Unlike my other two previous 2017 College Football Pilgrimage that were written on the road, my third story about Sanford Stadium is being constructed inside the Dream Home in Henderson, NV. I am thankful that my ASS has returned intact, after experiencing a safe and healthy Pilgrimage. In my thoughts, God was thanked. QVV & QVS were thanked in text messages for their contributions, as my Pen is Pals.

When my vehicle pulled into my campsite less than 10 miles from Sanford Stadium on Monday, October 9, 2017, my lower back was barking. Being away from the comforts of one’s writing chair and bed was producing not so welcomed results. The situation with my lower back actually began with a blowout of my front driver side tire on my Dodge 07, 2500 Diesel Truck on September 20. It was my birthday as I was traveling along the freeway at 75 mph to my haircut.

In my IMAGINATION, Queen Vampyre Sonata and Queen Voodoo Vixen were entertaining me. Warning signs about my tire were checked as my drive started after pulling over about one mile from the Dream Home. With no physical evidence to support a tire issue, my journey continued. After a few miles on the freeway and with a ‘Grin’ on my face, Imagining about the two Queens, the rumbling started. My first reaction was it must be a road problem. Those of you reading this, has your vehicle ever experienced a ‘Blowout’ at 75 mph? (Actual pics of tire)

My ‘Gut & Radar’ started to kick in and the Fantasies of the ‘3 of US’ took a back seat. In an instant, a very loud minor explosion then occurred. Instead of Fantasizing about the ‘3 of Us’, natural instincts now took command of my truck. With my truck in the far left passing lane, an extra wide emergency landing area was on my left. The truck violently rocked back and forth during the initial explosion causing my lower back to jerk violently. My right foot following the lead of my instincts pumped the brakes slowly.

The left hand had initiated the left turn signal, then both hands clasped the steering wheel. Not KNOWING how the truck would respond after a ‘Blowout’ at 75 mph, the hands of God must have joined in. Within moments, the truck came to a successful stop in the extra wide left emergency lane. After the stop, I immediately thanked God for the minimum damage. Then a SMILE appeared on my face. Since my two brains were Fantasizing about the ‘3 of Us’, one could consider my ‘Blowout’ to be a ‘Gift’ from the two Queens.

Instead of popping out of a cake, BOTH of THEM sent me a ‘Blowout’ that had me jerking along with my safe stop. Eventually, they too, were thanked for my one of a kind ‘Birthday Gift’ and a safe and healthy result, which continued during the Pilgrimage. However, the discomfort from sitting and writing on not so comfortable chairs had started to pay its toll. My thoughts toyed with a trip to a home improvement store for a piece of word to place on the chair for additional support as I typed my story about Clemson.

After a few hours of typing in minor discomfort, TIME dictated a walk. When one goes for a walk in a new territory, the UNKNOWN awaits. It is the UNKNOWN that stimulates my senses for my Pilgrimage is actually a Pilgrimage into the UNKNOWN. I KNOW where I am going, but the people, the environment, and the situations would all be UNKNOWN and NEW for me.

Carlos Santana is quoted as saying, “Starvation and fear is the enemy of humanity”. According to others including this writer, Fear is the #1 reason that prevents humans from PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS. It is the ‘Fear of the UNKNOWN’. If humans only viewed LIFE as a series of results, humans may be more willing to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS. Please permit me to recite what other ‘Greats’ have said about LIFE. LIFE produces no winners or losers. LIFE only produces results.

With that said, my walk took me to a shopping center. Shopping has the tendency to both stimulate and relax my writing thought process. As I ventured around this store for the first time, my DREAMS were answered. Look what the UNKNOWN brought me. A hard, cushioned seat for my ASS and lower back to sit on while my fingers peck away. For a bonus, it will always travel with me because of its size and weight. If ‘fear’ were my reason not to attempt walking in a new territory, my DREAMS would have not been answered.

 If ‘fear’ had been the reason, Sanford Stadium would not have been built. Let the story of Sanford Stadium begin.


Georgia Football did not begin at Sanford Stadium for Georgia Football had a different home first. Wikipedia writes, “Dr. Charles Herty was the first UGA football coach and he led the Bulldogs to a 1-1 record in 1892. In their first game, Georgia defeated Mercer 50-0 in Athens. Georgia met Auburn at Piedmont Park in Atlanta for their second and final game of 1892. Auburn defeated Georgia 10-0 and the “The Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry” was started.

Herty Field, also known as Alumni Athletic Field, was the original on-campus playing venue for football and baseball at the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens, Georgia. It opened in the Fall of 1891 and hosting the first UGA home football game against Mercer University on January 30, 1892.

Before its use for athletics, the field was a marching ground. Under the direction of Dr. Charles Herty, a professor of Chemistry at UGA and the creator of the UGA varsity football and baseball teams, the field was landscaped to host games and practices for the University’s varsity and intramural activities.

Outside of his faculty duties, Herty also served as the Instructor in Physical Culture from 1894 to 1896 and as Physical Director from 1896 until his resignation from UGA in November 1901. He led efforts to improve the field including raising USD$1,900.00 in 1897 from UGA alumni to further landscape the field and build bleachers. The field was originally referred to as Alumni Athletic Field; however, the name was changed to Herty Field after several years”.

Herty Field hosted its final U of Georgia football game in 1910. It was replaced by Sanford Field. Wikipedia prints, “Sanford Field was an on-campus playing venue for football and baseball at the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens, Georgia. It was built with wooden stands in 1911 and was named after Steadman V. Sanford. As a venue for football, it was replaced in 1929 by Sanford Stadium, which was built nearby”.

“The stadium is named for Dr. Steadman Vincent Sanford, an early major force behind UGA athletics. Sanford arrived at the University of Georgia as an English instructor in 1903.

He later became the faculty representative to the athletics committee and would eventually become president of the University and Chancellor of the entire University System of Georgia. In 1911, he moved the university’s football venue from its first location, Herty Field, to a location at the center of campus, which was named Sanford Field in his honor.

To fund his vision, Sanford had an idea that members of the athletic association would sign notes guaranteeing a bank loan to fund the stadium construction. Those guarantors would be granted lifetime seats. The response was overwhelming, and in 1928, a loan of $150,000 supported by fans and alumni allowed construction to begin on a stadium whose total cost was $360,000.

Near the existing Sanford Field was a low area between the Old Campus (to the north) and the Ag Campus (to the south) with a small creek (Tanyard Creek) running through it, creating a clearly preferable choice for the location of the new stadium. This natural valley containing Tanyard Creek would result in reduced costs, as stands could be built on the rising sides of the hill, while the creek could be enclosed in a concrete culvert, on top of which the field would be constructed. The architect for the stadium was TC Atwood of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where North Carolina’s Kenan Memorial Stadium had just been completed with a similar design. The 30,000-seat stadium was built in large part with convict labor, as were many public works projects of that era.

While the location was, then as now, preferable for construction, the result is an uphill walk in any direction leaving the stadium. The stadium was completed on time, and UGA convinced perennial powerhouse Yale, which has historically maintained close ties with UGA, to be their first opponent in the new stadium. (This also was Yale’s first ever football game played in the South.)

On October 12, 1929, a capacity crowd of over 30,000 paid $3 per ticket to watch the Bulldogs, under coach Harry Mehre, beat Yale 15–0 in Sanford Stadium’s dedication game. The crowd was at the time the largest to witness a college football game in the South, and governors from all nine southern states also were in attendance. Yale donated its half of the game receipts to UGA to help pay off the construction loans, which would subsequently be completely repaid in just five years. Dr. Sanford also was at this game, and attended many Georgia games at the stadium named in his honor until his death on September 15, 1945.

Sanford Stadium’s hedges have encircled the field since the stadium’s first game against Yale in 1929. The idea to put hedges around the field came from the Business Manager of the UGA Athletic Department, Charlie Martin. Martin claimed to have received inspiration for the idea during a visit to the Rose Bowl, where he saw the hedge of roses in that stadium. Roses were not a suitable choice for the climate in Athens, so privet hedges were used instead. (A debate exists over the type of hedge). Six other SEC stadiums have copied UGA and now have hedges, making this feature no longer unique to UGA, but Georgia has the only one that completely surrounds the playing field.

The original stadium consisted of the lower half of the current facility’s grandstand seats. In 1940, field-level lights were added, and Georgia played its first night game against Kentucky to a 7–7 tie.

The stadium’s first major expansion took place in 1949, with the addition of 6,000 seats on the south side, bringing total capacity to 36,000. ( PIC is Early 1950’s)

During the 1960s, many universities in the South were significantly expanding their stadiums, and Georgia was no different. Soon after the arrival of head coach Vince Dooley in 1964, UGA began updating Sanford Stadium, removing the field-level lighting (which obstructed views from the stands) and adding 7,621 temporary end-zone seats, which brought total capacity to 43,621. Architects Heery and Heery of Atlanta were then hired to plan a major expansion. This expansion planning was very tricky, since by that time the stadium was closely enclosed on both north and south sides by academic buildings.

The plans went forward, however, and an “upper deck” of seats was added to each side of the stadium in 1967 without the need to demolish or alter any of the surrounding buildings. In addition to the new upper decks, this first major addition included a new pressbox and club seating. In total, 19,640 seats were added to the stadium (bringing total capacity to 59,000), at a cost of $3 million. The new addition was christened with a victory over Mississippi State in 1967.

In 1981, the east endzone stands were enclosed for a cost of $11.5 million, creating a “horseshoe-shaped” stadium and eliminating the free view enjoyed by the “Track People”. This addition added 19,000 seats, bringing total stadium capacity to 82,122. The first game in the newly expanded stadium was on September 5, 1981, against Tennessee, with Georgia delivering a 44–0 drubbing.

Lights were re-installed in the stadium in 1981. This time, the lights were not located at field level, but attached to the top of the upper level, thus not obscuring fans’ views of the field. The first game under the “new lights” was a 13–7 victory against Clemson on September 6, 1982.

In 1991, a portion of the west endzone stands was enclosed, creating a “partial bowl” around the lower level of Sanford Stadium. The west stands could not be completely enclosed due to the proximity of Gillis Bridge (usually called “Sanford Bridge”), a major campus transportation artery, to the stadium. This expansion cost $3.7 million and added 4,205 new seats, bringing total capacity to 85,434.

30 luxury suites were added above the south stands in 1994, and were expanded to 50 suites in 2000. These expansions cost a total of $18 million, and raised total capacity to 86,520.

In 2003, another upper deck was added to the north side of the stadium. This added 5,500 new seats to the stadium at a cost of $25 million, bringing total stadium capacity to 92,058. Currently, most of these “upper-upper deck” seats are reserved for the fans of the visiting team.

In 2005, installation of a new video display on the west end zone was completed. Ribbon boards were also added along the sides of the stadium. These additions, constructed and maintained by Daktronics, established Sanford Stadium as one of the most visually media intensive venues in the SEC. The stadium reached its current capacity of 92,746 in 2004, when 27 SkySuites were added to the north side of the stadium at a cost of $8 million.

The video board installed from 2005 underwent a $1.4 million overhaul before the 2011 season. The screen’s size expanded from 25×46 feet to the full size of the scoreboard, which is 52×76 feet. The new video board has full high definition (HD) capability.

On February 14, 2017, the UGA Athletic Board approved a $63 million expansion to renovate the west side of the stadium. The approved design will relocate the locker room, from the east side to the west side, as well as the addition of a new plaza and recruiting pavilion, which will add 500 seats to the stadium’s capacity. Construction is set to begin during the 2017 season, take approximately 17 months, with an anticipated end date prior to the start of the 2018 season.

The 92,746-seat stadium is the tenth-largest stadium in the NCAA. Architecturally, the stadium is known for its numerous expansions over the years that have been carefully planned to fit with the existing “look” of the stadium. Games played there are said to be played “Between the Hedges” due to the field being surrounded by hedges, which have been a part of the design of the stadium since it opened in 1929. The current hedges were planted in 1996 after the originals were taken out to accommodate soccer for the 1996 Summer Olympics”.

One last unverified note about the hedges. The current hedges that now surround Sanford Stadium were grown from saplings from the original hedge but with safeguards to prevent future fungus growth. This fungus was discovered as the old hedges were being torn out for the Olympics.


Unlike previous Ritual Days, this one would include another mission. TIME did not permit a trip to a museum in Athens. With a heavy writing schedule, plus TIME for walks, shopping in Athens took a higher priority. During my first walk when the purchase for my seat occurred, Forces also shined on me for some great prices on U of Georgia attire. My shopping now centered on a few items. Wind Chimes for the Dream Home, souvenirs, plus tokens and ‘Gifts’ for QVV & QVS remained on my list.

Wind Chimes from past Pilgrimages hang proudly on the back porch of the Dream Home. When the desert wind blows, all chime in harmony with the Blessings of past Pilgrimages. The off season for Wind Chimes make the UNKNOWN search an adventure. A dual trip was taken to the local mall. One, my ASS could walk in AC instead of the Georgia heat & humidity. Two, I could shop. Souvenirs, tokens, and ‘Gifts’ for QVV & QVS were easy finds.

All I could find on Wind Chimes were leads. Certain national hardware stores are always my last choice, for it is the local Wind Chimes I seek.

The locals in the mall offered a few suggestions. Two said to try Dollar General and others pointed me to other shopping centers a few miles opposite the mall, but in the direction of Sanford Stadium in Athens. After a few more stops, only leads were ringing in my ear with two more Dollar General Stores and a local nursery. As I drove off my campsite Friday around noon, my first stop would be the local nursery.

The nursery had Wind Chimes, but the size & weight did not meet my specifications. However, if needed, they would my last choice.

Another national store was nearby with another lead, Dollar General. With conflicting directions and TIME now a factor, my vehicle was programmed for Sanford Stadium. Along my route, on my right a Dollar General Store was flagging me to stop. Stop I did and inside my search continued. After asking one question, my prayers were answered. Wind Chimes and a few other items left the store with me. Mission accomplished.

Entering U of Georgia’s campus brought an increase of vehicles and pedestrians. GPS’s are great getting my vehicle to its destination, but it offers no suggestions on where to park. Among the three campuses on this Pilgrimage, Georgia had the most traffic, both in vehicles & people. In TIME, after asking for assistance, paid parking was located in the nearby student center across from Sanford Stadium. It was an ideal location.

After some minor research the night before, the original Stadium was not surrounded by the existing buildings. As with other universities, growth created more structures near Stanford Stadium. Homecoming signs were everywhere. Seeing these greetings hit home to me. After 47 years, the first leg of my Odyssey would soon be completed in Georgia, on the campus of Georgia University. After scoping out the landscape, this is my first pic with the Stadium in background. (Also site of Dawg Walk)

SASHA and THOMAS acting as student ambassadors of the U of G took my first pic.

My adventure into the UNKNOWN took me inside the student center. Signs of Homecoming, welcoming me home hung from the walls. My first stop was at the information desk. Mary, the Informationalist, was filled with information. Though her pic was not requested, she left her impression with me. It was discovered that both of us shared the same birthplace, Pittsburgh, Pa. A coed born in Pittsburgh was welcoming me home.

The Stadium was located directly across the street from the student center. The next pic said I have arrived.

With a little more asking Jessie ‘the Sweet Coed’ who declined our offer for her pic, also played the role of my photographer for the next pic used also as our image pic for this story.

After thanking Jessie for her TIME, my adventure continued. Expansion pics are next with a block.

The Stadium’s location in a valley created a variety of inclines and declines walking around the outer shell.

As usual, guards manned the opened gates of Sanford Stadium. After a couple of conversations with the guards, access to the field would be a challenge and/or a ‘Gift’. Then two Angels appeared on my adventure and agreed to take my pic.

After a brief exchange of words, the Angels were friends from their high school days. One was visiting the other. The one visiting was actually on leave from his Angel duties at Auburn U. He flew in with his wings for us to share a moment along with his Angel buddy. In the dark blue shirt, in disguise from Auburn was Angel Justus standing next to Angel Raphael from Georgia. 

After meeting with the Angels and exchanging thanks, a different vibe joined me in my adventure. Foot traffic on the back side of the Stadium was less than when my adventure started. PICS FROM BACK SIDE

All back side gates were either locked or manned with a guard. The field could be seen through little portals from about 50 yards away. If no other option remained, a pic could be taken later from that distance. As the vendors and workers continued their duties, a van marked Chick-fil-A was being unloaded by two employees. When small talk introduced us, we were strangers no more. During our conversation, questions were asked by me, including how many sandwiches will be prepared to be served at tomorrow’s Battle.

When one adds the chicken, sausage and other sandwiches, about 20,000 will be prepared. Some Battles will require more, some Battles require less. For tomorrow’s Battle using some UNKNOWN algorithm, 20,000 was the magic number. After a brief encounter, my thanks for their TIME was given. L is Ryan, with Luis on the R.

Since I was visiting, I flagged down a busy construction worker who was kind enough to pause in his hectic schedule for a pic. He was so busy, TIME prevented his pic. The Good Samaritan was named Josh.

My adventure then entered an opened gate for a closer view of inside the Stadium. The area would normally be locked, but due to final preparations for the Battle to ease entry and exiting, the nearer gates to the Stadium were locked or manned with guards. The area was created as a buffer zone between the outer shell and the inner gates. With the area opened, traffic moved freely through it. It was inside this area that I met the Georgia Football Info Assistant posing as a security guard. He took the next pic.

This GFIA filled my brain about Georgia Football and Sanford Stadium. Rituals were discussed along with the TIME & place for them. The ‘Dawg Walk’ along with its history were included. The official Live Mascot Uga was included along with the ‘Wall of Fame’ of previous distinguished Uga Mascots whose TIME has passed. Stories of possible burial sites on the field were shared with me. Before departing, I thanked this GFIA for his TIME and he left me with a pic of him. His name was Randy.

Though Randy was very hospitable it did not spill over from him performing his duty. Access to take a quick pic of the interior of the Stadium was denied. Another pic of the area. 

With Stadium running out on my first adventure around it, it happened. It happened so quickly, my ‘Homeostasis’ was knocked off center. Next is my closest pic so far of the field. 

My ‘Homeostasis’ was then taken on an invisible roller coaster ride. I am not a fan of roller coasters. Without warning, my belt was fastened and off I went. Around the concrete beam, I adventured. On the other side was Luis from Chick-fil-A unloading supplies on the concourse. He agreed to take the next three pics. Though, I lurked in the shadows of the pics, evidence shows Sanford Stadium has welcomed me HOME.

After a brief conversation with Luis and with my adrenaline pumping at a rapid pace throughout my Primary & Primal Brains, a choice to ride my roller coaster into the UNKNOWN was decided. A very long steep flight of concrete steps separated my ASS from the bottom of Sanford Stadium. Luis and I rationalized that if my ASS was not welcomed, it would be asked to leave. Down the steep, concrete stairs, my ride continued. Security was not visible. Only the field workers prepping the field could be seen.

When my car arrived to the bottom, a feeling of exhilaration wrapped around my body. In my Two Brains, like Ulysses in the Odyssey, I too have made it HOME. As I looked around, a pic was in order. Since I am not a ‘fan of selfies’, I weighed my options. If it called for a selfie as the one I did on Kyle Field last year, then a selfie it would be. As on cue, a figure of a woman came walking my way. Dressed in Stadium security attire, my initial impression was she had come to escort my ASS out.

My roller coaster ride had now shifted gears. After a ride down steep concrete steps, the UNKNOWN awaited me. As she neared me, instead of escorting me out she agreed to take pics of me standing outside the Hedges.

In return, a pic of another ‘Good Samaritan’ was taken. When she told me her first name, she also said it was at the age of 8 that was her first game at Stanford Stadium. What are the chances that two women from two different Stadiums, who took my pics, would have the same first name? Meet Molly.

As I began my assent up the steep concrete steps, another party was riding down. After a brief talk, they too were visiting but had no seats for the Battle. The opened gate called to them. After I explained my adventure into the UNKNOWN, their sense of accomplishment grew on their faces. They were unaware that major odds were tossed aside that helped them enter Sanford Stadium the day before the Battle and to ride the roller coaster down to the field.

One of them was a musician, past pro Tennis Player, and a Graduate of Oklahoma St. University. The other was a writer dealing with a wide range of formats. His college was not noted. The female with them was named Helen. The dots seamlessly connected for Helen is my mother’s name. For a ‘Gift’, Helen my mother supplied the funds to purchase my primary Pilgrimage camera. In her honor, my camera is named Helen. Helen took a pic of Helen and her two mates. Jamie is on Helen’s right and Preston of OSU is on Helen’s left.

With DREAMS checked off my list, it was TIME to return to the vehicle. Sanford Stadium like others chooses a clean look on the perimeter walls with only a few ornaments. Statues were not noticed, but construction was. A stop in the Georgia Attire Store was profitable. A few more ‘Gifts’ were purchased for QVV & QVS.

One last stop was on my menu. A pic was needed in front of the huge ‘Homecoming’ sign. It would serve as proof; Georgia U officially welcomed my ASS Home. The foot traffic had slowed down dramatically. After some TIME, choices for photographers began to increase. When I have a choice, coeds are always preferred over the male students. In a pinch, a male photographer would work. Two coeds are better than one, for two has a higher probability of returning my favor for a pic of them. TIME arrived to make my choice.

Two coeds on my left were walking the same speed towards me as two coeds on my right. When 5 yards away, my decision was made to choose the two coeds on my right. They agreed to take my pic.

During our brief initial exchange, their foreign accents did not match the accent of the Georgia people. After taking my pic, our small talk continued. Both of these coeds came all the way from Germany to take my pic. After applying for a scholarship without KNOWING one another, each one earned the same award to attend the U of Georgia. Sent as a pair from the University of Hanover, these Hanover Reps proudly wore their school colors well. Their German hospitality matched the hospitality of the Georgians. Both of them were PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS attending the U of Georgia.

Their one year Linguistic Scholarship at Georgia was paving the way for future Dreams back in Germany. With the help of DAAD, a German American Exchange Program, both would complete their degrees and be qualified as Teachers. Paula-L and Lena-R were my Foreign Exchange Photographers.

While leaving the campus my GPS was not immediately turned on as my vehicle meandered through nearby neighborhoods off campus in search of potential parking near the Stadium. After stopping and writing down a few intersections, my GPS was activated for the return trip to my campsite. In a short TIME, a main street led to Atlanta Highway. After turning left at the light, after a few hundred yards, the Dollar General Store that flagged me was on my left.

As I drove, I thanked God, QVV & QVS for their guidance on Ritual Day. A circle was completed for my Homecoming to Georgia. Wind Chimes were purchased. Ambassadors, an Informationalist, ‘Good Samaritans’, Angels, a GFIA, Chicken Reps, Reps from Hanover, Germany and others, including another Molly, all contributed to a ‘Special Homecoming Ritual Day’.


The 7:30pm kick-off for Battle Day set my departure at 2pm. Since the UNKNOWN always travels with me on my College Football Pilgrimages, it is best for more TIME to be available. Plus, my Battle Day will only be a one TIME experience unlike the Regular Religious Faithful. My coined phrase of the ‘Celebration of Pigskin’ joined in for my ride. A small foam cooler filled with drinks & snacks rode in the trunk. Though, many Faithful have always offered me food and drink at their campsites, carrying my own is now normal procedures.

This ‘Celebration of Pigskin’ would be replicated over 100 times at various Colleges and Universities throughout our Great Country. When TIME permitted, research would be conducted to find an estimate of how many College Football Religious Faithful attend the ‘Celebration of Pigskin’ over a weekend. Traffic seemed lighter than Friday’s Ritual Day. Dollar General Store in no TIME waved as I drove by. Turning right at the light, paid parking signs started to appear.

Slowly, my vehicle drove further down the street in line to get closer to Stanford Stadium. Because of its location in a valley, Stanford Stadium remains discreet. Most parking signs on the street listed $20 with a few higher. One listed $20 plus a bathroom. In addition, it was located across the street for excellent access to return to my major campsite. After asking the attendant how far the spot was from the Stadium, she responded with a huge SMILE, about ½ of a mile. A deal was struck. Her name was Ella as in Fitzgerald.

The street was lined with parking for the Battle. My campsite was just starting to fill in. The TIME said 2:30 after backing my car into its space. Five hours before kickoff would be plenty of TIME to enjoy the offerings of the Georgia Football Faithful. When my vehicle was scouting for parking on Ritual Day, Fraternity and Sorority houses peppered the streets, which added to possible campsites to visit.

A tent and Georgia FF was set up in the spot near mine. After getting organized, TIME said to venture into the UNKNOWN. My mouth started the small talk as a Battle from another Stadium played on the TV. Talking College Football is the easiest way to be no longer strangers. Al, an olde faithful friend took my first pic at my campsite with a cup of CRCR coffee in my hand.

More was shared by Al as our talk continued. Al witnessed his first Georgia Battle during the 1959 season in which he was baptized. For 50 years, he has been a season ticket holder missing about 10 home games. Road Battles for Georgia is also a steady diet within a reasonable driving distance. Next is a pic of Al and his wife Anne.

Both Anne and Al are graduates of Georgia University. Anne majored in Education with Al earning a Law Degree. Al’s mom & dad plus Anne’s dad are also Georgia grads along with Al and Anne’s two children. After constantly staring out his law office window after 10 years of practicing law, Al received a call from the ‘Wild’. In 1996, Al walked away from his law practice, heeded the call of the ‘Wild’, and started with his son ‘Fleming Lawn Service’ in a little town not far from Athens where he resided.

He wanted to PLAYIN HIS DREAMS and it reflected in his SMILE and hospitality. This same warmth was extended by all sitting under the tent. Jason, the Historian added stories and sites to visit that were nearby. Special ‘Bulldog Treats’ were offered and accepted from one of the local beauties. Next are pics of the group and ‘Bulldog Treats’. Note the injured foot. She would remain at the campsite to protect it.

With much to see in the area, my thanks were extended to Al, his family and others as I departed. First stop would be ‘The Wedding Cake Sorority House’. Information supplied by Jason said this was among the oldest Sorority Houses on Georgia’s campus. Within 10 minutes, the house was spotted along with a pic. writes the following about Alpha Gamma Delta House, “This house, one of the oldest on campus was originally bought as a wedding gift for Miss Susie Carithers. On the day of Susie’s wedding, the groom assumingly stood Susie up at the altar. Distraught, Susie hung herself in the attic. To pull on your heart strings even more, the groom showed up hours later, because he had been delayed. To this day, residents say they have seen Susie staring out of the attic. Perhaps she is still hoping to walk down the aisle”.



My adventures had returned me back near my campsite. With a little TIME to spare until my walk to the Stadium, another Fraternity House was nearby. After evaluating the campsite, two Frat Brothers and I engaged in a verbal exchange. Appearing in the next pic after sharing their Passion for Georgia Football with me was Taylor and Chandler. Taylor on my left was a Finance Major ready to graduate soon. Chandler on my right was a Grad Student working on a degree in Sports Management. The bright futures in front of them should provide the light for both of them to PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS.

A new campsite game was discovered as my feet walked through the campsite that was filling up. New ideas and inventions always seem to amaze my Two Brains. Once, I read a paragraph. The truth has not been verified. The story goes as follows. Back in the late 1800’s, when patents for new ideas and products stopped coming into the US Patent Office, the director made a decision. He declared that all of the new ideas and products must have all been invented. He resigned and closed up shop.

A pic of a NEW GAME called KAN-JAM and Kyle (L)-Clay (R)

 While making final preparations for the Battle, my thanks was extended to Al’s family & friends that had grown in numbers. My next stop would be a little out of my way to the Stadium, but it would be well worth the trip. When Jason, the Historian told me the story, it was as Bizarre and Phenomenal as our relationship between the ‘3 of Us’ with QVV & QVS. How many of you reading this have ever heard about the ‘Tree that Owned Itself’? I found one.

On my way to Sanford Stadium, the first visiting fan of the Foes to do Battle with the Locals was spotted. He was attending the Battle with his wife and daughter a coed at Missouri U. He wore his colors boldly deep in Local Territories. However, after a short interrogation, they were not his ‘True Colors’. He wore Tiger Colors for his daughter. His ‘True Colors’ showed on the green bag strapped around his shoulder. Bruce was a proud grad from Michigan State.





The ‘Dawg Walk’ is a Time Honored Tradition at Georgia University. It is so Timed Honor that very little information about this Time Honored Tradition can be found on the internet. I searched for who, why, what, when, and where and the same little snippets showed up. Rumors point that this Tradition is actually borrowed from Auburn University. A Head Football Coach with ties to Auburn brought he Dawg Walk to Athens. After the unknown coach left, the Tradition went on LOA, only to be restarted again by another Head Football Coach. pens the following, “The Dawg Walk is a Saturday tradition at UGA home games where throngs of UGA fans line up in the Tate Center parking lot to form a tunnel of sorts that greets the players and coaches as they enter Sanford Stadium. The team enters the stadium to the music of the Redcoat Band and fans get more and more fired up for game day. To give credit where credit is due, this is borrowed tradition from Auburn’s Tiger Walk, but that doesn’t detract from the fun of the Dawg Walk in Athens”.

Taking my pic above the Dawg Walk were a couple that were both Graduates from the U of Georgia. The male graduated with a degree in Political Science that led to a job in sales. After many years of working for others, he and his wife are PLAYIN THEIR DREAMS. He informed me that starting on Monday, October 16, 2017; his Dreams of owning his own business would be officially opened for business. The name of his new company is Velocity Sales Management. Meet new Small Business Owners and part-time photographers, Bob & Debby.




During the Dawg Walk, another conversation with two couples entered the Walk. A few like me were experiencing their first Dawg Walk. We were virgins. One previously lost her virginity viewing the Walk for she was a UGA Grad. After listening about my Pilgrimage, Kayde the UGA grad, offered more tidbits of the Traditions and Rituals of Georgia Football and Sanford Stadium. In return for her tidbits, the two couples agreed to the next pic. L-R: Drew, Kayde, Tanner, Tal.

Plenty of TIME remained until I entered the Stadium. My feet carried me throughout other campsites that surrounded the Stadium. My IMAGINATION constructed the scenes of past Battle campsites of earlier days of Sanford Stadium. Most people in attendance had no clues of past images of Sanford Stadium. Not only were they clueless, most believed that the Stadium had always looked this way.

Sanford Stadium began to call to me. As I approached my gate, the proximity to the Stadium of the campsites caught my attention. Even with my bum arm, an underhand toss of a football could hit the gates. Pausing to enjoy the scene, my presence not in Georgia’s Colors caught the eye of a Georgia Fan. To ease the situation, I walked over to him and engaged in friendly conversation. In a short TIME, we were acting like olde faithful friends.

His Passion for College Football and College Sports in general alerted my auditory canal. Meeting another Georgia Faithful that shared my same Passion for College Football and College Sports was another Blessing. He told me exactly where he was sitting watching the 1981 Sugar Bowl, Georgia vs Pitt (my alma mater, which has no Football Stadium on campus). He was 10 years old but his parents baptized him early at the age of two for his first game at Sanford Stadium.

He watched that 1981 Sugar Bowl with the same fervor that he possessed today sitting on the edge of his father’s bed. His personal story of obtaining the results he sought contained the same fervor.

He was not a grad of Georgia U, but a Grad of Georgia Southern University. With a degree in his hand, employment for his degree was not in high demand. After walking into a car dealership, his first entry level job was offered to him. Twenty-two was his age when he first begin. Applying his fervor to obtain favorable results, he slowly worked his way up through the car dealership. After 18 years, his fervor was rewarded with his first GM job with the same dealership. His Passion & Loyalty paved the way for more rewards, for not only he remains as GM, he was offered and accepted ½ ownership of another dealership with the Auto Family of Woody Folsom. His name is Keven. His daughter Natalee took our pic.

My clear Clemson bag and printed ticket were both approved for entrance into Stanford Stadium. Next is my first stop, the Uga Hall of Fame Wall & Mausoleum., and Wikipedia contributes next. “In the last 100 years of intercollegiate football, Georgia’s Uga has established himself as the nation’s most well-known mascot. The line of pure white English bulldogs, which epitomizes everything Georgia, has been owned by the Frank W. “Sonny” Seiler family of Savannah, Ga., since Uga I first graced the campus in 1956.

In 2014, Seiler told CBS News the story of how Uga became Georgia’s mascot. After his marriage in 1956 to his wife Cecelia, Seiler received a English bulldog puppy as a wedding present. “We took him to the Sigma Chi fraternity house before the first home game,” Seiler said. “Cecelia had made a shirt for him to wear out of a child’s T-shirt and sewed a ‘G’ on the front made from felt. We took him over there never intending to take him to the game. But after several iced teas — you know how that goes — everybody’s just, ‘Let’s take him to the game!'” Then, he was asked to be the University’s mascot and they named him Uga. IMAGES of Uga of Yester Years & Today

Through the years, Uga has been defined by his spiked collar, a symbol of the position, which he holds. He was given his name, an abbreviation for the university, by William Young of Columbus, a law school classmate of Seiler. Each of the Uga mascots is awarded a varsity letter in the form of a plaque, identical to those presented to all Bulldog athletes who letter in their respective sports.

As determined and published by the Pittsburgh Press, the University of Georgia is the only major college that actually buries its mascots within the confines of the stadium. The tomb’s original location was at the east end of Sanford Stadium, and Ugas I and II were originally buried there. Prior to its 1981 enclosure, the University moved the Uga graves to the west end. When the west endzone was enclosed in 1992, the Ugas were entombed in their current resting place, and a bronze, life-sized statue representing Uga was placed in front of the mausoleum.

Several Ugas have retired as part of pre-game ceremonies, during which there is a “passing of the collar” and the new Uga begins his reign. During these ceremonies, the fans typically chant “Damn good dog,” a tradition dating back to Uga I.

Ugas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII are buried in marble vaults near the main gate in the embankment of the South stands. Epitaphs to the dogs are inscribed in bronze, and before each home game, flowers are placed on their graves. The memorial plot attracts hundreds of fans and visitors each year.

For the past 20 years, Uga’s jerseys have been custom-made at the beginning of each season from the same material used for the players’ jerseys. Old jerseys are destroyed.

Uga’s on-field home is a permanent air conditioned doghouse located next to the cheerleaders’ platform, providing comfort in the heat of August and September”.

A young Georgia Faithful pays his respect.

A Good Samaritan took my first pic inside Sanford Stadium on Battle Day


 While grabbing some food & drink, Sanford Stadium was concerned about my calories and health

The Alumni Band prepare to perform prior to the Battle.

Missouri Football Faithful are filing in

Wes was the ‘Tallest Cop’ my eyes had ever witnessed during all my Pilgrimages. He stood a head and shoulders above the crowd.

The following couple assisted in my pic with Wes. The male had been to a U of Georgia Battle before. His female companion snap my pic. Her and I had shared a common thread. We were both Virgins attending our first Battle at Sanford Stadium. Traveling all the way from Canada to take my pic was Alex & John. 


The person who took my pic was a transplant in the territory. His work called him to Georgia. He too wore Georgia Colors since he had been baptized into the Georgia Football Faithful about 5 years ago. However, if one examined him closely, one might unveil his ‘True Colors’. His ‘True Colors’ also matched the ‘True Colors’ of the first Missouri Faithful by the ‘Tree Who Owned Itself’. This man came from ‘Green Michigan State Country’ to take my pic. He said that he was a Michigan State Fan forever and his name was Josh.

When the Gladiators left the field after warm-ups, the Battle Chants and Rituals began. Video of the past reflects the atmosphere


After taking my seats, more Rituals continued as the Alumni Marching Band took the field along with the 2017 Marching Band

The Battle Hymn Followed. Video was published 2/14/16 of a past Battle that plays on the large scoreboard screen.




After all the Pre-Battle Ceremonies, then the Georgia Gladiator Bulldogs took the field to a Sea of Red.

With my ASS parked in close proximity to the field, the action both on and off the field entertained my senses. While watching the Missouri Cheer Squad performing Pyramids and other amazing feats it happened. Cheering was a collision sport. Notice in the two pics. The pic on the left is the Pyramid. The pic on the right is the aftermath of the collision. Though blurry, the male took a serious blow during the dismount directly to his face.  It momentarily dazed him. But, the ‘Tiger’ in him after a self ‘concussion protocol check’ led the way for him to continue.




The Georgia Bulldogs were a 20+ point favorite over the Tigers from Missouri. Early evidence in the first half questioned the experts from Las Vegas. Big plays by Missouri kept them in the Battle during the first half.

Whatever was said, eaten and drank by the Gladiators of Georgia during halftime paid huge dividends in the second half. 

At the end of the 3rd quarter another Georgia Tradition at Sanford Stadium was practiced. writes, “the other traditional use of “Krypton,” played by the Redcoats at the start of the fourth quarter, with the fans standing and holding up four fingers on each hand, seems to be going strong still. And with the addition of lots of cell phones lighting up, it’s quite a sight at a night game”.

As the Battle wound down, my focus turned to others. During the entire Battle these two Georgia Football Faithful cheered every cheer and then some. Their Passion was impressive.

With the crowd filing out and the score now controlled by the Georgia Gladiators, I walked up to the two standing a few seats behind me. My right hand was extended with words coming out of my mouth; I declared both of them as the ‘Most Passionate Georgia Football Fans’ I had met. After some small talk and laughs both were friends and grads of Georgia in 2002. Each was baptized at the age of 10 in Sanford Stadium. Pics with Connor & Davis and their ‘3 Jim Beam’ friends was taken.

A little TIME remained on the clock as I made my way down to the Hedges. With a mark still on his face, the male victim and his two assailants that were responsible for the kick blow to his face joined for a photo. L-R: Reagan, Caitlin & Keegan. My thanks were extended to them and their Director.

Zeros appeared on the large scoreboard, but the score was quickly removed before a pic could be snapped. Only the smaller scoreboard in a blurry pic told the end of the Battle. 

The band played as the crowd left.

The only pics of the Georgia Bulldog Cheer Squad that were taken was without my ASS in them as they left the Stadium.

The large scoreboard reminded the Georgia Football to ring the Bell another Tradition after a victory. Located on the other side of campus is the ‘Ringing of the UGA Chapel Bell’. 


My campsite was nearing as I looked up at the street sign. The sign reminded me that ‘My Homecoming’ and the 1st Leg of my College Football Pilgrimage Odyssey had been completed. My city of Henderson, NV was telling me it was TIME to return to the Dream Home.

In the Dream home is where my Dreams were created for my College Football Pilgrimages, which then led to the completion of the first leg of my Odyssey that took 47 years. My Gratitude extends to God and all those that granted me their Blessings and wishes of Good Health and Safety during my Odyssey.

As my ASS was leaving their $1,000 per season reserved campsite, Keven wished me well. I remembered replying as Marcus Aurelius when I said, ‘Keven, all of this is for me. Georgia has welcomed my ASS named George with a Homecoming commemorating the completion of the 1st leg of my College Football Pilgrimage Odyssey. It does not get any better than this. We both laughed as my ASS was welcomed and was celebrated in Stanford Stadium, Homecoming 2017.

The second leg of my CFP Odyssey is leaning towards an Unknown adventure to the Top Ten Oldest College Football Stadiums. With my Homage completed to the Top Ten Largest College Football Stadiums in the great USA, my respects can shift to the ELDERS. Map show potential College Football Stadiums. FYI, using only the NCAA 2016 stats with other college divisions unknown, an estimate of 4.1 million College Football Faithful attend on weekends the ‘Celebration of Pigskin’. Stats were not available for the hidden numbers of ‘Ghost Tailgaters’ who attend with no tickets for the Battle.

Since my return to the Dream Home, QVV & QVS and I have been in constant communication. The ‘3 of US’ has been explored with ARTWORK and WORDS. My thanks also extends to both of them for their Inspiration and Stimulation. When writing, it is healthy to have one’s Primary & Primal Brains Inspired and Stimulated especially when staring at a screen and dealing with words. TIME will tell of the adventures of the ‘3 of Us’. As with all subjects, that too may have a story to be written.

If Our Insanity interests and entertains your thoughts, check back periodically for new short stories or browse our archives for past ones. Words when written are etched in stone. Remember to tell others. Below our sign-off are pics of QVS & QVV when they both cast their 1st SPELL on me. Always remember to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS and encourage plus support others to do the same. Do all Dreams turn true? Nah, it is just a sign to either continue pursing that Dream or shifting one’s TIME and PASSION to PLAYIN another Dream.



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