TIME has passed since my last story unfolding new tales that I write in this Dream Newsletter #9. For those of you with limited TIME wanting to read the Gratitude Letter mailed to Principal Gerald Bustamante, feel free to scroll down the story. If TIME is on your side, then put on your Imagination Astronaut Helmet and flow with the words. (This story is about 10,500 words.)
How many of you reading this think of your LIFE as a Voyage or an Odyssey? In my IMAGINATION, my LIFE resembles that of Odysseus-Ulysses in the Odyssey.
Let’s face it, our Voyage or Odyssey began at birth and will shift to the other-side when our ‘Life Force’ leaves this human body. Recently, I have returned from my 2017 College Football Pilgrimage. ( All stories are posted in the Pilgrimage and College Football Sections.)
Ever since my first Pilgrimage in 2010, a common theme always inter weaved as a result. All of my Pilgrimages were filled with Blessings & Gifts. When one acknowledges these Blessings & Gifts with Gratitude, in accordance with one of the Laws of the Universe, the Law of Attraction, more Blessings & Gifts will flow one’s way. The secret is to be on the lookout for them. Not all are earth shattering. Most are subtle which may result in a ‘SMILE’.
A SMILE is next best described.
“The Importance of a Smile: A SMILE costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship.
It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give”.
– Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch
The next question is ‘Do you believe in Angels’? J. Hampton Keathley III writes on bible.org:
“Though the doctrine of angels holds an important place in the Word of God, it is often viewed as a difficult subject because, while there is abundant mention of angels in the Bible, the nature of this revelation is without the same kind of explicit description we often find with other subjects developed in the Bible:
Every reference to angels is incidental to some other topic. They are not treated in themselves. God’s revelation never aims at informing us regarding the nature of angels. When they are mentioned, it is always in order to inform us further about God, what he does, and how he does it. Since details about angels are not significant for that purpose, they tend to be omitted
While many details about angels are omitted, it is important to keep in mind three important elements about the biblical revelation God has given us about angels.
(1) The mention of angels is inclusive in Scripture. In the NASB translation these celestial beings are referred to 196 times, 103 times in the Old Testament and 93 times in the New Testament.
(2) Further, these many references are scattered throughout the Bible being found in at least 34 books from the very earliest books (whether Job or Genesis) to the last book of the Bible (Revelation).
(3) Finally, there are numerous references to angels by the Lord Jesus, who is declared to be the Creator of all things, which includes the angelic beings. Paul wrote, “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities (a reference to angels)—all things have been created by Him and for Him.”
So while the mention of angels may seem incidental to some other subject contextually, it is an important element of divine revelation and should not be neglected, especially in view of the present craze and many misconceptions about angels”.
( From my own personal experiences, add Hummingbirds to the list.)
People.howstuffworks.com writes: “We may be able to speak directly to God through prayer, but according to the Bible, he reaches us through a variety of angels, each with distinct duties. There are nine types of angels within three major groups known as choirs. Regardless of where they are on the hierarchy, like us, they are individuals.
Unlike us, because they are able to see far beyond a mortal timeline, they are extremely patient and forgiving. They are aware of our personal life goals and are assigned to assist us, but never interfere with our free will”. (End of Excerpts)
As with Pilgrimages that create Blessings & Gifts, could thinking about the existence of Angels or ‘Spirits’, cause one to have more encounters with them? It is now past ten years since 11/27/07 that our Son, Brother, and Friend Nick Feher, physically left the planet. However, signs well documented with families and friends have indicated that his ‘Competitive Spirit’ still remains in some form to this day. It was after Nick’s physical passing that my attention to angels began to increase.
As my attention grew, so did my encounters with angels. The Law of Attraction played its part in arranging these sometimes brief but KNOWN meetings with these angels. Some engagements were so powerful that I identified these UNKNOWN BEINGS as angels. Recently, one of the Blessings & Gifts that showered me from my recent Pilgrimage is the UNKNOWN. It is in the UNKNOWN of LIFE where the PASSION & FUN resides. My Pilgrimages bear out this truth.
Traveling solo, (or with another) into the UNKNOWN opens the door to this PASSION & FUN.
One can argue that one walks into the UNKNOWN each moment of the lives, for around the corner, the UNKNOWN awaits. For argument sake, permit me to explain the two types of the UNKNOWN. The first type is called ‘Known UNKNOWN’ of LIFE. It can be viewed as the ‘Routine of LIFE’. One wakes up then dwells within the routines of daily living. Though comforting, it only supplies one with the limited PASSION & FUN of LIFE.
Carlos Santana says that ‘Starvation & Fear is the enemy of humanity’. Research indicates that it is the Fear of the UNKNOWN that prevents others from trying new things and PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS. If one views this second ‘Unknown UNKNOWN as a place that only produces results and not winners or losers, PASSION & FUN awaits those who dare to enter. The ‘Unknown UNKNOWN’ also provides Blessings & Gifts. As our Gratitude is extended, more Blessings & Gifts will flow our way as in the Law of Attraction.
These may include the understanding and practicing of Virtues & Values and/or the arrival of personal endowments. Please permit me to present one example of many. After extensive research to upgrade the pool equipment to an automated system last winter/spring, a decision was made. My best option to save money and to get a bigger bang for the equipment was to purchase it from the internet. With equipment in hand, the next phase was to obtain the services for the installation.
As a starting point in my brain for the cost of UNKNOWN labor that requires a professional for a project at the Dream Home, I try to estimate the man-hours needed for the job. Since I was dealing with an Intermatic product, Intermatic also assured me that anyone qualified as an electrical technician could successfully install their product. Plus, Intermatic offered free tech phone support if needed. This was a two-part job. One part was the installation of the new automated equipment. The second part was the repair a few leaking, warped PVC pipes and connections.
The initial installation and repair estimates that were given far exceeded my planned budget for the job. Instead of continuing getting outrageous estimates, my fingers devised a ‘job proposal’. My job proposal was then posted on a few pool repair companies’ websites and one of those job websites to garner feedback and a possible technician to complete the job on my budget.
Thinking that winter must be a slow season for swimming pool repair, and upgrade work, my job proposal, which I thought was fair, went unanswered. As I continued to study the scope of the job, another call was made by me to Intermatic. Questions of mounting the new oversize electrical box entered into our conversation. The rep suggested that the City of Henderson would be a better source to answer those questions, in case it involved an electrical code issue.
With a new light now shining, my next-door neighbor worked as a Supervisor for the City of Henderson. My job proposal now shifted gears. Instead of dual project, it would now be viewed as a 2-part project. The 1st part would be the electrical work. The 2nd part would be the plumbing part. Within a few days, my neighbor stopped by and evaluated the electrical work with me. I explained to him that my budget had allocated about $500 for the electrical work. It was based on the following KNOWING.
If a qualified technician completed the job within 5 hours, that would be a $100 an hour. 6 hours equals $83.33 an hour. 8 hours equals $62.50 an hour. Intermatic reps claimed that a standard installation by a qualified technician should not exceed 8 hours. At $62.50, this technician would make more per hour than the average teacher in the Clark County School District. In reality, this technician would make more on the average than the teachers who taught him to expand his knowledge. This knowledge has placed this technician in this chosen field.
After listening to my pitch, my neighbor agreed that my price was fair for the job. To assist in my pursuit of completing the job according to code, he volunteered to seek out those in the City of Henderson that could provide guidance. In my IMAGINATION, my next-door neighbor was Angel E. He was placed on my path to assist me.
In a short TIME, Angel E then arranged an after work meeting with another employee from the City of Henderson to evaluate my job project. His name was Z, and his field of expertise was electrical and the City codes.
After showing Z the schematics of the electrical work, Z explained my options. I then asked him in front of Angel E, if he knew of anyone that might be interested in completing the electrical job project. I explained that my budget was between $400-$500 for the electrical job. Angel E had informed me earlier that Z on his off time, performed outside electrical jobs to help his family. Sensing that Z was interested, my best offer was raised to $500. With Angel E observing, a deal was struck between Z and me. We then made our way back into the Dream Home to finalize the plans.
It was agreed that because of his schedule, the job project would start in about 5 weeks. Since it was early March of 2017, the job would be completed in TIME to finish part 2 of the job plumbing and for the swim season. As Angel E looked on, Z and I exchanged cellphone numbers and I informed Z that I would text him in a few weeks for a job update. $500 was the verbally contracted price, followed by a handshake that Angel E witnessed. Angel E then informed Z that one of my PASSIONS was writing. Jokingly, he said, we might end up in one of his stories, for Angel E had the power to look into the future.
I assured Z, unless his lack of INTEGRITY mirrored those of the head baseball coach at Foothill High School, and the principal and head baseball coach at Basic Academy/HS, plus the officials of the Henderson Little League only words of praise and GRATITUDE would be shared with my readers. Z laughed as he proudly stated he lived in Green Valley. He then told me in front of Angel E, that higher standards of INTEGRITY existed in Green Valley and his matched the community. I thanked Angel E and now Angel Z for their assistance as they departed from the Dream Home.
The plumbing would wait until the electrical job was done. Another job project was taking center stage. I named it the ‘Wall of Patience’. For four years I have been slowly saving money for this ‘Wall of Patience’. While saving my money, other barriers had been used to prevent the over spray of the sprinklers onto the pool deck. Though the barriers had been effective and not expensive, one would have to view them as ‘Modern Art’ for aesthetic purposes. To help accent the surrounding beauty of the area, a small wall of block or stone was called for. With my budget soon to be finalized by a small tax refund, my DREAMS would soon turn into reality.
During my 3 days a week walk in the neighborhood, a massive stone and block job project was under construction for a newly built home on what is called an acre. With the job winding down, I made a stop to visit with this craftsman. My job project was verbally explained to him and he agreed to stop by for an estimate.
Our information was exchanged. Within a few days, the Block Guy stopped by for an estimate. Interlocking decorative concrete blocks were my idea for the project to eliminate the need for footings and mortar. After a few days, a text with his estimate vastly exceeded my budget.
Plan B would have to be invoked. After examining the different options of block and stone to fit my budget, the Block Guy became Angel BG. A fair price was agreed upon that matched my budget. Within a few weeks, the ‘Wall of Patience’ was constructed. Not only did it add to the aesthetics and beauty of the pool area, it serves as a daily reminder about the lost virtue of Patience.
To be honest with you, credit or other money accounts could have been used to construct the wall years earlier. Instead of succumbing to Instant Gratification, my personal challenge was to save the money and pay cash for the project. TIME would be an ally in my challenge. Plus, the finished ‘Wall of Patience’ would serve as a life-long reminder to the virtue of Patience. Social scientists are now beginning to recognize this battle between Patience and Instant Gratification.
Lauren Alexander a graduate student living at home of gentwenty.com pens the following: “Patience is a virtue.” We’ve all heard this quote many times in our lives, but I feel like nowadays it has completely lost its meaning. Patience can be defined as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.”
We live in a world of Instant Gratification. If you want to purchase something but can’t wait to buy it, you go online, purchase it and have it shipped overnight to your front door. If you want to get in contact with someone you don’t just call him or her. You can call, text, Facebook message, email, tweet, Snapchat, etc. The list for communicating goes on and on.
Having access to whatever we want, whenever we want has changed us. People have become less patient in their daily lives than they were in life before the world of cellphones and Internet.
Before our time, people couldn’t find everything they needed at a grocery store. They had to go to a few places. They had to wait for snail mail. I think this taught our parents and grandparents how to be patient and appreciate the journey. Their generations have the foresight to see the bigger picture instead of what is only right in front of them.
Our generation is lost in technology so much that when we make plans we don’t think about the overall “life” plan. This is what our generation needs to learn and understand in order to be successful and have the lives we want. We need to understand that just cause we don’t have the perfect job now, own a nice house, or have the perfect spouse and partner doesn’t mean those things won’t come into our lives eventually”.
Rachael Tulipano of elitedaily.com writes: “Instant gratification is brief happiness. We get it when we want it; it comes, it goes, and it fades.
There’s no lasting aftermath of satisfaction. It’s fleeting. The point is instant gratification is not designed to leave us satisfied for any considerable length of time. It is intended to keep us coming back for more.
We want the rush of excitement every time our phone lights up with a new text message. We look forward to seeing how many “likes” we can earn on our Instagram photos and Facebook posts. We quantify the amount of followers we can gain on Twitter because, in essence, the more followers you have, the more popular you are.
Yet, what do these social media achievements really do for us? They offer a blind rush of happiness, and they all-too-quickly disappear.
Getting what we want when we want it is not a realistic model of behavior. Technologically speaking, it makes sense. Instant technology can be useful when it connects us to the right information, and makes our work more productive and rewarding.
Yet, from the vantage point of our personal and professional lives, is it really an ideal way of life?
That brief satisfaction quickly fades, and in its wake is a need for further connection. Perhaps, it’s time for Millennials to find other means of satisfaction.
We need to consider bringing meaning to our lives. We need to learn to slow down and enjoy a more patient way of life”. (End of Excerpts)
The ‘Wall of Patience’ was designed to last my lifetime. When the need for Patience ever arises, I now can just go sit on the ‘Wall of Patience’ and absorb some up my butt. As the ‘Wall of Patience’ was mapped out, a text message was also sent to Angel Z to check on the status of the electrical job for the pool equipment. Days turned into a week or more with no response from Angel Z.
When two weeks passed, another text message was sent to Angel Z. Again, no message was returned as my Patience waited another week. To double check that my number was correct for Angel Z, I sent off a text to Angel E my next-door neighbor. He verified that my number was the same as his. Within a few more days, I arranged a meeting with Angel E to discuss my dilemma. A one on one meeting seemed more appropriate that a phone call or text message. It was decided during this meeting that Angel E would do a follow up for my electrical project.
Within a few days Angel E said that Angel Z had been extremely busy and that he neglected to return my text messages. However, Angel E informed me that Angel Z would be contacting me in a few days. The ‘Wall of Patience’ was now completed and was used by my butt as I thought about Angel Z and his ‘Lack of Integrity’. Days now turned into a week and no message was sent from Angel Z. When I contacted Angel E about this existing ongoing dilemma, Angel E was at loss of words. He agreed that my search should move into another direction.
As I plotted my search, the words of now mortal Z played in my brain. He said ‘I live in Green Valley and Green Valley has higher standards of INTEGRITY’. My brain then asked a question, ‘Higher standards than whom’?
Since Z’s ‘Lack of Integrity’ mirrored those mentioned earlier and as a bonus, I get to write about it. My search then sent me into the direction of Angel BG. When told of my new dilemma, Angel BG announced that he knew someone in the swimming pool business and he would pass on my job request. Financial considerations were not discussed.
The next day, a text message was sent from the Pool Guy to arrange a meeting at the Dream Home. On the following day, the Pool Guy arrived on time with two other companions. After evaluating the electrical job only, he quoted a price of $375. Once the payment structure was agreed upon for the electrical job, I then asked Angel PG for an estimate for the plumbing job. A fair price was agreed upon for the plumbing job. Total price would be around $600 for the two jobs plus any unforeseen additional materials and labor cost. Angel PG and his companions started the job immediately.
When Angel PG left for the day, I parked my butt on the ‘Wall of Patience’ and thanked God for my ‘Good Fortune’. Z, who was only a mortal, lacking in INTEGRITY was also thanked. For he moved my search into a new direction that provided me with a personal endowment. In the end, with some unforeseen costs and correcting shoddy labor by previous so-called experts, plus a tip, total costs for the project equaled $700. My budget was $1,000 resulting in a savings of $300. All due to PATIENCE.
For my steady readers, this is about where my writings ended last Dream Newsletter #8. My journey had taken me back to the Piazza Lounge at the Tuscany Hotel under the guidance of Angel Rita in mid-May ’17. Her son Kenny Davidson is the Star Performer on Friday nights starting around 7:30pm. It was there that night; plans were formulated with the help of Lady Shar to bring Brooke ‘The Mixologist’ her long overdue ‘Gratitude Bag’.
Since my return last November from my 2016 College Football Pilgrimage, Brooke had been promoted to a position of management in the promotion department. Yes, the ‘Gratitude Bag’ could have been left at the Lounge in the hopes that Brooke would receive it, but placing it personally in her hand was the appropriate action to take.
My Gratitude would be extended, plus I could ask her if my ‘Gratitude Letter’ mailed to the owner Brett Heers in the fall of ’16 had any influence in her promotion. Brooke in my IMAGINATION was more than a Mixologist. She played the role of the ‘Queen of the Enchanted Forest’. For those of you not ever in the Piazza Lounge, picture a smoke free forest. Its large glass windows provide the beautiful scenery of their outdoor patio and pool area. Food to eat in the Lounge can be purchased from various eateries in the hotel/casino.
A small dance floor is located near the small stage. The sound system is superior for a chapel. With tables and chairs sprinkled about along with a large bar that houses four TVs for sports, it is a very intimate setting for both performers and patrons. Brooke with her mid-western charms made me feel welcomed and at home during my first visit with her. It was during my second visit, that I proclaimed her as ‘Queen of the Enchanted Forest’. On my third visit, I waved the white flag of surrender for her ‘Powers’ were vast.
She agreed with my initial surrender terms that would lay the groundwork for my total surrender. My permanent surrender would be based on four principles for our healthy relationship. These pillars were called Integrity, Intimacy, Insanity, and Infinite Wisdom.
In my IMAGINATION, without these legs to stand on, any relationship is doomed to collapse. Relationships fail all the TIME. People do not fail. People only get results. Our initial talks also produced other results.
As terms were being spelled out, Queen Brooke also made a concession. During my TIME in the Enchanted Forest, I would be able Observe & Analyze the depths of her Truths, Power, Beauty, Passion and Erogenous Zones. Eventually, a KNOWING would be uncovered that I would share with her and others.
It was Queen Brooke’s ‘Bottle of Water’ that assisted with the perils of my 2016 College Football Pilgrimage. It is well documented in my ‘TAKE 5’ Dream Newsletter #4: 12/31/16 in the Inspiration Section.
With UNKNOWN as my partner, I walked into the Piazza Lounge that Thursday afternoon six days after my visit with Angel Rita and her son Kenny. Queen Brooke’s ‘Gratitude Bag’ was in my hands as I approached the bartender. As part of my explorations of Queen Brooke, writings were shared with her with the purpose of ‘Growth’. It was Growth for her, for me and for our Healthy Relationship. Words when written are ‘Etched in Stone’ unlike verbal words that get twisted with TIME. My last writing before leaving on my 2016 College Football Pilgrimage to Queen Brooke included a KNOWING.
This KNOWING had impacted my ongoing plans of permanent surrender and would have to be address upon my return. As I stood waiting for the bartender, the thoughts of Queen Brooke not wanting to grant me an audience danced in my brain. For she may have found my last letter not in agreeance with my KNOWING. My fear of the UNKNOWN was eased as the male bartender announced, ‘How can I help you’? His name-tag read ‘Angel’. Another Angel had been placed on my path to assist me.
After explaining my story to Angel, which he found both amusing and odd, a call was placed upstairs to Queen Brooke. A few minutes later Queen Brooke arrived and the Enchanted Forest perked up and welcomed her as she once again welcomed me. The transaction was seamless. Each ‘Token’ presented to her came with a short story, which resulted with Queen Brooke blessing me with her SMILES, and laughs.
As we talked, my explorations of her continued. When asked if my ‘Gratitude Letter’ had any impact on her new career, her response was if it did not, or if it did, she did not know. She also said, what she did Know is that upon hearing rumors about the possible opening of the position, she tossed her hat early into the ring. She went on to say that after I gave her a copy of my ‘Gratitude Letter’, weeks later, negotiations began for her new management position with the owner and his reps.
I then asked her how it felt to be PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS. With her SMILE, she said it was challenging but FUN. I then told her, it was only a start for new Dreams now awaited her as she continued with her growth. Sensing our TIME was up, I thanked her again for sharing her Truth, Beauty, Power, Passion and Erogenous Zones with me. She blest me with another SMILE and exited the door she walked in. For a moment, I just stood in AWE of Queen Brooke and then I thanked Angel and left.
Fast forward to the first leg of my 2017 College Football Pilgrimage at Jordan-Hare Stadium, Auburn University the last weekend in September.
The complete story is posted on my website at playinyourdreams.com in the Pilgrimage Section. Many ‘Blessings & Gifts’ were showered on me during my stay. My daughter Megan, who prefers I do not write about, was also on a Pilgrimage with one of her best friends. Since her Pilgrimage was in Las Vegas for 3 days, her best friend’s mom gifted them a comped room on the Las Vegas Strip for two nights.
Unless I am traveling, my cellphone does not sleep in the same room with me, let alone on. The only reason for sleeping with it on is for the clock. Close to 3am Auburn TIME a sound from the cellphone woke me up. In my groggy sleep, I reached for it to check for a message alert. Two text messages were sent by Megan. The first was an hour earlier that I missed. The 1st message read, ‘Active shooter at route 91. Made it safe. Hiding in room. Love you’. The 2nd message said, ‘Still okay. Love you’.
My reaction in my half asleep mode was based on her info. One, she was safe back in her hotel room with her best friend Kate. Two, another handgun incident occurred on the Strip. I did not respond and went back to sleep. Monday was my travel day to Clemson University for the 2nd leg of my Pilgrimage. With an early start planned, upon awakening, I returned a text to Megan around 7am. It read, ‘Just heard the news. Thank God you are well! All is Great in Auburn. Pic is from game’.
Two hours later this is my next text to Megan after watching the morning news on TV and getting on my knees for a prayer to God. ‘After watching the news, my Thanks to God has been sent for you & your friends. When your TIME permits, say a prayer to God for your Good Health and safety. Call me if you need someone to talk with. I love you’. Though we stayed in touch during my Pilgrimage the Route 91 Pilgrimage was not a topic. However, that changed when I returned to my ‘Fishbowl’ in Henderson, NV.
Hugs and thanks were shared first when Megan stopped over to break bread. Her ‘Tokens’ were presented to her along with questions of her health. Unlike her two friends, she assured me that she was doing well considering the circumstances of the horrific events. Our conversation then turned to the whys and the hows of people reactions to such catastrophic circumstances. It was agreed that most people’s reaction would be based on prior events in their lives.
It was pointed out that her background of ‘Competitive Sports’ and the Academia Arena provided her with different tools than her two friends. As in most cases, which involves the most primitive survival skill of ‘Flight or Fight’, past lessons in LIFE will guide you when that switch is turned on. I called it ‘Your Inner Self’ and/or one’s Radar & Gut. Megan also mentioned that losing her older brother to the other side had played a role in her outcome of the events of that night. She then replayed the ending of the night at Route 91 for me. In my IMAGINATION, I was with her, jotting down mental notes.
The following is an excerpt that I wrote:
To the Boys/Girls of Quiptown and Others
TIME HAS PAST BETWEEN US since my last writings to you. Good news was spread all around. My son Mike asked upon the return of my 2017 College Football Pilgrimage, ‘What were the high points and what were for the low points’? Realizing there were no low points, I shared with him the high points. A few days later when he stopped by for the NFL mega package of 6 games at once, I chose to expand on his thought provoking question after giving it more thought.
Exactly, what defines high points and low points? For me it is easier to define low points? Give pause and think about the ‘Worst 3 Low Points’ in your LIFE. My definition of a ‘High Point’ is predicated on the following, “If My ASS is not currently experiencing the ‘Worst Low Point’ of my LIFE, then I must be swimming with the ‘High Points’”.
My thanks go to you for checking on My Ass after the Evil Act in Las Vegas. If someone has a better definition, please step forward and tell us. From the beginning of TIME, Forces of Good vs Evil have engaged with warfare using humans as pawns. The magnitude of the ‘Evil Act’ only began to resonate on a higher level after speaking to my daughter Megan who was in attendance that night. This is her story constructed by my memory before we broke the bread.
Before the last act came own, Megan and her long TIME friend Kate decided to leave their excellent seats near the stage. Forces dictated for them to visit another friend who was visiting and sitting closer to the rear of the fenced in event. After socializing, Forces intervened again and the two decided to remain closer to the back exits than return to their previous seats.
With the last act on the stage is when the Evil Act struck. Megan described the original sounds as loud pops in a rapid fashion. Not familiar with gunfire, she assumed it was pyrotechnics being shot off. With the stage in front of her along with a panoramic view of the crowd, after the first few outbursts of loud popping, her ‘Inner-Self’, which I describe as my ‘Gut & Radar’ kicked in. Social Scientists call it our ‘Fight or Flight’ instinct. This instinct dates back to the beginning of Human Kind.
With Jason Aldean being escorted off the stage and with a large portion of the crowd now reacting in an unorganized, chaotic behavior, Megan grabbed Kate’s arm and said we have to move now and get out of here. Remembering where the small exits were located, with Kate’s arm in her hand, they fought their way through the crowd. What was once thought to be pyrotechnics were now identified as bullets. The source was UNKNOWN, but her ‘Inner-Self’ pointed to the safety of the rear.
As the rapid gunfire increased and panic ruling over the crowd, another ‘Force’ kicked in. While stepping over bodies curled up in fear, covered by others, mostly by males covering females, and a few wounded with visible blood, Kate decided that her best choice for survival is to now cry hysterically and lay down in a ball on the ground. Megan did her best to pull her up and shouted that the best solution is to move forward. In their case, that is to the rear exit.
Within seconds, Megan realized a few things. Her Best Friend had made her choice. All of her screaming and pleading was being drowned out by the gunfire and the panic screams of the crowd. She was not strong enough to lift and carry out her BF. Her ‘Inner-Self’ kicked in. Flight called out to her. She was going to heed it and her BF would be left behind for Megan’s ‘Self-Survival’ was now in control. Megan wished her BF well and fought through the crowd at a rapid pace. She described her movement as this.
Every time my ears registered the sound of gunfire, I flinched thinking a bullet was going to hit me. I kept low, dodging and bobbing my head as I frantically made my way to the back exit. When I arrived to the exit, only a tall fence stood with many people trying to climb it. She then said, “Look at me dad, do you think I could climb a 10’ fence’. (Example of fence) Realizing this was not her best option, as gunfire continued to rain down from above, she fought to the exit. Once outside the exit a barrier was her source of cover. While sitting behind it with others, she pondered her next move for the exact location of the gunfire was still not KNOWN.
She said she felt bad for leaving Kate, but Kate made her choice. It was then she noticed a taxi sitting vacant nearby with only a driver. She made her way to the cab dodging and weaving. With the screams of the crowd and further removed she was unsure if the gunfire was still active or not. She open the back door of the cab and told the female driver to pull away. The cab driver gave her a ‘Blank Stare’ as Megan described it as being ‘she did not understand English’. Megan pleaded with her, speaking slowly in broken terms about the severity of the scene.
In return, all Megan got was a ‘Blank Stare’ from the female cabbie. While hiding down in the back seat, Megan continued her broken term pleas. Without warning, using the other back door, two females and one male jumped into the back seat. Both females are screaming hysterically and the male is indicating that he has been shot with visible blood on his pant leg. He then shouts at the cab driver that he is bleeding and needs to be taken to the hospital. Adding to his shouts were the screams of his two female companions.
Megan then said, the cabbie presented to them the same ‘Blank Stare’. After a few minutes of this intensive shouting and screaming at the cabbie, the three left in search of a better solution. With a semblance of a different calm now in the cab, Megan reevaluated the chaos. As in some ‘Miracle’, her Best Friend, Kate is seen walking towards the cab.
When Kate neared the back door, Megan opened up the back door, grabbed her arm and pulled her into safety. With Kate now secured, Megan tried another verbal communication with the Cab Driver. Apparently, Kate’s presence assisted and the Cab Driver drove them to a safe place. (It was a room near the back end of the airport that she text me from.)
The next day after Megan told me her tale, I text to her the following morning on Wed, 10/25/17. “In my IMAGINATION as it replayed your ‘Once in a Lifetime Event’ a question popped in. ‘Do you believe in Angels’? My IMAGINATION does.
Think about the placing of the taxi & the driver. The taxi was a chariot sent by God driven by an Angel. The Angel was sent to take you to safety. The Angel did understand your first pleas to drive you to a safe place.
However, the Angel was instructed to wait until your ‘Best Friend’ arrived to take both of you to a safe place. Once your ‘Best Friend’ arrived in some sort of miracle to join you, that Angel then followed your commands and drove the BOTH of YOU to a safe place. As insane as it sounds, perhaps the Angel disguised as a taxi driver was Nick. LOVE YOU”.
Later that morning as I was looking out the kitchen window, Nick Hummingbird stopped by on a surprise visit. He fluttered among the Wind Chimes then perched on the Chimes purchased in Aliquippa, years ago. I exchange greetings with him and thanked him for taking his sister and her Best Friend to safety. He just stared back and in a moment of greed, I told him to remain for a pic. When my phone returned, he was gone, but not until he left me a ‘Blessing’. (Pic of Nick Hummingbird was taken on 8/20/17 perched on the Aliquippa Wind Chimes.)Later that evening, I sent Megan another text explaining my visit with Nick Hummingbird. She texted back and said she too received a visit as she sat in her back yard that day. Nick Hummingbird stopped by.
After Megan told me her tale before dinner, we discussed possible reasons why, we as humans, react to catastrophic events or ‘Low Points’ differently. I told Megan that her LIFE had prepared her to view her ‘Once in a Lifetime Event’ differently than her two friends. It also prepared her for her choices in her ‘Fight or Flight’ reflex. Without a doubt in my or others brains, her experience in a ‘Competitive Arena’ of both Sports and Advance Education contributed to her sound decisions in a moment of crisis.
As in a form of confession, she said, Dad as much as I thought about helping others, I was of little help because I had no training and was not strong enough to carry others out. All the carriers of others were males. Treating the wounded was not in my education. Taking everything into consideration, my best option was for a safe place to continue my fight for another day.
Unlike her friends who have not experienced the Low Point that Megan did when she was a young teen, when she lost her brother to the other side, her friends are extremely traumatized by their ‘Once in a Lifetime Event’. Though a little shaken when people startle her or by loud noises, she stands as a Trooper, ready for her next engagement. She confided in me that after experiencing the Low Point of losing her brother to the other side, LIFE took on a new meaning.
Her reflection is this. ‘My friends and I made it out safely. My prayers go out to those and their families who did not. I had no control over the Evil that rained on us. The only thing I had control of, was what to do next to save my LIFE’.
It was during dinner that night, which I was Blest by my daughter. She was a ‘Survivor’ who learned her craft early in a ‘Competitive Arena’. In my eyes, she passed her ‘TEST’ with ‘Help by an Angel, disguised as her brother’. She now stands ready to continue her ‘Journey in LIFE’. (end of excerpt)
It was during the summer of ’17 that the Henderson View of the Las Vegas RJ announced a new principal at Basic Academy/HS. After reading his story, a feeling of Gratitude resulted. It was so powerful that I declared that when the TIME arrived, a Gratitude Package would be mailed to this new principal. As with any adventure into the UNKNOWN, chances exist that a person or persons on the receiving end of my letters or emails may or may not open & read them.
With the new structure of ‘Community-Based Schools’ in the CCSD, perhaps a ‘Gratitude Package’ with a few questions could lead to healthier relationships within our community. According to the US Postal Services, my certified/registered ‘Gratitude Package’ was delivered as promised on the 3rd try at a total cost of $37. As you read it, please jot down items that should have been included or excluded and please email me them or any other ideas and thoughts at playinyourdreams51@gmail.com.
Principal Gerald Bustamante
Basic Academy/High School
My name is George Feher. As a resident in the Basic zone since 1979, a former Teacher with the CCSD, and as the Executive Officer of the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation, please permit me to extend a ‘Welcome Back’ and congratulations for being named Principal at your alma mater. Time has finally permitted me to write to you after reading and keeping the excellent article in the Las Vegas RJ, Henderson View, dated June 29, 2017.
In the article, there were plenty of accolades to choose from to acknowledge your contributions to the Henderson Community, both in the past, but also your plans for the future. Your sister Maria Bustamante Szydelko is quoted, “We’ve always been a part of the community, so to see Gerald go back and give back like that is amazing”.
You are personally quoted as saying, “Being part of this community growing up and coming into high school being a minority also, I had to learn to navigate. I think some people are able to on their own, but then others may not have learned how to do that. That’s where school comes in”.
The story goes on to tell quite a tale of you being the youngest of three children to parents Juan and Yolinda Bustamante immigrants from Mexico. Your sister Maria assisted with the parent-teacher conferences that your mother attended, while your dad worked 15 hours a day at the Nevada Test Site to support your family. To honor your sister, you have personally set up a $500 College Scholarship in her name in 2014.
It is called the Maria Bustamante Szydelko Inspiration Scholarship and is available for Hispanics students at Basic and Global Community High School. Applicants are required to write a 200-300 word essay on how they have or intend to inspire others, plus other tidbits.
Your sister Maria continued to sing your praises, “Gerald cares about the students. He cares about the community. I saw him moving up, and I told him, ‘This is you. This is meant for you”’. It was also noted that you played baseball at Basic HS and parlayed your free high school baseball experience, to play baseball in college. That was quite an achievement. Your hard work ethic was spelled out in the story.
As a library aide in one of the lowest paying jobs in the CCSD, it was your determination and hard work, plus your Dreams that placed you in your current position.
Let me end this segment with a quote by Alex Meyer the writer of the story. “Since returning to Basic, Bustamante has remembered the importance of tradition and letting students discover who they are with a support system around them”. Your last quote is, “My philosophy is to remove obstacles from my teachers so they can become successful. For me, it’s How can I allow everyone—my teachers, my students, the community—to feel empowered?”.
As a community member, please accept my token of Gratitude for allowing members of the community to ‘feel empowered’ especially, since the CCSD has established ‘Community Based Schools’. With your invitation of ‘empowerment’, please permit me to continue.
For a hobby, my PASSION turned to writing. Currently, I write on two different media outlets. One is on Facebook at the Nick Feher ‘TAKE 5’ Foundation. The other is my personal website at playinyourdreams.com. With Integrity & Honor as my writing companions, this correspondence will become part of a future story on our media sites. My Facebook stories average over 2,000 readers both locally and throughout the country.
My mailing of this letter, registered and certified to you leaves a paper trail. Whether you choose to read it or not is your choice. The choice to respond to this letter or not will be entirely your choice. My reading audience, which includes teachers from Basic High School, other local high schools, more CCSD employees, plus other prominent members of our community, will be able to formulate their own opinions from the results of my writings.
Recently, this past spring of 2017, the ‘Quest for the Truth of My Insanity’ returned HOME to port. My Odyssey lasted over two years. What I discovered during my Quest, is that a ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ has infested to epidemic proportions the once proud Basic HS ‘Ship of Hope & Dreams’. As a former minority student, you experienced this ‘Ship of Hope & Dreams’. Now this ‘Ship of Hope & Dreams’ has been turned into by your previous successors a ‘Destroyer of Hope & Dreams’.
This ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ infestation began in the school year 2010-2011 with the hiring of your current head baseball coach Scott Baker. Please, group me in the category of those who are Grateful that Basic HS has won the past two state baseball titles. My writings document my DREAMS of helping to bring back a state baseball to ‘Ye Olde Henderson, NV. Those DREAMS started back in 2009-2010 at the Basic HS Baseball Banquet, which I challenged the Baseball Crowd to win a state title during my talk and continued at other events through 2015.
I too set up a $500 cash scholarship with the help of our community for a senior baseball player at Basic HS in memory of Our Son, Brother and Friend, Nick Feher. Because of my ‘Truthful Writings’ about this ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’, after years of rewarding, our $500 cash scholarship was no longer welcomed preventing a senior baseball player from earning it to help pursue his DREAMS. Unless it has been removed, there is a Perpetual Plaque in your trophy case honoring the recipients of this prestigious award. Unlike your sister’s scholarship, adults stripped the opportunity for a student to earn the award.
If your time permits, the community under the leadership of Chis Schulte and his family planted Nick’s Memorial Tree and Home Plate Plaque near the first base line. I will be honest with you. I too, drank from the ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ during the early command of captain Scott Baker on the then newly rechristened ‘Destroyer of Hope & Dreams’. Not only did I drink from it, our Foundation’s charitable donations contributed to its growth. I heard pleas from community members as I sailed in my ‘Fishbowl’ in the seas that surround our shores.
Some shared their tales of ‘Discrimination’ for lack of funds to play baseball on the new Destroyer. Others shouted and whispered that the DREAMS of their sons to play free baseball at Basic HS had now been ‘DESTROYED’ by captain Baker and then Admiral Bechtel. It was prior to the start of the 2015 baseball season that the ‘Lack of Integrity’ of Scott Baker raised its head for the third time. To my ‘Stupidity’ Admiral Bechtel supported it.
During my Quest, other ‘Discriminations’ were uncovered, including ‘Discrimination’ of Coaches, Teachers, and other Staff at Basic HSA. It has recently come to my attention that this ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ has caused your coaches, teachers, and staff to be blinded and deafened to this ‘Discrimination’ because the CCSD in their wisdom supports this ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ with a ‘Stupid Regulation’ that us community members and others do not understand.
My ‘Quest’ of over two years, which started at Basic HS, led to stops at the CCSD School Board, including Trustee Wright, CCEA, American Civil Liberty Union, City of Henderson, every media outlet in Las Vegas, plus a revisit to media outlets, which concluded at the state capital of NV. My PASSION was fueled by this adventure for it was written about on my media sites. As a taxpayer, it bewilders me why a club baseball program can exist on taxpayers’ money at Basic HSA.
There is no disagreement that my Quest discovered that this club baseball program, operated by Scott Baker is legal according to the ‘Stupid Regulations’ of the CCSD. However, nowhere did my results uncover that this club baseball program is moral and ethical. I encourage you to read the following two articles written in the Las Vegas Review Journal. It is a story that involved the baseball program at CSN a few years back. Your current head baseball coach was a central character in the article that led to the penalties against the CSN baseball program.
The articles were penned by David Schoen, https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/csn-baseball-coach-under-scrutiny/ and https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/college-of-southern-nevada-baseball-losing-20-scholarships/.
Next is a short quote from the story, “First-year College of Southern Nevada baseball coach Chris Sheff is the subject of an in-house investigation regarding allegations that include whether players were inappropriately charged for a mandatory conditioning program.
Former major league player David Segui, whose son was recruited to play at CSN out of Kansas City, Kan., by Chambers, said his son brought his own food and refused to pay. “The money isn’t the issue, the principle is,” Segui said. “I’m more concerned for the other kids. They flat-out robbed kids of money they don’t even have.”
Segui said he flew to Las Vegas when he heard the allegations and does not plan to leave until the coaching situation at CSN is resolved. “My son plays. This isn’t about playing time or a bitter parent nagging because their son isn’t hitting cleanup,” Segui said. “I’m concerned with some of the things my kid is being exposed to in this program. As a parent, it’s my responsibility to find out if the stuff I’m hearing is true. It would be irresponsible as a parent if I didn’t.”
Sheff was fired Nov. 3 without ever coaching a game at the school. His dismissal came one day after the school announced it would conduct an independent review of the baseball program to look into numerous allegations against Sheff and his coaching staff, including whether players were inappropriately charged for a mandatory conditioning program with personal trainer Corky Field of Live-In Fitness.
In a letter to Byrd detailing the NJCAA’s ruling, executive director Mary Ellen Leicht wrote that while there was no evidence to prove the $125 for the program was mandatory, “Any time a coach highly recommends his/her student-athletes take part in a program it is normally regarded as ‘mandatory’ in the eyes of the player.”
Leicht also wrote that because the program was negotiated by Sheff and offered only to student-athletes, it was considered an “inducement and outside of the allowable scholarship limits,” which constitutes a violation of NJCAA bylaws.
A fundraising activity conducted by Field in which players sent a letter to family and friends asking for donations to help pay for the conditioning program was also deemed a violation of NJCAA bylaws, according to Leicht’s letter.
In addition, the NJCAA ruled that an after-practice meal program arranged by assistant coach Scott Baker was a violation”.
As the new Admiral of Basic HSA with history on your side, how would you compare the current club baseball program on your campus to that of the above-mentioned CSN baseball program? Are there any similarities? When my readers read this, it is quite obvious that there are a few. Each program was declared legal within the ‘Stupid Regulations’ of each governing body. However, it was the perception of each program that classified each of them as Unethical and Immoral. Yes, the CSN baseball received penalties from the NJCAA, but Basic HSA club baseball program continues to receive a free pass to operate.
According to the ‘Stupid CCSD Regulation’, that grants permission to this Immoral, Unethical, and Discriminatory club baseball program to operate on your campus, it states that all financial information concerning this club baseball team should be available to taxpayers to examine. Is that true? If so, how does one request this information? Would your office have this on file or is it stored at the central office of the CCSD?
It is also indicated in this ‘Stupid CCSD Regulation’ that an entity operating under it, has to state in writing to the principal on campus the purpose of the operation and the benefits that this entity will produce for the community and its students. Would this be available from your office, since your signature has to approve this Immoral, Unethical, and Discriminatory Practices of this club baseball team, the Southern NV Blue Sox to operate with taxpayers’ money on the campus of Basic HSA?
Exactly what benefits if any, does the Southern NV Blue Sox offer us taxpayers and the sons of parents who cannot afford this ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ to play baseball at Basic HSA? Let us go back a few years when Gerald Bustamante played baseball at Basic HS. Did you and your hard working immigrant parents have to pay for the ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ to play baseball at Basic HS? If you had to, how many more hours beyond 15, would your dad have had to work for you to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS?
Or would your hard working parents had to tell you, ‘Gerald, as a family, though your Dreams are important, at this time we cannot and will not support the ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ for it is Immoral, Unethical and Discriminatory and we have no one to report it to for the principal is the judge and jury and he supports this Immoral, Unethical, Discriminatory practices.
This is what I KNOW after my Quest. To play baseball at Basic HSA, it is estimated that the cost per player for the ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ for 4 years exceeds $20,000 or the cost of a college education at CSN or Nevada State College with the Millennium Scholarship. If a baseball player is fortunate to earn a college baseball scholarship that is equal to or greater than $20,000, then the player benefited from this program. If not, can you please then explain the benefits?
Scott Baker yearly income based on facts is estimated on the low side to be over $125,000 a year. If so, then Scott Baker in 7 years has earned about $875,000 on taxpayers’ money and the money from ‘Stupid Parents’ under the influence of the ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’.
Directors of the local Boys & Girls Club right down the street from your Destroyer of Hope & Dreams have confessed to me about their members being discriminated against from playing baseball at Basic HSA. The reason is their parents cannot afford this ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’. With other families in the community unable to pay or of ‘sane mind’ like your parents have encouraged their sons to take up other free sports offered at Basic HSA.
If this club baseball program is not discriminatory, please answer the following questions for my readers.
* Why does a head club baseball coach with no college degree and responsible for about 35 players make more money than your teachers at Basic HSA with a college degree and responsible for over 200 students on their attendance rolls? (Do you realize, your head baseball coach with no college degree earns more than twice the starting salary of a new teacher?)
* Why is not this same ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ offered to all the coaches of the other sports at Basic HSA?
* Why is not this same ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ offered to all the teachers of Basic HSA for after school activities?
* Why is not this same ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ offered to all the staff of Basic HSA for after school activities?
If you choose to remain SILENT on my questions, or by your actions then your ‘SILENCE’ gives consent for the ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ to continue. If that be the case, all one has to do is reread your words from the story in the Henderson View to draw their own conclusions. In most of my writings, it is my attempt to lead my readers to think, without drawing my own conclusions. However, my writings permit me to theorize about potential results.
As in your case, my theory for the ‘Dilemma of Gerald Bustamante’ would be this. News Flash, Gerald B, recently returned to his alma mater to accept the helm of the once proud ‘Ship of Hope & Dreams’, only to discover it has been named the ‘Destroyer of Hope & Dreams’. Unknown to him before accepting the Admiral job, a ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ of epic magnitude had encased his ship and the surrounding community. An Immoral, Unethical, and Discriminatory club baseball program was permitted, by previous Admirals to peddle their ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ to the baseball sons and parents of the Basic Community.
Some ‘Stupid Parents’ agreed to pay this ‘Stupid Fee’. Others disagreed, with others not able to pay this ‘Immoral & Unethical Fees’. Gerald, this is now where you stand on your ‘Road Not Taken’. Your words above are etched in stone for all to bear witness to. Your words speak of you being a minority from hard working parents who emigrated to our country from Mexico. Your father worked 15 hours a day for you to PLAYIN YOUR DREAMS. Your sister says this is where you belong.
Hard work and with the help of others have led you to this point in TIME. You claim you want others to ‘feel empowered?’ If that is true, then can you please explain how you plan on ‘Making a Difference’ in the lives of others that are currently having their Hope & Dreams being Destroyed by captain Baker?
If Scott Baker remains as the current head baseball coach at Basic HSA and if the Southern NV Blue Sox is permitted to continue to operate on your campus at the expense of the taxpayers of Henderson, then your and your sister’s words above were spoken and written without Integrity & Honor. Without Integrity & Honor to lead, others will view you as a leader minus those virtues.
The entire CCSD KNOWS about this Immoral, Unethical, and Discriminatory baseball program at Basic HSA. Your teachers, coaches and other staff are ridiculed by others in the Las Vegas Valley for lacking the courage to stand up for their dignity as Educators and Professionals. They have permitted this ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ to stifle their own self-worth in the community. Students that attend Basic HSA also read my Facebook page. They witness first hand that the ‘Strength of the Wolf’ no longer runs in a pack, for it is now controlled by Scott Baker the lead wolf for his income far exceeds all others perhaps even your income.
How many other non-CCSD part-time employees with no college education have free reign over all the facilities at Basic HSA? How many Basic HSA teachers have free access to all of the facilities on campus after hours?
I leave you with one final question, ‘Will Gerald Bustamante after a thorough investigation of Scott Baker and the Southern NV Blue Sox find that this ‘Magical Muck of Stupidity’ is Immoral, Unethical and Discriminatory or not?
I look forward to your response or your SILENCE. With your permission, or not, your response and or your SILENCE will be part of a future story on my media sites.
Enclosed, is a copy of our Brochure and Wristbands that were handed out during my ‘TAKE 5’ presentation a few years ago at Basic HSA. It was declared ‘Rock Star’ status by part of the freshman class. Though, the teacher invited me back the following year, my truthful words about the Basic HSA baseball program prevented my invitation. Admiral Bechtel denied the teacher’s request.
Included is a copy of ‘TAKE 5’ GEMS. May they provide you with the wisdom and guidance as they have done for many others including myself. My email is listed below. Thank you for your valuable TIME.
George N. Feher–playinyourdreams51@gmail.com
With December in the air and visions of Blessings & Gifts dancing on a cloud, feel free to tell others and pass on my INSANITY. In my next Dream Newsletter #10, a response or not by Principal Gerald B will be printed along with a possible retort or not. After a ‘Bizarre Epiphany- Phenomenal’ summer and fall, INSANITY has returned to my LIFE. My adventures outside of my ‘Fishbowl’ now resume partaking in the ‘Music Scene’ that the Las Vegas Area has to offer.
An evening or night out into the UNKNOWN to be Blest by these ‘World Class Artists’ is worth the price of a drink or two especially off the Strip. Laura Shaffer as ’Noir Nightingale’ with her spell-bounding sounds of Olde Classic Jazz from past days ago disburses her Blessings on Monday nights for free at the Piazza Lounge in the Tuscany Hotel starting around 7:45pm to 11:30pm. Video is titled ‘Charade’ by Henry Mancini who is from my hometown of West Aliquippa.
If Olde Classic Jazz is not your fancy, on Fridays for free at the South Point Lounge is Vanessa LeGrand who takes you on a Musical Odyssey throughout TIME. Previously when I saw Vanessa, I named her ‘Lioness of Song’. With her newly constructed band and blonde hair color, she now Blesses her audiences with two distinct sets. The 1st set of is a sit down, stripped down, but highly energetic acoustical personal arrangements of popular songs in TIME. Video is titled ‘You Don’t Own Me’.
For the 2nd set, the ‘Electric Mode’ is turned on for other personal arrangements of popular songs in TIME. For the price of a drink or two, one can be showered with two different distinct sets by the same World Class Singer and her band. With her new ‘do’, my new name for her is the Queen of South Point. Her show starts around 9:15pm to 11:45pm. One can bring food from the eateries in the South Point for a dinner show. Video is titled ‘Mercy’.
I thank you once again for your support as IMAGINATION Astronauts. As my tales into the UNKNOWN unfold, they too will be shared as TIME permits including the Music Scene of the Las Vegas Valley.
Do not permit the Unknown UNKNOWN to ruin your DREAMS. It is in the Unknown UNKNOWN that where the PASSION & FUN of LIFE waits to be played with. Instead of doing the same Known UNKNOWN over and over, put on your IMAGINATION Helmet, break your cycle and dance with the PASSION & FUN. TIME as an excuse is only an excuse of FEAR.
Until next TIME, remember to promote, share and help others to protect their DREAMS including yours.