Oregon U and Oregon State U when my ‘Blessings’ included photo opps with the Cheer Teams and other Local Beauties that populated the landscape, I seek to continue my ‘Streak’ which is now 3 consecutive years.

The Local Beauties and especially the Cheer Teams are in full bloom with their heightened pre-game pheromones and energy. If there was a way, I would bottle ‘It’ and sell ‘It’ and spend every fall weekend on another Pilgrimage. The ‘jolt’ one receives for that instance is unforgettable.

Other intentions are to record the interaction with those attending and parts of the game and festivities inside the Stadium. My picture taking is limited so I can thoroughly immerse myself in the ‘present’. Others choose to record more of the event to watch it later along with a zillion other pics and videos stored on their devices missing their lives in ‘real time’.


The lack of fans surprised me!img_2347

As I turned the corner, these Texas Cowboys were gearing up for the game and their profession. Their sworn duty was to fire off ‘Smokey’ the Cannon to celebrate the scores of the Longhorns. After telling my story of witnessing ‘Smokey’ on TV, these Texas Cowboys took a moment for my pic.img_2349

Now that I had my first pic of substance, the journey was on for others. Feeling a little bit off my game with the early morning start, my eyes started to deceive me. For in front of me with the sun rising behind me was the Texas U Cheer Team and Pom-Pom Team. It was as though the sunlight showed me the way.img_2351

These amazing young women with little asking, blest me with their early morning presence and continued my ‘Streak’.img_2352 Feeling energized, I made my way to the corner of Deloss Dodds Way.

Until the proper paperwork is approved, the old street sign still remained. The Deloss Dodds Way sign was in storage. In Texas, the Ceremony takes place first then the paperwork is filed. It is similar to a marriage ceremony.

‘Apprehension’ was evident everywhere. Kick-off was about 2 ½ hours away and the tents were empty across the Stadium. This being my first time for an early morning kick-off, I thought maybe this was normal for Texas U Football games. Or could it be more?img_2356

My tour of the campsites brought me to the camp of some Mountaineer Faithful. Some recognized my Aliquippa Gear for the close proximity between Morgantown, West Virginia and Aliquippa, Pa. The two are separated by about 100 miles, plus West Virginia had a few players on their roster from Aliquippa HS.img_2360

After taking the initial pic, I was able to share my Pitt-West Virginia Football story with them. My Pitt teammates and I played in a ‘Historic Game’ on October 17, 1970 against West Virginia. At the time not one person in Pitt Stadium really understood the magnitude of the game.

One of my claims to Pitt Football was during my sophomore season when I was called upon to replace our starting pre-season All-American middle linebacker, Ralph Cindrich, during the first quarter of our Homecoming game. I was of little help as the Mountaineers led by their first year head coach Bobby Bowden stormed into their locker room with a commanding 35-8 halftime lead. (I am #51 in the dark uniform.)

Pitt players on the other side had to weather the storm of the debris that was pelted upon us by the Pitt Faithful while running for refuge into the tunnel. A ‘Magical Transformation’ took place during halftime. The second half turned on the Mountaineers and showered Pitt with ‘Hope’. This ‘Hope’ resulted in Pitt taking a 36-35 lead with one minute to play.

After receiving the kick-off, West Virginia mounted one last drive with the intent to kick a winning field goal. The crowd was in a frenzy with everyone on their feet yelling, stomping, and clapping. It was as though time had slowed down. About 30 seconds remained on the clock with West Virginia now around our 30 yard line.

It went something like this. The ball was snapped and the QB dropped back to pass. While reading my keys, the flanker receiver to my left was running a delayed crossing pattern to my zone area. After catching the ball, I greeted him with such a hit that two items got jarred loose. One was the football that my teammate John Stevens recovered saving the game. The other was my contact lens lost forever on the Artificial Turf of Pitt Stadium.

It was not until the weekend of the last College Football Game played at Pitt Stadium on November 13, 1999, that the Game was recognized by the media and others of prominence as the ‘Greatest College Football Game’ ever to be played at Pitt Stadium.

This is a story that never gets old in telling others, especially to the West Virginia Faithful. Bobby Bowden claims the game still haunts him and that he will take the haunting to his grave. He learned one thing that propelled him to his future successes. ‘Keep your foot on the pedal’.

After telling my story, one of the WVU Faithful confessed to me that he was at the game as a 10 year old boy. Not only that, but his 2 brothers and one other of the group were also at the game. This is the Morris Brothers & Rick Pillimg_2361

My ‘Blessings’ continued. I went on a Pilgrimage to Texas and had an encounter with four men that watched me played as a ‘Modern Day Gladiator’ in the Greatest College Football Game at Pitt Stadium.

Though it pained some of them, congratulations were showered upon me along with wishes for a safe Pilgrimage. In return, I thanked them and exchanged safe wishes and a desirable outcome.

My tour of the campsites near the Stadium continued. Less than two hours remained before kick-off. Unlike other Stadiums I have visited, DKR has limited campgrounds near its proximity. Many are hidden behind other buildings and are spread out from view. With a shortened pre-game visit, my touring to the other sights was limited.

The Chefs claimed they were cooking for about 100 people.img_2365

This view has the Famous Clock Tower with tents set up near the Stadium. Game time was in about 75 minutes.img_2368

This campsite brought back memories of games of the past. It was simple and tucked within the trees near the Stadium. I thought about 1924.img_2370

The decision to enter the Stadium with one hour before kick-off was made. This is my view walking to my section.img_2371

My first view of the field inside DKRimg_2373

More pre-game pics

Time permitted to grab some chow before pre-game festivities. I positioned myself to watch the crowd from my table. With all the ‘Blessings’ bestowed upon me already, one was still missing. The opportunity for a photo opp with the Local Beauties had not materialized. My dream out of nowhere shows up with 2 guys and sits at the nearby table.

Capturing Local Beauties on camera can sometimes be a tricky situation. As my dream and I exchanged eye contact, she was dressed for the occasion. Cowgirl boots along with a short burnt orange dress was her attire. Her eyes sparkled and her Texas ‘smile’ shined upon us.

The worst one can say to you is NO! The best one can say to you is YES! After some wrangling YES was the answer. My ‘Streak’ continued. The back ground lighting influenced the outcome. Her boyfriend was to her right.img_2386

It was time to find my seat in the end zone. The view was excellent, 13 rows up. I normally tell others that the best seat in the house is where my ass is parked. All my views have been excellent.

Just as I was getting organized with ‘Helen’ in my hand the U.S. Army Golden Knights were parachuting into the Stadium. With not many jumps into a Football Stadium on their schedule, this could be considered a ‘Blessing’.img_2391

Led by the ‘Largest Drum’ in the country, the Longhorn Band stampeded onto to the field. The pre-game activities are lost to the TV viewing audience. These Band Members play and march as if playing in some competition.img_2393 They compete against themselves wanting to perform at their very best with no score kept, unlike the football game where a score is kept to determine a winner and a loser.img_2395

My viewpoint of the College Game is vastly different than the Pro Game. For my take on the Pros, you are invited to visit the Archives and/or the PPA Section and read my 2 posts. College players come to play each game with one intent. That intent is to WIN!


It was an extremely hard fought battle with several lead changes until the 4th quarter. West Virginia led at halftime 17-13. The crowd of 96,367 was not much of a factor in the first half. It took into the second quarter for the students and other sections to reach their seats.img_2401img_2402

Was the early kick-off a factor? Could ‘Apprehension’ be the cause of their tardiness? Or was it both. West Virginia took control late in the 3rd quarter with another touchdown and extra point 24-13. On the next possession Texas answered with a score of their own making it 24-20.img_2400

Though the 4th quarter produced no points, plenty of drama filled the Stadium. The Texas Faithful for a few times in the second half shook off their morning cobwebs, and set aside their ‘Apprehension’ and roared in support of their Longhorns.

This ‘roaring’ brought a much needed ‘jolt’ to the Texas players and for me. In the end, ‘Apprehension’ ruled for another game.gg61685878



After bringing the big hits all day, the West Virginia defense still had to watch as the Texas desperation pass gently floated toward the end zone and then drifted too far.

Then came the celebration.

Then the wait to see if the Mountaineers had too many players on the field and if Texas would get one last shot to win.

Nope. Game over. West Virginia’s chase for its first Big 12 championship is still alive.

Kennedy McKoy ran for two touchdowns and Mountaineers (8-1, 5-1, No. 16 CFP) earned a tough 24-20 Big 12 road win, setting up a showdown with league leader Oklahoma next week.


For most of the Texas Football Faithful in attendance, ‘Apprehension’ came with them and left with them. The future of Texas Football and the ‘plague’ that has infected the Longhorn Herd is heading into uncharted Texas Territories. The road that lies ahead will be determined by the Current Brass at Texas University. From my home base in Henderson, NV, my ears and eyes will be on Texas. (NOTE: After losing to Kansas U on the road, (1st Loss to Kansas since 1938), and to TCU at home, Charlie Strong was fired as ‘Exterminator’.)7f164f816c94754fac82ab845cb3766f

As I was walking to my car, I replayed my time at the Stadium. Many ‘Blessings’ were showered upon me, some were photographed, a few were not. I thought about the man I met in my section. We exchanged information, but his got misplaced. His family lived in San Diego, but their son was a freshman at Texas U.

He recognized my Aliquippa shirt and said he was from West Virginia by way of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. What he told me was a ‘Blessing’. He said while attending CMU one of his roommates was Ernie Webster. Ernie Webster was a football teammate of mine at Pitt University.

Then I heard my name being called on my walk. Thinking I was hearing things, a voice walking towards me kept saying loudly “Are you George Feher from Aliquippa”? When I got closer, a blast from my Boulder City HS past as a football coach in Boulder City, NV appeared before my eyes. It was Thad Simmons.

Thad said he received my text about the start of my 2016 Pilgrimage. He thought about texting me but said the chance of us meeting among 100,000 would be very slim. Though very slim, his friend took our pic.img_2407

How does a man from West Aliquippa, Pa via Henderson, NV meet a man at DKR Stadium that roomed with my teammate and meets another man from his past that also currently lives in Henderson, NV?


 A closing pic from whence I began.img_2408


To escape the city of Austin, Eric Anderson, co-owner of CRCR (Colorado River Coffee Roasters) in Boulder City, NV on my recent visit to purchase coffee beans, suggested an out of town trip. Eric is a former junior high school student of mine during my tenure at Garrett JHS in Boulder City. I always travel with the ‘very best’ beans west of the Mississippi and cold brew my own coffee.

Eric told me about the Salt Lick Barbecue in Driftwood, Texas. As he was describing it to me, flashbacks of eating at the Dreamland Barbecue in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 2011 popped into my brain. Greg and his wife said Dreamland was a must.

The drive took me out to the Texas country. It was a unique experience for one that has never been. This is my first photo opp arriving at the Salt Lick Barbecue.

SALT LICK BBQ WRITES“Just after the Civil War in 1867, the Roberts family loaded their possessions onto a wagon and set out from Biloxi, Mississippi, eventually settling in Driftwood, Texas. On the trip, they barbequed meat by searing it and then slow-cooking it over coals on a pit made with rocks. An earthen berm was created to block the wind and hold in the smoke. Those original family recipes from the Southeast are the basis for what we do now.

Over the years, the recipes were “Texafied” taking on the local flavors of the land – like chili, cumin and cayenne. In 1967, one hundred years after the Roberts family settled in Driftwood, Thurman Roberts cleared an area on the family’s land and built a barbeque pit. The limestone used to make the pit was quarried from the land. (That pit is still in use today.) He would start cooking on Thursday night, sleep on a cot next to the pit, and sell the meat until it was all gone.

From those small beginnings, we now seat over 800 people and on an average Saturday we feed around 2000 people.img_2416

The first recipes for the side dishes were originated before refrigeration so they come from simple and fresh ingredients. In a normal year we cook over 750,000 pounds of brisket, 350,000 pounds of pork ribs, 200,000 pounds of sausage and more chickens than you want to count. The chicken is the only place we broke from Thurman’s tradition. He would never allow chicken on his pit”.

The Salt Lick’s primary cuisine is beef (brisket), sausage, and pork ribs.img_2419 Chicken, beef ribs, turkey, pulled pork and prime rib are also served.

Austin, Texas has a lot in its favor. Texas U is the Shining Star with all that it has to offer. If you prefer the ‘Arts’, there is plenty to do including over 160 live music venues. The food is plentiful with an abundance of diversity. The people are very friendly and for most engage in a welcoming conversation.

However some favors come at a cost. The price Austin pays is with its traffic. It plays like a major city under road improvements. At its current growth rate, one step behind will be its motto.

One leg of the 2016 College Football Pilgrimage is in the books. Three more legs remain with more to report.

Until our paths cross again, remember to tell others about the Fixins & ‘INSANITY’ @ playinyourdreams.com.

Fox/Feather reminds you to keep PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS.


About playinyourdreams51@gmail.com

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