THE QUEST FOR ‘THE TRUTH OF MY INSANITY’ CONTINUES. OUR 2016 SPRING INSANITY CAMPAIGN TO ASSIST IN WINNING A HIGH SCHOOL STATE BASEBALL TITLE UNRAVELS. For those of you returning welcome back. For those of you, who are new, a review is in order.

For a more in-depth review, please read our previous posts, “TAKE 5”–2016 Quest to Help Win State Title part 1&2.


For a quick review, of what has occurred in and out of my ‘Fishbowl’ in “YE OLDE” Henderson, NV, this is what I know. Principal Dave Bechtel as commander of the submarine, The Basic Academy, has chosen the strategy of ‘Silent Running’ with his captain Scott Baker.

Head Baseball Coach Matt Iglitz, captain of the Foothill HS sub is using the same strategy as Principal Bechtel. Their ‘Silence’ could be construed as consent to my campaign.

Each of these commanders are sitting on their chosen powder keg and dodging other depth charges. Coach Iglitz sits on my 5,000+ words retort. No offer from him has yet been received for me to personally read it, to his entire organization. Nor, has there been any acknowledgement, that he followed my instructions, and read it personally to his entire organization.


Principal Bechtel is sitting on the CCSD sanctioned operation of Scott Baker and the Southern Nevada Blue Sox at his campus. On the other hand, if these sanctioned public, documents are not available; can one assume that a crime of fraud and corruption is being committed on the campus of the Basic Academy at the expense of the taxpayers?

Coach Dave Soto of Chaparral High School, text me the following on 3/15/16: “I am so sorry I haven’t gotten back to you…dealing with lots of issues work the program including shortage of players”.

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